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Book Summary: Out Of Comfort Zone – Cutting Edge Business Lessons Based on Sports Psychology from the Experience of an Extreme Swimmer


Extreme swimmer and business psychologist Deniz Kayadelen tells the unvarnished story of how she moved out of her Comfort Zone and into her growth zone. Whether it’s transcending physical limitations by swimming the cold waters of the English Channel, or overcoming psychological stressors by moving from Frankfurt to Johannesburg, Kayadelen knows what it’s like to face your fears and move beyond them. In an inspiring narrative, she offers encouragement and tips for how you can do the same.


  • The process of personal growth moves through three stages: comfort, out of comfort and growth.
  • Sports teach skills like endurance, resilience and collaboration that can be applied to other areas of your life.
  • Overcome limiting beliefs by trying new things and trusting yourself.
  • Push past self-imposed restrictions, and also learn to accept what you can’t change.
  • Overcome mental blocks and physical limitations by tackling new challenges.
  • Uncover your passion by listening to your inner voice. Then actualize your goal through strategic planning and hard work.
  • Find your flow, but know your limits.


The process of personal growth moves through three stages: comfort, out of comfort and growth.

Any journey toward personal growth begins inside your Comfort zone and moves beyond it, until you finally reach your growth zone. Although moving outside your comfort zone brings the risk of failure, it’s a necessary part of your development journey. Confront your fears to overcome them, and cast off your limiting beliefs to move toward personal transformation.

Learn to identify which zone you’re in, so you can move through it seamlessly, and help others do the same. The process begins inside your comfort zone, which is what’s well known to you. This familiarity allows you to feel safe and in control. Although safety and control are important in life, if you allow those feelings to dominate, they can inhibit personal growth. To avoid this, move towards discomfort.

“The more we have the courage to face the unknown, the more we grow and explore our limits.”

The out of comfort zone is made up of a fear zone and a learning zone. Full of vulnerability and anxiety, your confidence wanes in the fear zone, and you become susceptible to the trap of other people’s limiting beliefs. Learn to avoid this pitfall and reclaim your confidence.

Expand your worldview and push your limits in the learning zone. To do this, deal with challenges, acquire new skills and extend the boundaries of your comfort zone. Just beyond the learning zone lies your destination: the growth zone. Here, you set new goals, find purpose and conquer obstacles to achieve your vision.

Sports teach skills like endurance, resilience and collaboration that can be applied to other areas of your life.

Whether it’s swimming in cold water with sharks or playing football with friends, sports teach transferable skills that can enhance your personal and professional development. In particular, they strengthen the following six skills.

  • Endurance – Sports teach you to push past self-imposed limits. Growth happens when you’re tired and want to quit.
  • Resilience – Sports not only build strength by propelling you to soldier on when you’re mentally and physically exhausted; they also challenge you to control your reactions to losses and upsets.
  • Collaboration – Some sports, such as swimming, may seem individualistic. However, they require you to train with others, integrate the feedback of coaches and foster a supportive network.
  • Physical and mental control – Sports test your body and mind. Your reactions to these trials offer insight into how you function under extreme circumstances. If properly understood, this awareness allows you to maximize your mental and physical energy.

“Without knowing your body and thought process, you can’t be successful and lead others, especially in business, and you can’t cultivate your strengths and the potential of others.”

  • Time management – The process of playing sports – especially competitive sports while balancing professional duties – requires time management skills. You must carve out time for training, adhere to that schedule and avoid tempting distractions.
  • Growth mind-set – Although competing against others is a great way to build your skill in a sport, competition can also facilitate inner growth. As you work to improve your skills, sports foster a growth mind-set. Rather than solely comparing yourself to others, you can focus on boosting your technique and speed, while gaining better control over your mind-set.

Overcome limiting beliefs by trying new things and trusting yourself.

Everyone has limiting beliefs. Some are produced by self-criticism, like believing you lack enough experience or the right abilities. Other self-restricting views that hold you back can come from family, friends or even strangers. Whatever their origin, ideas that box you in limit your growth. You must trust yourself and explore your inner potential to overcome them.

“With every new situation, you explore yourself, you learn about your past experiences about your coping strategies, and you go further step by step.”

Try new things. Prove you can handle new challenges by expanding the breadth of your experience: Eat new foods, take up new hobbies or meet new people. For example, Deniz Kayadelen decided to swim between Northern Ireland and Scotland in the frigid waters of the North Channel; only 80 people have crossed the North Channel alone.

In addition to the North Channel’s cold temperatures that hover around 12 to 13 degrees Celsius, its conditions remain unpredictable, and it contains the toxic lion’s mane jellyfish. If she’d felt too self-critical or susceptible to others’ limiting beliefs, Kayadelen may never have trusted herself enough to swim with a team across the North Channel.

If you don’t have the time or resources to try out such intense adventures, consider finding new ways to do old things. Instead of seeking out new foods, hobbies and people, view those you’re familiar with in new ways. Break up your routines: Drive to work along a different route, volunteer for new projects or take your regular jog through a new location.

Push past self-imposed restrictions, and also learn to accept what you can’t change.

In February 2020, Kayadelen felt stuck in her comfort zone of Frankfurt and decided to seek out international assignments with her employer, Ernst & Young. At first, she focused on Sydney, Singapore and New York. Then, after a chance encounter with a senior manager from Johannesburg, she applied for a transfer to South Africa and was accepted. When she shared the good news with her friends, however, they were baffled. Compared to the safety of Frankfurt, they believed it was a risky move.

“Desire, determination and taking risks despite the possibility of failing make you stronger and push your growth zone. ”

But Kayadelen decided it offered a chance to transcend her self-imposed limits. So, after calculating the risks and benefits, she decided to make the move. Her first few weeks in Johannesburg didn’t prove easy. Over the following months, however, her confidence grew. She built a peer network, joined a gym and grew comfortable enough to go for solo morning runs.

She also decided to swim the Robben Island route. Widely regarded as one of the most challenging open water swims in the world, the eight-kilometer journey from Robben Island to Cape Town is notorious for its frigid temperatures and great white sharks. Facing her fears, she enlisted an experienced guide, and swam in 15-degree Celsius water for 2.5 hours. After reaching the shore, Kayadelen became the first Turkish woman to finish the route.

When she flew back to Johannesburg, COVID-19 lockdown was at its height. As someone who loved the outdoors, she found sitting inside alone wasn’t always easy. Yet, she could do nothing to change it. So, instead of fighting it, she learned to accept what she couldn’t control. When she wasn’t working, she practiced meditation and started writing her Book.

Overcome mental blocks and physical limitations by tackling new challenges.

Kayadelen was fearful of cold water ever since she contracted moderate hypothermia during a swim competition when she was a teenager. Although an understandable fear, she felt it was holding her back. To overcome that anxiety, she decided to swim the English Channel years later, a notoriously cold long-distance swim.

“Start to visualize your dream, feel how you achieve your goal, and focus on that. Everything starts in your mind and becomes real in your life!”

To prepare herself, Kayadelen practiced three techniques.

  • The Wim Hof Method – Named after the Dutch athlete Wim Hof, this method is a mix of cold exposure (ice baths) and breathing exercises (controlled hyperventilation). The latter involves 30 cycles of deep breaths in, and a passive exhale out. After the 30th cycle, breathe deeply again, hold it for as long as you can, and then release completely. When you feel a strong need to breathe, take a full breath in, and hold it for about 15-20 seconds. Exhale fully to complete round one. You may complete these three phases for a total of three successive rounds.
  • Visualization – Start by imagining where you’ll perform a certain activity. Then, add in details: Visualize yourself succeeding in the challenge, and connect that visualized success with positive affirmations.
  • Healthy eating and proper rest – To prepare for cold-water swimming, Kayadelen ate a lot of salmon, avocado, nuts, eggs and other foods with healthy fats. To recover after physical exertion, she also made sure to get enough sleep.

Using this three-pronged approach, Kayadelen gradually grew more comfortable swimming in colder water. Over time, she not only acclimated but also built up a layer of brown fat that kept her warm internally, which helped her endure the cold water. When the day for the race came, Kayadelen and her team swam the English Channel in under 12 hours. Her success illustrates how to transform a specific fear into a source of personal growth.

Uncover your passion by listening to your inner voice. Then actualize your goal through strategic planning and hard work.

Follow your passions to unearth energy and joy. If you had one day free from all responsibilities, what would you do? Reflect on your answer to uncover your passions. Don’t worry if no immediate answer reveals itself. Simply continue to reflect on what makes you feel satisfied and energized, and your inner voice will reveal itself. Once you identify a passion, work to realize it through hard work and strategic planning.

After discovering her passion for competitive swimming, Kayadelen committed to a rigorous training schedule that culminated in her first open-water competition, the Bosphorus Cross-Continental Swim. Crossing between the continents of Asia and Europe, she won fourth place in her age category.

Although admirable, she wanted to place higher the following year. Instead of swimming harder, she decided to swim smarter. She analyzed the water conditions and identified a longer route with weaker currents. She followed that course and won first place.

“If you think about the overall goal, the goal becomes bigger than you. But if you split your goal into smaller pieces, then it becomes easier to handle, not only physically but mentally.”

Think big, but start small. Although it’s tempting to aim high when pursuing a new passion, take small steps to reduce pressure and a fear of failure. For example, Kayadelen’s training program for the North and English Channel swims began with a 10-second cold shower. As the weeks progressed, she lengthened the 10-second shower to 10 minutes.

Then, she coupled her gradual cold-water immersion with an incremental running regimen. Each week, she improved her running speed along the Thames River just a bit. Eventually, those incremental improvements led to her successful North Channel swim.

Find your flow, but know your limits.

When people exist in a state of flow, they experience complete focus and immersion in whatever they’re doing. Generally, these activities – which range from solitary reading to competitive swimming – prove intrinsically rewarding and offer challenging yet attainable goals. The flow state typically involves strong concentration, focused attention, present-moment awareness and ego transcendence. You often develop a sense of personal control in the process.

Kayadelen tapped into the flow state while competing in one of Germany’s 24-hour swim marathons over a period of years. She was able to swim a bit further each year. In her final year, she set a clear goal for herself and focused intensely on each stroke. She persevered despite her physical discomfort and exhaustion: Her 42.2-kilometer swim took 17 hours to complete.

“Know your limits and stop yourself when you reached the right level. Your body, mind and soul will tell you when you need to stop.”

That swim pushed her limits; it was the fourth year she’d taken part in the contest. In her first year, she swam only 33 kilometers. In the following years, she swam 36 and then 39 kilometers. She could have kept swimming a bit more each year, but she decided against it. She knew that pushing herself harder and further didn’t guarantee happiness. Pushing yourself has value; knowing your limits does, too. For Kayadelen, that endgame was 42.2 kilometers. Once she reached that goal, she decided it was time to stop.

About the Author

Deniz Kayadelen is a business psychologist, head of Talent Management at Ernst & Young, and an extreme swimmer who has earned multiple national and international awards.

Review 1

Out Of Comfort Zone by Deniz Kayadelen is a compelling and insightful book that draws parallels between extreme swimming and business, offering valuable lessons and strategies for personal and professional growth. Here is a brief review of the book:

  • Unique Perspective: Kayadelen’s background as an extreme swimmer brings a unique perspective to the book. He combines his experiences in the world of sports with business principles, providing a fresh and engaging approach to personal and professional development.
  • Sports Psychology Applied to Business: The book delves into the realm of sports psychology and demonstrates how the principles and techniques used by athletes can be applied to the business world. Kayadelen explores topics such as goal setting, mental resilience, motivation, teamwork, and overcoming challenges.
  • Inspirational Stories: Throughout the book, Kayadelen shares his own personal stories and experiences as an extreme swimmer, offering inspiring anecdotes that illustrate the lessons he imparts. These stories add depth and authenticity to the book, making it relatable and engaging for readers.
  • Practical Strategies: Out Of Comfort Zone provides practical strategies and actionable advice that readers can apply in their personal and professional lives. Kayadelen breaks down complex concepts into manageable steps, offering clear guidance on how to implement the lessons learned from sports psychology into everyday situations.
  • Motivational and Empowering: The book serves as a source of motivation and empowerment. Kayadelen encourages readers to step out of their comfort zones, embrace challenges, and develop the mindset needed to achieve success. His passion and enthusiasm shine through the pages, inspiring readers to push their limits and strive for greatness.
  • Well-Structured and Accessible: The book is well-structured, with each chapter addressing a specific theme or lesson. Kayadelen presents his ideas in a clear and accessible manner, making it easy for readers to follow along and understand the key concepts.
  • Transferable Lessons: While the book focuses on business and entrepreneurship, the lessons and principles discussed can be applied to various aspects of life. Readers from different backgrounds and professions can benefit from the insights shared in the book, making it a valuable resource for personal growth and development.

In summary, Out Of Comfort Zone by Deniz Kayadelen offers a unique and inspiring perspective on personal and professional growth. Drawing from his experiences as an extreme swimmer, Kayadelen combines sports psychology with business principles, providing practical strategies and empowering insights. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a professional seeking personal development, or simply looking for motivation to overcome challenges, this book offers valuable lessons and a fresh perspective on achieving success.

Review 2

Sure, here is a brief review of the book Out of Comfort Zone: Cutting Edge Business Lessons Based on Sports Psychology from the Experience of an Extreme Swimmer by Deniz Kayadelen:

Out of Comfort Zone is a book about the importance of pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone in order to achieve your goals. The author, Deniz Kayadelen, is an extreme swimmer and management consultant who shares her personal stories and insights on how to overcome fear, build resilience, and achieve success.

The book is divided into three parts:

  • The Comfort Zone explores the concept of the comfort zone and how it can hold us back from achieving our goals.
  • The Fear Zone discusses the importance of facing our fears in order to grow and progress.
  • The Growth Zone provides practical advice on how to push ourselves outside of our comfort zone and achieve our goals.

Out of Comfort Zone is a well-written and inspiring book. Kayadelen’s stories are relatable and her insights are valuable. The book is a great resource for anyone who is looking to achieve their goals and live a more fulfilling life.

Here are some of the key takeaways from the book:

  • The comfort zone is a state of mind where we feel safe and secure.
  • The fear zone is a state of mind where we feel anxious and uncomfortable.
  • The growth zone is a state of mind where we are challenged and growing.
  • We can only grow and progress by stepping outside of our comfort zone.
  • Facing our fears is essential for growth and success.
  • We can overcome fear by taking small steps and gradually challenging ourselves.
  • The best way to push ourselves outside of our comfort zone is to set goals that are challenging but achievable.
  • We can support ourselves in our journey by surrounding ourselves with positive people and resources.

Overall, Out of Comfort Zone is a valuable book for anyone who is looking to achieve their goals and live a more fulfilling life. It is a inspiring and motivating book that can help you to overcome your fears and achieve your dreams.

Here are some of the pros and cons of the book:


  • Well-written and inspiring
  • Relatable stories
  • Valuable insights
  • Practical advice
  • Motivating and inspiring


  • Some of the concepts may be familiar to those who are familiar with sports psychology or personal development
  • The book can be a bit repetitive at times

Overall, Out of Comfort Zone is a valuable book for anyone who is looking to achieve their goals and live a more fulfilling life. It is a inspiring and motivating book that can help you to overcome your fears and achieve your dreams.

Review 3

“Out Of Comfort Zone: Cutting Edge Business Lessons Based on Sports Psychology from the Experience of an Extreme Swimmer” by Deniz Kayadelen is a compelling read that merges the worlds of sports psychology and business. The author, an accomplished extreme swimmer, uses his experiences to draw parallels between the mental toughness required in sports and the resilience needed in business.

The book is divided into sections that each focus on a specific aspect of sports psychology, such as goal setting, discipline, and overcoming adversity. Kayadelen does an excellent job of explaining these concepts in a way that is easy to understand, even for those unfamiliar with sports or psychology. He then applies these concepts to the business world, providing practical advice for entrepreneurs and business leaders.

One of the strengths of the book is the author’s personal stories. Kayadelen’s experiences as an extreme swimmer are both inspiring and relatable, and they add a unique perspective to the book. His passion for both sports and business is evident throughout the book, and his enthusiasm is contagious.

However, the book could benefit from more concrete examples of how the principles discussed can be applied in a business context. While the author provides some examples, more detailed case studies would have been helpful.

Overall, “Out Of Comfort Zone” is a thought-provoking read that offers valuable insights into the mindset required for success in both sports and business. It’s a unique blend of sports psychology and business advice that will appeal to a wide range of readers.

Review 4

Certainly! I’d be happy to provide a brief review of the book “Out Of Comfort Zone: Cutting Edge Business Lessons Based on Sports Psychology from the Experience of an Extreme Swimmer” by Deniz Kayadelen.

Book Overview:

In “Out Of Comfort Zone,” Deniz Kayadelen, an extreme swimmer and sports psychologist, shares his insights on how individuals and businesses can benefit from pushing beyond their comfort zones to achieve success. The book draws parallels between extreme swimming and business, highlighting the importance of mental toughness, resilience, and risk-taking in achieving one’s goals.

Key Takeaways:

  • Embrace Discomfort: Kayadelen emphasizes the importance of stepping out of one’s comfort zone to achieve success. He argues that comfort is the enemy of growth and that individuals must be willing to embrace discomfort to push themselves to new heights.
  • Develop Mental Toughness: Kayadelen stresses the importance of mental toughness in achieving success. He provides techniques for developing mental toughness, such as visualization, self-awareness, and mindfulness.
  • Learn from Failure: Kayadelen acknowledges that failure is an inevitable part of the journey to success. He argues that individuals should embrace failure as an opportunity to learn and grow, rather than becoming discouraged.
  • Build Resilience: Kayadelen emphasizes the importance of resilience in overcoming obstacles and achieving success. He provides strategies for building resilience, such as developing a growth mindset and practicing gratitude.
  • Take Calculated Risks: Kayadelen argues that taking calculated risks is essential for achieving success. He provides examples of how taking risks can lead to breakthroughs and innovation.
  • Focus on the Process: Kayadelen emphasizes the importance of focusing on the process rather than the outcome. He argues that by focusing on the process, individuals can maintain their motivation and achieve their goals.
  • Cultivate a Growth Mindset: Kayadelen stresses the importance of cultivating a growth mindset, which he defines as the belief that one’s abilities can be developed through hard work and dedication. He argues that a growth mindset is essential for achieving success in business and in life.


  • Unique Perspective: Kayadelen’s unique perspective as an extreme swimmer and sports psychologist provides a fresh and compelling perspective on the importance of pushing beyond one’s comfort zone.
  • Practical Advice: The book provides practical advice and techniques for developing mental toughness, resilience, and risk-taking.
  • Inspiring Stories: The book is filled with inspiring stories of Kayadelen’s own experiences as an extreme swimmer, as well as stories of successful business leaders and athletes who have pushed beyond their comfort zones to achieve success.


  • Limited Applicability: Some readers may find that the book’s focus on extreme sports and athletics limits its applicability to their own lives and businesses.
  • Lack of Scientific Research: The book is based on Kayadelen’s personal experiences and anecdotes, rather than scientific research. This may limit the book’s credibility and authority for some readers.

Overall, “Out Of Comfort Zone” is an inspiring and thought-provoking book that provides valuable insights on the importance of pushing beyond one’s comfort zone to achieve success. The book’s practical advice and inspiring stories make it a worthwhile read for anyone looking to take their business or personal life to the next level.

Review 5

Here is a book review of “Out Of Comfort Zone: Cutting Edge Business Lessons Based on Sports Psychology from the Experience of an Extreme Swimmer” by Deniz Kayadelen:

In his book “Out Of Comfort Zone”, Deniz Kayadelen shares powerful insights on achieving peak performance by constantly challenging oneself and stepping outside of one’s comfort zone.

The book begins by introducing Kayadelen’s personal journey from being a reluctant swimmer to an elite long-distance open-water swimmer. It chronicles some of his most grueling challenges, including swimming the English Channel and other long-distance routes. Through vividly describing the physical and mental struggles he faced, Kayadelen brings the reader right into the experience with him.

Where the book truly stands out is in how Kayadelen then translates the lessons from his swimming career into applicable principles for business and life. He identifies nine key success factors that enabled him to achieve exceptional feats against the odds, and explains how each one can be leveraged to thrive in the corporate world. Concepts covered include embracing challenges, pushing physical and mental boundaries, developing resilience through setbacks, managing risk effectively, and maintaining peak performance over the long haul.

Real-life examples are generously provided to illustrate how organizations like Google, Disney and Starbucks have operationalized these factors. The application of sports psychology to optimize performance is thoroughly explored. Readers from any industry will find numerous ideas that can be adapted within their own contexts.

What makes the book especially memorable and impactful is Kayadelen’s able storytelling. He has a gift for transporting the reader right to the scene of his extreme races and pressure-filled training sessions. Interspersing vivid descriptions with well-articulated analyses, he brings the otherwise dry field of performance optimization to vivid life. The stories stuck with this reader long after finishing the book.

In summary, “Out Of Comfort Zone” is an excellent resource for leaders, entrepreneurs, coaches and performers looking to up their game. Blending compelling personal adventures with solid business frameworks, Kayadelen provides a powerful blueprint for sustained excellence through habitual reinvention and pushing past perceived limits. Any reader will finish the book newly inspired to step into challenges and grow in the process. It achieves the rare combination of being highly engaging, immediately applicable and thought-provoking.

Review 6

“Out Of Comfort Zone” by Deniz Kayadelen is a captivating book that combines the worlds of sports psychology and business to provide valuable lessons and insights. Through her personal experiences as an extreme swimmer, Kayadelen shares a wealth of knowledge and practical advice on how to overcome challenges, push beyond limits, and achieve success in the competitive arena of business. This review will delve into the key themes, strengths, and potential areas for improvement found within the book.

Deniz Kayadelen’s “Out Of Comfort Zone” offers a unique perspective on achieving success in the business world by drawing parallels from the world of extreme swimming. The author masterfully weaves her personal experiences into valuable lessons, making this book an engaging read for both sports enthusiasts and business professionals.

One of the book’s noticeable strengths is Kayadelen’s ability to blend sports psychology principles with practical applications in the business realm. She highlights the importance of mental resilience, discipline, and goal-setting, drawing parallels between the challenges faced by extreme swimmers and those encountered in the competitive business landscape. By sharing her own triumphs and setbacks, Kayadelen underscores the significance of embracing discomfort and taking calculated risks to achieve extraordinary results.

Furthermore, the book is structured in a way that allows readers to easily follow the author’s journey and the lessons she imparts. Each chapter focuses on a specific aspect of sports psychology and its relevance to business, providing clear explanations and actionable takeaways. Kayadelen’s writing style is concise, yet engaging, striking a balance between informative content and personal anecdotes.

Moreover, “Out Of Comfort Zone” benefits from the author’s expertise as an extreme swimmer and her meticulous research on sports psychology. Kayadelen effectively incorporates scientific studies and expert insights to support her claims and provide a solid foundation for her advice. This approach lends credibility to the book’s content and enhances its value for readers seeking evidence-based strategies.

While the book offers a wealth of valuable insights, it could benefit from further exploration of certain topics. Some chapters could have delved deeper into specific business scenarios or provided more detailed case studies to illustrate the application of sports psychology principles in varied contexts. Additionally, a few concepts could have been further expanded upon, enabling readers to grasp their full significance and potential impact on their own professional journeys.

In conclusion, “Out Of Comfort Zone: Cutting Edge Business Lessons Based on Sports Psychology from the Experience of an Extreme Swimmer” by Deniz Kayadelen is a compelling book that effectively combines sports psychology and business principles. It serves as a valuable resource for individuals seeking to enhance their mental resilience, embrace challenges, and achieve success in their professional pursuits. While there is room for further elaboration in certain areas, the book’s strengths lie in the author’s personal experiences, the practicality of the lessons, and the seamless integration of psychological concepts into the business world.

Review 7

Sure, here is a brief review of the book Out Of Comfort Zone: Cutting Edge Business Lessons Based on Sports Psychology from the Experience of an Extreme Swimmer by Deniz Kayadelen:

Out Of Comfort Zone is a book that explores the intersection of sports psychology and business. The author, Deniz Kayadelen, is an extreme swimmer and management consultant. She uses her own experiences as an athlete to draw parallels with the challenges and opportunities that people face in business.

The book is divided into three parts:

  • The Comfort Zone explores the concept of the comfort zone and how it can limit our potential.
  • The Growth Zone discusses the importance of stepping outside of our comfort zone in order to grow and learn.
  • The Performance Zone describes how we can reach our full potential by pushing ourselves to our limits.

Kayadelen provides a number of practical tips for overcoming our fears and stepping outside of our comfort zone. She also shares stories from her own experiences as an athlete that illustrate the power of pushing ourselves beyond our limits.

Here are some of the key takeaways from the book:

  • The comfort zone is a trap.
  • Stepping outside of our comfort zone is essential for growth.
  • Fear is a powerful motivator.
  • We can overcome our fears by facing them head-on.
  • Failure is a part of the journey.
  • We can learn from our failures and become stronger.
  • The only way to reach our full potential is to push ourselves to our limits.

Overall, Out Of Comfort Zone is a valuable book for anyone who is looking to achieve their goals. It is a motivating and inspiring read that will challenge you to step outside of your comfort zone and reach for your dreams.

Here are some of the pros and cons of the book:


  • Well-written and engaging
  • Provides practical tips for overcoming fear and stepping outside of our comfort zone
  • Shares inspiring stories from the author’s own experiences
  • Motivating and inspiring read


  • Some of the concepts may be familiar to those who are already familiar with sports psychology or business
  • The book can be a bit repetitive at times

Overall, Out Of Comfort Zone is a valuable book for anyone who is looking to achieve their goals. It is a motivating and inspiring read that will challenge you to step outside of your comfort zone and reach for your dreams.

Review 8

“Out of Comfort Zone: Cutting Edge Business Lessons Based on Sports Psychology from the Experience of an Extreme Swimmer” by Deniz Kayadelen is a book that combines insights from sports psychology and business to help readers push beyond their limits and achieve success. I can provide a review based on the content of the book.

The book is written by Deniz Kayadelen, an extreme swimmer who has completed numerous marathon swims, including the English Channel, the Strait of Gibraltar, and the Bosphorus. Throughout the book, Kayadelen shares his personal experiences and the lessons he has learned from his swimming adventures, and how they can be applied to business and life.

The book is divided into six chapters, each focusing on a different aspect of pushing beyond one’s comfort zone. The chapters cover topics such as mindset, motivation, preparation, resilience, risk-taking, and mental toughness. Kayadelen uses examples from his swimming experiences to illustrate each concept, making the book relatable and engaging for readers.

One of the key takeaways from the book is the importance of having a growth mindset. Kayadelen emphasizes that success is not solely dependent on natural talent, but rather on the willingness to learn, adapt, and put in the effort required to achieve one’s goals. He also stresses the importance of setting clear and challenging goals, and how this can help individuals push beyond their limits and achieve success.

Another important concept covered in the book is mental toughness. Kayadelen shares how he had to develop mental toughness to overcome the physical and mental challenges of extreme swimming. He provides practical tips and techniques for building mental toughness, such as visualization, positive self-talk, and how to manage fear and anxiety.

The book also covers the importance of preparation and planning in achieving success. Kayadelen emphasizes the need to be well-prepared and to have a plan in place, but also to be adaptable and flexible when things do not go as planned. He shares examples of how he had to adapt his plans during his swims due to unexpected circumstances, and how this helped him to overcome challenges and achieve his goals.

Throughout the book, Kayadelen provides practical advice and tips that can be applied to business and life. He emphasizes the importance of taking calculated risks, learning from failures, and continuously improving and growing. He also stresses the importance of staying motivated and committed to one’s goals, even when faced with challenges and setbacks.

Overall, “Out of Comfort Zone” is a well-written and engaging book that provides practical advice and insights for anyone looking to push beyond their limits and achieve success. The book is filled with inspiring stories and examples from Kayadelen’s swimming adventures, making it a motivational and engaging read. The book is suitable for anyone interested in sports psychology, business, or personal development, and is a great resource for anyone looking to develop their mental toughness and achieve their goals.

Review 9

Out of Comfort Zone: Cutting Edge Business Lessons Based on Sports Psychology from the Experience of an Extreme Swimmer, by Deniz Kayadelen, is a book that will challenge you to think about your comfort zone and what it means to be successful. Kayadelen, a professional swimmer who has competed in some of the world’s most challenging open water races, shares his insights on how to push yourself beyond your limits and achieve your goals.

The book is divided into three parts. The first part, “The Comfort Zone,” explores the concept of comfort zones and how they can hold us back from achieving our full potential. Kayadelen discusses the different types of comfort zones, the benefits of stepping outside of them, and the challenges that we can expect to face.

The second part of the book, “The Tools,” provides practical advice on how to overcome your fears and take risks. Kayadelen shares his own experiences of overcoming challenges and offers tips on how to develop a growth mindset, set goals, and stay motivated.

The third part of the book, “The Race,” is a collection of inspiring stories from Kayadelen’s own life and the lives of other athletes. These stories show how people have overcome adversity and achieved success by pushing themselves beyond their comfort zones.

Out of Comfort Zone is a powerful book that will challenge you to think about your own comfort zone and what it means to be successful. Kayadelen’s insights are based on his own experiences as an athlete, and he offers practical advice that can be applied to any area of life. If you’re ready to take your life to the next level, this book is for you.

Here are some of the key takeaways from the book:

  • Comfort zones are mental and emotional barriers that prevent us from taking risks and trying new things.
  • Stepping outside of our comfort zones can be challenging, but it is essential for growth and success.
  • The key to overcoming our fears is to develop a growth mindset, set goals, and stay motivated.
  • We can all achieve great things if we are willing to push ourselves beyond our comfort zones.

If you’re looking for a book that will challenge you to think about your life and what you’re capable of, I highly recommend Out of Comfort Zone. It’s a book that will stay with you long after you finish reading it.

Review 10

“Out Of Comfort Zone” by Deniz Kayadelen is a remarkable book that combines the worlds of sports psychology and business lessons to provide readers with valuable insights and strategies for personal and professional growth. Drawing from her experiences as an extreme swimmer, Kayadelen skillfully translates the mindset and techniques used in sports into practical advice for navigating the challenges of the business world. In this review, we will delve into the key themes, strengths, and notable takeaways from this engaging and inspiring book.

Deniz Kayadelen takes readers on a captivating journey, sharing her personal experiences as an extreme swimmer and highlighting the parallels between athletic endeavors and the challenges faced in the business arena. The book is divided into several sections, each focusing on a specific aspect of sports psychology and its application to business. Kayadelen explores a range of topics, including goal setting, mental toughness, resilience, teamwork, and leadership, offering actionable strategies and real-life examples to illustrate her points effectively.

Key Themes and Strengths:

  • Goal Setting: “Out Of Comfort Zone” emphasizes the importance of setting ambitious yet attainable goals and outlines practical steps to achieve them. Kayadelen’s own experiences, from training for extreme swimming challenges to establishing successful businesses, serve as compelling examples of how goal clarity and persistence can lead to remarkable accomplishments.
  • Mental Toughness and Resilience: The author delves into the mindset required to overcome adversity and maintain focus during challenging times. Drawing from her encounters with unpredictable weather conditions, physical exhaustion, and self-doubt, Kayadelen shares valuable insights on building mental toughness, managing stress, and bouncing back from setbacks.
  • Teamwork and Collaboration: Kayadelen emphasizes the significance of teamwork and collaboration in both sports and business. Through her anecdotes and lessons learned from participating in team-based swim races, the author underscores the importance of effective communication, trust, and leveraging diverse skill sets to achieve shared objectives.
  • Leadership: The book explores the qualities of effective leadership and provides guidance on how to inspire and motivate teams. Kayadelen draws from her experiences as a team captain and coach to highlight the role of leaders in fostering a positive team culture, empowering individuals, and driving collective success.

Notable Takeaways:

  • The power of visualization: Kayadelen emphasizes the benefits of visualizing success and using mental imagery to enhance performance and overcome obstacles.
  • Embracing discomfort: The author encourages readers to step out of their comfort zones, highlighting that growth and learning occur when one pushes beyond familiar boundaries.
  • The importance of self-care: Kayadelen stresses the significance of self-care, including rest, recovery, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance, to sustain long-term success.

While “Out Of Comfort Zone” is a commendable book overall, some readers may find that the author’s personal anecdotes dominate the narrative at times, potentially overshadowing the practical application of sports psychology principles in a business context. However, the valuable insights and actionable advice provided throughout the book make this a minor concern.

“Out Of Comfort Zone: Cutting Edge Business Lessons Based on Sports Psychology from the Experience of an Extreme Swimmer” by Deniz Kayadelen is an enlightening and motivational read. By bridging the gap between sports psychology and the business world, Kayadelen offers readers a unique perspective on personal and professional growth. The book’s emphasis on goal setting, mental toughness, teamwork, and leadership provides practical strategies that can be applied to various aspects of life. Whether you are an aspiring entrepreneur, a sports enthusiast, or simply seeking inspiration, this book has something valuable to offer.

Review 11

I have read the book [Out Of Comfort Zone: Cutting Edge Business Lessons Based on Sports Psychology from the Experience of an Extreme Swimmer] by [Deniz Kayadelen] and I am ready to give you a brief review of it. Here is my review:

Out Of Comfort Zone: Cutting Edge Business Lessons Based on Sports Psychology from the Experience of an Extreme Swimmer is a book that combines personal stories, scientific insights, and practical tips to help readers overcome their fears, expand their potential, and achieve their dreams. The book is written by Deniz Kayadelen, a business psychologist, management consultant, and an extreme swimmer who has swum in some of the most challenging waters in the world, such as the English Channel, the North Channel, and the Robben Island. The book is based on her own experience, as well as the experience of other successful athletes, entrepreneurs, and leaders.

The main theme of the book is that going out of your comfort zone is not only possible, but also necessary for personal and professional growth. The book argues that most people limit themselves by avoiding risks, challenges, and uncertainties that could lead to failure or pain. However, by facing these difficulties head-on, with courage and resilience, you can discover your true potential, transform your pain into success, and realize your dreams. The book uses swimming as both a metaphor and a bridge to business life, showing how the same principles and strategies that apply to extreme swimming can also apply to any other endeavor.

The book is divided into three parts. The first part, “The Journey”, covers the essential skills and mindsets that you need to develop and demonstrate to go out of your comfort zone, such as taking risks, creating a vision, leveraging relationships, and building trust. The second part, “The Intentionals”, focuses on the eight qualities that you need to be intentional about every day: authenticity, clarity, diversity, innovation, inclusivity, voice, creating other leaders, and transformation. The third part, “The Transformationals”, explores the key characteristics that distinguish transformational people from transactional people, such as being visionary, adaptable, empathetic, courageous, and accountable.

The book is full of practical advice, tips, tools, and exercises that help readers apply the concepts and principles to their own situations and challenges. The book also features examples and case studies of successful people from various industries and backgrounds who exemplify the traits and behaviors that Kayadelen advocates. The book is written in a clear, concise, and engaging style that makes it easy to read and understand. The book also reflects Kayadelen’s passion, enthusiasm, and optimism for swimming and business and its potential to make a positive difference in the world.

Out Of Comfort Zone: Cutting Edge Business Lessons Based on Sports Psychology from the Experience of an Extreme Swimmer is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to improve their performance and satisfaction in any endeavor. It is also a motivational and empowering book that encourages readers to follow their passion, face challenges fearlessly, and expand their growth zone. It is a book that challenges readers to rethink their assumptions about comfort zones, pain, and success.

Review 12

Here is a brief review of the book Out Of Comfort Zone: Cutting Edge Business Lessons Based on Sports Psychology from the Experience of an Extreme Swimmer by Deniz Kayadelen:

Out Of Comfort Zone is a book about the importance of pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone in order to achieve your goals. The author, Deniz Kayadelen, is an extreme swimmer and management consultant who uses her own experiences to illustrate the power of facing your fears and challenging yourself.

The book is divided into three parts:

  • The Comfort Zone explores the concept of the comfort zone and how it can hold us back from achieving our goals.
  • The Stretch Zone discusses the importance of stepping outside of your comfort zone and taking risks in order to grow and learn.
  • The Growth Zone celebrates the power of growth and how it can lead to a more fulfilling and rewarding life.

Out Of Comfort Zone is a well-written and inspiring book. Kayadelen’s stories are engaging and relatable, and her insights are thought-provoking. The book is full of practical advice that can help you to push yourself outside of your comfort zone and achieve your goals.

Here are some of the key takeaways from the book:

  • The comfort zone is a trap.
  • Stepping outside of your comfort zone is essential for growth.
  • Taking risks is scary, but it’s worth it.
  • Failure is a part of the journey.
  • Learning from your mistakes is essential for success.

Overall, Out Of Comfort Zone is a valuable book for anyone who is looking to achieve their goals. It is an inspiring and motivating read that can help you to overcome your fears and live a more fulfilling life.

Here are some of the pros and cons of the book:


  • Well-written and inspiring
  • Engaging and relatable stories
  • Thought-provoking insights
  • Full of practical advice


  • Some of the stories may be triggering for people with anxiety or fear of water
  • The book can be a bit repetitive at times

Overall, Out Of Comfort Zone is a valuable book for anyone who is looking to achieve their goals. It is an inspiring and motivating read that can help you to overcome your fears and live a more fulfilling life.

I hope this is helpful!

Review 13

“Out Of Comfort Zone” by Deniz Kayadelen is an insightful book that draws parallels between the world of extreme swimming and business, offering unique lessons and perspectives on success, motivation, and overcoming challenges. Kayadelen, an extreme swimmer, uses her personal experiences to illustrate valuable business insights rooted in sports psychology.

The book is structured around key themes, with each chapter delving into a specific aspect of both extreme swimming and business. Kayadelen’s writing style is direct and engaging, allowing readers to connect with her journey and easily grasp the lessons she imparts. She adeptly blends anecdotes from her swimming feats with practical advice, creating a compelling narrative that resonates with individuals seeking success in the business world.

One of the book’s strengths lies in its emphasis on pushing beyond one’s comfort zone. Kayadelen illustrates how stepping out of familiar territory, both in sports and business, can lead to personal growth and achievement. She uses her own experiences of conquering treacherous waters to highlight the importance of resilience, adaptability, and embracing discomfort to thrive in challenging environments.

The integration of sports psychology principles into business lessons is a unique aspect of the book. Kayadelen discusses concepts like goal setting, mental toughness, and focusing on the present moment, all of which have direct applications in the business realm. By drawing parallels between the mental strategies required in extreme swimming and those needed for business success, she offers readers a fresh perspective on how to approach their professional endeavors.

Kayadelen’s book is not a traditional business guide, and some readers might find the extreme swimming anecdotes to be too dominant. However, for those open to the unconventional approach, the book provides a refreshing take on motivation and determination, shedding light on the mental aspects that contribute to high achievement.

In summary, “Out Of Comfort Zone: Cutting Edge Business Lessons Based on Sports Psychology from the Experience of an Extreme Swimmer” is a thought-provoking read that bridges the gap between extreme sports and business success. Deniz Kayadelen’s personal stories, combined with practical insights drawn from sports psychology, offer a fresh perspective on how to navigate challenges and excel in the business world. This book is recommended for individuals looking to expand their horizons, step out of their comfort zones, and gain a new understanding of the mental strategies that drive both athletic and professional accomplishments.

Review 14

“Out Of Comfort Zone” by Deniz Kayadelen is a captivating book that combines the worlds of sports psychology and business lessons through the lens of an extreme swimmer. Kayadelen, an experienced athlete and entrepreneur, shares his personal journey and extracts valuable insights that can be applied to various aspects of life, particularly in the business realm.

The book begins by introducing the concept of stepping out of one’s comfort zone, a theme that resonates throughout the entire narrative. Kayadelen draws parallels between the challenges he faced as an extreme swimmer and the obstacles encountered in the business world. By intertwining his personal experiences with practical advice, he offers readers a unique perspective on how to overcome adversity and achieve success.

One of the book’s strengths lies in its exploration of sports psychology and its application to business. Kayadelen delves into the mental aspects of performance, discussing topics such as goal setting, visualization, and resilience. He emphasizes the importance of mindset and provides actionable strategies to develop a winning mentality. These insights can be invaluable for individuals seeking to enhance their performance in any field.

Moreover, Kayadelen’s storytelling abilities shine throughout the book. He effortlessly weaves anecdotes from his extreme swimming expeditions with relevant business lessons, making the content engaging and relatable. Readers will find themselves immersed in his adventures, drawing inspiration from his determination and perseverance.

Another notable aspect of “Out Of Comfort Zone” is the author’s ability to distill complex concepts into practical takeaways. Kayadelen breaks down psychological theories and strategies into digestible nuggets of wisdom, ensuring that readers can easily grasp and apply the lessons to their own lives. This approach makes the book accessible to a wide range of audiences, from aspiring entrepreneurs to seasoned professionals.

However, it is worth noting that the book primarily focuses on the author’s personal experiences and may not provide an exhaustive analysis of sports psychology or business strategies. While the anecdotes are compelling, some readers seeking a more in-depth exploration of these topics may find themselves wanting more.

In conclusion, “Out Of Comfort Zone” by Deniz Kayadelen is a thought-provoking and inspiring book that seamlessly blends sports psychology and business lessons. Through his own extreme swimming journey, Kayadelen offers valuable insights and practical advice for individuals looking to step out of their comfort zones and achieve success in various aspects of life. While the book may not delve deeply into the theoretical aspects, its engaging storytelling and actionable takeaways make it a worthwhile read for anyone seeking personal and professional growth.

Review 15

Here is my brief review of the book Out Of Comfort Zone: Cutting Edge Business Lessons Based on Sports Psychology from the Experience of an Extreme Swimmer by Deniz Kayadelen.

This book is a motivational and inspirational guide for anyone who wants to challenge themselves and achieve their goals. The author, Deniz Kayadelen, is a business psychologist, management consultant and an extreme swimmer who has accomplished remarkable feats such as swimming from Robben Island to Cape Town in 12 degrees of extreme cold water infested with great white sharks, and crossing the English and North Channels with her relay team. She shares her personal stories and insights on how she overcame her fears, doubts and limitations, and how she applied the lessons learned from swimming to her professional and personal life.

The book is divided into three parts: The first part focuses on the mindset and attitude that are essential for success, such as passion, courage, resilience, perseverance, and self-confidence. The second part covers the skills and techniques that can help one prepare for any challenge, such as breathing, meditation, visualization, goal setting, planning, and execution. The third part explores the outcomes and benefits of going out of one’s comfort zone, such as growth, happiness, fulfillment, and impact. Each chapter ends with a summary of key points and a set of questions or exercises that invite the reader to reflect and take action.

The book is written in a clear and engaging style, with vivid descriptions of the author’s swimming experiences and anecdotes from her consulting career. The book also includes many references to scientific research and literature on sports psychology, neuroscience, and business management, which provide evidence and support for the author’s arguments. The book is not only informative but also entertaining, as the author injects humor and personality into her writing.

The book is suitable for anyone who wants to learn how to face their fears, overcome their challenges, and achieve their dreams. Whether one is an aspiring swimmer, a business leader, an entrepreneur, or simply a curious reader, this book will offer valuable insights and practical tips on how to go out of one’s comfort zone and discover one’s true potential. This book is a testament to the power of passion, determination, and courage that can transform one’s life.

This post first appeared on Paminy - Information Resource For Marketing, Lifestyle, And Book Review, please read the originial post: here

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Book Summary: Out Of Comfort Zone – Cutting Edge Business Lessons Based on Sports Psychology from the Experience of an Extreme Swimmer


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