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Chaganomics Blog

A blog about all facets of the universe inside markets, economics, entrepreneurship, ventures, startups, management, merchant banking and money. This blog is an opinion blog authored by Chad Hagan.
New Substack By Chad
Introducing ATLANTIC PLAYBOOK, a new substack by Chad focused on US + European econ and politics. Subscribe below. Read More
A new Emerson College Polling/WHDH New Hampshire survey finds former President Donald Trump leading the Republican Primary with 44% support, followed by Nikki Haley with 28%. Haley has gaine… Read More
JP Morgan 2024 Predictions
Resignation of President Biden for health reasons   President Biden withdraws sometime between Super Tuesday and the November election, citing health reasons. Biden passes the torc… Read More
Poland's Economic Outlook
POLAND'S ECONOMIC OUTLOOK IMPROVES GDP rebounded quarter on quarter in Q1, but the economy likely swung back to contraction in Q2. Industrial production shrank month on month in April&m… Read More
Coronation Of King Charles III
Understandably since 1776 Americans have had mixed feelings about the British monarchy. In reality, most of the legal basis of our freedom and wealth stems from the examples and processes cr… Read More
Will The EU Tax Or Ban Meat?
Article by Chadwick HaganThe Epoch TimesWill the European Union or certain countries in the EU ban meat production in order to meet emission regulations? In short, the answer is yes. There i… Read More
S&P Year End
The S&P 500 jumped Thursday in one of the last trading sessions of the year but remained on track to close out its worst year since the 2008 financial crisis. broad-based stock inde… Read More
Housing Market Confidence Dropping
The Fannie Mae (FNMA/OTCQB) Home Purchase Sentiment Index® (HPSI) decreased 4.1 points in October to 56.7, its eighth consecutive monthly decline and lowest reading since the inception o… Read More
UK Housing Market September 2022
Hurry if you’re selling, halt if you’re buying, stay if you’ve borrowed, finance experts advise.The Office for National Statistics announced on August 17th that UK inflatio… Read More
Japan's Lost Decade
Just wrapped up an article for a column and I wrote the following: There is a risk that a prolonged slowdown in China could weigh down the rest of the interconnected developed world. There i… Read More
Recession Or Not?
US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen speaks on the state of the US economy during a press conference at the Department of Treasury in Washington, DC, on July 28, 2022. (Saul Loeb/AFP via Getty… Read More
Thermal Coal Prices Continue To Rise
From Focus Economics: Prices for Australian thermal coal rose over the last month, averaging USD 408.4 per metric ton in July, which was up 3.4% from June’s price and was 180.0% higher… Read More
Major Economies - May 2022
United KingdomGrowth was seemingly solid in Q1, as the progressive removal of virtually all Covid-19 restrictions supported the services sector. The economy clocked back-to-back monthly grow… Read More
Sri Lanka Heads Towards Default
“Sri Lanka warned of an unprecedented default and halted payments on foreign debt, an extraordinary step taken to preserve its dwindling dollar stockpile for essential food and fuel im… Read More
Mainland China Economic Outlook
After a soft Q4 outturn, most key indicators from the statistical office suggest a stronger start to 2022: January–February readings for industrial production, investment and retail sa… Read More
Nickel Forecast 2022
Nickel prices averaged USD 24,016 per metric ton in February, which was 7.8% higher than January’s price of USD 22,285 per metric ton. February’s increase was largely attributed… Read More
What Will Happen In 2022?
1. PoliticsJair Bolsonaro will be defeated in Brazil's 2022 presidential election. The US GOP will still suffer identity and leadership issues, despite a surge in conservative popularity.Roe… Read More
Hong Kong Economic Outlook Improves
GDP GrowthGDP growth lost some momentum in Q2, after hitting an over 10-year high in Q1. The slowdown was predominately driven by a weaker external sector as export growth tapered and import… Read More
Where Is The Price Of Gold Going?
Gold prices decreased over the past month, as an improving U.S. labor market and expectations for a more hawkish Fed ahead weighed on demand. On 6 August, gold closed the day at USD 1,764 pe… Read More
Brent Crude Oil Outlook
Brent crude prices continued to gain ground over the past month, hitting an over two-and-a-half-year high in early July, boosted by a tight production becoming increasingly outstripped by de… Read More
Commodities Overview
Commodities OverviewGrowth in global commodity prices accelerated to 6.2% monthon-month in May, from 1.4% in April. The result, which marked the fastest rise since February, was broad-based… Read More
Available Now At Palgrave
A new book by Chaganomics founder Chad Hagan on Global Family Office Investing has been published by Palgrave.Family offices are currently the most attractive group of investors and the… Read More
Global Commodity Outlook (May 2021)
OVERVIEWGlobal commodity prices rose 1.4% over the previous month in April, down from March’s 3.0% increase. Although the reading marked the seventh consecutive month of rising prices… Read More
COVID-19 Vaccine Doses Administered
Total number of vaccination doses administered. This is counted as a single dose, and may not equal the total number of people vaccinated, depending on the specific dose regime (e.g. people… Read More
Bob Dylan Sells Catalog
BBC: US singer-songwriter Bob Dylan has sold the rights to his entire song catalogue to Universal Music Group (UMG). The deal is one of the biggest acquisitions in Universal's history a… Read More
OECD Economic Outlook, December 2020
A brighter outlook but recovery will be gradual.Faster vaccine deployment and better cooperation for its distribution would boost confidence and strengthen the pickup but continued uncertain… Read More
China Economics Outlook Improves
The recovery remains firmly in place, with October indicators signaling still-robust economic dynamics. On 29 October, China’s top leadership finalized the blueprint of the 14th Five-Y… Read More
Oil Outlook November 2020
Brent crude prices plummeted in recent weeks as the oil market navigated election-related uncertainty in the U.S., soaring numbers of new Covid-19 cases globally and despite a tightening sup… Read More
OUTLOOK MODERATESThe economic recovery continues to gain traction, despite a challenging external environment, mostly due to solid dynamics at home. Retail sales returned to growth in August… Read More
EU - UK Trade Deal: No Deal Is Likely
From The BBC: First and foremost, the EU wants the UK to sign up to strict rules on fair and open competition, so if British companies are given tariff-free access to the EU market, they can… Read More
Brent Breaks Below US$40/bbl
Downward pressure on oil has continued, with ICE Brent closing more than 5% lower yesterday, and crucially below the US$40/bbl level. There was no clear catalyst for the move, however, a str… Read More
Aluminum Market Overview
 Aluminium: Macro, fundamentals and uncertainty Expectations of a bear trend may be misplaced this autumn. Instead, the risk to prices is more skewed to the upside in a reflationary mac… Read More
USA: Economic Outlook Improves
OUTLOOK IMPROVESGDP contracted at the fastest pace on record in Q2 following a plunge in domestic demand amid Covid-19 containment measures. The external sector contributed positively to the… Read More
China Economic Outlook Improves
The recovery trend remained intact in July following the solid rebound in Q2, benefiting from a reopening of the global economy and robust demand for health products. Exports of goods accele… Read More
Silver Market Update
Silver broke the $28 level during the trading session on Monday breaking a resistance barrier. The grey metal is finally receiving long overdue attention.Kitco: According to analysts looking… Read More
Soft Commodity Report August 2020
Soft Commodity Report August 2020Global Harvest / PlantingUnited States:Planting: Early March through JuneHarvest: Early July through early DecemberChina:Planting: Late Febru… Read More
Latin America: News In Focus
Argentina: Argentin strikes deal with creditors, setting stage for crucial negotiations with IMF. On 4 August, the Argentinian government reached an agreement with its biggest creditors to r… Read More
Brexit Update (August 2020)
A little August vacation reading - CHWhat is the state of play? The Covid-19 pandemic led to a temporary suspension of trade talks earlier this year. Despite this, an extension to the t… Read More
Economic Outlook For Germany Improves
The economy is expected to have contracted sharply in the second quarter due to Covid-19. In April, industrial output fell at the steepest clip since at least the early 1990s, particularly o… Read More
US Economic Outlook July 2020
The economy likely contracted at an even sharper pace in the second quarter as Covid-19 induced lockdowns weighed heavily on activity. In May, the unemployment rate ticked down from April&rs… Read More
Global Oil Prices
Brent crude oil prices trended upwards in recent weeks, thanks to falling global output after OPEC+ extended production cuts and as consumption rebounded somewhat amid easing lockdowns in ma… Read More
Greece Outlook Deteriorates
The economy is set to have suffered a severe blow in Q1 due to the coronavirus pandemic and associated containment measures, with the full brunt of the impact to be felt in Q2. The vital tou… Read More