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They Brought That to Themselves

Local history around the Gap of Dunloe in The Irish Times:

Poets and writers, including Wordsworth and Tennyson, celebrated the area while Charlotte Brontë fell off her horse riding through the Gap on her honeymoon in 1854. (Paul Clements)
The new banner of the Columbia University's Butler Library on CNN:
Today's project nods to past iterations of the banner.
The original 1989 banner included the last names of Sappho, Marie de France, Christine de Pizan, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, Brontë (meant to represent all three Brontë sisters), Emily Dickinson and Virginia Woolf. (Elizabeth Wolfe & Brian Ries)
WAMC Northeast Public Radio has a CB radio quiz going on:
To commemorate the CB radio ten code, each correct answer this week will have the initials C. B. (...)
1. What author used a pseudonym with her real initials when in 1846 she published a book of poetry along with her two sisters, who also used similar pseudonyms? (Mike Nothnagel)
Scary stories for the spooky season in the Fergus Fall Journal:
The governess is charmed by the estate where she now lives and its grounds, and the children are sweet and adorable. Beneath this facade of “Jane Eyre” perfection, though, lies something unsettling that the governess can’t quite grasp. (Johana Armstrong)
Daily Trust (Nigeria) interviews the artist Ameh Odachi:
Artist Ameh Odachi’s last good read is Mary Shelley’s ‘Frankenstein.’ “I read ‘Frankenstein’ by Mary Shelley as a child,” she said. s I have interfaced with, Victor reminds me of myself: ‘don’t fret I won’t create a Frankenstein, I will only create something similar and less disastrous. Jane Eyre reminds me of myself. I am still searching for a human to suit Dorian Gray.” (Nathaniel Bivan)
Los Angeles Times announces a new production of The Mystery of Irma Vep in Hollywood:
First performed by Ludlam and his life partner, Everett Quinton, at New York’s Ridiculous Theatrical Company in 1984, this spirited melodrama pokes fun at horror movies of the 1930s and ’40s along with popular films including “Rebecca” and “Wuthering Heights.” (Margaret Gray)
The 'beauty' of self-destruction on Medium:
But no-one took the liberty to say that these characters brought that to themselves. Could that be the case? Romeo and Juliet, Heathcliff and Cathy from Wuthering Heights, or to be more up-to-date, Rose and Jack from Titanic. (Petar Mitrovic)
Also on Medium, 'invisible tattoos':
And, yes, there are other, perhaps more melancholy ones. Mostly of the literary sort. Virginia Woolf, her pockets filled with stones. A large, even mural-like, scene of the moors from Wuthering Heights. My favorite quote from Jane Eyre: “I would always rather be happy than dignified.” And maybe even a little bottle of raspberry cordial in honor of Anne Shirley. (Katie Mauro Zeigler)
de Volkskrant (Netherlands) reviews the Dutch edition of the collected stories of Jean Rhys:
Dat is een verstandig besluit van uitgever Orlando, want zo kunnen we zien hoe ze bij elkaar horen, de verhalen van de bereisde Rhys (Dominica, Londen, Parijs, Wenen, Boedapest), die driemaal trouwde en al in de 70 was toen ze furore maakte met De wijde Sargassozee (1966), waarin ze de rol van de ongenaakbare Mr. Rochester in Jane Eyre (1847) van Charlotte Brontë eens van een andere dan de dweepzuchtige kant bekeek, namelijk vanuit Bertha, zijn krankzinnig geworden eerste echtgenote. (Arjan Peters) (Translation)
LGTBQ+ tourism in Sonder (Portugal):
Os locais de filmagem incluem as pitorescas cidades de Keighley, cujas atrações incluem uma linha de trem a vapor histórica, e Haworth, que foi o lar das famosas irmãs Brontë e agora uma meca literária graças a romances icônicos como Wuthering Heights de Emily Brontë e Jane Eyre de Charlotte Brontë. (Leo Lima) (Translation)
An upcoming alert in Firenze, Italy, on Globalist Syndication (Italy):
Domenica alle 16.30 alla Manifattura Tabacchi Michela Murgia e Chiara Tagliaferri presentano il loro libro Morgana. Storie di ragazze che tua madre non avrebbe approvato, introdotte da Edoardo Rialti e con Serena Dandini. Dieci donne nella storia o nelle arti, dalla stilista Vivienne Westwood a Shirley Temple dalle sorelle e scrittrici Brontë a Moana Pozzi, da Shirley Temple a Grace Jones, per dirne alcune. (Translation)
Culturamente (Italy) and book sharing:
Ella Berthoud e Susan Elderkin, autrici di “Curarsi con i libri. Rimedi letterari per ogni malanno”, si spingono oltre l’idea di un mero sollievo spirituale proveniente dalla letteratura. Senza fare distinzione tra malanni fisici e malesseri psicologici, le due autrici affermano che si può curare tutto ma proprio tutto con i libri: il cuore spezzato con Emily Brontë e il mal d’amore con Fenoglio, l’arroganza con Jane Austen e il mal di testa con Hemingway, l’impotenza con Il bell’Antonio di Vitaliano Brancati, i reumatismi con il Marcovaldo di Italo Calvino, o invece ci si può concedere un massaggio con Murakami. (Federica Forte) (Translation)
Bittersweet endings in Ara (in Catalan):
Finals així, de llàgrima tèbia, serien els de ‘Forrest Gump’ –la mare mor, Bubba mor, les cames del tinent Dan moren i Jenny mor, però deixa un fill preciós a en Forrest–; ‘Jane Eyre’ –Jane i Edward acaben junts, però ell acaba cec–; ‘El amor en los tiempos del cólera’ –Florentino i Fermina estaran plegats, però serà després de tenir molta, molta, molta, molta, […] molta, molta paciència. ‘Antes del amanecer; Antes del anochecer’, gairebé totes les de Woody Allen, etcètera. (Laura Gost) (Translation)
El Universal (México) mentions Abismos de Pasión 1954:
 No por azar, en el principio de Crystals of the Mind, el film de Tufic Makhlouf Akl, hay un suicidio. Se refiere a él escuetamente, sin afectaciones dramáticas ni suspicacia. Ocurrió en la hacienda de San Francisco Cuadra, en Taxco, donde Luis Buñuel había filmado su adaptación de Cumbres borrascosas, de Emily Brontë: Abismos de pasión. (Javier García-Galiano) (Translation)
Les Inrockuptibles (France) reviews the latest album by Nick Cave:
Si on est impressionné par le travail orchestral de Ghosteen, premier morceau de la partie The Parents, donc, long de 12 minutes, on est aussi bouleversé. "Ce monde est beau", répète tel un mantra Nick Cave, qui évoque ce petit fantôme "dansant dans sa tête" tandis que le lyrisme étreint cette litanie gothique des landes – les Hauts de Hurlevent ne sont pas loin. (Sophie Rosemont) (Translation)
Women's Web (India) and Medium quote Wuthering Heights in the title of a post. La Biblioteca de Bella (in Spanish) reviews the Manga edition of Jane Eyre.

This post first appeared on BrontëBlog, please read the originial post: here

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They Brought That to Themselves


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