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The Ideation Equation | Linus Bille | Book Review | How a handful of habits can make You a Creative Genius

The Ideation Equation | Linus Bille | Book Review | How A Handful Of Habits Can Make You A Creative Genius

The Ideation Equation by Linus Bille is an actionable ideation framework that works on the philosophy that we can learn anything. And through this book the author aims to help readers hone their creative ideas through correct habits to become a creative genius. So, read the book summary, book release date, genre, reading age, book quotes, and book review of “The Ideation Equation” by Linus Bille in this post below. 

An actionable ideation framework that works on the philosophy that we can learn anything, Read The Ideation Equation by Linus Bille #BookReview #BookQuotes on #NjkinnysBlog #NjkinnyRecommends #SelfHelp
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About The Ideation Equation by Linus Bille:

No. of Pages: 254

Publication Date: TIME 2 GROW AB (2 December 2022)

Genre: Non-Fiction, Self-Help, Creativity, Business & Investing

Reading Age: 15 years and above

Can be read as a standalone? YES

Buy From: AMAZON

The Ideation Equation by Linus Bille Book Summary:

What if the POWER OF HABIT is what determines the POWER OF YOUR MIND?

'What if the POWER OF HABIT is what determines the POWER OF YOUR MIND?' Read The Ideation Equation by Linus Bille #BookReview #BookQuotes on #NjkinnysBlog #NjkinnyRecommends #SelfHelp
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The Ideation Equation brings out the habits that can help readers hone their creativity to the max. It is based on the philosophy of ‘growth mindset’ which states that we can learn anything. 

And, perhaps more importantly, that ideation is an innate ability that can be both suppressed and amplified depending on our beliefs and habits.”

'ideation is an innate ability that can be both suppressed and amplified depending on our beliefs and habits.' Read The Ideation Equation by Linus Bille #BookReview #BookQuotes on #NjkinnysBlog #NjkinnyRecommends #SelfHelp
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So, through easy to understand and apply logic, and steps, the author takes the readers on a journey of advancement with the goal to becoming more creative.

The Ideation Equation by Linus Bille Book Review:

When I came across this book, I assumed it to be like the other self-help books that preach. But I was pleasantly proved wrong by the author. Right from the start he gives the readers an insight into the making of this book. Initially created as a response to a question from his friend, who asked how he was consistently able to come up with original ideas, this book will benefit everyone looking to get a clarity on how to come up with strategic ideas regularly.

Things I liked:

Fluid and engaging narration:

Easy and conversational narration is the highlight of this book. As you read, you will feel like listening to a friend give you advice. And I loved how simply Linus Bille puts forth his “Ideation Equation” with examples, comparisons, and results.

Clear bifurcation of the book:

This book is clearly bifurcated into three parts to better understand and apply the principles taught in it.

Part 1- Prepare

In this part, the author defines what a idea is, and proves that there is an ideation equation. I loved how he went about describing “The Ideation Equation” as a codification of the “neuro-natural” path to forming new ideas. Then his correlations to historical moments like the “Eureka” moment and the Apple Falling will provide entertainment and engross you more in wanting to learn this new method.

We are taught to follow rules and end up thinking inside a set box. But to truly become a creative genius, we first need to unlearn our set habits and adapt to new ones.

Part 2- Explore

The author Linus Bille emphasizes the importance of exploring different ideas. He even advocates learning random things.

Exploring different ideas can help our brain to connect things.

Imagine our brain like a forest and every time we learn something new, we are planting a new tree in our forest.

So, basically he says that being innovative means being diverse, and open to new learnings.

So, in summary, don’t be picky! Just start learning about anything and everything, for no other reason than to cultivate a beautiful and wild mind. Have no interests, but interest itself! And make sure not to get stuck for too long on any particular subject; move on and increase diversity in your neurological rainforest.”

'don’t be picky! Just start learning about anything and everything, for no other reason than to cultivate a beautiful and wild mind.' Read The Ideation Equation by Linus Bille #BookReview #BookQuotes on #NjkinnysBlog #NjkinnyRecommends…
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Part 3- Apply the Equation

In this part, the author expertly takes the readers through activities designed to cultivate habits that will help you in never losing your focus on creativity. And are not only helpful to become a creative genius but achieve success in general life too!

I loved these simple and easy to do activities that will inspire you to think outside the box.

Can a handful of habits really make you a creative genius? Yes, they can! These habits can help to ensure that you never lose your focus on creativity, and become an outside of the box thinker, capable of generating a steady stream of exciting new ideas.”

'Can a handful of habits really make you a creative genius? Yes, they can!' Read The Ideation Equation by Linus Bille #BookReview #BookQuotes on #NjkinnysBlog #NjkinnyRecommends #SelfHelp
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All in all, I am so thankful I read this amazing and helpful book by Linus Bille. It came at just the right time and I am sure it will prove helpful to all people looking to get more focused and successful in life.

So, a no fuss and all impact read, Njkinny recommends this effective guide to becoming a creative genius to all readers.

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The Ideation Equation | Linus Bille | Book Review | How a handful of habits can make You a Creative Genius
