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How To Make Real And Lasting Friendships


New Ebook Release:

“Forever Friends: Making Lasting Friendships Without Social Media”

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Can you hear it?

It’s the deafening sound of – loneliness.

So many families seem fractured, lacking the strong bonds of affection and friendship that should naturally exist!

Let’s face it – most everyone needs a friend, right? In these times that we currently live in, our world is most troubled and has distorted the true meaning of friendship. In this age of Social Media, friendship has been reduced to a couple of keystrokes that feature Likes, Loves and Pin-Its. But, at the first sign of a disagreement what happens? Unlike, Un-follow, and the list goes on. This in itself can be most discouraging at times. But, that’s no reason to give up searching for true, genuine and lasting friendships.

We should never settle for a lifetime of solitude. Having friends or close confidants is necessary and important for our physical and mental health, happiness and overall well-being. But what does friendship mean to you personally? Is it a state of convenience? Is it a state of status and popularity? Everyone has to define what it means to them personally. In the pursuit of real and lasting friendships, work is involved to search out, secure and maintain real friends that we would like to keep throughout our lives. Are you up for the task?

Within the pages of this ebook publication, I have included 25 basic but essential steps that we all should be practicing every day in our family life and friendships in general. These 25 principles and social skillsets are included in checklist format (for easy printing) so that you can view them on a daily basis.

After reading Forever Friends: Making Lasting Friendships Without Social Media, it is my hope that you are able to put these concepts into practice, starting today, in your search for genuine and real friends.

May you find joy, happiness and success always!

Best Regards


Get the download today!

ISBN: 9781540142610

Language: English


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This post first appeared on Dartanyan Terry Self Improvement Ebook Series, please read the originial post: here

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How To Make Real And Lasting Friendships
