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Never bring a knife to a gun fight

Weapons being vital to war, what is the technological level of weaponry on Talaeasia?

Some things have advanced more than others, naturally. Brystl uses some rather advanced engineering and pharmacology to build and use large, man shaped, piloted robotics. Avionics via dirigibles is prevelent across the known world. Conversely, evolutions like telephony, television, the internet, never have happened, nor have major power plants of any kind. Coal (or something like it) is the source for most energy.

Weaponry in Talaesia teeters on par with the nineteenth century. Weapons like the maxim machine gun have been developed for brystl suits, and single shot derringers are common with most users. Civilian weapons tend to reflect the early nineteenth, with pepperbox pistols and long barrel rifles, usually single cartridge style.

The military grade weapons reflect later nineteenth century weaponry, in some cases even escalating to early twentieth century weapons. For example, something quite similar to the Colt 1911 is used, as well as multi-cartridge assault rifles.

Blades still remain extremely popular in some circles, usually the upper class who still see fencing as a method for honourable combat. Still, never bring a knife to a gun fight.

Its not revelations quality content really, just something that needed to be shared. I hope to focus on Altan and Bauzak tomorrow and wednesday, while some of there background is there, I suspect I have a few things more I'd like to say. Thanks for now.

This post first appeared on Secondhand Gods, please read the originial post: here

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Never bring a knife to a gun fight
