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Fastener enterprises to appeal anti-dumping sanction


Chinese fastener enterprises are to work together to appeal against the EU's anti-dumping sanction, according to Feng Jinyao, director of China Fastener Association.

The European Commission voted earlier this month to impose anti-dumping duties of 63 to 87 percent on China-made fasteners over the next five years. The vote must be approved by the trade ministers of the 27-nation bloc within a month, before it comes into force.

This is one of the largest anti-dumping investigations that the EU has instigated against China. As a result, the fastener industry in China could lose over 400 million euros a year, and 800,000 workers could be made redundant.

"This is devastating for enterprises like us," said Yu Liangbin, an exporter based in Zhejiang, who each year exports over $10 million worth of goods to the EU. Yu said many enterprises are thinking about turning to other markets to avoid the trade sanction by EU.

This post first appeared on Machinery News And Technology, please read the originial post: here

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Fastener enterprises to appeal anti-dumping sanction
