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5 of my Favorite Romance Tropes


A trope is a plot device or theme that has been used so often, it has become expected or conventional. Tropes can be used effectively in books when the author puts their own spin on them, and they give readers a framework of what to expect in a book. (Of course, without that special spin, a book that follows a trope would be boring and predictable!) Here are 5 romance tropes I enjoy reading. What are your favorites?

1. Enemies to Lovers

I enjoy reading this trope because it is usually accompanied by witty banter and romantic tension. And of course, by the end of the story, you see plenty of character growth, which I look for in the books I read.

2. Pretend Marriage/Relationship

Two characters get together out of convenience or necessity, either just for a relationship or for an actual marriage. Usually, everyone around them thinks the relationship is real, and that sets that stage for some hilarious (or hilariously awkward, at least to me!) and deliciously tense moments. Of course, the couple falls in love by the end of the book, even though they have to go through some pretty rough misunderstandings and adjustments to get there, and I love knowing that the sigh-educing, happy ending is coming.

3. Matchmaker

One of the characters is matchmaking for the other character . . . only to fall in love with the person they are trying to set up.

4. Mistaken Identity

One character assumes a different identity for one reason or another, and they meet the person they come to love while using that identity. Usually, the other person falls in love with them too, but that relationship is threatened when the character’s true identity is revealed.

What can I say? I just love tension in my romance novels.

5. Trapped

The characters could be a cabin in a snow storm, a small town after a car breaks down, a situation that requires them to spend a lot of time together (like planning an important event together), and so on. The two main characters, who usually are strangers or don’t like each other very much, are forced together in a small space and must rely on each other to achieve their objectives. Hello, tension!

What are some of your favorite romance tropes? Let me know in the comments below!

To get you thinking, here is a list of a few more tropes: love triangle, amnesia, fling, second chances, time travel, ugly duckling, different worlds, friends to lovers, best friend’s sibling, secret billionaire, and secret baby.

Happy reading!

This post first appeared on Book Cave's Reader Blog, please read the originial post: here

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5 of my Favorite Romance Tropes
