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Kittycat Duty


Well, I'm on critter duty again!

Mostly it's the cat, who gets on me, and shows me how much she enjoys my visit.  The other animals—two dogs, at the moment—just do run-by tail-wags—which I do appreciate—but don't climb all over me.  I also get free lunch, in exchange for the babysitting, and sometimes (most times, actually) it's a lot better than what I would make for myself!

And I get to watch TV!  I do have TV at home, but it's a tiny screen, and it takes some work to get a good program up on the screen.  I have a good collection of DVDs, which I should watch more often.  Which reminds me: I enjoyed the live action version of Aladdin, but that's one DVD I do not have. 

Kay, a cat lady-in-training

This post first appeared on Fiction From K Brown, please read the originial post: here

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Kittycat Duty
