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Summary: The Success Factor: Developing the Mindset and Skillset for Peak Business Performance by Ruth Gotian


Quit telling yourself you’ll accomplish your goals someday, and start learning the skills you need to become a high achiever today. In her practical guide for aspiring highfliers that is brimming with real-life anecdotes and examples, executive coach Ruth Gotian distills her valuable insights into the mind-set and behavioral patterns of high Achievers. When you adopt the attitude of a high achiever, says Gotian, you nurture and sustain a greater sense of freedom, happiness and creativity.


  • Mind-set is the factor that differentiates high achievers from everyone else.
  • Organizations benefit from attracting and retaining teams of high achievers.
  • To become a high achiever, connect with your intrinsic motivation to find your flow.
  • Persevere during hard times, and develop a resilient mentality.
  • Perfect the basics before becoming an expert.
  • Commit to continuous learning and growth, and identify areas for development.
  • Discover the work you love by conducting a “passion audit.”
  • Seek out mentors to create your individual board of directors.
  • Connect with a community that supports your learning and presents opportunities.


Mind-set is the factor that differentiates high achievers from everyone else.

Are you a dreamer who talks about what you wish you could do but never progress toward accomplishing your goals? Stop merely dreaming of success; commit to achieving your goals by adopting the mind-set of high achievers. High achievers identify the areas that best suit their natural talent or the niche subject on which they are known authorities, and they invest time and energy into continuously improving their skills and knowledge. Those who perform at the highest level share four characteristics: They are intrinsically motivated to excel; they have a strong work ethic and persevere even in the face of failure and rejection; they master the basics of their subject areas and never get complacent; and they embark on a path of lifelong learning. Moreover, high achievers relish being mentors to others.

When you rise to the top of your field by outworking and outperforming others, you gain control over the projects you focus on and the way in which you structure your time and career. Thus, as you transform into a high achiever, you become the master of your own destiny: You have more freedom and control over your life. When you enjoy the autonomy to be creative and direct your own career path, you tend to be more content at work.

“[High achievers] live for the challenge of finding a solution that has eluded everyone else. The more complex the problem, the more excited they get. The chase becomes almost as exciting as the win.”

You won’t excel if you can’t muster the confidence and courage to try something new. This requires self-efficacy, the individual belief in your capability to accomplish something you’ve never done before. High achievers don’t hang about waiting for someone else to solve a problem; they are driven to find solutions themselves. Yet while high achievers believe in their talent, they also practice humility. They don’t tether their sense of identity to their accomplishments. High achievers fear failing to try new things more than they fear failure.

Research shows that when individuals experience failure early on in their careers, they are more likely to be more successful than individuals who enjoyed early career successes. Glean valuable insights from failures to help you achieve your goals. Stop wondering whether you have the ability to achieve something new. Instead, ask how you’ll inevitably do so, acknowledging obstacles as part of your learning process.

Use the GROW model to tap into your potential and become a high achiever:

  • Goals – Identify your short-term and long-term goals, reflecting on where you hope to be in the next year, three years and five years.
  • Reality – Recognize your current situation and the context within which you operate.
  • Options/Obstacles – Note the options you could leverage and any challenges you must overcome to actualize your goals.
  • Will – Decide on your course of action and the steps you’ll take to achieve your objectives.

Organizations benefit from attracting and retaining teams of high achievers.

High achievers’ productivity levels are up to 400% higher than average employees. High achievers aren’t afraid to disrupt the status quo and push boundaries while driving innovation and change. When organizations give high achievers the freedom they need to be creative, high achievers experience increased job contentment and exhibit loyalty. They bring tremendous value to their companies.

“Every organization should be tripping over themselves to recruit these high achievers, and doing whatever is necessary to retain them.”

Two-thirds of executive leaders struggle to engage their employees, despite understanding the importance of engagement. To build a team of high achievers, offer them autonomy, formally recognize the value they add to your organization and give them visibility for their achievements, create opportunities for their further learning and development, and establish clear pathways for their career advancement. High achievers are desirable team members because they revel in searching for novel approaches to problems and performing tasks more efficiently and effectively.

To become a high achiever, connect with your intrinsic motivation to find your flow.

Reflect on whether you have intrinsic or extrinsic motivation. High achievers are intrinsically motivated. They perform to satisfy an inner desire, because they’re passionate about a subject that aligns with their values or piques their interest. By contrast, extrinsically motivated people perform in hopes of obtaining an external reward, such as financial gain or praise.

Feed your intrinsic motivation by spending time around people who are more intelligent than you. You shouldn’t be the smartest person in every room. Find work that aligns with your core values. Surround yourself with an inspiring community. Seek role models and people who view your uniqueness as positive, not threatening.

“When you are intrinsically motivated, you work tirelessly toward your goal. You get into a natural rhythm and just cannot stop. There is no beginning and no end. Everything blurs as you are laser-focused on your goal.”

When intrinsic motivation drives your work, you have more energy and ambition, as you enter a state of “flow.” Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi coined this term in 1975 to describe the phenomenon of full immersion in one’s work. When in a flow state, you may lose track of time as you focus on the task at hand, and easily tune out distractions. Achieve flow by choosing tasks that challenge you and that offer just enough complexity. Your work should be neither overly simple nor frustratingly difficult.

Persevere during hard times, and develop a resilient mentality.

The most successful people have an unbending ability to keep working toward their goals, even in the face of adversity. Perseverance can come from loving your work. You feel driven to pursue your area of interest for its own sake, in hopes of achieving mastery.

“Perseverance infused with motivation is a combustible combination in the most positive of ways. It makes you almost limitless in your pursuits.”

Persevere when you face external rejection by reframing a rejection as a “not yet.” Search for ways to pursue a different outcome rather than giving up. Maintain a flexible mind-set, approaching problems from different angles until you achieve the results you desire. High achievers don’t accept the status quo. They remain curious and ask questions about how a situation could be different.

Perfect the basics before becoming an expert.

Even legendary NBA basketball player Kobe Bryant practiced drills every morning. To excel, you must first create a strong foundation to ensure your success by constantly reinforcing the core skills and capabilities you need to perform your best. This may involve methodical preparation. For example, when attorney Neal Katyal goes before the US Supreme Court, he brings a binder in which he’s written an answer to every imaginable question he might receive from the justices.

“High achievers are always focused on their next goal. To make sure they are in top form and a contender to reach their next milestone, they constantly and repeatedly reinforce their foundational skills. If your base is not rock solid, the empire you build may crumble.”

Know your weaknesses, and pay extra attention to these areas when you practice. For example, a singer might focus on practicing particularly tricky vowel sounds or notes. Moreover, to excel, high achievers must develop the necessary skills to collaborate effectively. NASA understands the value of developing collaboration skills as it trains astronauts in teamwork, leadership, followership and team care. Teams must collaborate effectively and trust one another, which gives them added strength to solve issues when they arise.

Commit to continuous learning and growth, and identify areas for development.

High achievers admit when they don’t know something, because they fear a lack of knowledge more than an admission of ignorance. Map your learning development path, identify your areas of desired growth, and fill your knowledge gaps. Listen to TED Talks, read articles and books, or have conversations with interesting people from diverse perspectives and backgrounds.

“High achievers crave new knowledge, a new perspective, a new way of looking at a problem or finding a solution. Their quest for new information is an unquenched thirst, as they always look for additional opportunities to learn.”

Treat every conversation as a potential learning experience. Welcome feedback rather than viewing it as criticism. Learn from your everyday life by talking less and observing human interaction and social dynamics more. Embrace a growth mind-set and an attitude of continuous learning by searching for opportunities to learn and absorb new information.

Discover the work you love by conducting a “passion audit.”

Figure out what type of work inspires your passion by carrying out a passion audit. Make three columns on a piece of paper, listing tasks you’re good at, tasks you either don’t enjoy or lack skills for, and tasks you love so much that you would happily do them for free. Pay close attention to the factors that contribute to how much you enjoy tasks or how well you perform them. Ask people close to you to give you feedback on your list to help you gain a more objective sense of your gifts. Create statements that describe the activities you find fulfilling and engaging – for example, “I really enjoy working with people whom I know well and get excited about bringing ideas to fruition.”

“You know you are passionate about what you do when you are so motivated that you would do it for free if you could. Time stands still, and you are in a state of flow.”

Use your passion audit to identify your next career goal. This doesn’t have to be your ultimate goal, simply your next one. Perhaps, for example, you hope to make partner or become an associate professor. Manage your time and energy. Notice the time of day during which you achieve peak performance, and arrange your schedule to accommodate your natural work rhythm. Accept new responsibilities only if they align with your goals, embracing the mantra, “If it does not align, you must resign.”

Look for ways to bring more passion to your current job role, and spend 20% of your time doing the work you love so much that you’d do it for free. Perhaps you could join or create a committee to help you do more of the work you love. Use your audit to create more of the conditions in which you thrive. For example, perhaps you realize you need to work with less background noise. Remember that passions aren’t static; they evolve as you evolve. So repeat your audit as frequently as necessary.

Seek out mentors to create your individual “board of directors.”

High achievers solicit support from mentors and give back to their communities by mentoring others. High achievers take pride in helping others reach their full potential; they don’t view mentees’ success as a threat but as “a badge of honor.” Find dedicated mentors – you need several to create a supportive network – who can help you advance, while offering you the support you need to recognize your own professional worth. Mentors are well-positioned to provide valuable connections, as high achievers often feel isolated on their path toward peak performance. Mentors can help you access different perspectives and provide introductions to new networks.

“Mentors are looking for diamonds in the rough, those who have the raw talent and desire and want to learn more and take charge of their career.”

Seek mentors on three levels: people more senior than you, people more junior than you, and your peers. Your mentors could include senior leaders, retirees and people you meet at conferences. Consider reaching out to people you admire but haven’t met, such as authors, or approach professors or people from your personal life whom you respect.

Avoid mentors who have little time for you, take credit for your ideas, demand to see your work but give feedback too slowly, forget to follow up, will not vouch for you in public, or push you to be just like them. Don’t expect one mentor to meet all your needs. You’re building a personal board of directors – that is, a collection of people who can help you with various aspects of your career development.

Connect with a community that supports your learning and presents opportunities.

Connect with others from whom you can learn valuable insight, by, for example, engaging in hallway conversations and attending workshops. Don’t merely attend conferences: Engage people after their talks by making statements or asking questions that trigger more in-depth conversations; for example, “I related to what you said about…” Conversations are informal learning experiences, providing you with opportunities to exchange knowledge and feed your curiosity.

“Despite getting all of their awards and accolades, extreme high achievers continue to consume new knowledge.”

Given that organizations fill 80% of roles via professional and personal connections, expanding your community network increases your opportunities. Create a supportive community of friends who mentor one another, becoming “friendtors.” Look for “communities of practice” – professional associations of people who share professional commonalities. Form one yourself if none exists locally. You might, for example, form a group of young professionals who are new to your city. Being a high achiever doesn’t happen in a vacuum: It requires immersing yourself in a supportive, enriching community, where members inspire one another and help one another rise up.

About the Author

Ruth Gotian, the chief learning officer of anesthesiology at Weill Cornell Medicine, has ​​​​mentored and coached top executives at successful global companies for more than 40 years.

Review 1

The Success Factor: Developing the Mindset and Skillset for Peak Business Performance is a book by Ruth Gotian, an expert in leadership development and executive coaching. The book aims to help readers achieve their full potential by learning from the best performers in various fields, such as business, sports, medicine, and education. The book is divided into four parts: Part I introduces the concept of the success factor and the four elements that make up the success equation: passion, purpose, process, and perseverance. Part II explores how to find and cultivate one’s passion and purpose, as well as how to align them with one’s values and goals. Part III covers the process of achieving excellence, including how to develop a growth mindset, how to learn from feedback and failure, how to optimize one’s performance, and how to collaborate with others. Part IV discusses the importance of perseverance and resilience, as well as how to overcome challenges, setbacks, and burnout.

The book is based on extensive research and interviews with hundreds of high achievers from different domains. The author shares their stories, insights, and advice in an engaging and accessible way. The book also provides practical tools and exercises to help readers apply the lessons learned to their own lives and careers. The book is suitable for anyone who wants to improve their performance, productivity, and happiness in any endeavor.

The book is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn from the best and achieve their own version of success. The author draws on her own experience as a coach and mentor, as well as her academic background in organizational psychology and education. The book is well-written, well-structured, and well-supported by evidence and examples. The book is not only informative, but also inspiring and motivating. The book challenges readers to reflect on their own strengths, passions, and goals, and to take action to pursue them. The book is a must-read for anyone who wants to develop the mindset and skillset for peak business performance.

Review 2

I have read the book [The Success Factor: Developing the Mindset and Skillset for Peak Business Performance] by [Ruth Gotian] and I will provide you with a summary and review of the book.


The book is a guide for anyone who wants to achieve high performance and success in their personal and professional lives. The author, Ruth Gotian, is an expert on optimizing human potential and a former chief learning officer at Weill Cornell Medicine. She has interviewed and researched hundreds of high achievers, including astronauts, Nobel laureates, Olympic champions, CEOs, and leaders in various fields. She has identified four common attributes that they all share: intrinsic motivation, perseverance, strong foundation, and constant learning.

Intrinsic motivation is the drive to pursue something that you are passionate about, regardless of external rewards or pressures. Perseverance is the ability to overcome challenges and setbacks and persist in your goals. Strong foundation is the knowledge and skills that you acquire through formal education and training. Constant learning is the curiosity and eagerness to learn new things through informal means, such as reading, podcasts, webinars, mentors, and peers.

The book explains how to develop these four attributes and apply them to your own life. It provides practical tools and exercises, such as a Passion Audit, a Mentoring Team worksheet, and a Goal Audit worksheet. It also offers scripts and tips for finding and approaching mentors, building a community of practice, managing your time and energy, and creating a learning plan. The book features exclusive interviews with high achievers who share their insights and stories on how they achieved their success.


The book is an inspiring and informative read that can help anyone who wants to improve their performance and reach their potential. The author writes in a clear and engaging style that draws from her extensive experience and research. She provides evidence-based advice and examples that are relevant and applicable to various domains and contexts. She also challenges some common myths and misconceptions about success, such as the role of talent, luck, or intelligence.

The book is well-organized and structured into four parts that correspond to the four attributes of high achievers. Each part contains chapters that explain the concept, provide tools and exercises, and showcase interviews with high achievers. The book also includes online resources that complement the content of the book. The book is not only informative but also motivational, as it encourages the reader to discover their passion, pursue their goals, overcome obstacles, and learn from others.

The book is suitable for anyone who wants to learn from the best practices of high achievers and apply them to their own lives. It can help you develop a mindset and skillset that can enable you to achieve peak performance in any endeavor. The book is also a valuable resource for educators, coaches, mentors, leaders, and managers who want to support others in their learning and development.

The Success Factor: Developing the Mindset and Skillset for Peak Business Performance by Ruth Gotian is a book that can help you unlock your potential and achieve your success. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to learn from the experts and optimize their performance.

This post first appeared on Paminy - Information Resource For Marketing, Lifestyle, And Book Review, please read the originial post: here

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Summary: The Success Factor: Developing the Mindset and Skillset for Peak Business Performance by Ruth Gotian


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