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Top 12 CBT Workbooks and Self-help Books for Mental Mastery

Top 12 CBT Workbooks And Self-help Books For Mental Mastery

The cognitive behavioral therapy is a type of psychological treatment that has proven useful against all kinds of issues, including marital issues, anxiety and depression, alcohol addiction, and even eating disorders. It's also been used against various mental illnesses.

Understanding this concept takes work. Whether you're struggling with such problems or one of your loved ones is dealing with an affection, becoming familiar with CBT and how it works is a must. With these thoughts in mind, here are the best CBT books I’ve been through lately.

What Are The Top CBT Workbooks?

The CBT Social Anxiety Workbook for Women, by Adele Payne (2023)

This is one of the most detailed CBT workbooks I’ve read. Mainly focused on social anxiety, it helps you understand what stress means and what triggers relationship issues. And when I say relationships, I mean everything, from romantic relationships to connections at work.

This book will explain the concept of social anxiety, but it’s also a straightforward approach to move you from being anxious to feeling extremely calm. It’s all about gaining the right level of confidence and understanding everything is in your mind.

This book is written for women and aims to change you within months only. You’ll discover signs of anxiety, as some people may not even know they have it. You’ll learn how women are affected, CBD interventions, strategies to deal with anxiety, and tips and tricks to overcome fear.

To me, this book feels like a guide no one should ever miss, even if you don’t really feel like you’re suffering from social anxiety.

The Comprehensive Clinician's Guide to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, by Leslie Sokol and Marci Fox (2019)

I’m not sure if this book is written for a professional dealing with patients or for actual patients. According to the experts who wrote it, it’s a book for everyone. It's ideal for supervisors, students, experts, and even people who deal with different types of issues that could be tackled with CBT.

It’s one of the most detailed CBT books out there, but if you’re a patient, I recommend going through it along with a friend, a family member, or a professional. Those with mild or medium issues could probably handle it by themselves, but someone with severe issues may need an extra hand.

The book is rich in worksheets, activities, step by step instructions, tips, tricks, and plans, you name it. Its main role is to clear out depression and self doubt, while building confidence. It's created with multiple purposes, though.

I find it useful against bipolar, anger, and anxiety, but I know it's just as good against substance abuse addictions or personality disorders, among others.

The CBT Toolbox, by Jeff Riggenbach (2012)

There are more editions of this book. The first one is slightly outdated, so I recommend going for the newest one, just to play it safe. CBT expert has a few decades of experience working with CBT and dealing with all kinds of patients. This book is the result of his experience.

It offers a step-by-step approach to supporting change in a friendly and effective manner. Initially, it was created for clinicians and professionals. With time, it became more accessible to those dealing with mild or medium forms of anger or anxiety.

It’s not all about educating people on what’s wrong, but it also offers practical and proven steps to overcome problems. What sold this book for me was the author's reputation, which I've read about in various articles. His strategies are simply outstanding.

Whether it comes to failing to set goals or solve problems, addictive behaviors, anxiety, or depression (among many others), this book will change your world within months only.

The CBT Toolbox for Young Adults, by Lisa Phifer (2022)

Believe it or not, I find depression and anxiety to be more common in young adults than in elders. Elders and older adults have experienced a different lifestyle. They’re tough and can take a beating. Younger generations feel a bit weak and fragile in front of today’s challenges.

It’s no surprise older adults refer to youngsters as snowflakes. But that's not everything, young adults are also confused and often struggle to develop their own identities. They can't express themselves, and they face numerous challenges.

This book offers 170 different exercises aimed at young adults. From helping with an independent approach to stimulating them to find their strengths, this book will help with resiliency, mood changes, boundaries, communication, empathy and self-confidence.

In my opinion, this is a top guide for anyone stepping into adulthood.

The CBT Workbook for Mental Health, by Simon Rego and Sarah Fader (2021)

Many times, mental health struggles are caused by a trigger or a trauma. Other times, they’re natural. They’re not caused by such events, and that's exactly what makes them so difficult because patients have no idea what the causes are.

This is one of the most straightforward CBT workbooks you’ll go through. Benefit from expert advice and learn how to use such therapies to bounce back regardless of what takes you down. It makes no difference what kind of situation you find yourself in.

The workbook is for everyone. You’ll learn why CBT works and how it works. You’ll find simple exercises to take you out of those dark thoughts and feelings, many of these exercises are doable on a daily basis in less than half an hour.

Furthermore, you’ll discover particular solutions to specific issues, from stress and anger to shame and communication.

The CBT Workbook for Perfectionism, by Sharon Martin DSW LCSW (2019)

Life’s not perfect, says the author, and I couldn’t agree more. We all go through all sorts of challenges. Some of us overcome them with no issues at all. Others struggle to do it. High standards and shooting for perfection are some of the things holding us back.

To be honest with you, I suffered from such issues, which even affected my previous jobs. There’s nothing wrong with aiming to be perfect, but the problem is perfectionists can take your life over. How do you find balance then?

This is one of the most useful CBT workbooks for those who feel like avoiding everything that’s not perfect. And yes, nothing’s really perfect. I find it hard to describe this issue, but if you find yourself in my words, this book will help you assess the causes of your perfectionism first.

Furthermore, you’ll learn how to eliminate them and find happiness, rather than keep searching for it.

The DBT Deck for Clients and Therapists, by Lane Pederson (2019)

This is one of those CBT books with a workbook approach. Basically, you’ll learn some useful things about CBT, but at the same time, you’ll also learn how to develop some useful strategies and overcome negative thoughts and anxiety yourself.

Lane Pederson has included countless ideas and tips in this book, simple exercises, and cards that will help you learn as you educate yourself. You'll learn how to navigate ups and downs in life with a smile on your face, but most importantly, with a good attitude.

There are various strategies and practices to help out as well.

Overall, self respect will become a matter of time only. You’ll learn to embrace all the negative thoughts that hit you and understand they often mean nothing. From many points of view, this CBT book will change your mindset, making all the difference in the world.

What Are The Top Books on CBT?

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Made Simple, by Seth J. Gillihan (2018)

The first time I heard about CBT, I wondered what kind of new and innovative ideas such techniques will bring in. It sounds sophisticated and difficult to understand, but you only need the right CBT books to give you a few hints about what to expect.

The cognitive behavior therapy offers solutions to manage anxiety, depression, stress, communication issues, you name it. The therapy will help you set and understand goals, but also identify the roots of your negatives. This book offers various strategies and principles, as well as self evaluation tips and tricks.

Some may see it as a workbook, but it’s not that deep. It helps people understand what CBT means and offers some quick solutions for mild problems. I find it excellent for both patients and those who need to deal with such patients.

Overcoming Unwanted Intrusive Thoughts, by Sally M. Winston PsyD and Martin N. Seif PhD (2017)

There are more issues that can be tackled by CBT, and most CBT books out there are focused on one thing or another. But there aren’t too many books working on negative and intrusive thoughts, yet this is one of the most common issues people have.

Everyone struggles while overthinking things, and we've all been there at some point or another. Although I've been through quite a few books, this is one of the best CBT books for this particular issue. Thoughts are often seen like messages, but many times, they mean nothing.

This compassionate guide offers exclusive information on different types of thoughts, what they could actually mean, and why your brain may get stuck in them. You'll also discover a few techniques to overcome them and focus on nothing but happy ideas.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy & Mindfulness Toolbox, by Richard Sears (2017)

CBT isn’t something new. It has been used for decades, but there aren’t many clinicians out there that associate it with mindfulness. Instead, it’s seen as nothing but a pure form of therapy with beneficial effects.

Richard Sears has written one of the most daring CBT books out there. The author brings in a completely different approach and explains how such a cocktail of techniques can actually provide a more practical approach to dealing with mental problems.

Moreover, the book also offers some simple explanations and spreadsheets to help with these innovative ideas. It's mainly aimed at those dealing with stress, depression, trauma, panic, and anxiety.

To be perfectly honest with you, I think it’s just as useful if you know someone dealing with such issues. The better you understand what they go through, the easier it becomes to help out.

The ACT Approach, by Timothy Gordon and Jessica Borushok (2017)

The ACT approach refers to the Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. I’m not sure how to describe this because it’s not really an official type of therapy, but it’s tightly connected to CBT and often feels like a branch of it.

Now, this book redefines acceptance and commitment by offering practical advice and strategies. If you suffer from such issues, you’ll notice an improvement straight away. However, this book is mainly aimed at those helping patience, such as clinicians.

To be honest, I think it’s just as useful if you struggle with such problems yourself. Anyway, there are quite a few spreadsheets in there, some useful scripts, mindfulness techniques, and various exercises.

There are also specific examples of how to apply what you learn to handle pain, depression, anxiety, OCD, and other similar issues.

Ninjas Know the CBT Triangle, Mary Nhin (2022)

I said it before, and I'll say it again, issues like communication problems, depression, and anxiety target people at younger ages these days. And yes, more and more children are affected as well, not to mention teenagers.

With these ideas in mind, this book is excellent for kids struggling with anxiety, especially social anxiety in school. It’s a therapeutic book, but it’s written in a friendly manner to help kids understand what they need to do.

The book is like a story following Thinking Ninja on his first day at school. It’s excellent for kids up to 11 years old and offers exclusive ideas on how to control feelings, how to overcome negative thoughts, how to be a leader, and so on.

There are quite a few different lessons your little one will learn from this book, whether they read it themselves or you actually help them out.

Bottom line

These are some of the best-rated CBT books you'll find these days. Some of them are educational, others give you a more practical approach, not to mention the ones in between. Whether you face such issues or someone you know struggles, the more you know, the easier these challenges become.

If you are looking for more psychological reads check out our favorite self-help books on finding yourself.

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Top 12 CBT Workbooks and Self-help Books for Mental Mastery
