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Products that Romance Readers Will Fall in Love With


As romance readers, we love that each new turn of the page will bring our two characters together or send them farther apart. We love finding our favorite character is going to get the guy or win the girl. We love hating the treacherous snakes who get in the way of true love. We love when the schemers get what’s coming to them. We love first kisses. We love last kisses. We love crying and laughing and throwing the book we’re reading halfway across the room in a sudden fit of rage.

Obviously, as romance readers, this is us.

Not so obviously are the things which we love because of romance: rose petals on the floor, long, candle-lit baths, flower deliveries, chocolate, wine, diaries, makeup, perfume, etc. To us, these are not just things, these devices are just love in one of its many other forms. Romantics can’t always be reading, and so instead they fill their lives with little romantic things that keep the love alive throughout the day.

This one is for all the romance readers.

1. Aromatherapy Candles

Touch, taste, sight, sound, and smell. These are our five sense, and when utilized to their full potential, they can heighten romance and the love/intimacy that comes with the territory. In novels, a love scene is not just a scene between man and woman, it is a scene between lovers and their senses. The touch of skin, the taste of their lips, the sound and smell of their breath against an ear. Where in books, sensuality is used over and over again, outside of books, romance readers tend to be very sensual individuals with an acute awareness to what affects the mood.

Aromatherapy, then, with its natural fragrances and botanicals not only tantalizes the sense of smell but also affects love, romance, and intimacy wherever it might be found. Easily purchased through Barnes and Noble, Walmart, or Ebay, aromatherapy candles are the perfect purchase for a night in with your loved one or the next chapter of the romance novel you’re currently reading. Not only will they heighten your experience by getting your mind in the mood for love, but they also look great lit around a living room, lining a bathtub, or flickering in your windowsill.

642 Things About You (that I love)

Available from Barnes and Noble, this is a great purchase from you or for you (in case you want to drop any hints). This notebook will spike your creative and romantic juices through its long list of thought provoking writing exercises. It’s a way to connect with your lover and do group work, which will bring the two of you closer together. Another fun thing to do with this book is to use the writing prompts as though two of your favorite characters were getting creative and writing the 642 things that they love about each other.

Quote Blankets

From Ebay, Walmart, or Barnes and Noble, a quote blanket is the perfect start to a steamy read.  Search for blankets with quotes from some of your favorite novels, or you can custom make your own blanket with photos or quotes at Walmart. And men, a blanket inscribed with adorable or loving things will not only make your girl smile but also keep her warm while she’s up late with that winter reading.–designed-blankets#

The Romance Novel Coloring Book

Actually inspired by the covers of classic and popular romance novels, this coloring book—available through Ebay—is a relaxing way to spend your time while your waiting for the next book in that series to come out. It’s also a good way to test your creativity and make works of art from some of the most famous covers of actual romance novels—many of which you’ll be introduced to and start reading because you get curious while coloring them.

Vintage Romance Pins

This is an easy way to announce to the world that you’re a romance reader and proud! Ebay has tons of vintage romance pins for sale, and they look great on a bag, in a car, or stuck to a lanyard or shirt pocket. Wear them around your friends and coworkers, or on the bus or airplane, to a convention or dinner, and then wait to see who else is also a romance nut. Sometimes its fun flaunting the fact that your hobby is romance, and then seeing all those individuals who take notice and really understand you.

Romance Quote T-shirts

Did you know you can customize your own t-shirts through Walmart’s personalized clothing and accessories section? Just find it on their website and get to work. Many romance readers love their quirky romance shirts wherever they can find them, but some readers are very particular and would love to see a quote or a picture from their favorite books. Going through Walmart is an excellent way to do this.

Ebay also has tons of options to look and read through, and they always have shirts, sweaters, hats, and more for the avid romance reader. Whatever your preference, this option is a great way to show everyone you’re a romantic and find people to share your interest with and exchange book suggestions.

In the end, whatever way you decide to add extra flair to your life of romance reading, know that there are tons of options for you. Romance is not dead, and there’s probably even a shirt or a pillow that reaffirms the sentiment. It’s romance readers that keep romance alive today, and they deserve to treat themselves to the things they love. After all, is there really anything better than love?

Happy reading.

This post first appeared on Book Cave's Reader Blog, please read the originial post: here

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Products that Romance Readers Will Fall in Love With
