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Gts Translation Blog Blog

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Translation and language industry observations from GTS Translation, a leading professional translation services company.
by David Grunwald Probably none of us will have a job. If you want to do a job that’s kinda like a hobby, you can do a job. But otherwise, AI and the robots will provide any goods and… Read More
Everybody loves a long weekend. It gives you time to spend with family and friends. It also gives you a day off from work. But is there any substance to this federal holiday? Or is it just a… Read More
by David Grunwald I tuned in yesterday to the online TAUS webinar entitled: ChatGPT and the Takeaways for the Translation Industry. Here are my impressions: About the Webinar In this webinar… Read More
This is part 5 of a series of posts, the content of which will be used to train our new Chatbot which is currently in development. These posts contain real questions which were asked by GTS… Read More
This is part 4 in our series of posts that will be used to train our AI-powered chatbot. Good afternoon, I am looking specifically for Food Label translation. Under the quote, select industr… Read More
This is part 2 of a series of posts that will be used to train our AI-powered chatbot. The questions featured in these posts are quoted verbatim from real customer queries that were received… Read More
Many people seem to be afraid of AI. The most extreme scenarios detail a world where AI-powered robots will launch a military attack against humans and engage in genocide. Other much less sc… Read More
SDS stands for Safety Data Sheet, which is a document that contains information on the hazards of a chemical substance or mixture, as well as guidance on its safe handling, storage, and disp… Read More
by David Grunwald After spending about two weeks on the waitlist, I received yesterday an email from Microsoft saying You’re in! Welcome to the new Bing! Hurray! Naturally I started to… Read More
People in different countries use different keywords when doing an online search. That’s why companies should perform keyword research by country and by language. By optimizing your we… Read More
Follow my blog with Bloglovin lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lore… Read More
Follow my blog with Bloglovin lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lore… Read More
You created amazing video content and did everything possible to promote it: shared the video on social media, optimized the title and description, and promoted it in online communities. But… Read More
I recently imported a vehicle from Italy to the US, and in order to get it registered in the USA, I need the Italian title and bill of sale translated to English. There are then two document… Read More
Spelling mistakes, also referred to as typographical errors (typos), are a fact of life. You can even find them in top online publications like the New York Times. You can even find them in… Read More

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GTS Translation Blog
