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What Can Be Done to Make Public Changing Rooms Better?

What Can Be Done To Make Public Changing Rooms Better?

Public changing rooms are terrible places as people say. Lots of experiences happened that can cause trauma in the future. Bad hygiene, lack of toiletries, poor maintenance, no privacy are some of the key points we wanted to address. There are many classifications of public changing rooms; some are leisures, poolsides, roadsides, etc. There are a lot of factors that a person considers when using the public changing room. 

Tips to make Public Changing rooms even better

Here are some of the ideas that can be done to make public changing rooms better. 


This is the top priority when we consider using public changing rooms. Not just because it’s a “Public” we will not consider this matter. Adding facilities like security cameras outside, lock and sign when someone is using the room are one the things we can add. 

Safety concerns need to be considered. People are often in a hurry when using public changing rooms; utilizing non-slip surfaces can avoid injury. Perforated plastic, rubber walkway mats o surfaces with durable materials that prevent slippage can help keep the walking surface safe even when water begins to puddle. 

We should also consider separating the female and male rooms. There are public changing rooms for unisex, which I believe doesn’t feel safe, especially for parents with their kids. Parents wanted their kids to be safe at any time, anywhere, especially in these public places. 


Cleaning a public changing room is essential due to the high usage of the changing rooms. These must be cleaned regularly. Detergent and water repellent panels are must recommended so they can be moped or hosed down when during the cleaning process. 

Even the cleanest, most well-maintained public changing rooms occasionally suffer from disgusting odors. Even the most scented cleaning products cannot compensate for the stagnant air and poor ventilation, too bad. Often, the source of the unpleasant smell is not the users of the facilities, but the mechanical and plumbing systems. With the proper design of ventilation and fresh make-up air, installing carbon dioxide sensors can have a significant impact on air quality. There are new carbon dioxide sensors that are out at the market with different brands and have a lower price. 

We should also consider a suitable drainage system for public rooms to accommodate water waste. The amount of cleaning liquid, water, and non-toxic chemicals will be used to ensure the facilities are appropriately managed. 

Maintaining good hygiene reduces the transfer of diseases. Germs that cause illnesses can outspread quickly, especially in public changing rooms where many people touch the same surfaces. Its more likely to make sure tissues, water, soaps, and dry machines are installed and available anytime. Let’s also add alcohol, especially today that we are facing this pandemic and mostly be a significant factor in decreasing the spreading of the virus. Many parents find creative ways to avoid public restrooms during this pandemic, either from fear of infection or many public changing rooms are high risk. 

Trash and garbage require attention regularly to maintain cleanliness, safety, and health in very facilities. Some garbage bins with labels should be covered to prevent invasion by pests and insects and to reduce odor. Daily disposal of the trash should be schedule and a top priority if you want to have a better public changing room.


After several years of using the facilities, we can test if the materials and things installed to stand the test of time. The third factor we should consider in public changing room design is to use materials that are comfortable and durable. Floors are the first thing we should consider if it is durable or not. Floors are the first area of a facility that begins to show wear. Using tile floors with dark colors is probably the best solution for public change rooms; hence you may choose any colors you like, but neutral colors are the best. Another possibility is seamless rubberized surfaces with a small amount of non-slip additive durable and safe. A combination of painted concrete walls throughout the area and tile in wet areas is usually the most durable solution. 

Durability is limited to the area itself we should also consider the sanitary ware for public changing rooms. In some cases, installing a Changing Places toilet needs environment-friendly and non-toxic materials. We can use the standard size for toilet pans to make the area spacious, especially if it is not that wide. 

A full range of ceramic urinal bowls can be used for urinals, including waterless urinals and infrared flush urinals are in nowadays. Using this type of urinal bowls will keep them clean all the time. 

Having washbasins in public changing rooms is a must because we use them every day. Washing hands before and after using the public spaces are needed, especially today that we are facing a pandemic. Hand dryers and disposable tissues are necessary as part of proper hygiene matters. 

Appearance and comfort 

The last factor to consider if you want to improve public changing rooms is sustainable designs. A well-presented and clean public changing rooms will give a good impression. Adding colorful cubicles, clean, sanitary ware, well ventilated, and spacious areas help create a comfortable environment. 

Consider neutral color for tiles, and use color in painted walls and accents, such as toilet partitions. If the colors need to be updated, it doesn’t require a significant demolition effort or a costly renovation. Choosing goods combinations of colors will give comfort to the person who’s using the facilities. Providing ample vanity counter space and drying areas near showers is another simple solution that is not costly; it also adds a level of comfort that gives the impression of a more upscale facility. 

There are so many things we can do to make the public changing rooms better. We should always consider what’s best for our customers or users in the future. Maintaining the facilities is easy with the help and cooperation of the ones using it. Let’s always focus on what we can do to make it better. There are lots of low-cost materials that we can use if we are tight on the budget but will look better if we know how to apply them. Online views, blogs, and other knowledgeable materials are easy to search nowadays. Being resourceful is the key.

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What Can Be Done to Make Public Changing Rooms Better?
