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Summary: Invent and Wander: The Collected Writings of Jeff Bezos by Jeff Bezos

Invent and Wander (2020) is a collection of writings and insights by Amazon’s founder that encapsulates his professional journey and vision for progress and innovation. Through Jeff Bezos’s annual shareholder letters, speeches, and interviews, the Book explores his philosophy of continuous innovation and an obsession with customer satisfaction, and provides a roadmap for anyone interested in navigating the rapidly changing world of technology and business.

Introduction: Dive into the inner workings of Jeff Bezos’ mind

Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes of one of the world’s most successful businesses? Or maybe you’ve wondered about the strategies and principles that propel a global giant like Amazon?

Well, in this condensed Blink, you’re going to get an intimate look into Jeff Bezos’ personal journey and the driving forces behind Amazon’s astronomical success. You won’t just uncover the secrets of Amazon’s growth – you’ll also delve into the broader mechanics of the business world. With these insights, you’ll be better prepared to comprehend the complexities of large-scale business operations on your own.

Amazon’s unshakeable philosophy

In July 2020, Jeff Bezos testified before the US Subcommittee on Antitrust, Commercial, and Administrative Law. In his testimony, he unfurled his personal journey and the driving principles behind Amazon’s success. The essence of his speech provides us with fascinating insights into the mind of a pioneering business leader.

Bezos recounts tales from his early life, from the grit of a young mother who pushed through adversity to pursue her education, to a father who, as a Cuban emigrant, embodied determination. These were the stories that instilled in him the importance of resilience, setting the stage for the formation of one of the world’s most influential companies.

Amazon’s success story starts with its unshakeable Day One mentality. Bezos believes that every day should be treated with the energy and innovation of a company’s first day, never letting complacency set in and always striving for better customer service and experience. This ethos fuels an unending quest for constant improvement and innovation, with the customer at the very heart. The ability to earn and maintain customer trust is the secret sauce, achieved through principled decisions and delivering on promises consistently. It’s this relentless customer obsession that has propelled Amazon into the stratosphere of the retail industry.

However, Amazon isn’t a solo act. Bezos also spotlights the pivotal role third-party sellers play in the grand Amazonian scheme. He acknowledges their invaluable contribution to Amazon’s growth and their role in sparking opportunities for countless small and medium-sized businesses across the globe.

Bezos’s testimony offers us actionable insights to inform our own pursuits. Firstly, adopting a customer-centric approach is essential for any successful enterprise. Continually improving and innovating with the customer’s needs in mind fosters trust and loyalty. Secondly, partnering with and acknowledging the role of others in your success story can lead to significant growth opportunities. These are the golden threads that Bezos has woven into Amazon’s story, and they hold invaluable lessons for anyone aspiring to large-scale business operations.

Unraveling the secret threads of Amazon’s success

Bezos’ masterplan for Amazon revolves around what he calls dreamy business offerings. These offerings have four distinctive traits: deep customer affection, immense scaling potential, fruitful capital returns, and steadfast durability. Let’s explore four such offerings in Amazon’s arsenal: Marketplace, Prime, and Amazon Web Services, or AWS.

Let’s journey back to 2000, when Amazon was pioneering new business ideas with Marketplace. It was a journey that began with uncertainty, and initially grappled with less-than-stellar performances from Amazon Auctions and zShops. But with the introduction of Marketplace, Amazon struck gold. This was an innovative platform that allowed third-party sellers to compete toe-to-toe with Amazon’s products, rewriting the rules of the e-commerce game. Now, this humming online marketplace boasts over 40 percent of sales from an extensive network of two million third-party sellers worldwide. And there’s a lesson here for all business owners out there – don’t shy away from experimenting, or even embracing initial failures. They can lead to transformative ideas, much like the Marketplace was for Amazon.

Next up, let’s take a look at Amazon Prime. A decade ago, Prime was a risky bet. Bezos, however, had faith in the power of convenience, believing that customers would be attracted to fast, free shipping. And, as you probably know, it definitely paid off. Today, Prime is much more than a shipping service, morphing into a digital entertainment hub with offerings such as Prime Instant Video and original content. The evolution of Prime exemplifies another insight you can apply to your business: always keep an eye on the bigger picture. An offering may start with one unique value proposition, but be ready to evolve and expand to continually surprise and delight your customers.

Lastly, we consider Amazon Web Services, or AWS. A game-changer when it was launched, it offered on-demand, pay-as-you-go cloud storage and compute resources. A radical departure from traditional IT, it quickly became a darling among startups, and even attracted larger enterprises. Today, AWS remains dedicated to constant innovation. The success of AWS underscores the importance of staying ahead of the curve and offering solutions that redefine industry norms.

Looking ahead, Bezos is brimming with positivity about the intertwined growth of Marketplace and Prime, each amplifying the other. With its pioneering position, AWS is also poised for a future marked by ever-increasing success. These success stories shed light on the core pillars of Bezos’s philosophy: a relentless drive for invention, commitment to operational excellence, and an unwavering focus on the long haul. These guiding principles, when woven into your own business, can lead you to your own version of dreamy business offerings, and ensure not just survival but a flourishing enterprise in an ever-evolving market landscape.


Amazon’s tremendous success is rooted in Jeff Bezos’ personal journey, his unshakeable Day One mentality, and a steadfast focus on the customer. Emphasizing the significant role of third-party sellers, adopting a progressive approach to environmental challenges, and constantly innovating their service offerings like Marketplace, Prime, and AWS have all been instrumental to Amazon’s story. These insights underline the power of customer-centricity, partnership, and continual innovation in driving enduring business success.

Review 1

Jeff Bezos offers a window into his thinking through his interviews, speeches and letters to shareholders.

Jeff Bezos, the world’s richest man, is worth north of $100 billion. In this collection of interviews, speeches and letters to shareholders, Bezos analyzes his successes and setbacks. He proves he is a master at combining technical analysis with creative thinking.

“Those with an interest in business history will find that charting the evolution of Amazon from annual letter to annual letter is a fascinating exercise in constant self-invention,” the Kirkus Reviews reported. The Washington Post wrote, “The interview and speech excerpt section…contains flesh-and-blood details about the man and not just Amazon.”


Bezos considered the theme of gifts and choices after excelling at Princeton, marrying and securing work at a New York financial firm.

Cleverness is a gift. Kindness is a choice. – JEFF BEZOS

When Bezos saw the internet taking off, he hatched a plan to sell books online. He notes that his boss discouraged him from taking such a risk because he already had a cushy job. Bezos decided he would regret not pursuing his dream – to build the world’s largest bookstore by applying new technology to an old business model.


Bezos offers a formative tale from his early life. The remote location of his grandfather’s Texas ranch meant his grandpa had to improvise solutions to problems. In a freak accident, Bezos discloses, his grandfather caught his thumb in a ranch gate and stripped off the skin. Bezos’ grandfather cast away the skin; nurses had to return to the ranch with him to look for the skin, so doctors could reattach it.

The whole point of moving things forward is that you run into problems, failures, things that don’t work. – JEFF BEZOS

Bezos sees the incident as an apt metaphor for building a business: Failure is frequent, resilience is a requirement and adaptation is a must.


Bezos insists he never thought about owning a newspaper. But then Don Graham, owner of The Washington Post, told Bezos the Post didn’t need a newspaperman – it needed an owner who understood the internet. Bezos says he decided to buy the Post because he sees it as an institution that is crucial to American democracy.

Bezos breaks down how he changed the Post’s focus to give it an international perspective. He explains that the internet allows any publisher to distribute globally for free, whereas, before the internet, papers didn’t expand internationally due to prohibitive production costs, such as maintaining multiple, expensive international printing plants.

But, Bezos happily details, the internet delivers a national and international audience for the same cost as a local one. In its print heyday, the Post served a small group of readers and generated significant revenue per reader. After he changed the focus, it came to serve larger numbers of readers though it earns less money per customer. The strategy worked, and Bezos is proud that the Post became profitable.


Bezos characterizes missionaries as those who believe in the mission of their organization. Mercenaries, whom he reviles, labor for a paycheck and perks. That’s why, Bezos makes clear, he doesn’t use generous benefits to woo workers.

We pay very competitive compensation at Amazon, but we have not created the kind of country club culture where you get free massages and whatever the perks of the moment are. – JEFF BEZOS

Regarding making decisions about acquisitions, Bezos shares that he first judges whether the founder of the company he’s evaluating is a mercenary or a missionary. And, he underscores, missionaries make more money in the long run. Bezos cites Whole Foods founder John Mackey as exemplifying a business missionary because Mackey believes in making healthful food widely available.


Bezos concludes that decision-making becomes bureaucratic when leaders make the mistake of treating all decisions as equally important. He finds that only a few decisions are “one-way doors” – high-stakes moves that he can’t easily reverse. For such choices, Bezos regards himself as his company’s “chief slowdown officer” – making sure that Amazon arrives at major decisions deliberately and patiently only after analysis and debate.

You do not want to make one-way door decisions quickly. – JEFF BEZOS

He counsels leaders to make lower stakes “two-way door” decisions quickly and with a minimum of debate.


Bezos offers brief principles in abundance: go to bed early and sleep eight hours; be willing to wander and think in a nonlinear way; don’t fear failure; run big organizations as if they’re small; focus obsessively on your customer; and avoid “me-too” products by always embracing something different, as Amazon did by acquiring Whole Foods.


Bezos boasts that in 2019, Amazon became the first organization to sign the Climate Pledge and that it produces 40% of its energy from renewable sources using 15 large, Amazon-owned solar and wind farms, as well as green energy plants installed on the roofs of its distribution centers worldwide.

We want to say to other companies that if a company of Amazon’s complexity, scale, scope and physical infrastructure can do this, so can you. – JEFF BEZOS

Bezos stresses that Amazon aims to produce 80% of its power from renewable sources by 2040. He concedes that its current delivery vans burn gas, but celebrates that Amazon has ordered 100,000 electric vans.


This isn’t a complete, holistic work. It’s a collection of fragments – some large, some small – thrown together with little narrative sense and no dramatic tension. Walter Isaacson – author of Jobs, The Code Breaker and Einstein, among others – does his best to connect all these dots in his lengthy, engaging introduction. But even Isaacson cannot make the material less superficial or generate greater insight into Bezos than Bezos himself offers – and Bezos does not offer much. But – and this is a huge but – Bezos has never offered written business advice before, so this basket of assorted ideas serves as the next best thing. And, unsurprisingly, when Bezos does relate personal stories or provide clear business counsel, he’s fascinating.

Review 2

“Invent and Wander: The Collected Writings of Jeff Bezos” is a thought-provoking and insightful collection of writings by Jeff Bezos, the founder and former CEO of Amazon. This book offers readers a unique glimpse into the mind of one of the most influential entrepreneurs of our time. Bezos shares his wisdom, experiences, and philosophies on a wide range of topics, providing valuable lessons for aspiring entrepreneurs, business leaders, and anyone interested in innovation and success.

The book is divided into various sections, each focusing on different aspects of Bezos’ journey and his perspectives on entrepreneurship. From the early days of Amazon to his thoughts on innovation, competition, and the future of technology, Bezos provides readers with a comprehensive understanding of his entrepreneurial mindset.

One of the key strengths of this book is Bezos’ ability to articulate complex ideas in a clear and concise manner. He breaks down his concepts and strategies into easily digestible insights, making them accessible to readers from diverse backgrounds. Bezos emphasizes the importance of long-term thinking, customer obsession, and the relentless pursuit of innovation as crucial elements for building a successful business.

Moreover, Bezos shares personal anecdotes and stories that shed light on the challenges he faced while building Amazon. He discusses the company’s early struggles, the risks he took, and the lessons he learned along the way. These stories humanize Bezos and provide valuable context to his principles and decision-making processes.

Another highlight of the book is the inclusion of Bezos’ annual shareholder letters, which offer a retrospective analysis of Amazon’s growth and strategic vision. These letters provide a fascinating glimpse into Bezos’ mindset and leadership style, as he addresses important topics such as culture, innovation, and the long-term perspective.

While the book primarily focuses on Bezos’ experiences at Amazon, it also touches on other areas of interest. Bezos discusses his space exploration company, Blue Origin, and shares his vision for the future of space travel and colonization. He also delves into his involvement with The Washington Post and the importance of a free press in society.

Overall, “Invent and Wander” is an inspiring and thought-provoking read that offers valuable insights into the mind of Jeff Bezos. It provides readers with a deep understanding of his entrepreneurial journey, his philosophies on innovation and success, and his commitment to creating customer-centric businesses. Whether you are an aspiring entrepreneur, a business leader, or simply interested in the world of technology and innovation, this book is a must-read that will leave you motivated and inspired.

Review 3

Invent and Wander: The Collected Writings of Jeff Bezos is a collection of essays, speeches, and interviews by the founder and CEO of Amazon, one of the most influential and innovative companies in the world. The book covers a wide range of topics, from Bezos’s vision and philosophy of business, to his views on leadership, innovation, customer obsession, culture, climate change, space exploration, and philanthropy. The book also includes an introduction by Walter Isaacson, the biographer of Steve Jobs and Leonardo da Vinci, who provides a historical and cultural context for Bezos’s writings.

The book is a valuable resource for anyone interested in learning from one of the most successful entrepreneurs and leaders of our time. Bezos shares his insights and wisdom on how to create value, solve problems, embrace change, and pursue your passions. He also reveals his personal journey and challenges, as well as his hopes and dreams for the future. The book shows how Bezos thinks, acts, and leads, and how he has shaped the culture and values of Amazon.

The book is not a conventional biography or memoir, but rather a curated selection of Bezos’s own words, spanning over two decades. The book is organized into four sections: Inventing, which covers Bezos’s approach to innovation and experimentation; Working, which covers Bezos’s principles and practices of management and leadership; Giving, which covers Bezos’s philanthropic efforts and social responsibility; and Wandering, which covers Bezos’s interests and ambitions beyond Amazon. Each section includes an introduction by Isaacson that summarizes the main themes and highlights the key lessons.

The book is well-written, engaging, and inspiring. It offers a rare glimpse into the mind and personality of one of the most influential figures in business and society today. It also provides practical advice and guidance for aspiring entrepreneurs, managers, leaders, innovators, and anyone who wants to make a positive impact on the world. The book is a must-read for anyone who wants to learn from Jeff Bezos’s experience and vision.

Review 4

“Invent and Wander: The Collected Writings of Jeff Bezos” offers a unique and insightful perspective into the mind of one of the most prominent business figures of our time. Compiled from Jeff Bezos’ annual shareholder letters, interviews, and speeches, the book provides a comprehensive overview of his principles, strategies, and philosophies that have shaped Amazon and his approach to innovation and leadership.

The book is organized chronologically, allowing readers to trace the evolution of Bezos’ ideas over the years. From Amazon’s humble beginnings as an online bookstore to its transformation into an e-commerce giant and beyond, Bezos’ writings highlight his unwavering focus on customer obsession, long-term thinking, and relentless experimentation.

One of the key takeaways from the book is Bezos’ emphasis on maintaining a Day 1 mindset, even as a company grows and achieves significant success. He argues that Day 1 thinking involves a commitment to staying nimble, embracing change, and avoiding complacency—a philosophy that has been central to Amazon’s continued innovation.

Bezos also discusses his approach to failure and risk-taking. He views failures as essential steps toward success, encouraging a culture where experimentation is not only accepted but also celebrated. This willingness to take calculated risks has been a driving force behind Amazon’s ability to pioneer new markets and technologies.

The book also delves into Bezos’ thoughts on leadership and decision-making. He values high-velocity decision-making and believes in making crucial choices with only 70% of the information, as waiting for complete certainty can lead to missed opportunities.

While the book provides valuable insights into Bezos’ business strategies, it also offers glimpses into his personal beliefs and values. His commitment to addressing climate change through initiatives like the “Bezos Earth Fund” reflects his broader perspective on corporate responsibility and global challenges.

However, “Invent and Wander” is not without its limitations. Some readers might find the content repetitive, as certain themes and principles are reiterated throughout the years. Additionally, the book predominantly presents Bezos’ perspective, which might leave room for a more comprehensive analysis of Amazon’s impact on various industries and stakeholders.

In conclusion, “Invent and Wander: The Collected Writings of Jeff Bezos” is a thought-provoking compilation that provides valuable insights into the mindset of a visionary entrepreneur. Bezos’ principles of customer focus, innovation, and adaptability offer lessons that extend beyond the business world, making this book a worthwhile read for anyone interested in leadership, innovation, and the dynamics of a successful, forward-thinking company.”

Review 5

Sure, here is a brief review of the book Invent and Wander: The Collected Writings of Jeff Bezos by Jeff Bezos:

Invent and Wander is a collection of Jeff Bezos’s writings, from his annual shareholder letters to Amazon to speeches and interviews. The book spans a range of topics, from innovation and customer obsession to climate change and outer space.

One of the key themes of the book is Bezos’s focus on long-term thinking. He believes that businesses should be willing to invest in the future, even if it means making sacrifices in the short term. This approach has helped Amazon become one of the most successful companies in the world.

Another key theme of the book is Bezos’s emphasis on customer obsession. He believes that businesses should focus on meeting the needs of their customers, even if it means going against the grain. This approach has helped Amazon become the go-to place for online shopping.

In addition to these two key themes, Invent and Wander also provides insights into Bezos’s thoughts on a variety of other topics, including leadership, innovation, and risk-taking. The book is a must-read for anyone interested in learning from one of the most successful entrepreneurs of our time.

Here are some of the key takeaways from the book:

  • Focus on the long term. Don’t be afraid to make sacrifices in the short term if it means achieving your long-term goals.
  • Obsess over customers. Put the customer first in everything you do.
  • Be willing to fail. Failure is a necessary part of innovation.
  • Hire the best people. Surround yourself with talented people who share your vision.
  • Think big. Don’t be afraid to dream big and set ambitious goals.
  • Invent and wander. Be constantly innovating and exploring new possibilities.
  • Invent and Wander is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn from the success of Jeff Bezos.

The book is full of insights and advice that can help you achieve your own goals.

Here are some of the pros and cons of the book:


  • Insightful and thought-provoking
  • Provides valuable insights into Bezos’s thinking
  • Inspiring and motivating
  • Well-written and easy to read


  • Some of the topics may be of interest to only a niche audience
  • Some of the advice may be too general to be actionable

Overall, Invent and Wander is a valuable book for anyone who is interested in learning from the success of Jeff Bezos. The book is full of insights and advice that can help you achieve your own goals.

Review 6

“Invent and Wander: The Collected Writings of Jeff Bezos” is a compilation of writings and thoughts from Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon. The book provides a deep dive into Bezos’s mind, offering insights into his leadership style, business strategies, and vision for the future.

The book is divided into two parts. The first part consists of Bezos’s annual shareholder letters from 1997 to 2019. These letters are a treasure trove of information, revealing the principles and strategies that have guided Amazon’s growth from a small online bookstore to a global e-commerce giant. Bezos’s focus on customer obsession, long-term thinking, and willingness to experiment are evident throughout these letters.

The second part of the book includes Bezos’s speeches and interviews, where he discusses topics like innovation, corporate culture, and space exploration. These pieces provide a broader view of Bezos’s interests and ambitions beyond Amazon.

One of the key takeaways from the book is Bezos’s relentless focus on customers. He believes that putting customers first and inventing on their behalf is the key to Amazon’s success. Another important theme is his belief in the power of long-term thinking. Bezos often emphasizes the importance of being willing to invest in the long term, even if it means making decisions that may not pay off immediately.

Overall, “Invent and Wander” is a fascinating read for anyone interested in understanding the mind of one of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs. It provides valuable lessons on leadership, innovation, and strategy that can be applied in any business context.

Review 7

“Invent and Wander: The Collected Writings of Jeff Bezos” offers readers a unique opportunity to delve into the mind of one of the most influential entrepreneurs of our time. Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, shares his insights, experiences, and philosophies through a collection of letters, speeches, and interviews.

The book is divided into several sections, each focusing on a different aspect of Bezos’ journey. From his early days as a young entrepreneur to the growth and success of Amazon, Bezos provides a candid account of his entrepreneurial endeavors. He discusses the importance of innovation, customer obsession, and long-term thinking, which have been the driving forces behind Amazon’s remarkable rise.

One of the book’s strengths is its ability to showcase Bezos’ relentless pursuit of excellence. He emphasizes the need for experimentation and embracing failure as a stepping stone to success. Bezos’ commitment to long-term thinking is evident throughout the book, as he shares his vision for Amazon and his belief in the power of patience and persistence.

Moreover, “Invent and Wander” offers valuable insights into Bezos’ leadership style. He emphasizes the importance of hiring and retaining talented individuals, fostering a culture of innovation, and maintaining a customer-centric approach. Bezos’ emphasis on maintaining high standards and his relentless pursuit of customer satisfaction have been instrumental in Amazon’s success.

The book also sheds light on Bezos’ personal life and his passion for space exploration. His vision for Blue Origin, his aerospace company, is explored in detail, providing readers with a glimpse into his ambitious plans for the future.

While “Invent and Wander” provides a comprehensive overview of Bezos’ thoughts and experiences, some readers may find the book lacking in specific details or practical advice. It primarily serves as a collection of Bezos’ writings rather than a step-by-step guide for aspiring entrepreneurs. However, the book compensates for this by offering valuable insights into Bezos’ mindset and the principles that have guided his remarkable career.

Overall, “Invent and Wander: The Collected Writings of Jeff Bezos” is a captivating read that offers a deep dive into the mind of a visionary. Bezos’ wisdom, passion, and relentless pursuit of innovation make this book a must-read for anyone interested in entrepreneurship, leadership, and the power of long-term thinking.

Review 8

Here is my brief review of the book Invent and Wander: The Collected Writings of Jeff Bezos by Jeff Bezos:

Invent and Wander is a collection of writings by Jeff Bezos, the founder and CEO of Amazon, one of the most successful and influential companies in the world. The book consists of two parts: the first part contains all the annual letters that Bezos sent to Amazon shareholders from 1997 to 2019, and the second part includes excerpts from interviews and speeches that Bezos gave on various topics, such as his personal background, his vision for the future, his passion for space exploration, and his reasons for buying The Washington Post. The book also features an introduction by Walter Isaacson, a renowned biographer and journalist, who draws parallels between Bezos and some of his previous subjects, such as Benjamin Franklin and Steve Jobs.

The book offers a rare glimpse into the mind and philosophy of one of the most innovative and visionary entrepreneurs of our time. Through his writings, Bezos reveals his insights and principles on how to build a customer-centric, inventive, and long-term oriented business. He also shares his challenges and failures, his learnings and experiments, and his aspirations and dreams. He demonstrates how he combines curiosity, creativity, and courage to pursue bold ideas that can change the world.

The book is not a conventional memoir or a comprehensive biography, but rather a curated selection of Bezos’s own words that reflect his thinking and evolution over more than two decades. The book is not meant to be read linearly or chronologically, but rather to be browsed and explored according to one’s interests and preferences. The book is not a definitive guide or a blueprint for success, but rather a source of inspiration and wisdom that can spark new ideas and perspectives.

The book is a valuable and enjoyable read for anyone who is interested in business, technology, innovation, leadership, or entrepreneurship. It is also a fascinating and enlightening read for anyone who wants to understand more about the man behind Amazon, one of the most influential companies of our era.

Review 9

Here is my review of the book Invent and Wander: The Collected Writings of Jeff Bezos by Jeff Bezos:

Invent and Wander is a collection of writings by Jeff Bezos, the founder and CEO of Amazon, one of the most successful and influential companies in the world. The book includes all of his annual letters to shareholders from 1997 to 2019, as well as excerpts from his interviews and speeches on various topics such as innovation, customer obsession, leadership, space exploration, and his purchase of The Washington Post.

The book offers a glimpse into the mind and vision of Bezos, who has transformed online retail, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and media with his relentless focus on customer satisfaction, long-term thinking, and experimentation. Bezos shares his insights and principles on how to build a culture of invention and wander, how to embrace failure and learn from mistakes, how to balance risk and reward, how to make high-quality decisions, and how to stay ahead of the competition.

The book also reveals Bezos’s personal side, such as his childhood fascination with rockets and books, his passion for exploration and discovery, his philanthropic endeavors, and his views on social issues. Bezos shows his curiosity and enthusiasm for a wide range of fields, from science and technology to humanities and arts. He also demonstrates his sense of humor and humility in some of his anecdotes and jokes.

Invent and Wander is an inspiring and informative book for anyone who wants to learn from one of the most successful entrepreneurs and innovators of our time. It is a valuable resource for aspiring leaders, managers, entrepreneurs, investors, and anyone who is interested in the future of business and society. The book is not a conventional memoir or biography, but rather a compilation of Bezos’s own words that reflect his philosophy and vision. The book is edited by Walter Isaacson, who provides an introduction that contextualizes Bezos’s achievements and characterizes him as a multidisciplinary thinker with a childlike sense of wonder.

This post first appeared on Paminy - Information Resource For Marketing, Lifestyle, And Book Review, please read the originial post: here

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Summary: Invent and Wander: The Collected Writings of Jeff Bezos by Jeff Bezos


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