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Kagiso Interactive RSA: Improving Business Practices by Using AR/VR


The VR engages all five senses like taste, smell, sight, hearing, and touch. Gaming industry is the most popular user of VR. By the immersive reality experience, the gamer can feel the realistic practical experience of gaming, enabled by specific headsets. This approach provides humans with an opportunity to gain new experiences at a specific moment of time.

Guaranteeing the highest level of involvement and immersion, Kagiso Interactive RSA creates exceptional VR solutions that help engage and interact with any audience. Starting from ideation and consulting to design, operation, delivery, and management of XR solutions for customers or enterprises, Kagiso Interactive RSA helps in the areas of sales, marketing, products, services, information visualization and virtual conferencing.

A Story of Hard work and Success

In 2006, Privenesh Christie Reddy, CEO of Kagiso, launched Kagiso Interactive. Led by an executive team that has combined technology experience of more than 12 years, Kagiso has maintained an excellent Customer Experience for last 10 years. With 400+ high-quality solutions in mobile and web platforms, the company is also into IoT, AR/VR, Blockchain, and Chatbot development. It bagged more than 300+ happy clients that include multiple Fortune 500, Billion dollar companies. It has enormous experience in six popular industries like transport, education, health care, IOT and wearable, and e-commerce and finance.

“We empower our clients with technology: Insight, tips, and advice from industry experts”

Today, Kagiso is an award-winning technology company with 350+ full-time team members. It is helping Fortune 500 companies, Start-ups and first-time founders to attain their business goals by:

  • Creating their technology product roadmap
  • Improving product experience by delivering outstanding customer experience
  • Building strategy to raise capital, launch product, and acquire users

A Resilient Leader

Priven drives strategy and execution for Kagiso and its clients. He sees every client project as an opportunity not just to deliver a great app but also to help clients implement gamechanging mobile strategies. Internally, he works on nurturing the high-energy and collaborative work culture that Kagiso is known for.

Privens’ approach to end-to-end mobile excellence has positioned his teams to receive many industry accolades, including Best Web Design Agency 2015, Best Mobile App Agencies 2016, and MTN Mobile App of the Year. He strongly believes that attention to detail makes a world of difference and that it can turn something that is just good into something truly amazing.

Get Better Get Ahead

Team Kagiso quotes “Always improving and pushing forward”. As the software industry keeps reaching new heights, it is important for the company to keep updated with emerging technologies in order to deliver fresh results to its clients. This means being capable of adapting to things that are about to come, keeping in mind that what seems modern right now can be outdated with passing years, especially in this techfuelled world.

Revolutionizing Healthcare Industry

Healthcare is also an industry that faces constant pressure to become more cost and time-efficient and hence is embracing virtual reality to provide cheaper and more time-efficient training for surgeons. Kagiso does provide training to doctors/nurses on how to use VR in COVID-19. Virtual reality is a more effective way of teaching students to perform surgeries as it eliminated the bottleneck of having to view procedures performed on live patients. The advanced software being used can also provide individualized feedback and a student’s performance can be recorded and repeated easily.

With the help VR, doctors can record video and audio while examining a patient. It also enables surgeons to get interactive augmented reality assistance during surgery, assists in vein visualization and streams ultrasound and allows for interactive printing and demos of how various drugs and devices affect the human body.

Virtual reality adds value to enhance doctors’ performance, whereas augmented reality’s potential offers vast opportunities for doctors to be able to work more efficiently. Its applications range from increasing surgery success rates to simplifying complex surgical operations, help patients recover, and much more.

Kagiso is developing an AR-powered video support platform that allows for a more detailed interaction between two specialists. This solution is used during medical procedures as well as to train new staff. It is working to develop a device that allows to quickly find veins on a patient’s body, easing the injection process.

The team at Kagiso is developing a solution that allows doctors to spend less time on clerical work through outsourcing it to a transcriber by recording patient examinations with an AR headset.

Getting Advanced with High Tech

Kagiso is firmly planted at the intersection of user-focused design, mobile app development, digital strategy, and emerging technologies. It is passionate about leveraging mobile technology including iOS, Android, augmented/virtual reality, artificial intelligence, blockchain, and the Internet of Things (IoT) to help businesses disrupt entire industries and reach their loftiest goals.

Visioning to Become the Leading One

Kagiso’s goal is to become one of the world’s leading companies by improving how organizations work and interact with consumers through technology innovations. “To solve real-life challenges, we harness our passion for technology and work closely with our clients and partners delivering global products and service,” says the company.

Kagiso’s strategy is to:

  • Understand Clients’ Needs Kagiso carefully studies each customer case to understand the client’s needs and objectives and delivers a reliable and efficient solution. It analyses all available options and provides competent advice to guide clients to informed business decisions.
  • Deliver Maximum Value At Kagiso, the team is committed to delivering maximum value to the clients to help them succeed in a constantly changing and challenging business world. The company’s fundamental corporate values stem from understanding that its success is tied to the success of its clients.
  • Partner with Clients The company goes an extra mile to become its clients’ longterm, trusted partner. It believes that the priority is not only providing professional services and solutions, but also becoming a true technology partner, dedicated to meeting client needs today and supporting clients’ growing business needs tomorrow.

The post Kagiso Interactive RSA: Improving Business Practices by Using AR/VR appeared first on InsightsSuccess.

This post first appeared on 6 Email Marketing Tips Can Help You Shine In The Market, please read the originial post: here

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Kagiso Interactive RSA: Improving Business Practices by Using AR/VR
