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The Winning Sixer: Leadership Lessons to Master by W.V. Raman

Things that I observed when I saw "The Winning Sixer: Leadership Lessons to Master".
1. A title based on sports but subtitle based on management lessons
2. A round table conference
3. A cricket ground has drawn on a round table
I was excited to read the book. I would like to apologize to cricket fans, as I am not a big cricket fan and lacks cricket facts, I was not aware of W V Raman. It was after reading the first chapter and encountering the environment in which the discussion of the chapter started I search about the author. And then it became clear to me that the author is the coach of the Indian Women Cricket team. 

Coming to the content part, I was expecting a self-help book with examples from the authors' cricket career. Surprisingly, the author has destined an interactive content, covering the 5 Cs (credibility, clarity, connect, control and conviction), and 5Ts (Truth, Time, Tango, Thrift, and Theatrics) of leadership. These concepts are not given only for management guys but for people from every domain, be it sports person, student, salaried or small business owners. I liked the way things have been conveyed in the form of questions answers & conversation. Well, the author is a sportsman himself so content has taken good support from various exemplary Indian sports icons personalities covered are not just from cricket domain but from badminton, tennis and other sports as well.

The language is simple and easy to read for any age group. You can read it in a few sittings. This 175-page long book is designed in such a way that you may revise it every year. A short read to remind you pointers that keep your mind on better leadership practices. 

I would give 3.5 out of 5 to this compact book. 

Book links - Goodreads, Amazon and Flipkart

This post first appeared on Few Good Reads, please read the originial post: here

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The Winning Sixer: Leadership Lessons to Master by W.V. Raman
