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Sasha Jacob - Giving Assistance To The Renewable Energy Sector Blog

Global warming is slowly worsening the situation of our environment. Our surroundings is taking the blow by the misuse we are doing. As the situation aggravate and before everything becomes too late, we can take part in helping slow down this distraction. We can even stop it from happening. Through the years, renewable energy is considered as one of the best ally of the environment. Being the top source of clean and inexhaustible energy, it is expected to aid the cause for a better environment.
Okay, we kinda got a bit of a double whammy here. What sort of whammy? Rates are at 20 year highs and home prices have risen dramatically over the past several months. Higher rates and highe… Read More
Mortgage lenders, like pretty much any type of industry, have their own internal lingo. It’s certainly one that is difficult to understand, as certain facets of mortgage lending have n… Read More
Congratulations on your new home! This is an opportunity to think holistically about the interior design and decoration of your home. Have you ever been in a house where nothing seems to go… Read More
Freddie Mac publishes a weekly mortgage rate survey. For rate followers and maybe those who are thinking of refinancing or wanting to buy a home with a lower rate, this is good news. Accordi… Read More
All of a sudden, you hear that a massive new house, renovation, or addition is scheduled to begin construction next door to your home. Only it wasn’t “sudden.” You just wer… Read More
A home appraisal is an important part of buying and selling a home. You have to go through the appraisal process to buy a home with a loan, refinance your current mortgage, or to sell a home… Read More
The Federal Reserve Open Market Committee, or the FOMC, meets yet again. So what will happen? It’s anybody’s guess but in all likelihood the ‘Fed’ will sit on their h… Read More
When you call around or do some online research about fixed mortgage rates, you’ll typically find lenders touting either a 30 or a 15 year rate. But there are some differences regardin… Read More
Whether moving across town or across the country, packing up and moving can be stressful, costly and full of surprises. From shady movers and inaccurate price quotes, to overpacking or not a… Read More
I recently penned a piece here on this particular site telling a story about a long time friend who was preapproved for a mortgage before rates started to jump but she waited too long and th… Read More
Interest rates can change daily. Further still, in more volatile times, rates can change during the course of a business day. That means a rate you were quoted this morning may not still be… Read More
When you first begin the mortgage loan process, you’ll be working with your chosen loan officer. Quite a bit, actually. And I do mention ‘chosen’ on purpose because you do… Read More
I got an email from a good friend whom I’ve not seen in several years but we stay in touch with the occasional email or text. We live in different cities, different states, actually, s… Read More
Pricing Strategies For Tough Sellers
"We want to price it at the top of the market to get the most money from our home..." You've never heard that before right? Unreasonable sellers? High expectations? Zero grasp of the market?… Read More
Finding The Best Mover
Moving to a new home can be an exciting journey. Whether you're changing cities or moving to a new neighborhood, a move is not only a change of scene, it's the start of a new chapter in your… Read More
Being Skilled In Conversation
We all spend a large amount of our time verbally communicating with others. Most of us are trying to get our message across whether that message is to family, friends, colleagues, subordinat… Read More
Things Lenders Can’t Ask You
We’ve talked here before about the types of questions you can expect to be asked when you begin to complete a loan application. Along with this, we explain why the lender asks the thin… Read More
Wanna Be A Landlord?
There are some who say the best way to accumulate long term wealth is through real estate. That might very well be true but it’s not exactly like going out and buying a bunch of rental… Read More
Should You Buy A Fixer-Upper?
Home prices continue to rise, which is keeping many a renter out of the market. But, fixer-uppers present a potential opportunity. For starters, the lower prices create the affordability tha… Read More
How To Save Money On Closing Costs
When it comes to buying your first home, are there two words that are more unpleasant and unwelcome than “down payment?” How about “closing costs?” That’s becau… Read More
How Do You Become A Real Estate Agent?
If you’ve ever dreamed about becoming a real estate agent, the current market could be influencing you to follow this path more than ever before. While it can be a lucrative and fulfil… Read More
How Much Will New Home Upgrades Cost?
We’ve talked a lot about the difference between new construction homes and existing homes, outlining the pros and cons of each and examining the big picture difference in price (as wel… Read More
Fully Indexed ARMs Explained
ARM is the three letter acronym that stands for Adjustable Rate Mortgage. There are of course two primary mortgage types, a fixed rate mortgage where the rate never changes throughout the li… Read More
Ask The HOA Expert: HOA Volunteers
Question: Volunteers are an important part of HOA living. But how does a board deal with owners who are totally negative, derail attempts to reach agreement, disrupt meetings and yet want to… Read More
Why Bank Statements Are Needed
As part of the typical mortgage loan application process, you can bet that you’ll be asked to provide a few things for your lender. For example, the lender wants to verify how much mon… Read More
How To Handle Low Ball Offers
If your house has been on the market for quite a while (3 to 6 months), you may have already dropped your price and now you're waiting for the buyers to rush in and make wonderful offers on… Read More
What Is Fannie Mae?
You’ve probably heard of Fannie Mae quite a bit over the years without fully understanding it. Fannie Mae plays a big role in real estate and buying homes, so it’s worth getting… Read More
Negotiating With Home Sellers
If you dread the negotiating process when buying a home, never fear. Your real estate agent is an experienced negotiator who helps keep the bargaining from becoming emotional and veering off… Read More
Do You Need Title Insurance?
If you're buying a home, getting the title is an important part of the process. The title confirms that you have ownership rights for the property you receive from the seller. Title insuranc… Read More

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Sasha Jacob - Giving Assistance to the Renewable Energy Sector
