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Summary: Amp It Up: Leading for Hypergrowth by Raising Expectations, Increasing Urgency, and Elevating Intensity by Frank Slootman

  • The book is a guide for leaders who want to transform their organizations for maximum growth and scale, based on the author’s experience and philosophy of leading hypergrowth companies such as Snowflake, Data Domain, and ServiceNow.
  • The book outlines five key steps to amp up the organization’s performance: raise your standards, align your people, sharpen your focus, pick up the pace, and transform your strategy. The book also provides practical advice and examples on how to implement these steps in various aspects of the organization.
  • The book challenges some common assumptions and myths about leadership and growth, and advocates for a more aggressive and decisive approach that focuses on the mission and the results. The book is not a typical leadership or management book, but a specific and concrete guide that reflects the author’s personal style and philosophy.

Amp It Up (2022) uncovers the transformative Leadership principles essential for unlocking unparalleled enterprise growth. By revealing strategies for sidestepping common pitfalls and costly restructures, it emphasizes the power of aligning teams with critical goals, shattering the chains of mediocrity, and fostering a culture of urgency and intensity. It’s an essential playbook for leaders aiming to elevate their organization to unparalleled success without the need for external consultants or drastic overhauls.

Introduction: Supercharge your organization’s energy, ambition, and alignment to attain unparalleled success.

Navigating the corporate world often feels like an intricate maze. But what if the path to excellence wasn’t about reinventing the wheel? What if you could supercharge what already exists instead?

Introducing the notion of “amping it up” – a method to dramatically intensify an organization’s energy, ambition, and alignment. This approach is about setting sky-high standards, ensuring unity of purpose, honing in on pivotal objectives, accelerating pace, and expanding strategic horizons to seize broader market opportunities. By elevating intensity, execution, and ambition, companies can bridge the gap between their current state of mediocrity and the success they desire.

In this Blink, you’ll learn the nuances of these transformative steps and how, when executed right, they can redefine the paradigms of corporate mastery.

The importance of mastering execution over strategy

Imagine you’ve just bought a high-performance sports car. It’s sleek, shiny, and on paper, it promises blistering speeds. But there’s a catch: you never learned to drive stick. No matter how advanced or top-of-the-line your car is, without the skills to execute its potential, it’s just a flashy object in your driveway.

Much like driving that sports car, in business, execution often sits in the shadow of Strategy. For many, strategy is the thrill of the open road – it’s where you picture yourself zooming past competitors. Execution, in contrast, is learning the gears, the feel of the clutch, and timing your changes just right. It’s less glamorous – but still critical. Without mastering it, you’re not going anywhere.

Consider this: companies pour resources into honing sales techniques, but when was the last time you heard about training in execution? Yet, execution, like sales, is a teachable craft, one that’s refined with experience and guidance from seasoned mentors.

While strategy is essential, it must be rooted in the realities of the market, not in lofty dreams. Those rose-tinted glasses? They might prevent you from spotting a new rival in your rearview mirror. Remember, strategy isn’t a fixed roadmap; it’s more like a GPS that recalibrates based on real-time data. Don’t become so attached to one route that you refuse to take a potentially faster turnoff.

Sometimes it’s tricky to pinpoint whether or not the bumps on your business journey are due to a misguided map – your strategy – or because you’re stalling your gear shifts – your execution. If you’re not making those sales, it could also mean that you’re peddling a product that’s just not right for the market you’re targeting.

Here’s your takeaway: forget the pricey consultants. As you finesse your execution, you’ll find that you will become the best strategist for your venture. After all, impeccable execution can propel even an ordinary strategy to success. Conversely, even the most meticulously planned strategy will sputter and stall with lackluster execution.

So, gear up! Make execution your first order of business. Master that, and your strategy will glide smoother than ever on the business highway.

Navigate the seas of business with drivers, culture, and collaboration

Picture this: you’re assembling a crew for an epic ocean voyage. It’d be foolish to randomly grab anyone off the street, wouldn’t it? Instead, you’d search for individuals with the passion and experience to face unpredictable seas. In the corporate world, this selection process is just as crucial.

If you want to set sail on the tumultuous waters of the business ocean, you need “drivers” on board – people who grab the helm, brave the storms, and feel a deep sense of ownership. These are the folks you’ll raise a glass to at every port, to celebrate their achievements. If someone doesn’t fit your team, make swift decisions to find a better recruit. Always keep an eye out for potential crew members, ensuring you’ve got a ready bench for key roles and anticipating needs before they arise.

Your ship, though, isn’t just about the people; it’s about the spirit that binds them together – the company culture. Resist the urge to carve fancy slogans into your ship’s mast – real culture is forged through consistent actions, not a motto. Take Slootman’s tech startup Data Domain: it didn’t just hang up a poster with words. It implemented the RECIPE values framework – anchoring every crew member’s behavior to Respect, Excellence, Customer focus, Integrity, Performance, and Execution. Your ship might need a different recipe, tailored to its mission and the waters it charts. But it’s up to you to put one in place.

While every sailor has a designated duty, imagine a ship where individuals can seamlessly take up another role in times of need. Break the chains that tether employees to their departments. Encourage them to work with their peers and solve problems together. As the captain, you should be the wind that pushes the sails, showing that trusting a fellow sailor isn’t just allowed, but encouraged. A crew that trusts each other will be quick to patch up holes without pointing fingers, ensuring smooth sailing in even the roughest waters.

To wrap up this voyage: meticulously select your crew, instill a robust, action-driven culture, and foster a spirit of collaboration beyond departmental boundaries. With these three anchors – the right people, a resonant culture, and cross-deck engagement – you won’t just sail; you’ll conquer the business seas.

Develop the art of rooted analysis and genuine customer focus

In many ways, running a business is like being a meticulous archaeologist. When unearthing an ancient artifact, hastily brushing away the sand or basing assumptions on past relics can obscure its unique history and purpose. Similarly, in the corporate landscape, addressing issues without delving into their roots can lead to misjudging their true significance.

All too often, businesses dash towards remedies without first identifying the real ailment. The brain loves shortcuts – it’s simpler to relate a current challenge to a past one, even if they’re only vaguely similar. This pattern recognition feels efficient but can lead you down the wrong path.

What’s the remedy here? First principles thinking.

Instead of hopping on the familiarity train, deconstruct the problem. View it as if you’ve landed on a foreign planet and are encountering it for the first time. Eschew those ready-made solutions, familiar narratives, or past parallels. Scrutinize every perspective, and be prepared to admit that your initial interpretation might wind up being wrong. This reflective process saves you the later pain of untangling misguided solutions.

Consider the tricky realm of talent decisions, where biases lurk in the shadows. Slootman’s company Snowflake embraced the idea of peer feedback to avoid these pitfalls. The practice spotlighted suboptimal executive hires, which might’ve otherwise slid under the radar.

Be wary of creating departments that appear customer-centric but only add layers of bureaucracy. At ServiceNow – another of Slootman’s early companies – introducing a separate customer success team seemed like a grand move. But it only diluted responsibility. Instead of one team bridging the gap between the customer and every other function, why not make customer satisfaction everyone’s direct mandate? Let technical support address issues holistically. Allow sales to foster unadulterated customer relationships. Streamline. Empower. Don’t merely slap on a band-aid in the name of “customer focus.”

As you navigate your business journey, think like that meticulous archaeologist. Dig deep to understand problems, refrain from shortcuts, and ensure every department is focused on the real treasure: the customer. By doing so, your organization won’t just react; it’ll thrive with clarity and precision.

Master your pace with startup vigor and scaled success

Have you ever run a relay race? Each runner’s pace is crucial to the team’s success. A slow start can be strategic, ensuring that energy is reserved for the final sprint. But once you reach that critical baton handoff, there’s no room for hesitation. The same rhythm and tempo applies to scaling a business.

Before you rush into hiring an army of salespeople, take a lesson from Data Domain’s playbook. Its methodical approach allowed its product to mature, layer by layer, and it didn’t overburden its sales force prematurely. Snowflake’s scenario is a sharp contrast to this. Despite equal resources, only a few star players performed while others were left in the dust, which hinted at inconsistencies in hiring processes. Meanwhile, ServiceNow’s explosive growth, with no additional sales staff, was a clarion call to supercharge its sales team.

A McKinsey study found that tech companies growing annually at a breakneck pace of over 60 percent yielded returns that were five times higher, and were eight times more likely to reach the coveted $1 billion in revenue. Sounds tempting, right? Yet, the shadow of uncertainty and resource strain keeps many leaders on the sidelines.

As a leader, you can’t afford to be paralyzed. Anchor your aspirations in a robust, data-centric growth model. While ambition is good, remain rooted in reality. Consistently assess and adapt. Outrun competitors by ensuring your product stands out and controls its distribution channel. To maintain your momentum, diversify into adjacent markets, much like ServiceNow ventured beyond IT into HR and other sectors.

How does leadership fit in this whirlwind of growth? It’s a balancing act. As you transition from the gritty startup phase to a larger, more organized entity, hold onto your vigor. Sidestep the snares of bureaucracy. Keep an unwavering focus on what truly matters, discarding anything superfluous. While your leadership methods will need to adapt to your business’s stage, be it embryonic, formative, or fully scaled, it’s crucial to sustain the fierce drive and urgency of your startup days.

So, whether you’re beginning your race or gearing up for that final sprint, remember to gauge your pace, root your growth in data, and let your leadership evolve – all while retaining your initial passion and intensity.

Seize opportunities and dream audaciously

Business is a battlefield. On one side, there’s the established giants, set in their ways, armored in strengths but unaware of their own weak spots. On the other, nimble disruptors, like Data Domain, adept at guerrilla tactics.

You see, Data Domain knew that the best battles are the ones fought on familiar terrain. It didn’t seek new battlefields; it vied for the multi-billion-dollar tape automation market. It knew the incumbents’ armor – the tape backup systems – had cracks, which made IT professionals loath it. Slipping through, Data Domain’s secret weapon – inline deduplication – shattered the 10:1 cost advantage that tapes once proudly held, and claimed victory for the company.

Then there’s the art of choosing one’s battles. The early adopters, always with an eye for the next big thing, were Data Domain’s first allies. By catering to this group, Data Domain built a strong foundational army. It strategized close to its base in Northern California, learning from quick feedback skirmishes before launching a full-blown assault. Its weaponry evolved, with innovations like network replication fortifying its defenses. But in the end it hesitated, lingering too long in familiar territories, and eventually, it was annexed.

Consider ServiceNow, a rising star on this battlefield. It’s characterized by its skyrocketing ascent, the curve that promises infinite possibilities. Where most saw towering fortresses in legacy competitors like HP and BMC, ServiceNow saw crumbling walls. It was the knight in shining armor for those who suffered under the rule of outdated systems. Taking the helm as the new leader, the CEO first restored order in the company’s main army, displacing IT help desks. Then, with a vision broader than the horizon, ServiceNow reimagined itself not just as the rescuer from the help desk chains but as the harbinger of the “enterprise resource planning” system tailored for IT departments.

Snowflake, on the other hand, teaches us the dangers of becoming victims of our own success. No laurels to rest on here. From being a mere “data warehouse in the cloud,” it dreamed bigger, envisioning an expansive Data Cloud realm. It grew, not just in size, but in capability and vision.

Drawing the curtains on this saga, remember this: in the grand theater of business strategy, you must seize opportunities with urgency, ever-expanding your horizons and playing your cards with confidence. Keep your sights on vulnerabilities, both yours and your competitors’, and when you dream, dream big.

Crafting leadership: from canvas to beacon

As a leader, you’re an artist, with your career as your canvas. Every brushstroke, hue, and detail matter. And intentional strokes are always more significant than random splashes.

Start by viewing your career as a masterpiece in the making. Dive into workshops, courses, and hands-on experiences. Keep your portfolio – that resume of yours – ever vibrant, reflecting your best works. Remember, the best art comes from within, from a place of passion. Let your innate talents guide you, not just the lessons you’ve learned. Picture a charismatic leader, one who weaves stories, connects with people, and sparks inspiration. That could be you.

Imagine you’re setting out on a long, treacherous hike. You wouldn’t sprint aimlessly; you’d set a destination. Similarly, while climbing the corporate ladder, fix your eyes on the peak, letting every step, every struggle, be a lesson shaping you for the summit. Aim to be that colleague everyone raves about, the one whose spirit is infectious, whose drive is undeniable.

Transitioning into a CEO role, especially following a founder, is like entering a sacred grove. Respect its history, cherish its legacy, but sprinkle in your touch. Those initial steps might be on eggshells, but patience and results can forge trust. And with the board? It’s a dance. You don’t always need to lead, but when the song requires, step forward with grace and confidence. Drive the narrative, showcase conviction, and remember – your authority isn’t just a badge, it’s earned.

Ultimately, leadership isn’t one-size-fits-all. It’s tailored to your experiences, your challenges, your victories. Like a phoenix, rise from every setback, using the ashes of past failures to fuel your next ascent. Commitment, culture, and unwavering tenacity are the hallmarks of legends. Keep that fire burning, stay amped, and march to the beat of your drum.

To wrap up, envision your leadership journey as a vivid tapestry of lessons, challenges, and victories. Stand tall, lead with purpose, and embrace every facet of your unique brilliance. By understanding yourself and showcasing resilience, you don’t just become a leader; you become a beacon of inspiration. Stay electrified, and amp it up.


Unleashing an organization’s true potential isn’t about reinvention, it’s about supercharging existing strengths. Navigating corporate excellence involves mastering execution over mere strategy, fostering a culture of driven individuals and collaboration, delving deep into rooted analysis, genuine customer focus, and sculpting leadership as a continual journey of growth. With these transformative steps, any company can bridge the gap from mediocrity to unparalleled success, redefining the boundaries of corporate mastery. Embrace the journey and amp it up; unparalleled success awaits.

About the Author

Frank Slootman


Entrepreneurship, Management, Leadership, Corporate Culture


The book is a guide for leaders who want to transform their organizations for maximum growth and scale. The author, Frank Slootman, is the CEO of Snowflake, a data cloud company that achieved the largest software IPO in history in 2020. He has also led two other successful IPOs for Data Domain and ServiceNow. He shares his leadership approach and philosophy, which he calls “Amp It Up”, based on five key steps:

  • Raise Your Standards: be mission-driven, combat incrementalism, and place execution ahead of strategy.
  • Align Your People: empower your team with a shared mission; hire drivers, not passengers, and get the wrong people off the bus.
  • Sharpen Your Focus: put analysis before solutions; prioritize more and multitask less.
  • Pick Up the Pace: speed up timelines, seize the moment to ramp up speed, and deliver.
  • Transform Your Strategy: sharpen your peripheral vision to expand your reach and growth potential.

The book also provides practical advice and examples on how to implement these steps in various aspects of the organization, such as culture, talent, communication, decision-making, innovation, and competition. The author emphasizes the importance of having a mindset of urgency and intensity, as well as high expectations and accountability. He argues that most leaders have significant room to improve their organization’s performance without making expensive changes to their talent, structure, or fundamental business model.

I found the book to be very insightful and inspiring. The author has a wealth of experience and credibility in leading hypergrowth companies, and he shares his wisdom and lessons learned in a clear and concise way. The book is full of actionable tips and frameworks that can be applied to any organization or industry. The author also challenges some common assumptions and myths about leadership and growth, such as the need for consensus, balance, or perfection. He advocates for a more aggressive and decisive approach that focuses on the mission and the results.

The book is not a typical leadership or management book that offers generic or abstract principles. It is a specific and concrete guide that reflects the author’s personal style and philosophy. Some readers may find his tone to be too blunt or harsh, or his methods to be too radical or risky. However, I think that his honesty and authenticity are refreshing and valuable. He does not sugarcoat or dilute his message, but he also does not claim that his way is the only way or the best way. He acknowledges that different situations may require different approaches, and he encourages leaders to adapt and experiment.

Overall, I think that this book is a must-read for anyone who wants to learn how to lead for hypergrowth and scale. It is not a book for the faint-hearted or the complacent. It is a book for those who want to challenge themselves and their organizations to achieve extraordinary results. It is a book that will make you think differently and act differently. It is a book that will amp you up.

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Summary: Amp It Up: Leading for Hypergrowth by Raising Expectations, Increasing Urgency, and Elevating Intensity by Frank Slootman


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