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Summary: One Bold Move a Day: Meaningful Actions Women Can Take to Fulfill Their Leadership and Career Potential by Shanna Hocking

Tags: book career women


While Women have made significant strides in the workplace, they still face unique challenges and more scrutiny than their male counterparts. In this helpful text, leadership consultant Shanna Hocking offers a practical, yet inspiring approach for women looking to gain confidence and achieve ambitious goals: make a Bold Move each day. A Bold Move is any action that propels you toward fulfilling your potential. By making Bold Moves in your mind-set, goal-setting and communication, you can discover your best self and become a leader who inspires others.


  • To make Bold Moves, focus on your strengths and believe in yourself.
  • Concentrate on progress rather than productivity.
  • Network to build your professional connections and find mentors who will help you advance your career.
  • Uplift others, especially other women.
  • Prioritize yourself.
  • Lead regardless of your position in your organization.
  • As you take on leadership roles, prepare to manage your peers and develop a strong relationship with your boss.
  • As a boss, strengthen your communication to support your team.
  • Cultivate strong personal and community relationships.


To make Bold Moves, focus on your strengths and believe in yourself.

Even small actions can lead to big things. A “Bold Move” can encompass whatever you do, intentionally, to push yourself to grow. It might mean anything from saying hello to a person on the street to negotiating a higher salary. Whether your actions look objectively huge or relatively minor to those around you, use Bold Moves to propel your Career forward, cultivate your leadership skills and develop as a person.

“A Bold Move is one that challenges you to grow.”

Whitney Johnson, author of Disrupt Yourself, calls your unique, positive qualities your “superpowers.” Identify your superpowers by considering the compliments you frequently receive, which topics people seek your advice about and what skills come most easily to you. For example, author Shanna Hocking reports that her strengths include connecting with and supporting other ambitious women, helping others prepare for challenging work-related conversations and having a very good memory. It may take you some time to identify your superpowers – especially those that come to you so naturally you hardly notice them.

Let go of negative or limiting beliefs about yourself. Create a mantra to repeat when you feel insecure or rejected. You might try, “I will achieve things I didn’t know were possible.” Don’t let fear of failure hold you back. You may not overcome your fears, but acting while you feel afraid will make you stronger. Instead of focusing on worst-case scenarios, look for opportunities.

“Ask yourself, ‘What’s the best possible outcome that can happen?’.”

Build resilience by focusing your energy on what you can control. For example, since you control your perspective, you can reframe negative moments in order to see them as challenges you can solve or as opportunities to learn. Be kind to yourself when you struggle. Reach out for support from your colleagues, friends, family or medical professionals when you need it.

Concentrate on progress rather than productivity.

When goal-setting, consider the person you want to become, not just what you want to accomplish. Dominican University conducted a study showing that people are 42% more likely to achieve their goals if they write them down, so set aside time each day for a week to try keeping a journal. Ask, what’s most important to you? What do people commonly compliment you about? What type of work culture and projects do you find most fulfilling? What moments make you happiest?

In Start with Why, author Simon Sinek suggests that you should develop a “why” that illuminates what motivates you in both your personal and professional life. Hocking’s why is, “to help others achieve more than they thought possible, so that they can fulfill their potential and find joy.” Write down your why.

As you set goals, consider what you want to learn while working toward each goal, how long the goal might take to accomplish and how achieving this goal will help you on the path to becoming who you want to be. Also evaluate the sacrifices you might have to make, the external support you will have and whether you’re prepared for the challenges you will meet along the way.

Create habits that help you accomplish your goals. In Atomic Habits, James Clear recommends “habit stacking”: using current habits as cues for new ones. For example, to start a new habit, such as doing 10 push-ups a day, connect it to an old habit, like brushing your teeth. Every day after brushing your teeth, do 10 push-ups. Identify an accountability partner and check in with your partner regularly to stay on track.

“By shifting your focus from productivity to progress, you will begin to advance your work in a more meaningful way and honor how far you’ve come.”

Focus on progress rather than productivity. Don’t conflate progress with checking items off of your to-do list. Keep a journal where you record the progress you make each day. Write a letter to yourself to open one year from now outlining how you will make Bold Moves over the next year that will bring you closer to your goals.

Network to build your professional connections and find mentors who will help you advance your career.

If you’re uncomfortable with networking, change your mind-set. Thinking about how you can support others, rather than what they can do for you, may help you feel more at ease. Practice active listening in conversations, and ask questions. Offer to help others, even more senior co-workers. Reach out to individuals you’d like to meet, asking politely for just 20 minutes of their time. In these networking conversations, ask questions tailored to what you’d like to learn, and stay in touch afterward.

“When you have the mind-set to serve others while networking, you shift to building a genuine connection with someone.”

Cultivate your own personal board of advisors to support your career advancement. Consider including advisors from different industries, with varied expertise – both people you look up to and your peers. Set reminders in your calendar to reach out and share updates with your board. In return, check in on them, and celebrate their successes.

Brainstorm a list of potential sponsors who will advocate for you at your current company and build connections with them. Ideally, you won’t need to ask them directly to be your sponsor; once they know your work, they will speak up on your behalf when you’re aiming to take a step forward in your career.

Connect members of your network with one another. When you spot a possible great connection, ask the individual’s permission first, and then put him or her in touch with other relevant people by sending an email that includes a brief introduction to each person. If someone does this for you, make sure to follow up promptly, especially if you’re the one who will benefit most from the connection.

Uplift others, especially other women.

Research studies show that connecting with and uplifting others will bring you joy. Hocking was surprised to find that a chance connection she made with another woman one day while waiting for the train led to a meaningful friendship. Start a conversation with a stranger, or reach out to someone you’ve been meaning to contact.

“Beyond bringing other women up with you, this is about building other women up around you. When another woman chooses to make her Bold Move, celebrate her.”

As you begin to act with Bold Moves, you will inspire and create pathways for the women around you. Cheer on other women as you pursue new and surprising directions and accomplishments. Amplify their voices, and draw attention to their accomplishments. Encourage salary transparency to help fight the wage gap. Join a professional women’s network. Advocate for working moms, even if you don’t have children.

Prioritize yourself.

In order to lead others, you must first invest in yourself. Make the best possible use of your time by organizing tasks into the following categories: “Urgent/Important,” “Not Urgent/Important,” “Urgent/Not Important” and “Not Urgent/Not Important.” Important refers to a task’s value, while Urgent refers to timing and any deadline pressure. Focus your time on tasks that are Urgent/Important or Not Urgent/Important – tasks of high value. Since it’s easy to put off tasks that are important but not urgent, set a firm date for finishing them and schedule time in your calendar to work on specific parts of any larger project.

“The most important investment you can make is in yourself.”

​​​​Prioritize activities that help you grow, bring you joy and improve your quality of life. Take time to learn new things, read more or listen to podcasts; people who prioritize learning progress more quickly in their careers. Take up a creative hobby which will give you energy. Exercise regularly; studies show that even ten minutes of exercise a day will make you happier. Get enough sleep and take vacations. Time away from your job will make you more effective when you return. Take care of yourself financially. Set monetary goals, talk about money with your partner, negotiate your salary and contribute to your retirement savings.

Lead regardless of your position in your organization.

Even if you don’t have a formal leadership position, you can lead by positively influencing others and moving projects forward. Investigate what your colleagues need. Learn about what other people do at your organization and consider how you can offer your expertise to others. Build collaborative relationships with your colleagues where you actively work together toward a common goal. Support them and their accomplishments.

“Leadership isn’t about title or authority. It’s the energy and purpose by which you lead yourself each day and how you serve others.”

Look for opportunities where you can use your superpowers to create value for your organization. Keep your superiors aware of your contributions by talking about what you’re doing outside of formal performance reviews. If you run into senior leaders in an informal situation, tell them about a project you’re working on or recently finished. Send “No Need to Respond” updates to your boss sharing your progress each week.

“It’s your responsibility to make sure your boss and other higher-ups know the value of your contributions.”

Reconsider any negative beliefs you have about office politics. Make proactive connections with important individuals. Consider how you can work simultaneously toward your goals and your organization’s goals. Share your accomplishments, so others know that you’re contributing positively to the organization.

As you take on leadership roles, prepare to manage your peers and develop a strong relationship with your boss.

When your organization promotes you to a leadership role, don’t let fear of failure hold you back. Coach yourself through decisions as you would a friend. Create at least three options to decide among whenever you have to make a difficult choice. Accept that you will, inevitably, make some mistakes, and be aware of how your emotions affect your decision-making.

When Hocking began working in her first leadership position, she struggled to understand how to manage co-workers who had, previously, been her peers and friends. When you shift from peer to boss, meet with each member of your team to acknowledge the transition and discuss how you will work together in your new roles. Remember that your job as a manager is not to fix every issue, but, rather, to help your team members find the answers themselves. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from your boss, a colleague or an executive coach.

“The leader’s role is not to solve problems, but to help their team become better problem-solvers.”

Establish feedback as a team value and openly discuss its importance. When giving critical or “redirecting” feedback, be thoughtful about your timing and emphasize that you care about the team member’s development by asking questions while outlining your expectations. Also provide frequent positive feedback.

To create an effective relationship with your higher-ups, study their expectations, management styles and what matters most to them. Give feedback by asking if they would be open to alternative ideas, while also deferring to their authority. Get to know your immediate boss as a person through casual conversations when you can ask about his or her life outside work.

As a boss, strengthen your communication to support your team.

Promote effective communication with your employees by creating an “About Me” document to share when you are assigned to lead a new team. Include an explanation of how you approach leadership and your leadership values. Offer tips on the best ways to communicate with you. Clearly describe your preferences, like how often you would like project updates. Ask your team members to create their own About Me documents to share with you in return. Work with them to find learning experiences that will further their goals. Actively recognize their accomplishments and wins.

“Your job as a leader is to manage your team members the way they want to be managed – and stretch them to fulfill their potential.”

Improve communication and problem-solving by asking open-ended questions that start with “how,” “what” or “when.” Ask such questions as, “How can we develop a new process together to streamline our work outcomes?” rather than telling someone, “I’ve created a new process to help you streamline your work.” Use a “yes, and” structure in conversations to show that you value the other person’s ideas and aim to build on them. For example, if a coworker suggests a new strategy, you might respond, “Yes, and we can use this strategy to help reach the goal we talked about in our annual planning process.” Admit mistakes and be transparent when you don’t have all the answers. Acknowledging people’s unique backgrounds enables you to provide an environment where they feel safe offering perspectives that differ from yours.

Cultivate strong personal and community relationships.

Social connections are important for your health, goals and success. Make a list of the people in your support networks and their superpowers. Connect to new people through the communities around you. Joining a women-specific community can be especially valuable.

“Nurturing relationships with people within your community is a Bold Move.”

Pay attention to your personal relationships – with your family, your friends, and your spouse or partner. Consistently maintain important friendships, even if you can’t see your friends often. Establish clear communication with your partner about your expectations and goals and meet regularly to coordinate your calendars. Being part of a dual-career couple can be challenging; proactively communicate with one another about household responsibilities and designate time just for the two of you.

About the Author

Shanna Hocking is a leadership consultant with 20 years of experience leading large fundraising teams at major organizations. She is host of the podcast One Bold Move a Day.

Review 1

“One Bold Move a Day” by Shanna Hocking is a motivational and practical guidebook designed to empower women in their leadership and career journeys. The Book offers daily actionable advice and strategies that women can implement to unlock their full potential and achieve their professional goals.

The author begins by addressing common challenges faced by women in the workplace and explores various factors that can hinder their career growth. Hocking emphasizes the importance of taking bold and intentional actions to overcome these obstacles and create meaningful change in one’s professional life.

The book is structured as a year-long guide, with each day featuring a specific action or exercise for readers to undertake. Hocking covers a wide range of topics, including self-reflection, goal setting, personal branding, networking, negotiation skills, building confidence, and navigating career transitions.

Through her daily prompts, Hocking encourages readers to step out of their comfort zones, challenge themselves, and take proactive steps towards their career aspirations. The actions and exercises are designed to be manageable and easily integrated into a busy schedule, allowing readers to make consistent progress over time.

“One Bold Move a Day” also emphasizes the importance of community and support networks. Hocking encourages readers to seek out mentors, sponsors, and like-minded peers who can provide guidance and accountability throughout their journey. She provides advice on how to cultivate these relationships and leverage them for career advancement.

The book incorporates real-life examples, success stories, and inspiring quotes to motivate and inspire readers. Hocking also draws from her personal experiences and lessons learned, adding authenticity and relatability to the book.

Overall, “One Bold Move a Day” offers a comprehensive and actionable guide for women seeking to fulfill their leadership and career potential. It provides a roadmap for personal and professional growth, encouraging readers to take daily steps towards their goals and empowering them to overcome barriers and achieve success.


“One Bold Move a Day” is an empowering and practical guidebook that offers women valuable insights and strategies for advancing their careers. Shanna Hocking provides a well-structured and motivational resource that encourages readers to take meaningful actions towards their professional goals.

The book’s daily format is a unique and effective approach, allowing readers to focus on one actionable step at a time. This structure ensures that the advice and strategies are digestible and easily implementable, even for women with busy schedules. The daily prompts provide a sense of direction and momentum, helping readers develop consistent habits and make progress over time.

Hocking’s emphasis on self-reflection and goal-setting is particularly valuable. By encouraging readers to reflect on their strengths, values, and aspirations, the book helps women gain clarity about their career path and make informed decisions. The exercises and actions presented throughout the book offer practical tools for setting and achieving meaningful goals.

The emphasis on community and support networks is another strength of “One Bold Move a Day.” Hocking recognizes the importance of fostering relationships and seeking guidance from mentors and peers. This aspect of the book encourages readers to build a strong support system that can provide valuable insights, accountability, and opportunities for growth.

While the book covers a wide range of topics, some readers may find that certain areas resonate more with their specific needs or circumstances. However, the overall framework and guidance provided by Hocking offer a comprehensive roadmap for women seeking to fulfill their leadership and career potential.

In conclusion, “One Bold Move a Day” is a recommended read for women who want to advance their careers and unlock their leadership potential. Shanna Hocking’s insights, practical strategies, and daily prompts make this book a valuable resource for women looking to take meaningful actions and create positive change in their professional lives.

Review 2

One Bold Move a Day: Meaningful Actions Women Can Take to Fulfill Their Leadership and Career Potential is a book by Shanna Hocking, a leadership coach and speaker who helps women achieve their career goals. The book is based on her own experience of overcoming self-doubt, fear, and impostor syndrome, as well as the stories and insights of other successful women leaders. The book offers practical advice and exercises to help women identify their strengths, build their confidence, and take action to advance their careers. The book is divided into four sections: Bold Moves for Yourself, Bold Moves for Your Relationships, Bold Moves for Your Work, and Bold Moves for Your Future. Each section contains chapters that focus on a specific aspect of personal or professional development, such as setting boundaries, asking for feedback, negotiating, networking, mentoring, and more. The book also includes a self-assessment tool to help readers discover their bold move style and a 30-day challenge to help them implement the strategies in the book.

The book is a valuable resource for women who want to grow as leaders and achieve their full potential in their careers. The book is written in a clear, engaging, and empowering style that encourages readers to take action and make positive changes in their lives. The book is full of examples, anecdotes, and quotes from women who have faced similar challenges and overcome them with courage and determination. The book also provides research-based evidence and best practices to support the recommendations and tips in the book. The book is not only informative but also inspirational and motivational. It challenges readers to step out of their comfort zones, embrace their uniqueness, and pursue their passions. The book is a must-read for women who want to make a difference in their organizations and communities.

Review 3

“One Bold Move a Day” by Shanna Hocking is a practical and empowering guide tailored to women who aspire to maximize their leadership and career potential. Hocking, a seasoned leadership development expert, offers a daily action-oriented approach to help women build confidence, overcome obstacles, and advance in their professional journeys.

The book is structured as a year-long guide, with each day featuring a distinct action or reflection designed to foster personal and professional growth. Shanna Hocking covers a wide range of topics, including self-awareness, leadership skills, communication, negotiation, and networking.

Throughout the book, readers are encouraged to challenge themselves, step out of their comfort zones, and take intentional steps toward their career goals. The daily format ensures that the book can be integrated easily into a busy schedule, providing manageable yet impactful actions to pursue.

Hocking also incorporates anecdotes, insights, and wisdom from successful women in various fields, adding depth and authenticity to her advice. These real-life examples serve as sources of inspiration and illustrate the principles discussed.

“One Bold Move a Day” is a remarkable resource for women seeking to excel in their careers and leadership roles. Shanna Hocking’s approach is not only practical but also inspirational, offering a year-long journey of self-discovery and growth.

The book’s daily action format is a standout feature, as it allows readers to make consistent progress in their professional development. Hocking’s guidance is actionable and addresses a wide range of skills and attributes that are crucial for success in today’s competitive workplace.

The inclusion of personal stories and insights from accomplished women adds depth and relatability to the book. These anecdotes demonstrate that the principles and actions advocated by Hocking are not just theoretical but have been proven effective by real-life leaders.

While the book’s format is highly effective for consistent growth, some readers may find the daily actions challenging to maintain in their already busy lives. However, the flexibility of the format allows readers to adapt it to their needs.

In conclusion, “One Bold Move a Day” is a valuable and empowering resource for women in pursuit of their leadership and career aspirations. Shanna Hocking’s actionable approach, combined with real-world examples and wisdom, makes this book a must-read for any woman looking to take meaningful steps toward fulfilling her professional potential. Whether you read it day by day or as a reference guide, the insights and actions in this book have the potential to drive significant personal and career growth.

Review 4

“One Bold Move a Day” by Shanna Hocking is a practical and empowering guidebook designed to help women unlock their leadership and career potential. The book offers a collection of daily actions and strategies that women can implement to make progress in their professional lives. Hocking emphasizes the importance of taking bold steps, embracing challenges, and cultivating a growth mindset to overcome obstacles and achieve success.

The book is divided into 365 daily prompts, each focusing on a specific action or mindset shift. Hocking covers a wide range of topics, including self-awareness, goal setting, networking, personal branding, negotiation, and resilience. She provides actionable advice and exercises to help readers develop essential skills and habits necessary for career advancement.

Hocking encourages readers to step out of their comfort zones and take risks, emphasizing that small, consistent actions can lead to significant long-term results. She shares inspiring stories of successful women who have implemented bold moves in their careers, offering valuable insights and motivation.

“One Bold Move a Day” is a highly practical and accessible book that offers valuable guidance for women seeking to enhance their leadership and career prospects. Shanna Hocking’s writing style is engaging and relatable, making it easy for readers to connect with the content and apply the suggested actions to their own lives.

One of the book’s strengths is its daily format, which allows readers to focus on one action at a time, making it manageable and less overwhelming. The prompts are well-structured and provide clear instructions, making it easy for readers to implement the suggested strategies.

Hocking’s emphasis on mindset and personal growth is particularly noteworthy. She encourages readers to develop self-awareness, challenge limiting beliefs, and embrace failure as an opportunity for learning and growth. This mindset shift is crucial for women looking to overcome barriers and achieve their full potential.

The inclusion of real-life success stories adds depth and inspiration to the book. These stories showcase the power of taking bold actions and serve as a reminder that success is attainable with determination and perseverance.

While the book primarily targets women, the advice and strategies presented can be beneficial for individuals of any gender seeking professional growth. However, it is worth noting that some readers may find the daily format repetitive or prefer a more comprehensive approach.

Overall, “One Bold Move a Day” is a valuable resource for women looking to advance their careers and develop their leadership skills. Shanna Hocking’s practical advice, combined with inspiring stories, makes this book a worthwhile read for anyone seeking to make meaningful progress in their professional lives.

Review 5

Here is my summary and review of the book One Bold Move a Day: Meaningful Actions Women Can Take to Fulfill Their Leadership and Career Potential by Shanna Hocking:


The book is a guide for women who want to learn how to advance their leadership and career potential by making one bold move a day. The author, Shanna Hocking, is a leadership coach and consultant who has worked with various organizations, such as the Wharton School, the United Nations Foundation, and the Girl Scouts, to help them develop and empower their female leaders. She shares her insights, tips, and techniques for creating a bold mindset and habits that can help women achieve their goals and dreams.

The book is divided into four parts: The Mindset, The Strategy, The Execution, and The Future. In each part, the author covers different aspects of making one bold move a day, such as:

  • How to overcome the fear and self-doubt that hold women back from taking risks and pursuing opportunities
  • How to design a strategy that aligns with your strengths, passions, and aspirations
  • How to execute your strategy by taking action on the four key areas of career development: visibility, relationships, skills, and impact
  • How to integrate your strategy with your personal and professional values and purpose
  • How to anticipate and adapt to the future trends and challenges of leadership and career development, such as diversity, equity, inclusion, and social responsibility

The book also includes practical exercises, checklists, templates, and examples that help readers apply the concepts and skills to their own situations. The book aims to help readers develop a bold mindset that is not based on fear or perfectionism but on courage and growth.


The book is a comprehensive and useful resource for women who want to advance their leadership and career potential by making one bold move a day. The author writes in a clear and engaging style, with plenty of examples and anecdotes that illustrate her points. She also draws on her own personal and professional experiences, as well as on scientific research , to provide credible and relevant information. The book is not only informative but also inspiring and actionable. It challenges readers to take action and responsibility for their own leadership and career success.

The book covers a wide range of topics and scenarios that are realistic and applicable to most women. It provides useful tips and techniques that are easy to follow and implement. It also balances the strategic aspects of making one bold move a day with the tactical aspects, emphasizing the importance of having a clear vision and plan as well as executing it effectively. The book does not promote a one-size-fits-all solution but a flexible approach that can be customized according to the needs and preferences of each reader.

The book is suitable for both beginners and experts in leadership and career development. It offers a solid foundation for those who are new to the topic as well as a refresher and an update for those who are more experienced. It also encourages readers to learn from each other . The book is not a static guide but a dynamic resource that can help readers keep up with the changing world of leadership and career development.

Overall, I highly recommend this book to women who want to advance their leadership and career potential by making one bold move a day. It is a practical and comprehensive guide that can help readers create a powerful and lasting impact with their bold mindset and habits.

Review 6

I have read the book [One Bold Move a Day: Meaningful Actions Women Can Take to Fulfill Their Leadership and Career Potential] by [Shanna Hocking] and here is my summary and review of the book:


The book [One Bold Move a Day: Meaningful Actions Women Can Take to Fulfill Their Leadership and Career Potential] by [Shanna Hocking] is a guide for professionals who want to understand how to navigate the world of work and achieve their career goals. The author, a career and leadership development expert and entrepreneur, draws on her experience and expertise in helping people and organizations grow and succeed. The book teaches the readers how to:

  • Take stock of their experiences and skills and align them with their values and vision
  • Set long-term and short-term career goals and create action plans to achieve them
  • Build a strong personal brand that showcases their strengths and differentiates them from others
  • Communicate effectively and transparently with their managers, colleagues, mentors, and network
  • Seek and use feedback to improve their performance and advance their career
  • Manage their time, energy, and attention to prioritize their tasks and projects
  • Identify and pursue opportunities that will help them grow and learn new skills
  • Navigate the challenges and changes that are inevitable in any career, such as stress, burnout, conflict, and transition
  • Celebrate their successes and learn from their failures

The book also provides practical tips, examples, exercises, and checklists to help the readers apply the concepts and skills in their own context. The book features contributions from various experts, leaders, and celebrities who share their insights and experiences on how they became remarkable in their careers. The book also includes case studies and examples from various organizations that have successfully implemented or adapted some of the author’s proven insights to accelerate their careers.


The book [One Bold Move a Day: Meaningful Actions Women Can Take to Fulfill Their Leadership and Career Potential] by [Shanna Hocking] is a comprehensive and insightful resource for professionals who want to understand how to navigate the world of work and achieve their career goals. The author’s credentials and expertise are evident throughout the book, as she shares her insights and anecdotes from her extensive career in various fields. The book is well-written, engaging, and easy to follow, with clear explanations and illustrations. The book covers a wide range of topics that are relevant and useful for professionals who want to create value and impact through their career. The book also offers a balanced perspective on career development, avoiding the extremes of overconfidence and underconfidence. The book encourages the readers to adopt a strategic and pragmatic approach to career development that will help them achieve their goals.

The book is not only informative but also inspiring, as it shows the readers how they can become remarkable in their careers. The book teaches the readers how to take stock of their experiences skills align them with their values vision set long-term short-term career goals create action plans achieve them build strong personal brand showcases their strengths differentiates them from others communicate effectively transparently with their managers colleagues mentors network seek use feedback improve their performance advance their career manage their time energy attention prioritize their tasks projects identify pursue opportunities that will help them grow learn new skills navigate challenges changes that are inevitable any career celebrate successes learn from failures. The book also challenges the readers to test their knowledge skills through exercises scenarios that simulate real-world situations. The book is not only a guide for transitioning into a career they love but also a manifesto for becoming a remarkable professional.

Overall I think this book is a valuable addition to anyone’s library who wants to understand how to navigate the world of work and achieve their career goals. The book is not only informative but also inspiring as it shows readers how they can become remarkable in their careers. I would recommend this book anyone who wants understand how navigate world work achieve their career goals.

This post first appeared on Paminy - Information Resource For Marketing, Lifestyle, And Book Review, please read the originial post: here

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Summary: One Bold Move a Day: Meaningful Actions Women Can Take to Fulfill Their Leadership and Career Potential by Shanna Hocking


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