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Book Summary: How to Talk to Your Boss About Race – Speaking Up Without Getting Shut Down

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This direct, actionable and refreshingly humorous look at the serious topic of contemporary racism serves as a potent reminder that the problem persists, even if subtler forms of discrimination have supplanted more egregious ones in some cases. As an accomplished lawyer and CEO who has endured racism since her youth, Y-Vonne Hutchinson’s best-selling handbook focuses mainly on combating its scourge in the workplace through skillful conversations – followed by concrete actions. She shows workers how to be more assertive in the face of discrimination and speak persuasively with conviction and courage.


  • Systemic racism still pervades all aspects of society, including the workplace.
  • The US workforce remains segregated.
  • Consider your unconscious biases before taking action against racism.
  • Build a coalition at work to tackle racial injustices.
  • Before you talk to your boss, prepare and practice.
  • Emphasize racism’s effects on work, productivity and retention when talking to management.
  • Resist deflection or denial of racism’s pernicious effects.
  • If your boss exhibits racist behavior, consider your options before reacting.


Systemic racism still pervades all aspects of society, including the workplace.

The murder of George Floyd by a police officer shook many Americans from their slumber surrounding racism, and spawned the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement. But, in response to movements and cultural shifts, a backlash emerged, which COVID-19 exacerbated. Many racially-motivated killings and attacks have followed. Politicians, school boards, municipalities and learning institutions have attacked or banned educators from teaching critical Race theory or referring to systemic racism.

Of course, treating people differently based solely on the allotment of melanin in their skin makes no sense, yet racial enmity and discrimination have persisted for centuries. Racism was invented to exclude and enslave. Systems have historically codified and sustained racism. Thus, whatever your race, your upbringing etched racism and related biases into your psyche.

“If you are truly committed to anti-racism, arguably nowhere is more important than your workplace.”

Even though science proves average potential is identical across all races; opportunity comes unevenly. The social construct of race may seem absurd to you. You might even want to deny race because it has no basis in biology; but racism costs lives and restricts economic growth. People gain advantages based on their race – advantages undergirded by the institutions of society, including laws, culture and economics. Acknowledge this fact, and realize that racism doesn’t only manifest in cross burnings or in “No Blacks Allowed” signs.

The US workforce remains segregated.

Keep learning about racism and its impact. Help raise awareness beyond stating your dislike of racism, beyond tweeting your support for Black people and others, even beyond standing on a sidewalk with a BLM sign or demonstrating on the streets: Take action. Counter racism when you see it. Call out its perpetrators. Embrace anti-racism.

Neutrality puts you on the wrong side. You may wonder where and how to fight. For many, the most powerful anti-racist action will occur at work.

“Conversation itself rarely solves the problem. In work, as in life, actions speak louder than words.”

Centuries of racism continue to segregate the American workforce. Most firms have excised obvious and illegal discrimination but, in general, white, male, able-bodied people still get more interesting, safe, high-paying and senior jobs than others. Overwhelmingly, research and statistics demonstrate the existence of these work and economic advantages. Call out attempts to deflect conversations about race, and refute statements that claim it no longer exists. Educate your co-workers, invite subject-matter experts to speak and participate in an employee resource group (ERG).

Consider your unconscious biases before taking action against racism.

Don’t attempt to prove anything about how another person thinks or what they intend. You can’t ever know these things for sure, and you’ll waste time. Instead, look to impact and outcomes. Whether a person admits they aimed to hurt someone with a joke, or claims an action was purely innocent and unintentional matters little compared to the harm the speech or action caused.

Microaggressions can include actions like talking about your tan in comparison to the color of a Black colleague’s skin, or commenting on an ethnic hairstyle. You may mean no harm, but as they accumulate, microaggressions affect the health and well-being of their victims. They undermine confidence and performance, and, ultimately, may cause minorities to leave their organizations.

“Unconscious bias refers to the bias that we all hold, informed by social stereotypes, about various identity groups.”

Due to centuries of institutional, structural racism, unconscious bias exists alongside conscious and overt racism. Don’t use the excuse of unconscious bias to let yourself or others off the hook. Unconscious bias might result in unfair preferences in hiring, performance reviews and promotions.

Intersectionality is a useful framework for understanding how the effects of different biases increase for those who fall into multiple categories of discrimination – a Black woman, for example, or a disabled Native American. The notion of privilege exists on a continuum. It can benefit Black men born into affluence, for example, or silence a white, 20-year-old in an ageist workplace.

Before you take action against racism at work, consider your identities. What advantages and disadvantages does your identity confer? What biases might impair your thinking and decisions? Which of your identities does your Boss share? Recognize where your identities place you on the spectrum of influence within your firm. Know your influence – your ability to reward and punish, your access to information and the effects of your values, reputation and expertise. Recognize how you exercise this power, and how others, including your boss, use theirs.

Build a coalition at work to tackle racial injustices.

Don’t tackle race issues alone. You’ll exhaust yourself and may suffer retaliation. Most improvements for workers over the decades have come from groups engaged in collective action, like unions. Talk to people, join workplace interest groups and seek out those who may have undertaken Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) action in the past. Join with others – friends and allies – who want to help.

“The term ‘white fragility’ refers to defensive reactions to the racial stress that’s triggered when white people are asked to engage with racism.”

Solidify your group by listening to their ideas, take personal accountability for sharing information, volunteer and follow through on your promises. Work with your group to influence others. Build evidence-based arguments that focus on the business and ethical aspects of racism, combined with emotional appeals. Use that reasoning to move those opposed to change toward neutrality, shift neutral colleagues to agreement, and prompt passive allies to become active ones.

Before you talk to your boss, prepare and practice.

Proceed with caution, even after you form a group. People often react to conversations about race with defensiveness, deflection and denial. How might such responses increase your stress, or, perhaps, cause you to say things that could set back your cause? Might your advocacy cost you a promotion, or even your job? With such high stakes, think carefully about what you want to say before you meet with your boss, and know what you hope to achieve. Script your conversation and practice it with others, or in front of a mirror. Anticipate questions and objections, and rehearse your responses.

“Perhaps the strongest indicator of racism within a company is the rate of attrition for people of color.”

Collect and retain crucial background information, including company values, industry norms, workforce demographics and examples of how racism affects your firm. Come to the meeting with ideas about how to address challenges. Consider whether to lead with well-known business, risk or legal cases for diversity, or whether social and moral arguments may work best – or some combination of both.

Emphasize racism’s effects on work, productivity and retention when talking to management.

Point out the attrition and/or disengagement-related costs of racism. Suggest ways you think your boss can help, but do so with emotional intelligence. Ask for an official, private appointment, long enough to discuss race meaningfully. Let your boss know what you want to talk about beforehand, so he or she won’t feel ambushed.

“The thing that racism does most effectively, aside from killing people and draining generations’ worth of collective potential, is waste time.”

Don’t assume you know your boss’s attitudes or position ahead of time. Stay curious and open-minded. Ask your boss about their thoughts and feelings, and seek common ground. Offer your help, talk about your experiences and what interests you about racial justice. Turn off your phone. Talk half as much as you listen, maintain eye contact, lean in when your boss does, ask questions and don’t interrupt.

Uncomfortable as your boss may become, talk about racism, white supremacy and anti-racism directly. Don’t mince words. Don’t let the conversation stray toward intent, and away from impact. Your boss may say a person didn’t mean their actions to be racist or hurtful, or fall back on claims of unconscious bias. Keep emphasizing racism’s effects on the work, on productivity and on retention.

Arm your boss with concrete next steps – things he or she can say and do. Identify quick wins that lie within your boss’ control. Give him or her examples of what other, similar firms have done. Offer support in helping take actions that improve and bring positive attention to the organization. Follow up regularly after your meeting.

Resist deflection or denial of racism’s pernicious effects.

Your boss or peers may resist your arguments by defending the good intentions of white people, or by chalking harmful words and actions up to unconscious bias. They may even say racism no longer exists. Or they might evoke the notion of “reverse” racism. They might blame lack of diversity or uneven promotions on too few non-white people in the pipeline. Some may argue race has nothing to do with the problems you identified, or that racial politics have no place at work.

When these defenses and deflections occur, stay composed. Suggest that you and your boss investigate the issues you raised and learn about them together. Tackle the common myths your boss might use as deflections. If they make the meritocracy argument – not wanting to “lower the bar” based on race – remind them of the myriad biases that drove people to hire and promote people like them, or that cause them to assume white people automatically carry greater qualifications. Say you want meritocracy too, but the firm hasn’t reached that goal yet. Suggest small changes, like blind screening during the recruiting process.

“Any approach to anti-racism and increasing diversity within historically biased systems like the workplace must include elements of affirmative action.”

Your boss might conflate your requests with affirmative action. Remind him or her that affirmative action doesn’t make anyone hire or promote anyone; it demands no special treatment. Affirmative action only requires that firms don’t discriminate unfairly. It works for white women getting promotions and for white men gaining entrance to college. Affirmative action never puts less qualified people into jobs at the expense of those better qualified.

If your boss says he’d love to hire and promote more Black people, if only there were candidates, leap at the chance to prove him wrong. Despite more Black and Latinx candidates than ever seeking a range of professional and executive positions requiring experience and advanced education, non-white numbers in those jobs remain stagnant. Don’t let your boss or others blame the victims. Find and present the readily available statistics that prove your case.

Similarly, don’t let your boss shift your efforts toward easier, less uncomfortable actions, like focusing on women first. Make racial and gender progress in parallel. Remind your bosses that working on one group at a time and making others wait is immoral, costs more and wastes time.

Your boss might gaslight you by asking endless questions and/or constantly requesting more data. Bring data, make sure it’s objective and ask your boss what it would take to convince her or him. Remind your boss of the thorough and well-established business, risk, legal and moral cases for DEI. If, as often happens, your boss flips responsibility back to you – suggesting you take the lead on educating your workforce about racism or on finding qualified non-white job candidates – refuse unless your boss also offers a budget, staff and a raise.

If your boss exhibits racist behavior, consider your options before reacting.

Never attack your boss’s character. Again, focus on the effects of his or her actions, and how they hurt others and the firm. Know, too, that your boss or others might retaliate by punishing you for speaking up, stalling and starving DEI initiatives of resources, or otherwise staging a powerful pushback. These actions suggest that walking away and/or resigning your job might be the wisest choice. First, consider whether you want to get another job, go public or fight your employer legally. Your circumstances and fortitude will determine your best course.

Whichever route you choose, keep detailed records of your actions and know the rules and code of conduct in your firm. Invite HR into the conversation when necessary, but, remember, HR represents the firm’s interests, not yours. In the US, consider recourse to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, but expect your case to take years. Consult with a labor lawyer, if only to have them write a letter that might persuade your bosses to be more reasonable. If your boss fires you, don’t blame yourself. Hire an attorney and negotiate your best terms of exit.

About the Author

Former international labor lawyer Y-Vonne Hutchinson founded and leads ReadySet, a DEI consulting and training firm.

Review 1

How to Talk to Your Boss About Race by Y-Vonne Hutchinson is a thought-provoking and practical guide that addresses the important topic of discussing race in the workplace. Here is a brief review of the book:

  • Timely and Relevant: In today’s diverse and complex world, conversations about race are crucial, especially in a professional setting. Hutchinson’s book provides guidance and strategies for navigating these conversations effectively, making it a timely and relevant resource.
  • Practical Advice: The book offers practical advice on how to initiate and engage in conversations about race with your boss. Hutchinson provides actionable tips on framing discussions, addressing biases, handling potential challenges, and fostering a more inclusive work environment.
  • Intersectional Perspective: One of the strengths of this book is its intersectional approach to discussing race in the workplace. Hutchinson acknowledges that race intersects with other identities, such as gender, sexual orientation, and disability. She explores how these intersections impact experiences and provides insights on navigating these complexities.
  • Real-Life Examples: Throughout the book, Hutchinson incorporates real-life examples and case studies that illustrate the challenges individuals face when discussing race at work. These examples help readers relate to different scenarios and provide valuable context for the strategies and advice presented.
  • Empowering and Supportive: How to Talk to Your Boss About Race empowers readers to speak up and have difficult conversations. Hutchinson acknowledges the potential risks and challenges but provides guidance on how to navigate them effectively. The book gives readers the tools and confidence to address racial issues in the workplace without fear of retaliation or being shut down.
  • Intersection of Personal and Professional Growth: While the book focuses on discussing race in the workplace, it also delves into personal growth and self-reflection. Hutchinson encourages readers to examine their own biases, assumptions, and privileges, fostering personal development alongside professional growth.
  • Accessible and Engaging: Hutchinson’s writing style is accessible and engaging, making the book easy to read and understand. She presents complex ideas in a clear and straightforward manner, ensuring that readers can grasp the concepts and apply them in real-world scenarios.

In summary, How to Talk to Your Boss About Race by Y-Vonne Hutchinson is a valuable resource for individuals seeking guidance on discussing race in the workplace. With its practical advice, real-life examples, and intersectional perspective, the book equips readers with the tools and strategies needed to navigate these conversations effectively. Whether you’re an employee looking to address racial issues or a manager aiming to create a more inclusive work environment, this book offers valuable insights and actionable steps towards progress.

Review 2

Sure, here is a brief review of the book How to Talk to Your Boss About Race: Speaking Up Without Getting Shut Down by Y-Vonne Hutchinson:

How to Talk to Your Boss About Race is a book that provides practical advice for employees who want to have difficult conversations about race with their bosses. The author, Y-Vonne Hutchinson, is a diversity and inclusion strategist who has worked with organizations of all sizes to create more inclusive workplaces.

The book is divided into three parts:

  • Part I: Understanding Race at Work explores the history of racism in the workplace and how it continues to impact people of color today.
  • Part II: Preparing to Talk to Your Boss provides advice on how to choose the right time and place to have the conversation, how to gather your evidence, and how to stay calm and assertive.
  • Part III: Navigating the Conversation offers tips on how to respond to common objections, how to build consensus, and how to follow up after the conversation.

How to Talk to Your Boss About Race is a well-written and informative book. Hutchinson’s advice is clear and concise, and she provides a wealth of resources to help readers prepare for and navigate difficult conversations about race.

Here are some of the key takeaways from the book:

  • Racism is real and it exists in the workplace.
  • It’s important to talk about race with your boss, even if it’s uncomfortable.
  • There is no one right way to have this conversation, but there are some things you can do to prepare.
  • Be clear and direct about what you’re experiencing.
  • Be prepared to answer questions and challenges.
  • Be willing to listen to your boss’s perspective.
  • Be persistent and don’t give up.

Overall, How to Talk to Your Boss About Race is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to create a more inclusive workplace. It is a practical and empowering book that can help employees to have difficult conversations about race and to make a difference in their workplaces.

Here are some of the pros and cons of the book:


  • Well-written and informative
  • Clear and concise advice
  • Provides a wealth of resources
  • Empowering and hopeful


  • Some of the advice may be specific to the United States
  • The book can be a bit repetitive at times

Overall, How to Talk to Your Boss About Race is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to create a more inclusive workplace. It is a practical and empowering book that can help employees to have difficult conversations about race and to make a difference in their workplaces.

Review 3

How to Talk to Your Boss About Race: Speaking Up Without Getting Shut Down by Y-Vonne Hutchinson is a practical and timely book that offers guidance and strategies for employees who want to address racism and bias in their workplace. The author is a diversity and inclusion expert who has worked with tech giants, political leaders, and Fortune 500 companies to help them create more equitable and inclusive cultures. The book provides a framework for thinking about race at work, preparing for conversations with more powerful leaders, centering marginalized perspectives, and leveraging power dynamics to get results while avoiding backlash and gaslighting. The book is clear and accessible, with real-life examples, tips, and exercises to help readers apply the concepts to their own situations. The book is an indispensable resource for anyone who wants to move beyond fear and push for antiracist change at work.

Review 4

In her book How to Talk to Your Boss About Race, Y-Vonne Hutchinson offers practical advice for employees who want to have conversations about race and bias in the workplace. Hutchinson draws on her own experiences as a Black woman in corporate America, as well as on the research of experts in the field of racial justice.

The book is divided into three parts. The first part, “Understand the Problem,” provides an overview of the history of race in America and the challenges that Black people face in the workplace. Hutchinson also discusses the different types of bias that exist and how they can affect our interactions with our colleagues.

The second part, “Prepare for the Conversation,” offers practical tips for employees who are thinking about having a conversation about race with their boss. Hutchinson discusses how to choose the right time and place for the conversation, how to frame your arguments, and how to deal with pushback.

The third part, “Have the Conversation,” provides a step-by-step guide to having a successful conversation about race with your boss. Hutchinson discusses how to start the conversation, how to listen to your boss’s perspective, and how to come to a resolution.

How to Talk to Your Boss About Race is a valuable resource for employees who want to create a more inclusive workplace. Hutchinson’s book provides the information and tools that employees need to have productive conversations about race and bias.

The book is well-written and easy to read. Hutchinson’s personal stories are both relatable and inspiring. She also does a great job of distilling complex research into practical advice that employees can use.

Overall, I highly recommend How to Talk to Your Boss About Race. It is a must-read for anyone who wants to create a more inclusive workplace.

Review 5

Certainly! Based on my analysis, “How to Talk to Your Boss About Race: Speaking Up Without Getting Shut Down” by Y-Vonne Hutchinson is a valuable resource for individuals looking to address issues of race and diversity in their workplace. Here’s my detailed review:

Book Summary:

In “How to Talk to Your Boss About Race,” Hutchinson provides a comprehensive guide for individuals to address issues of race and diversity in their workplace. The book is structured around a series of conversations between the author and various professionals, offering practical advice and insights on how to navigate complex topics such as microaggressions, inclusive language, and unconscious bias. Hutchinson’s approach is thoughtful and empathetic, acknowledging the discomfort and fear that often accompanies these conversations while also emphasizing the importance of having them.

Key Takeaways:

  • The importance of naming and acknowledging the problem: Hutchinson stresses the need to be explicit about race and diversity in the workplace, rather than assuming that these issues will resolve themselves. She argues that by acknowledging the problem, individuals can begin to address it and create a more inclusive environment.
  • Practicing empathy and active listening: Throughout the book, Hutchinson emphasizes the importance of empathy and active listening in race-related conversations. She encourages readers to put themselves in the shoes of others and to listen to their perspectives without judgment.
  • Understanding the role of power dynamics: Hutchinson acknowledges that power dynamics play a significant role in shaping conversations around race and diversity. She encourages readers to be aware of their own privilege and to use it to amplify the voices of marginalized groups.
  • The need for ongoing dialogue and education: Hutchinson stresses that addressing issues of race and diversity in the workplace is an ongoing process that requires regular dialogue and education. She encourages readers to approach these conversations with a growth mindset and to be open to learning and growing.

Strengths and Weaknesses:


  • Provides practical and actionable advice for addressing issues of race and diversity in the workplace
  • Offers a thoughtful and empathetic approach to these conversations
  • Highlights the importance of empathy and active listening in race-related dialogue
  • Acknowledges the role of power dynamics in shaping these conversations


  • May be challenging for some readers to engage with due to the complexity of the issues discussed
  • Some readers may find the book’s focus on individual action to be too simplistic
  • The book’s scope is limited to the workplace, and some readers may wish for more broader discussions of race and diversity in society more broadly.

Target Audience:

The book is targeted towards individuals who work in organizations and are looking to address issues of race and diversity in their workplace. It is particularly useful for those in leadership positions or those who are interested in creating a more inclusive work environment. However, the book’s insights and advice are relevant to anyone looking to engage in productive and inclusive conversations about race and diversity.


In conclusion, “How to Talk to Your Boss About Race” is a valuable resource for individuals looking to address issues of race and diversity in their workplace. Hutchinson’s thoughtful and empathetic approach makes the book accessible and engaging, even for those who may be uncomfortable or unsure about how to navigate these conversations. While the book may be challenging for some readers, its insights and advice are essential for creating a more inclusive and equitable work environment.

Review 6

Here’s a brief review of the book “How to Talk to Your Boss About Race: Speaking Up Without Getting Shut Down” by Y-Vonne Hutchinson:

In “How to Talk to Your Boss About Race: Speaking Up Without Getting Shut Down,” Y-Vonne Hutchinson provides a timely and necessary guide for individuals who are seeking to initiate conversations about race and racism in the workplace. The book is written in a clear and concise manner, making it accessible to readers who may not have a background in diversity and inclusion work.

Hutchinson, a seasoned diversity and inclusion expert, offers practical advice and strategies for navigating difficult conversations with colleagues and supervisors. She emphasizes the importance of preparation, self-reflection, and empathy in creating a safe and productive dialogue. Throughout the book, Hutchinson provides real-world examples and case studies that illustrate the benefits and challenges of speaking up about race in the workplace.

One of the book’s greatest strengths is its focus on empowering employees to speak up and advocate for themselves and their colleagues. Hutchinson encourages readers to take an active role in creating a more inclusive workplace culture, rather than relying solely on HR or leadership to drive change. She also acknowledges the risks and emotional labor involved in discussing race and racism in the workplace, and offers strategies for managing those risks and maintaining one’s well-being.

The book is divided into four parts: “Understanding the Landscape,” “Preparing for the Conversation,” “Having the Conversation,” and “Moving Forward.” Each section builds upon the previous one, providing a comprehensive framework for addressing race and racism in the workplace. Hutchinson’s use of clear headings and subheadings makes it easy for readers to navigate the book and find the information they need.

In “Understanding the Landscape,” Hutchinson provides an overview of the history and current state of race and racism in the workplace. She discusses the ways in which systemic racism can manifest in workplace policies and practices, and highlights the importance of understanding power dynamics and privilege. This section is particularly useful for readers who are new to diversity and inclusion work, as it provides a solid foundation for understanding the complex issues involved.

In “Preparing for the Conversation,” Hutchinson offers practical advice on how to prepare for a conversation about race and racism with a supervisor or colleague. She emphasizes the importance of self-reflection, identifying one’s goals and values, and developing a clear and concise message. Hutchinson also discusses the importance of choosing the right time and place for the conversation, and provides tips on how to manage one’s emotions and body language during the discussion.

In “Having the Conversation,” Hutchinson provides guidance on how to navigate the conversation itself. She emphasizes the importance of active listening, empathy, and respectful communication. Hutchinson also provides tips on how to address common objections and deflections, and how to seek common ground and build alliances. This section is particularly useful for readers who are nervous about initiating difficult conversations, as it provides a step-by-step guide for navigating the discussion.

Finally, in “Moving Forward,” Hutchinson discusses the importance of follow-up and follow-through after the conversation. She emphasizes the need to maintain momentum and continue advocating for change, even in the face of resistance or setbacks. Hutchinson also provides guidance on how to build a coalition of allies and create a plan for sustainable change.

Throughout the book, Hutchinson emphasizes the importance of self-care and maintaining one’s well-being when engaging in difficult conversations about race and racism. She acknowledges the emotional labor involved in discussing these issues, and provides tips on how to manage stress and avoid burnout.

One potential area for improvement is the book’s focus on individual action and personal responsibility. While Hutchinson emphasizes the importance of collective action and building alliances, the book’s primary focus is on empowering individual employees to speak up and advocate for change. Some readers may find this emphasis on individual action to be overly optimistic, given the structural and systemic nature of racism in society and the workplace.

In conclusion, “How to Talk to Your Boss About Race: Spe…

Review 7

Certainly! Here is a brief review of the book “How to Talk to Your Boss About Race: Speaking Up Without Getting Shut Down” by Y-Vonne Hutchinson:


“How to Talk to Your Boss About Race” is a comprehensive guidebook that provides practical strategies and techniques for employees to address issues of race and racial bias in the workplace. The book is written by Y-Vonne Hutchinson, a diversity and inclusion expert with over two decades of experience.

Key Takeaways:

  • Speak Up: The book emphasizes the importance of speaking up when you witness or experience racial bias or discrimination in the workplace. Hutchinson provides tips on how to communicate effectively and confidently with your boss, without getting shut down or retaliated against.
  • Understand Your Boss’s Perspective: The book encourages employees to understand their boss’s perspective and the broader organizational context before addressing issues of race. Hutchinson suggests that employees should be prepared to listen to their boss’s concerns and be open to feedback.
  • Use Data and Facts: The book advocates for using data and facts to support your claims and to combat biases. Hutchinson provides examples of how to gather and present data to support your argument, and how to address common biases and misconceptions.
  • Seek Support: The book emphasizes the importance of seeking support from HR, legal, and other allies within the organization. Hutchinson suggests that employees should not go it alone when addressing issues of race, but rather seek support from others who can help to amplify their voices and provide guidance.
  • Be Resilient: The book acknowledges that addressing issues of race in the workplace can be challenging and emotionally draining. Hutchinson encourages employees to be resilient and to take care of themselves during the process.


  • Practical Advice: The book provides practical advice and strategies for employees to address issues of race in the workplace.
  • Real-Life Examples: The book includes real-life examples and anecdotes that illustrate the challenges of addressing issues of race in the workplace.
  • Comprehensive Approach: The book takes a comprehensive approach to addressing issues of race, including discussions of power dynamics, bias, and inclusive leadership.


  • Focus on Individual Employees: The book primarily focuses on individual employees addressing issues of race in the workplace, rather than addressing systemic issues within the organization.
  • Limited Discussion of Intersectionality: The book could have explored more fully the intersections of race with other forms of discrimination, such as gender, sexuality, and disability.

Target Audience:

The book is primarily targeted at employees who are looking to address issues of race in the workplace, particularly those who are early in their careers or who are new to discussions of diversity and inclusion. The book is also relevant for managers and leaders who are looking to create more inclusive workplaces.


“How to Talk to Your Boss About Race” is a valuable resource for employees who are looking to address issues of race in the workplace. The book provides practical strategies and techniques for speaking up, seeking support, and using data and facts to support your claims. While the book has some limitations, it is a comprehensive and accessible guide for anyone looking to create a more inclusive workplace.

Review 8

Y-Vonne Hutchinson’s “How to Talk to Your Boss About Race: Speaking Up Without Getting Shut Down” is a thought-provoking and practical guide that addresses the sensitive issue of discussing race in the workplace. With a focus on fostering constructive conversations, this book offers valuable insights and strategies to navigate conversations about race with your superiors.

Hutchinson begins by highlighting the importance of having open dialogues about race at work and the potential positive impact such discussions can have on individuals and organizations. The author acknowledges the challenges and fears individuals often face when broaching this topic, particularly in a hierarchical environment, and provides readers with the tools to overcome these obstacles.

One of the book’s strengths is Hutchinson’s emphasis on understanding the power dynamics at play within the workplace. She emphasizes the need to recognize and manage these dynamics when engaging in discussions about race with your boss. Through clear and concise explanations, Hutchinson helps readers navigate the complexities of power, privilege, and unconscious bias, providing actionable advice on how to approach these conversations in a respectful and effective manner.

The author also delves into the importance of self-reflection and self-awareness. Hutchinson encourages readers to examine their own beliefs, biases, and assumptions before engaging in conversations about race. By fostering personal growth and introspection, the book empowers individuals to approach these discussions with empathy, humility, and an open mind.

Furthermore, Hutchinson offers practical strategies and scripts to guide readers in initiating conversations about race with their bosses. These scripts are particularly helpful for individuals who may struggle with finding the right words or fear the potential backlash of such discussions. The book provides a roadmap for developing effective communication skills, ensuring that conversations about race are productive and respectful.

Throughout the book, Hutchinson combines her expertise as a diversity and inclusion advocate with personal anecdotes and real-life examples. This blend of theory and practical experience makes the book relatable and engaging, allowing readers to connect with the material on a deeper level.

“How to Talk to Your Boss About Race” is not only a guide for employees but also a resource for employers and leaders. Hutchinson addresses the responsibility of managers to create a safe and inclusive environment for discussing race, emphasizing the role they play in fostering diversity and equality within their organizations.

If there is one minor criticism, it is that the book primarily focuses on conversations about race within a workplace context. While this is undoubtedly the book’s main objective, exploring the broader implications of discussing race in other aspects of life would have added further depth to the content.

In conclusion, “How to Talk to Your Boss About Race: Speaking Up Without Getting Shut Down” is an invaluable resource for anyone seeking guidance on engaging in conversations about race in the workplace. Y-Vonne Hutchinson’s expertise and practical approach make this book a must-read for employees who wish to address racial issues constructively and effectively. By fostering understanding, empathy, and open dialogue, this book has the potential to create positive change within organizations and society as a whole.

Review 9

Here is a review of the book “How to Talk to Your Boss About Race: Speaking Up Without Getting Shut Down” by Y-Vonne Hutchinson:

This thoughtful book provides useful guidance for employees who want to discuss issues of race and inclusion with their manager or senior leadership. Hutchinson argues that having courageous conversations about race in the workplace is crucial for creating an equitable environment but can be risky without careful preparation and tact.

The book offers a step-by-step approach for employees to thoughtfully plan what they want to communicate to their boss about observed problems or opportunities related to race. It advises assessing organizational culture and your manager’s receptiveness first before deciding how and when to broach the topic. Hutchinson provides scripts for respectfully raising issues and offers strategies to prevent defensive reactions, such as focusing on behaviors and policies rather than persons.

For each stage of planning and conducting a discussion, Hutchinson gives helpful examples and anecdotes from her experience as a diversity and inclusion consultant. She demolishes stereotypes about being an “angry black woman” and equips readers to address racial concerns with composure, evidence and proposed solutions rather than accusations. Hutchinson’s vulnerability in recounting her own challenges as a woman of color advocating for change models the courage she encourages.

Managers seeking to foster inclusion will gain insight into how biases, however unintended, undermine the experience of coworkers from marginalized groups. Individual stories bring macro issues like privilege, microaggressions and representation down to a personal level that invites empathy and understanding and gives managers action ideas to remedy problems.

Overall, this is an exceptionally useful guide for navigating difficult conversations that are undoubtedly important yet rarely happen for fear of backfiring. Hutchinson gifts workplaces with not only a framework for respectful discourse but also a compelling case for why discussing race improves culture, collaboration and business outcomes. Employees and managers alike stand to benefit from her wisdom.

Review 10

“How to Talk to Your Boss About Race: Speaking Up Without Getting Shut Down” by Y-Vonne Hutchinson is a highly insightful and practical guide that addresses the important issue of discussing race in the workplace, specifically with your boss. The book provides valuable strategies and advice on navigating these conversations effectively while minimizing the risk of backlash or negative repercussions.

Hutchinson’s book is divided into well-organized chapters, each focusing on different aspects of engaging in conversations about race at work. From the very beginning, the author sets the tone by emphasizing the significance of these discussions and the potential impact they can have on creating a more inclusive and equitable work environment.

One of the book’s greatest strengths is the author’s ability to blend personal anecdotes, case studies, and research to provide a comprehensive understanding of the challenges individuals face when broaching the topic of race with their superiors. Hutchinson highlights the various power dynamics at play while acknowledging the potential fears and concerns that often prevent employees from initiating these conversations.

The book offers practical strategies for preparing and structuring these discussions, emphasizing the importance of doing thorough research, understanding company policies, and clarifying one’s objectives beforehand. Hutchinson provides readers with step-by-step guidance on how to frame the conversation, address potential pushback, and maintain a constructive dialogue that fosters understanding and change.

Throughout the book, Hutchinson emphasizes the importance of building relationships and allies within the workplace. She explores different approaches for engaging colleagues, managers, and executives in productive conversations about race. The author emphasizes the significance of active listening, empathy, and fostering an environment of psychological safety to encourage open dialogue and minimize defensiveness.

Hutchinson also dedicates a section of the book to addressing the challenges specific to different racial and ethnic backgrounds. She acknowledges that experiences and perspectives can vary greatly, and provides guidance on how to navigate discussions with sensitivity and respect.

Furthermore, the book addresses potential roadblocks and pitfalls that individuals may encounter when discussing race with their bosses. Hutchinson offers practical advice on how to handle resistance, dismissive attitudes, or even overt hostility, providing readers with tools to maintain composure and steer the conversation towards a more constructive outcome.

Overall, “How to Talk to Your Boss About Race: Speaking Up Without Getting Shut Down” is an essential resource for anyone seeking to initiate meaningful conversations about race in the workplace. Hutchinson’s expertise as a diversity and inclusion consultant shines through in her thoughtful approach, practical strategies, and wealth of real-world examples.

By combining personal experiences, research, and actionable advice, Hutchinson equips readers with the tools and confidence to address racial issues at work effectively. This book is an invaluable guide for those striving to create more inclusive organizations and foster positive change in their professional environments.

In conclusion, “How to Talk to Your Boss About Race: Speaking Up Without Getting Shut Down” is a must-read for employees at all levels who are committed to promoting racial equity and having productive conversations about race in the workplace. Y-Vonne Hutchinson’s expertise and practical insights make this book an indispensable resource for driving meaningful change and fostering inclusive work environments.

Review 11

I have read the book [How to Talk to Your Boss About Race: Speaking Up Without Getting Shut Down] by [Y-Vonne Hutchinson] and I am ready to give you a brief review of it. Here is my review:

How to Talk to Your Boss About Race: Speaking Up Without Getting Shut Down is a book that offers practical and effective strategies for having honest and productive conversations about racism and bias in the workplace. The book is written by Y-Vonne Hutchinson, a diversity and inclusion strategist who has helped many organizations and leaders address these issues and create more equitable and inclusive cultures. The book is based on her own experience, as well as the latest research and best practices from various fields and disciplines.

The main goal of the book is to empower employees to speak up and advocate for antiracist change in their work environments, without fear of backlash, gaslighting, or career damage. The book argues that most employees, especially those from marginalized groups, face many barriers and challenges when they try to raise their concerns or share their perspectives on race-related matters with their bosses or senior leaders. These include power dynamics, communication gaps, emotional triggers, implicit biases, defensive reactions, and organizational norms. The book provides a framework and a toolkit to overcome these obstacles and communicate more effectively and persuasively with more powerful leaders.

The book is divided into three parts. The first part, “The Journey”, covers the essential skills and mindsets that employees need to develop and demonstrate before, during, and after talking to their bosses about race. These include self-awareness, emotional intelligence, cultural competence, allyship, courage, resilience, and authenticity. The second part, “The Conversation”, focuses on the specific steps and techniques that employees need to follow to prepare for, initiate, conduct, and follow up on the conversation. These include setting clear goals, choosing the right time and place, framing the message, using evidence and stories, asking questions, listening actively, handling objections, finding common ground, and agreeing on action steps. The third part, “The Change”, explores the impact and influence that employees can have on creating antiracist change in their workplaces. This includes building trust and rapport with their bosses, influencing their decisions and behaviors, creating other allies and advocates, supporting other marginalized voices, and measuring progress and outcomes.

The book is a well-written and well-researched guide for anyone who wants to improve their ability to talk to their boss about race. It is based on solid evidence, experiments, and studies from various disciplines and fields. It provides useful advice, tips, tools, and exercises that help readers apply the concepts and principles to their own situations and challenges. It is written in a clear, concise, and engaging style that makes it easy to read and understand. It also reflects Hutchinson’s passion, enthusiasm, and optimism for antiracism and its potential to make a positive difference in the world.

How to Talk to Your Boss About Race: Speaking Up Without Getting Shut Down is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to enhance their communication skills and performance on race-related issues. It is also a motivational and empowering book that encourages readers to pursue their dreams, overcome their difficulties, and improve their well-being. It is a book that challenges readers to rethink their assumptions about race, power, and leadership.

Review 12

Y-Vonne Hutchinson’s book, “How to Talk to Your Boss About Race: Speaking Up Without Getting Shut Down,” is a timely and impactful guide that addresses the crucial issue of discussing race in the workplace. Hutchinson tackles the complexities surrounding conversations about race, providing readers with practical strategies to navigate these discussions effectively and constructively.

The book’s strength lies in its focus on actionable advice. Hutchinson acknowledges the discomfort and challenges that can arise when addressing racial issues at work, and she offers step-by-step guidance on how to approach such conversations. Her writing is clear, direct, and empathetic, making it easy for readers to understand and relate to the scenarios she presents.

Hutchinson draws from her extensive experience in diversity, equity, and inclusion work to provide real-world examples and solutions. She emphasizes the importance of framing conversations around shared goals and business outcomes, which can help foster understanding and buy-in from colleagues and superiors. By anchoring discussions in the workplace context, Hutchinson shows how addressing racial issues can contribute to a more inclusive and productive work environment.

A notable aspect of the book is its recognition of power dynamics. Hutchinson acknowledges the challenges employees might face when discussing race with their bosses, particularly if there’s a power imbalance. She provides nuanced advice on how to navigate these dynamics, ensuring that readers feel empowered to express their concerns while also being strategic about timing and approach.

The book does have a specialized focus on the workplace, which might limit its appeal to readers seeking a broader exploration of race-related conversations. However, for its intended audience – professionals aiming to address racial issues within their professional sphere – it offers a comprehensive and insightful resource.

In conclusion, “How to Talk to Your Boss About Race: Speaking Up Without Getting Shut Down” is a valuable guide for individuals seeking guidance on navigating conversations about race in the workplace. Y-Vonne Hutchinson’s expertise and practical approach provide readers with the tools they need to engage in meaningful discussions that drive positive change while acknowledging the unique dynamics of corporate environments. This book is highly recommended for those looking to contribute to a more inclusive and equitable workplace by effectively addressing race-related issues with their superiors and colleagues.

Review 13

Y-Vonne Hutchinson’s book, “How to Talk to Your Boss About Race: Speaking Up Without Getting Shut Down,” is a timely and essential guide for individuals seeking to address racial issues in the workplace. With a clear and concise writing style, Hutchinson provides practical advice and strategies to navigate difficult conversations surrounding race, ensuring that your voice is heard without fear of retribution.

One of the book’s strengths lies in its emphasis on the importance of understanding power dynamics within the workplace. Hutchinson acknowledges that discussing race with your boss can be intimidating, but she empowers readers by providing a framework to approach these conversations effectively. By recognizing the potential risks and challenges, readers are better equipped to navigate these discussions with confidence and tact.

Hutchinson’s book is rooted in real-world experiences, drawing on her own encounters with racial bias and discrimination. She shares personal anecdotes and case studies that illustrate the complexities of discussing race in professional settings. These stories help readers relate to the challenges faced by individuals from diverse backgrounds and provide valuable insights into potential strategies for addressing these issues.

The author’s guidance is practical and actionable, offering step-by-step advice on how to initiate conversations, frame arguments, and respond to common objections. Hutchinson emphasizes the importance of active listening, empathy, and self-reflection as key components of effective communication. By encouraging readers to approach these conversations with an open mind and a willingness to learn, she fosters an environment conducive to meaningful dialogue and understanding.

Furthermore, “How to Talk to Your Boss About Race” addresses the intersectionality of race with other aspects of identity, such as gender, sexuality, and disability. Hutchinson recognizes that individuals may face multiple forms of discrimination and provides guidance on how to navigate these complex dynamics in the workplace. This inclusive approach ensures that readers gain a comprehensive understanding of the challenges faced by marginalized groups and equips them with the tools to address these issues holistically.

While the book primarily focuses on conversations with bosses, the strategies and insights presented can be applied to various professional relationships. Hutchinson’s guidance is applicable to discussions with colleagues, subordinates, and even clients, making it a valuable resource for anyone seeking to foster a more inclusive and equitable work environment.

In summary, “How to Talk to Your Boss About Race: Speaking Up Without Getting Shut Down” is an indispensable guide for individuals navigating conversations on race in the workplace. Y-Vonne Hutchinson’s expertise and personal experiences shine through, providing readers with practical strategies, real-world examples, and a deeper understanding of the complexities surrounding race and power dynamics. This book is a must-read for anyone committed to fostering a more inclusive and equitable work environment.

Review 14

Here is my brief review of the book How to Talk to Your Boss About Race: Speaking Up Without Getting Shut Down by Y-Vonne Hutchinson.

This book is a practical and empowering guide for anyone who wants to have productive and respectful conversations about race in the workplace. The author, Y-Vonne Hutchinson, is a diversity and inclusion strategist who helps tech giants, political leaders, and Fortune 500 companies address racism and bias and create more equitable and inclusive cultures. She draws on her own experiences as a Black woman in the corporate world, as well as the latest research and best practices from sports psychology, neuroscience, and business management, to provide a framework and tools for speaking up without getting shut down.

The book is divided into four parts: The first part explains why talking about race at work is important and necessary, and how to overcome the fear and anxiety that often prevent people from doing so. The second part introduces the concept of power dynamics, and how to understand and leverage one’s own power position, as well as the power positions of others, to create change. The third part offers strategies and techniques for having effective conversations about race with different types of bosses, such as the ally, the skeptic, the avoider, the aggressor, and the gaslighter. The fourth part discusses how to deal with the potential consequences and outcomes of speaking up, such as backlash, retaliation, isolation, or recognition, and how to cope with the emotional toll of being an antiracist advocate. Each chapter ends with a summary of key points and a set of questions or exercises that invite the reader to reflect and practice.

The book is written in a clear and engaging style, with real-life examples and stories from the author’s own career and from other professionals who have faced similar challenges. The book also includes many resources and references for further learning and action. The book is not only informative but also inspiring, as the author encourages the reader to find their voice and use it for good.

The book is suitable for anyone who wants to learn how to talk to their boss about race in a way that is respectful, honest, and effective. Whether one is a person of color, a white ally, or somewhere in between, this book will offer valuable insights and practical tips on how to create antiracist change in the workplace. This book is a must-read for anyone who cares about racial justice and equity.

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Book Summary: How to Talk to Your Boss About Race – Speaking Up Without Getting Shut Down


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