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Dear Readers—regulars, visitors, everybody!No, nothing dramatically bad is going to happen to me!  I just woke up today in a sort of contemplative mood.  The politics of this… Read More
I was relieved to see Kamala Harris endorsed by Biden, and Kamala getting on with the job.   She hit the ground running, and it seems to me that we should let her figure out how to… Read More
I got a new power-pack in the mail for my computer, and it soon could be working fine!!!  I connected it, and it's working better than it has for a year, but now I have to try to do mor… Read More
I was recently reminded about the stupid, ornamental pockets they put on most women's clothes.  I had switched over to guys' pants so long ago that I had forgotten. It appears that… Read More
Elections are an emotional and a stressful time for all voters.   Especially in these days, commentators are often.   laboring the point that Millennials are particularly… Read More
I haven't watched The View very much, but it seems to be a political talk show that leans heavily liberal. Recently—in not sure how recently—Caitlin was asked whether she wo… Read More
Well, there was a really bad storm over here, so I had been visiting my friend with the pets, the cat and the dog.   We had suffered through the storm, the loss of electricity, and… Read More
2024 July 15.I wrote in the Helen Blog, my attitude about the shooting.  I'm sure I'm not the only one who wishes that someone would take Trump far, far away.  But when it comes ri… Read More
Last afternoon we got news that Trump was targeted by a sniper on a rooftop, during a rally in Butler, PA.This is terrible.  Attacking Trump physically will make him a martyr, as some n… Read More
Yaroslava, High Jump Queen
I've been seeing video clips of Yaroslava Mahuchikh's record-breaking high jump for months!  I was first attracted by her great exuberance, right after her successful jump, and then her… Read More
Fancy Braided Hair
Thinking about hairstyles I see on the Internet —not really anywhere else; girls in our part of the world tend to do fancy hair only for special occasions—I have say, I'm beginni… Read More
Millie Bobby Brown
I think this girl should go in my list of beautiful women.  She isn't quite as devastatingly beautiful as the others on the list (but she certainly could give Fortune Feimster a ru… Read More
I love this holiday, even if I don't go out and party with lots of people!  I don't drink much, and the one day I drink a little more than usual is July Fourth.  I tend to like Gin… Read More
You know, who is running for President is important, but not that important, for most middleclass Democrats.If you're desperately worried about how to defeat the ex-President, how to ge… Read More
An actress/comedienne whom I love to watch, is Sarah Silverman!She's a little in your face, some of her utterances are phrased deliberately to make people wince, and—I wince.  &nb… Read More
President Biden had a bad evening debating Donald Trump (Debate 1).  In fact, President Biden had such a bad time that, in despair, I called for Biden to back out, and for a new candida… Read More
I was just watching a clip in which James Carville—a liberal political consultant—advises Democrats not to talk like women.  He says Left leaning women have spoiled the imag… Read More
I'm told that things got better as the debate wound on, but no.  Biden has had a good several years, but this campaign season is going to be like shadowboxing with a demented skunk.The… Read More
I had the debate on for about fifteen minutes, until it seemed clear that Biden was having trouble recalling specific words he needed.  You can't debate obviously in that condition.&nbs… Read More
I am so worried about this upcoming debate—this is Tuesday; the debate is on Thursday, as far as I know—that I have been quiet about it, not knowing what to say. On one hand, Bid… Read More
Lucy Maude Montgomery, the famous Canadian author, who created Anne of Green Gables, had a wonderful sense of humor.  It came to life nowhere better than in the story of Rainbow Valley… Read More
This is something I have been anxious about: (1) Are there readers of this blog—and readers generally—who are put off by the careful grammar of my writing?  (2) Are there re… Read More
The Moon
This is a stacked image; lots of different images of the moon under different light conditions were merged to obtain it.  The original is on Instagram, on the 'Astrophotography' account… Read More
I had been puzzled about why Caitlin Clark's fellow players in the WNBA seem so hostile to her.  Well, just from what little I knew of human nature, I had to expect a little r… Read More
A lot of the images I'm down on DA now are of girls with thick, long, braided hair, with enormous cleavages.  The pseudo-photos are cropped, and it's left to the viewer to imagine how f… Read More
A glaring omission from my list of women I admire—from my.point of view, not from anybody else's—is Jennifer Garner!First off, I think she's super cute, even beautiful.  Som… Read More
Another thing I intensely dislike about the 'uniforms' present-day so- called beauties are depicted wearing are: super high heels. I never liked the things.  I have worn them, but… Read More
Well, dear readers of my Blog, all 13 of you (or fewer); I think of you as my good buddies, though I have never met you, and know nothing about you (but you guys know a lot about this elusiv… Read More
Just heard 'Mind Games' all the way through, and I just love it.I never understood why that David somebody decided to shoot him; it seemed a decision of a deranged man. Well, I'm going… Read More
Well, I'm assuming all my readers are quite familiar with e-readers.  When you come to the end of a page, you tap in the right margin, and the next page appears.So I was where I usually… Read More
Only A Game
I didn't say what the game is: it's SUDOKU!A lot of people could be put off by the fact that there're numbers involved.  But none of the properties of numbers are involved at all, … Read More
I always confuse this movie title with "What's new, Pussycat?" so I took a second to make sure.  I watched this movie last fall, with some of my older friends, and I found it totally hi… Read More
I want to talk about two things: the first is that I saw yet another video of Caitlin playing basketball!!  This time I sort of knew what to expect, and I could keep a watch out fo… Read More
Various things set me off thinking  that I want to put something here for you readers, but there isn't enough for a theme for the whole post!Caitlin Clark.  I'm getting to the poin… Read More
Before I tell you what the amazing Post is all about ... I was just perusing quickly through today's offerings on Deviant Art, when I came across several pieces of art, described by the arti… Read More
I'm not sure Caitlin Clark is blushing, but it is adorable! Read More
The Irritating Gentleman
The commentary suggests that the young woman is a working-class girl, either on her way to (or on her way back from) a funeral.  Note the handkerchief; she's been crying.  From her… Read More
Well, my little feline friend seems to like to lick my potato chips!  Not the whole lot, but just a couple.  My friend (the owner of the cat) says she's just licking the salt off t… Read More
Poor Caitlin Clarke.  She takes all this madness so calmly, (and they have her meeting Billie Jean King, and lots of interesting encounters like that) and it's featured ón Fb.&nb… Read More
One of the most entertaining features of DA used to be their captions, or whatever remark accompanied the artwork. It used to be that if someone posted a picture of an elf, say, and the… Read More
I tend to forget my characters after a year or so, and how much I love them!  I remembered some incident from the Jane stories, and started reading Jane—the second book&mdash… Read More
Well, I'm on critter duty again!Mostly it's the cat, who gets on me, and shows me how much she enjoys my visit.  The other animals—two dogs, at the moment—just do run-by tai… Read More
I poured a lot of myself into this 'prequel.'  Actually,  Jane, the Early Years, and Jane, were a single story, of which the second part just happened to be published first. … Read More
I don't want to give the impression that I'm obsessed with this girl, Caitlin Clark.  I haven't watched her doing anything; I haven't seen her being interviewed, haven't seen her playin… Read More
Just yesterday, I raised the purchase price of almost all of my stories on Smashwords, and I anticipate that the volume at which they're downloaded will be down to a trickle.  Well… Read More
I have a lot of problems with DA; that's no secret.  But recently, there was an image of a buxom elf, oozing pulchritudinous, and the caption was: Qualified Elf Looking for a Party.Qual… Read More
I feel pity for this attractive woman. She's quite attractive despite her large breasts, though some of the Fb advertisers—or, anyway, the people who place ads on Fb, who I assume… Read More
The Story Of Emily
Just last night I was reading an unfinished story of mine, which I had written when I was feeling much more grown up and sober.  (I mean, I am naturally a very sober person, who just ge… Read More
I wish I had more money to splurge!  I would so love to travel by train!  I've traveled by train in Britain, and short distances in the US, but I'd like to travel trans-continental… Read More
A Dancer For Our Time
Wow.I was just scrolling through my Fcbk feed, when I saw this post of a video.  A woman was dancing ... it was one of the most gorgeous, energetic, athletic, graceful dancers I have ev… Read More
Seeing how little progress I have made on the Elf story, this may not come to anything.  But, I'm thinking of a girl—maybe a little older, perhaps a woman—who loves animals… Read More
I was going through my Deviant Art feed, and found that I was 'liking' mostly girls who were borderline butch.  I have nothing against this sort of girl, or woman really; it's not their… Read More
Most of my readers know, by now, that I spend a certain amount of time on the website DeviantArt.  I initially went there with the intention of getting artwork for the covers of some of… Read More
Pretty Girl Again
Well, they showed me a video of this girl; this time in an awesome 'Little Black Dress'.  Evidently Fb wants to see me in a LBD.  Actually, that would work for me. But I… Read More
Never Fully
I rarely get a hook from a Broadway musical stuck in my brain, but I attended a musical review by a semi-professional band in our town, and—you shoulda guessed by now—a song they… Read More
Well ... I don't know what to say.  I saw this image on DeviantArt.  Its title was: "Bloe job eyes."I looked at the image closely, and all I could see was a pretty, blue-eyed girl… Read More
I had undertaken to wash a small load of fabric for someone, when the washer started stuttering.  That's the best weird for it; it would sound as though it's trying to do something, and… Read More
I just glanced (or 'glimpsed', as some weirdos say) at the sales/download statistics, and I saw that exactly one each of my books had been tallied.  What does this mean?  One perso… Read More
Huh.I've seen a total eclipse before—or it may have been a partial eclipse.  But once I had seen it, had had a little insight into how it happened, I sort of stopped being excited… Read More
I thought, since I've been carrying on about celebrity women I admire, I ought to make it clear that there are a few—just a very, very few—men that I admire, as well. … Read More
Normally, the phrase fast-talking implies untrustworthy.  That's not what I intend here; I literally mean celebrities—usually on TV—who really talk fast. Seth Meye… Read More
A Dress
Something sad just happened to me. I saw a lovely dress on a Facebook ad.  Now, what do I do?   I so want to show that picture here, so that you guys see the ki… Read More
I used to think that beauty was immortal, and timeless.  A certain sort of beauty is that way; you feel that it can make time stand still, and that if you were to look at it again decad… Read More
Pink!What's the deal with pink??  I don't understand why women like the color Pink so much!  Wherever I look, I see women and girls—including tiny little ones—defiantly… Read More
Well, unlike you readers, I have not flown very often, and not recently.  But, over the weekend, I had a chance to fly to visit some folks.  It was interesting, to say the least!Fi… Read More
Being as much of a recluse as I am, as I have been all through life, and as uninterested in clothes, I avoid talking about clothes in any of the stories.  With Helen, I kind of finesse… Read More
I may not have brought this up before, but: I'm not crazy about flowers, really!  Most girls are; but I'm sort of not.  A single flower: I can deal with that.  A wild flower… Read More
You might have noticed that, sometimes, a shadow in the background can make the shape of a face all wrong.  Or a dark shape right near someone's hair can make the hair look untidy. … Read More
I just finished wailing about my drama-free childhood (or school years, anyway) on the other blog, and took my book back up, only to see this horrible sentence about someone glimpsing at&nbs… Read More
Jeeze, I apologize for constantly talking about correct usage, but some phrases are really jarring to read. The meaning of the phrase 'long shot' is well understood; it means an unlikel… Read More
You know what I mean. At Smashwords they're having a sale.  Books can't be priced at less than 99c, unless they're free, so mine aren't going to be on sale.  It's 'Read A… Read More
Even though I regard surgical modification with great dislike—so much so that I don't want to even describe them—I really love temporary tattoos!  I think they're really cut… Read More
Back in 2018 (I think) I felt moved to write a fictitious interview with Helen.  At that time, I felt that Democrats, the Liberal Media, and all sorts of talking heads were coming down… Read More
Skiing Down Mount Everest
I just found out—quite by accident—that someone had skied 12,000 feet down Mt. Everest.  (They reported his name, but I forget it.)Everest, I remember from school, was some… Read More
Here's another installment in my list of celebrity women I admire.  There are 27 of them, so there will be two installments. Olivia Newton-John.  I've loved Olivia wholehearte… Read More
From all I know, the phrase 'How about X?' hadn't supplanted the older equivalent 'What about X?' until the 19th Century, at the earliest.  But I'm not so well-versed in English spoken… Read More
When I was taking care of my friend's pets, naturally, one of the important jobs was giving the little guys their victuals.  Twice a day, for the doggies, and whenever her bowl was empt… Read More
I've wanted to do this for ages, but put it off because I knew that my taste in women would put off lots of readers.  It probably will; people judge others based on whom they admire; wh… Read More
The last couple of days I've been reading—actually, re-reading—a pretty intense story by an author called Siera Malin.  I'm inclined to think that it's at least distantly au… Read More
The images on DA are all of really young misses!  I can't really complain; as time goes on, the median age of DA members is going to grow steadily younger than me—you know what I… Read More
Every one means the same as each one.  When Tiny Tim says "God bless us, every one!" the meaning is clear.   When someone says go through these books, every one should be… Read More
I'm reading—actually re-reading—an interesting time-travel story.  There are lots of details that I would change, but the story-telling is so good that, in some ways, if I t… Read More
So you can skip reading right now if you don't want your Superbowl Weekend to be ruined by something completely non-athletic.People who have become famous through Television often begin to b… Read More
OMG.I don't know about other people, but I had got the impression that I wasn't the only one who thought twins were adorable!  I just love seeing twins, and an unexpected sight of… Read More
I swear, this cat is magic.  If I turn to go one way, she's running ahead of me.   Then I turn to go the opposite way, and—guess what?—she's running ahead of me ag… Read More
Last week I was again looking after my favorite animal friends.  I'm so thankful that, as a kid I wasn't up to my neck in pets, because I can enjoy the experience so much more now! … Read More
Wow.  Has TikTok made this happen? : Just some of the TikTok clips get on Facebook, and some of the chicks there really dress sexy.  I guess each individual Fb person has to set he… Read More
Odds And Ends
After I had blogged about Barbie, I suddenly wanted to get several things off my chest.  (I'm glad I managed to be critical of the movie without completely dumping on it.  I think… Read More
OK.I thought Margot R. was excellent for the Barbie role.I thought all the Barbies were cast beautifully, acted brilliantly, and were an awesome ensemble team. I think Ken did really we… Read More
I stayed the night with friends.  As I was being dropped off, I noticed something; the roofs of some houses were adorned with dish antennas. I realized that TV was a large part of… Read More
"Mel quickly returned from stuffing the garbage (bag) down the shoot."Most of my readers probably know that, what an apartment- building dweller stuffs their garbage bag down is not a 'shoot… Read More
We're having a steady, fine fall of snow, the kind that skiers like.  The sky is relentlessly leaden, so that it's gloomy. Talking about skiing, there are so many things I ought to… Read More
DeviantArt is the limit.When I get bored, there are a few places I go: FaceBook, email, and DA.  The latter, because I like to look at pretty women; there's no point in being coy with y… Read More
Fern is, you might not know, the name of the elf in my half-written story.  The human girl is Lauren; a black girl, an orphan, well-educated, a tax accountant.I just read several p… Read More
My parents were old-fashioned; all through school I was totally unhip, and hung out with older kids, and even teachers; the same happened all through college.  (In fact it was a former… Read More
Youth culture is—well, let's just say that I'm losing my grip on it.  On DA, at least, the women are looking sluttier every day, but I know beyond a doubt that it's men who put up… Read More

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Fiction from K Brown
