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Review of Book Series - The Sullied Warrior Duology

Review Of Book Series - The Sullied Warrior Duology
I have seen the first part about "God of the Sullied" 3 months back and I was really impressed by cover and title. The blurb was equally interesting. I wanted to know what the book is all about. I was expecting it to be a Mythological or historical fiction. Luckily by the time I decided to go for the book, there a second part of the sequel "Long live Sullied" was also out. So my expectations went high because I have seen only successful books get a chance for the sequel to get released. And one fine day I found such an attractive combo deal on duology that I could not refuse. I simply grabbed them. I know I am supposed to review both books separately but looking at content I think I will go with a single review.

The story is simple. In a small village in the border region of Rudraputra lived a family of Vyasa. His son Eklavya is our protagonist. As per his birth charts & Kundali, he was destined to be a great person. But that unfortunate child lost his mother when he was born. He was raised by his father and a caretaker lady (Amma). After marveling first 3 years in Gurukul when Eklavya came back for a vacation, he received a shock. From there he left for a journey to find the truth. Read the book to know more.

The reason why I am writing a combined review of duology - after reading 2nd part I found that 40-50% of the content is repeated only POVs were changed. Remaining 50% can be clubbed in 50-70 pages and clubbed with part one, thus removing the necessity of two parts. Well, that's my feeling.

Talking about meeting expectations it was not even half of the hype I created in my perception. I found the story dull. The author has written a story in historical age but it was not leveraged greatly. The only interesting part was a few philosophical dialogs. There were many shortcomings in a plot that could have been taken care of. The author has given the rushed ending of part one and ended up giving sluggish part two. Also, I cannot correlate why the Ikshvaku dynasty mentioned when there is no such significance found in the story. He could have named it Gupta, Maurya, Yadavas as clan name was irrelevant.

The good part it language is easy and you can read both books in less than 5 hours if you read at stretch.

I will give 3 it off 5 to "God of Sullied", 2 out of 5 to "Long Lived the Sullied" and 2.5 its of 5 to duology.

Link of "God of the Sullied" - Goodreads & Amazon

Link of "Long Lived the Sullied" - GoodReads & Amazon

This post first appeared on Few Good Reads, please read the originial post: here

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Review of Book Series - The Sullied Warrior Duology
