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Book Summary: The Nazi Conspiracy – The Secret Plot to Kill Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill


The Nazi Conspiracy (2023) tells the thrilling true story of the first meeting between the leaders of the Allied forces during the height of World War II – and the top-secret Nazi plot that almost changed the course of history. Full of drama, twists, and political intrigue stretching all over the world, it shows how the three leaders – Franklin Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, and Joseph Stalin – defied all odds, and arranged one of the most pivotal events in the entire war.

Introduction: Follow the twists and turns of an assassination plot which almost changed the course of history.

It’s the start of 1943 and the world isn’t in good shape. For over three years Europe has been ravaged by the expanding German Army, led by ruthless dictator Adolf Hitler and the brutal fascism of the Nazi party. Each day sees new atrocities that will take the world decades to fully comprehend.

The war is being fought on three fronts. In the Pacific, the Japanese are struggling against the United States – led by the 32nd president Franklin Delano Roosevelt – for control over the South Pacific region. It’s been over a year since the US was dragged into the war when the Japanese bombed the naval base at Pearl Harbor.

On the Southern Front in the Mediterranean and North Africa region, British, US, and Canadian troops are fighting Italy and other pro-Nazi governments. British prime minister Winston Churchill calls this the “soft underbelly,” and hopes control of Italy can offer a solid entrance into Nazi-occupied Europe.

Finally, on the Eastern Front, the German Army has been conducting a full-scale invasion of the Soviet Union. This has resulted in the most brutal and horrific battles the world has ever seen. The troops of Russian premier Joseph Stalin have suffered staggering losses. He’s desperately waiting for his American and British allies to assist and take away some of the pressure.

It’s in this bleak climate that a plan is formed: a meeting of the “big three” for the first time. If Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin can get together in the same room to discuss a unified plan, they just might be able to turn the war around.

In this summary, you’ll learn about the dramas and tensions that formed between these three leaders as they tried to make the meeting a reality – and the opportunistic top-secret Nazi conspiracy to pull off one of the most audacious assassination attempts in history.

Coming Together

“Unconditional surrender.”

These are the words that Roosevelt uses in Morocco at the beginning of 1943, in the press conference for his one-on-one meeting with Churchill. For the rest of the world, this is a shocking announcement – a public pledge that the Nazis won’t have the opportunity to negotiate for peace; that the war will go on to the bitter end.

The British prime minister is also shocked – he didn’t know the president was going to go public with this significant decision. Due to his friendship with Roosevelt and the necessity to present a unified front, he decides in the moment to echo the weighty words. The allied forces will accept nothing less than unconditional surrender.

The Morocco conference is a huge step forward in both strategic planning and public image for the Allies. But Roosevelt feels that the meeting has been a failure. A key element was missing: the third Allied leader, Joseph Stalin.

The Soviet leader desperately wants his US and British allies to launch an attack from the west, through Northern France. This would draw the German Army away from the bloody Eastern Front, potentially giving the Allied forces the chance to close in on Berlin from both sides.

Although Churchill isn’t openly against the idea, he repeatedly postpones or rejects specific plans in favor of focusing on the “soft underbelly” of Italy. Rather than allow Britain to take the greatest risk in a cross-channel attack, he’d rather offer support by weakening and fortifying the southern regions.

This has been frustrating Stalin, whose forces have already been taking by far the greatest number of casualties.

Roosevelt knows that the three leaders have to get together – to appease Stalin, encourage Churchill, and move the war forward. He begins a series of letter exchanges with Stalin in the hope that such a meeting can be arranged.

In the end, it’s a series of military escalations that move things forward. First, a mixture of British and Soviet intelligence reveals and prevents a covert German attack before it happens, and then the British and US troops attack Sicily, eventually leading to the arrest of the Italian fascist leader Benito Mussolini.

In the wake of these victories, Roosevelt takes the opportunity to appease the Soviet leader with flattery and arms shipments. Finally, Stalin agrees that a meeting of the “big three” is well overdue. After another lengthy exchange of letters, he even suggests the location: Tehran, the capital city of Ally-controlled Iran.

The Nazi Spy Network in Iran

Two years previously, when the Germans unexpectedly invaded the Soviet Union in 1941, the Russians wasted no time in securing neighboring countries. One country was particularly important to get on their side: Iran. It had a pro-German government and also had a railway line that would be the best way for the US and Britain to get supplies to the Soviets.

When Russia promptly marched its troops into Tehran and installed a sympathetic government, Franz Mayr – a Nazi spy – and his partner Roman Gamotha suddenly found themselves surrounded by enemies, with no instructions, and no way to communicate with Germany.

Gamotha managed to flee to neighboring Turkey, but Mayr stayed.

He spent most of 1942 in disguise, moving between safe houses, and cultivating an underground pro-Nazi resistance, all while trying to get secret messages to the outside. Finally, Mayr heard a surprising radio broadcast – surprising because it contained a series of repeated words and phrases which meant that Germany had heard his message: a request for money and wireless transmitters and a map he provided of safe drop zones around Tehran.

It seems Berlin was relieved to hear about the existence of its old spy in Iran. Walter Schellenberg – head of the Nazi’s foreign intelligence service and protege of the infamous Reinhard Heydrich who’d been assassinated in Prague – proceeded to put together a special team of six men and parachuted them into a safe location near Tehran.

But the team – led by seasoned Nazi veteran Karl Karel Korel – landed too far south. To save the mission, Karel proceeded to cross miles of desert by himself and used his wits and contacts to find Mayr. With contact made, Karel crossed the desert again with camels and trucks to retrieve the rest of his team and its valuable equipment.

The underground pro-Nazi network that Mayr had almost single-handedly built in Iran finally had the supplies it needed and was connected to the leaders in Berlin.

By the middle of 1943, Iran had become a lot more dangerous for the Allies – and soon it would become the center of the geopolitical landscape.

Operation Norma

It’s unclear how or when exactly the Nazis found out about the planned meeting of the “big three.” They’d completely missed the Morocco conference with Roosevelt and Churchill. When they intercepted information that the meeting would be in Casablanca, they erroneously translated it as two words in Spanish: casa – white, and blanca – house. They assumed the meeting would be at the White House in Washington.

Needless to say, the Germans were determined not to make the same mistake twice.

One thing is certain: shortly after the Allied leaders started talking about Tehran, a top-secret Nazi mission began preparation under the name Operation Norma. The mission had two key features. First, the mission was run by Roman Gamotha, Franz Mayr’s former partner who’d fled Iran when the Soviets took over.

Second, the tactical training was to be overseen by a man called Otto Skorzeny, also known at the time as “the most dangerous man in Europe.” Otto had recently earned Hitler’s immense respect by crash-landing a squad of manned gliders into an otherwise inaccessible mountain prison to rescue Benito Mussolini from enemy hands.

Any mission with the name Otto Skorzeny on it was of the highest importance.

But as the Tehran meeting approached, Mayr’s Nazi spy network ran into a few problems. Karl Karel – the paratrooper who’d made the first outside contact with Mayr – developed typhoid and died. Unable to discreetly dispose of the body, the unfortunate Nazi team had to resort to hacksaws and rucksacks.

Shortly after that, most of the other members of the network were tracked down by Soviet intelligence in Tehran. Mayr was arrested and interrogated. To most, it appeared that the Nazi plot had been foiled.

Not quite. When Roosevelt arrived in Tehran, ready to finally meet with Churchill and Stalin, he was informed that there were still six Nazi spies somewhere in the city. Six Nazi spies with radio transmitters who were about to call in the most dangerous man in Europe.

A Rough Start for the Conference

The presidential motorcade snakes its way through the streets of Tehran on its way to one of the most important meetings since the war began. In the center, in a long dark sedan, sits Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Or, at least, someone who looks like him.

In fact, the real Roosevelt is hunched down in the back of another, less conspicuous sedan, taking a completely different route to the conference through the back streets of the city. At the last minute, Roosevelt’s head of security decided to take no risks and send a decoy president with the main entourage.

The US has no formal embassy in Tehran, so the president has been forced to stay in a small diplomatic office on the other side of the city from the British and Russian embassies where the other Allies have been staying. As a result, the president would be a sitting duck while traveling from his accommodation to the meeting.

Fortunately, all three leaders make it to the meeting safe and sound. But that doesn’t prevent it from getting off to a bad start. Churchill has a cold and isn’t in a good mood. As the three get into the main topic of the meeting – the cross-channel attack through northern France – Churchill feels increasingly ignored.

Things reach a head during a discussion about what the Allies should do with postwar Germany. When Stalin – employing a very Russian sense of humor – suggests executing hundreds of German generals, it’s too much for Churchill’s British sensibilities. He storms out in a rage, having to have the joke explained to him by Roosevelt.

Frustrated and no closer to the unity they so desperately need, the three retire to their rooms. Roosevelt has wisely moved his lodgings to the Russian embassy to avoid any further unnecessary risks.

But as he recaps the main points of the conference with his trusted advisers, he doesn’t realize that things aren’t as private as they seem.

Tiny microphones have been hidden around the room – in the walls, in the carpet, in the furniture. Someone else is listening to every word he says.

Saved by Soviet Spies

While the conference has been underway, the Soviet intelligence agency has tracked down the six remaining Nazi spies. They were holed up in a nearby safe house, using a radio to send messages to Berlin, coordinating the real commandos who were to come, led by Otto “the most dangerous man in Europe” Skorzeny.

But the Soviets have been holding back. Instead of immediately taking down the radio operators, they’ve been considering letting the mission proceed to a point where they can capture or kill Skorzeny. Such a prize is more than tempting for the young Soviet spies.

But, with the “big three” already in the city, they decide the risk is too great. Within the first two days of the conference, Soviet agents burst into the safe house and arrest the Nazi agents. Strategically, they give one of the operators a chance to broadcast a message that their mission has been compromised, in the hope that the would-be-assassins don’t end up anywhere near the city.

So as the Allied leaders enter the final day of the conference still believing they have targets on their backs, in reality the assassination plot has already been successfully thwarted.

This final day, November 30, 1943, also happens to be Churchill’s 69th birthday. Maybe for this reason, or maybe because of Roosevelt’s continued efforts at diplomacy and encouragement, the British prime minister is in a better mood. That morning, under the bright Iranian sun, Churchill gives his full support to the cross-channel attack that Stalin and Roosevelt have been pushing for.

Over the following few days, newspapers around the world are filled with pictures of the three Allied leaders, together for the first time. The road ahead is long and bloody, but decisions have been made, and a unified front has been formed which will ultimately spell the end for Hitler and Nazi Germany.


The rest – as they say – is history. As a direct consequence of that meeting, on June 6, 1944, Allied forces led a five-point full-scale assault on the beaches of Normandy. The biggest combined-arms operation in the history of warfare. It involved over 5,300 ships, 1,500 tanks, 12,000 aircraft, and 150,000 soldiers. Despite thousands of casualties, the Allies established footholds along the beaches and advanced from there.

Meanwhile, in the East, the Soviet army began its push into Germany. The Nazi Army was divided and, despite long and bloody battles ahead, the end was in sight. Hitler, driven to his underground bunker in Berlin, eventually realized that there was no way out, and shot himself in the head with a pistol.

As for the “big three,” they met one last time on February 4, 1945 to discuss the future of postwar Europe. The war had taken its toll on all of them, Roosevelt, especially, had grown tired and ill. A few months after that final meeting, on April 12, he fell unconscious while sitting for a portrait, and never woke up.

Sadly, Roosevelt didn’t live to see the end of the war – an end he did so much to set in motion.

Review 1

Summary: “The Nazi Conspiracy: The Secret Plot to Kill Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill” by Brad Meltzer and Josh Mensch is a gripping and meticulously researched account of a little-known conspiracy during World War II. The book reveals a plot by high-ranking Nazis to assassinate the leaders of the Allied powers and alter the course of history. Through extensive archival research and interviews, Meltzer and Mensch bring to light a chilling conspiracy that highlights the complexities and dangers of wartime politics.

Review: “The Nazi Conspiracy” is an engrossing and well-documented historical account that sheds light on a lesser-known aspect of World War II. Meticulously researched and masterfully written, Brad Meltzer and Josh Mensch provide readers with a detailed and captivating narrative of the secret plot to assassinate Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill.

One of the strengths of this book is the authors’ ability to bring history to life through vivid storytelling. Meltzer and Mensch skillfully weave together historical events, personal anecdotes, and primary source materials to create a compelling narrative that keeps readers engaged from start to finish. The book reads like a thrilling espionage novel, with suspenseful twists and turns that reveal the intricate web of the Nazi conspiracy.

The extensive research conducted by the authors is evident throughout the book. They draw from a wide range of sources, including declassified documents, diaries, and interviews with key individuals involved in the events. This attention to detail and commitment to historical accuracy enhances the credibility of the narrative and provides readers with a comprehensive understanding of the conspiracy.

“The Nazi Conspiracy” also offers valuable insights into the political dynamics and strategic considerations of the Allied powers during World War II. The authors delve into the complexities of wartime diplomacy and the challenges faced by Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill in their efforts to defeat the Nazis. By exploring the potential ramifications of the assassination plot, Meltzer and Mensch shed light on the high stakes and risks involved in global conflict.

Furthermore, the book explores the motivations and actions of the key players in the conspiracy. The authors provide nuanced portrayals of both the Nazi conspirators and the Allied leaders, offering readers a deeper understanding of their personalities and the historical context in which they operated. This balanced approach adds depth and complexity to the narrative, allowing readers to form their own assessments of the individuals involved.

While “The Nazi Conspiracy” is a thoroughly researched and captivating read, it is important to note that it focuses primarily on the assassination plot and its implications, rather than providing a comprehensive overview of World War II. Readers seeking a broader exploration of the war may need to supplement their reading with additional sources. However, within the scope of its subject matter, the book offers a compelling and informative account.

In conclusion, “The Nazi Conspiracy: The Secret Plot to Kill Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill” is a gripping and well-crafted historical account that sheds light on a little-known aspect of World War II. Brad Meltzer and Josh Mensch’s meticulous research, engaging storytelling, and attention to detail make this book a must-read for history enthusiasts and anyone interested in the complexities of wartime politics. Through their narrative, they not only provide insight into a fascinating historical event but also remind us of the enduring importance of vigilance and determination in the face of tyranny.

Review 2

“The Nazi Conspiracy: The Secret Plot to Kill Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill” by Brad Meltzer and Josh Mensch is a gripping historical thriller that delves into a lesser-known aspect of World War II. The book uncovers a clandestine Nazi plot to assassinate the ‘Big Three’ – Franklin D. Roosevelt, Joseph Stalin, and Winston Churchill – during the Tehran Conference in 1943.

The authors meticulously detail the planning and execution of Operation Long Jump, the code name for the assassination plot. They weave a narrative that is both suspenseful and informative, drawing on a wealth of primary sources and historical records. The book also provides a deep dive into the personalities and motivations of the key players involved, including the Nazi commandos, Allied leaders, and the Soviet spy who played a crucial role in thwarting the plot.

Meltzer and Mensch’s storytelling is engaging and accessible, making complex historical events and figures relatable to a broad audience. They strike a balance between providing historical context and maintaining the pace of the narrative, ensuring that the book is both educational and entertaining.

The book’s strength lies in its ability to illuminate a lesser-known chapter of World War II history, shedding light on the high-stakes espionage and counter-espionage operations that were critical to the war’s outcome. It also offers a fresh perspective on the ‘Big Three’ leaders, humanizing them and exploring their relationships and decision-making processes.

However, some readers might find the level of detail overwhelming, and the narrative occasionally veers into speculation. Despite these minor flaws, “The Nazi Conspiracy” is a compelling read for history buffs and fans of espionage thrillers alike. It’s a testament to the authors’ research skills and storytelling prowess, offering a unique blend of history and suspense that keeps readers on the edge of their seats.

Review 3

“The Nazi Conspiracy: The Secret Plot to Kill Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill” by Brad Meltzer and Josh Mensch is a gripping and meticulously researched account of a little-known chapter in World War II history. Through extensive investigation and access to previously classified documents, the authors shed light on a sinister plot by the Nazis to assassinate the leaders of the Allied powers.

The book delves into the intricate web of intrigue and espionage woven by high-ranking Nazi officials, including Heinrich Himmler, Reinhard Heydrich, and Admiral Wilhelm Canaris. Meltzer and Mensch skillfully trace the origins of the conspiracy, its various stages of planning, and the key players involved. They provide a comprehensive narrative that not only exposes the details of the plot but also explores the motivations and ideologies driving the Nazis’ desperate attempt to alter the course of the war.

One of the book’s notable strengths is its ability to bring historical events to life. The authors meticulously reconstruct the political landscape of the time, the personalities of the leaders involved, and the atmosphere of tension and uncertainty that permeated the war. Their vivid descriptions transport readers back to the era, enabling them to fully grasp the significance and gravity of the events unfolding.

Meltzer and Mensch’s writing style is engaging and accessible, making complex historical information easy to follow. They strike a balance between presenting the facts and maintaining a thrilling narrative pace, keeping readers engrossed throughout. The book is meticulously researched, with extensive footnotes and references that lend credibility to the authors’ claims and provide avenues for further exploration.

Furthermore, “The Nazi Conspiracy” offers valuable insights into the intelligence operations of both the Allied powers and the Nazis. It explores the challenges faced by intelligence agencies in gathering information, deciphering codes, and thwarting assassination attempts. Readers gain a deeper understanding of the strategic importance of intelligence in wartime and the critical role it played in countering the Nazi conspiracy.

In summary, “The Nazi Conspiracy: The Secret Plot to Kill Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill” is a riveting and well-documented account of a lesser-known aspect of World War II history. Brad Meltzer and Josh Mensch’s meticulous research and compelling storytelling create a narrative that is both informative and captivating. It is a testament to the courage and resilience of the Allied leaders and the tireless efforts of intelligence agencies to protect them. This book is a must-read for history enthusiasts and anyone interested in gaining a deeper understanding of the complexities of World War II.

Review 4

The Nazi Conspiracy details an unbelievable but true plot by high-level Nazi officials to assassinate Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin at the Tehran Conference in 1943. If successful, the plot would have changed the course of World War II.

Authors Brad Meltzer and Josh Mensch delve into the meticulous planning and covert operations undertaken by Nazi Germany to execute “Operation Long Jump.” They trace the plot from its genesis through the selection and training of commandos, the infiltration of Iranian agents and intelligence gathering, all the way to the surprise attack intended to decapitate the Allied leadership. The book describes the close calls, missed opportunities and errors that ultimately doomed the plot, saving the Big Three leaders and setting the stage for victory over Nazi Germany.

The Nazi Conspiracy brings to life this little-known chapter of World War II history through an engaging narrative packed with intrigue, suspense and fascinating details. The authorsimmerse readers in Tehran in 1943, allowing the historical context and geopolitical stakes of the time to shine through. They also analyze how close the Nazis may have actually come to succeeding, and what the consequences would have been for the course of the war.

Overall, The Nazi Conspiracy offers a riveting true spy thriller that reads like a novel but is grounded in extensive research. The details of the plot, from comically inept Iranian collaborators to skilled German commandos and devious plans within plans, keep the narrative fast-paced and unpredictable. Though ultimately a story of Nazi failure, the book serves as a sobering reminder of just how close the world came to a very different outcome in World War II. I would highly recommend it for history buffs and thriller fans alike.

Review 5

“Stop, Ask, Explore: Learn to Navigate Change in Times of Uncertainty” by Joan P. Ball is a compelling and practical guide that equips readers with the tools and mindset needed to navigate change and uncertainty successfully. Ball draws upon her expertise as a change management consultant and leadership coach to provide insightful strategies and actionable advice for individuals and organizations facing constant change in today’s fast-paced world.

The book centers around three key principles: stopping to assess the situation, asking the right questions, and exploring new possibilities. Ball emphasizes the importance of pausing amidst uncertainty, allowing oneself to reflect and gain clarity before taking action. Through thought-provoking exercises and real-life examples, she guides readers towards developing a growth-oriented mindset and embracing change as an opportunity for personal and professional growth.

Using a practical and step-by-step approach, Ball explores various facets of change, including managing emotions, adapting to new environments, and fostering resilience. She provides practical tools and frameworks for navigating change, such as the Change Navigation Model and the Change Resilience Cycle. These frameworks offer a structured approach to dealing with uncertainty and empower readers to make informed decisions and take purposeful actions.

Throughout the book, Ball emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and continuous learning. She encourages readers to cultivate curiosity, embrace discomfort, and seek out new perspectives. By adopting a growth mindset and viewing change as a catalyst for growth and innovation, readers can develop the resilience and adaptability needed to thrive in times of uncertainty.

“Stop, Ask, Explore” is an exceptional guide that effectively addresses the challenges of navigating change in an ever-evolving world. Joan P. Ball’s expertise and experience shine through as she provides readers with practical strategies and tools for embracing uncertainty and turning it into an opportunity for growth.

One of the book’s greatest strengths is its balance between theory and practical application. Ball presents a solid theoretical framework for understanding change and its impact on individuals and organizations. However, she goes beyond theory by offering concrete exercises, reflection questions, and real-life examples that allow readers to apply the concepts directly to their own lives and circumstances. This combination of theory and application makes the book highly engaging and actionable.

Ball’s emphasis on self-awareness and emotional intelligence is another standout aspect of the book. She acknowledges the emotional impact of change and provides strategies for managing and harnessing these emotions effectively. By promoting self-reflection and empathy, Ball helps readers develop a deeper understanding of themselves and others, fostering stronger relationships and more effective collaboration in times of change.

The practical tools and frameworks presented in the book are particularly valuable. The Change Navigation Model and the Change Resilience Cycle provide a clear and structured approach to navigating uncertainty. These frameworks offer guidance for assessing the current situation, identifying opportunities, and taking purposeful action. By using these frameworks, readers can approach change with confidence and make informed decisions.

While the book covers a wide range of topics related to change, some readers may find certain sections more applicable to their specific situations than others. However, Ball’s writing style is engaging and accessible, making it easy to navigate the content and extract relevant insights.

In summary, “Stop, Ask, Explore” is a comprehensive and practical guide that empowers individuals and organizations to navigate change in times of uncertainty. Joan P. Ball’s expertise, combined with her relatable examples and actionable strategies, makes this book a valuable resource for anyone seeking to thrive amidst constant change. By cultivating self-awareness, embracing curiosity, and applying the practical tools provided, readers can develop the resilience and adaptability needed to navigate change successfully and unlock new opportunities for growth.

Review 6

In “Stop, Ask, Explore,” Ball offers a practical and empowering guide for individuals and organizations navigating times of uncertainty and change. The book is centered around three core practices: stopping, asking, and exploring.

  • Stopping involves pausing and becoming aware of one’s thoughts, emotions, and surroundings in the present moment. This practice helps individuals recognize their current state and identify areas for growth and improvement.
  • Asking involves inquiring into one’s own beliefs, values, and assumptions, as well as those of others. This practice fosters greater self-awareness, empathy, and effective communication.
  • Exploring involves expanding one’s understanding of oneself and the world through a variety of practices, such as journaling, meditation, and collaborative problem-solving. This practice helps individuals develop new perspectives, insights, and skills.

Ball draws on her extensive experience working with organizations and individuals to provide real-world examples and case studies that illustrate the power of these practices. She also offers practical tips and exercises for implementing the three core practices in one’s personal and professional life.


“Stop, Ask, Explore” is a valuable resource for anyone looking to cultivate greater self-awareness, resilience, and adaptability in themselves and their organizations. Ball’s writing is clear, concise, and accessible, making the book suitable for readers at all levels of personal and professional development.

One of the strengths of the book is its focus on the importance of mindfulness and self-awareness in navigating change. Ball argues that by becoming more aware of one’s thoughts, emotions, and surroundings, individuals can better understand their own motivations and behaviors, as well as those of others. This increased self-awareness can lead to more effective communication, collaboration, and decision-making.

Another strength of the book is its practicality. Ball provides numerous tips and exercises for implementing the three core practices in one’s personal and professional life. These practical strategies are grounded in Ball’s extensive experience working with organizations and individuals, and they are easy to incorporate into one’s daily routine.

One potential area for improvement is the book’s lack of discussion on the role of power dynamics and systemic issues in shaping organizational change. While Ball acknowledges the importance of addressing these issues, she does not provide a detailed framework for doing so. As a result, the book may be less relevant or useful for individuals working in contexts with significant power imbalances or systemic inequalities.

In conclusion, “Stop, Ask, Explore” is an insightful and practical guide for individuals and organizations seeking to navigate times of uncertainty and change. Ball’s writing is clear, accessible, and grounded in her extensive experience as an organizational development consultant and executive coach. The book’s focus on self-awareness, mindfulness, and practical strategies makes it a valuable resource for anyone looking to cultivate greater resilience and adaptability in themselves and their organizations.

Review 7

The Nazi Conspiracy: The Secret Plot to Kill Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill is a book by Brad Meltzer and Josh Mensch that tells the story of Operation Valkyrie, a Nazi plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler and overthrow the Nazi government. The book is based on the declassified records of the U.S. Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the predecessor to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

The book begins with the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich, the head of the Reich Security Main Office, in June 1942. Heydrich was one of the most powerful men in Nazi Germany, and his death sent shock waves through the Nazi leadership. In the wake of Heydrich’s death, Hitler ordered the creation of Operation Valkyrie, a plan to seize control of the government in the event of his death.

The plan was led by Claus von Stauffenberg, a German army officer who was deeply opposed to the Nazi regime. Stauffenberg and his co-conspirators planned to assassinate Hitler during a military briefing at the Wolf’s Lair, Hitler’s headquarters in East Prussia. The assassination attempt was scheduled for July 20, 1944.

On the day of the assassination attempt, Stauffenberg planted a bomb in a briefcase under the table where Hitler was sitting. The bomb exploded, but it failed to kill Hitler. Hitler was injured, but he survived the attack. Stauffenberg and his co-conspirators were arrested and executed.

The Nazi Conspiracy is a gripping account of one of the most daring and audacious plots in history. The book is full of suspense and intrigue, and it brings to life the characters and events of Operation Valkyrie. Meltzer and Mensch do an excellent job of weaving together the historical record with the personal stories of the conspirators. The book is a must-read for anyone interested in World War II history or the history of espionage.

Here are some of the key takeaways from the book:

  • Operation Valkyrie was a Nazi plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler and overthrow the Nazi government.
  • The plan was led by Claus von Stauffenberg, a German army officer who was deeply opposed to the Nazi regime.
  • The assassination attempt was scheduled for July 20, 1944, but it failed to kill Hitler.
  • Stauffenberg and his co-conspirators were arrested and executed.

The Nazi Conspiracy is a well-written and informative book that tells the story of one of the most daring and audacious plots in history. The book is a must-read for anyone interested in World War II history or the history of espionage.

Review 8

In “The Nazi Conspiracy: The Secret Plot to Kill Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill,” authors Brad Meltzer and Josh Mensch delve into a fascinating and well-researched account of a supposed Nazi plot to assassinate three of the most influential leaders of World War II. The book offers a captivating narrative that weaves together historical facts and speculations, creating a thrilling page-turner that will keep readers on the edge of their seats. In this review, we’ll explore the book’s strengths and weaknesses, ultimately deciding whether it’s a must-read for history buffs and fans of political thrillers.


“The Nazi Conspiracy” centers around a little-known conspiracy theory that emerged during World War II, involving a Nazi plot to kill the leaders of the Allied powers: President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Premier Joseph Stalin, and Prime Minister Winston Churchill. The authors explore this theory in depth, drawing on historical records and interviews with key figures to construct a compelling narrative.

The book begins by introducing the reader to the three leaders and their respective roles in the war effort. It then delves into the heart of the conspiracy, describing the supposed plot to kill the leaders using a variety of methods, including poison, assassination, and sabotage. The authors also examine the potential motives behind the plot, including Hitler’s desire to eliminate his enemies and pave the way for a Nazi victory.

Meltzer and Mensch then take a closer look at the individuals involved in the alleged plot, including high-ranking Nazi officials and their collaborators. They also explore the various ways in which the plot was foiled, including the efforts of a courageous German doctor who risked his life to prevent the assassination of Roosevelt.

Throughout the book, the authors maintain a sense of suspense and intrigue, leaving the reader wondering whether the conspiracy was real or just a product of paranoia and speculation. They also provide insightful context, highlighting the political climate of the time and the personal dynamics between the three leaders.


“The Nazi Conspiracy” is a well-crafted and engaging book that will appeal to fans of historical non-fiction and political thrillers. Meltzer and Mensch have done an excellent job of researching the subject matter, providing a wealth of information that is both informative and thought-provoking. The writing style is clear and concise, making it accessible to a wide range of readers.

One of the book’s greatest strengths is its ability to create a sense of tension and suspense, keeping the reader guessing until the very end. The authors do an excellent job of presenting the facts without giving away too much, leaving the reader to draw their own conclusions about the validity of the conspiracy theory.

Another strength of the book is its attention to detail. Meltzer and Mensch have clearly done their due diligence, delving deep into the historical record to uncover fascinating anecdotes and insights. They provide a rich context for the events, highlighting the personalities and motivations of the key players involved.

If there are any weaknesses to the book, it is perhaps the fact that the authors tend to sensationalize certain aspects of the conspiracy theory. While the theory itself is certainly intriguing, some of the more dramatic elements of the book feel a bit contrived, detracting from the overall impact of the narrative.

In addition, some readers may find the book’s conclusion a bit unsatisfying, as the authors ultimately leave the question of the conspiracy’s validity open to interpretation. While this may be a deliberate choice, intended to encourage further discussion and debate, it may also leave some readers feeling frustrated or uncertain.


Overall, “The Nazi Conspiracy” is a compelling and well-researched book that offers a fresh perspective on World War II history. While it may not be a definitive work on the subject, it is certainly an engaging read that will appeal to fans of political thrillers and historical non-fiction. If you’re looking for a gripping story that will keep you on the edge of your seat, this book is definitely worth checking out.

Review 9

Book Summary:
“The Nazi Conspiracy” is a gripping and well-researched book that uncovers a previously unknown plot by the Nazis to assassinate three of the most powerful leaders of World War II: President Franklin D. Roosevelt of the United States, Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin, and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. The book is based on extensive historical research and features a thrilling narrative that weaves together the stories of the key players involved in the plot.

The book begins with the story of the German agents who were sent to the United States to carry out the assassination plan, including the infamous spy and double agent, Eddie Chapman. Chapman, who was known as “the Man Who Never Was,” was a British intelligence agent who was sent to Germany to gather information about the Nazi’s plans. However, he was captured by the Germans and became a double agent, working for both the British and the Germans.

The book then delves into the details of the assassination plot, which was code-named “Operation Long Jump.” The plan involved a team of German agents who were to infiltrate the United States and use explosives to destroy the ships and ports where the leaders would be meeting. The attack was scheduled to take place during the 1943 Trident Conference, where Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill were set to meet to discuss the Allied war effort.

As the story unfolds, the authors reveal the intricate details of the plot and the various players involved, including the German agents, the British intelligence agents who were tracking them, and the leaders who were targeted. The book also explores the motivations behind the plot and the consequences of its failure.

Book Review:
Overall, “The Nazi Conspiracy” is a well-researched and engaging book that sheds light on a previously unknown aspect of World War II. The authors have done an excellent job of weaving together the various threads of the story to create a thrilling narrative that is both informative and entertaining.

One of the strengths of the book is its focus on the human aspect of the story. The authors do an excellent job of bringing the characters to life, from the courageous British intelligence agents who risked their lives to stop the plot, to the German agents who were willing to do anything to carry out their mission. This personal touch adds a layer of emotional depth to the story and makes it more relatable to readers.

Another strength of the book is its thorough research. The authors have clearly done their homework, delving deep into historical archives and interviewing key players to uncover the details of the plot. The result is a book that is both accurate and engaging, providing readers with a unique perspective on a pivotal moment in history.

One minor criticism of the book is that it can be a bit dry at times, particularly in the early chapters where the authors are setting up the background of the story. However, this is a minor quibble, and the book quickly picks up pace as the plot unfolds.

In conclusion, “The Nazi Conspiracy” is an engaging and well-researched book that sheds light on a previously unknown aspect of World War II. The authors have done an excellent job of weaving together the various threads of the story to create a thrilling narrative that is both informative and entertaining. I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in history, espionage, or the human side of war.

Review 10

The Nazi Conspiracy: The Secret Plot to Kill Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill is a nonfiction book by Brad Meltzer and Josh Mensch that explores the little-known true story of a Nazi plot to assassinate the leaders of the Allied powers at the Tehran Conference in 1943. The book is based on extensive research and interviews, and it presents a colorful and suspenseful narrative that reads like a thriller. The authors reveal how the Nazis learned about the secret meeting and planned to send a team of commandos through underground tunnels to infiltrate the Soviet Embassy, where the Big Three were staying. They also describe how the Soviet intelligence agency, the NKVD, discovered and foiled the plot, saving the lives of Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill. The book also provides fascinating details about the personalities and interactions of the Big Three, as well as the challenges and decisions they faced at this crucial moment in World War II. The book is an engaging and informative read that sheds new light on a pivotal event that could have changed history.

Review 11

“The Nazi Conspiracy: The Secret Plot to Kill Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill” by Brad Meltzer and Josh Mensch is a gripping historical account that delves into the lesser-known facets of World War II, uncovering a chilling plot by Nazi Germany to assassinate three of the most prominent Allied leaders: President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Premier Joseph Stalin, and Prime Minister Winston Churchill. Through meticulous research and engaging storytelling, Meltzer and Mensch shed light on the complex web of intrigue, espionage, and deception that surrounded this conspiracy.

The book explores the ambitious and audacious plan hatched by the Nazis to eliminate the leaders of the United States, the Soviet Union, and the United Kingdom, with the aim of disrupting the cohesion and strength of the Allied forces. Drawing from declassified documents, archives, and firsthand accounts, the authors unveil the extent to which the Nazis were willing to go to achieve their nefarious objectives.

Meltzer and Mensch skillfully reconstruct the historical context, political dynamics, and personal motivations that fueled the Nazi conspiracy. They provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of the characters involved, from the architects of the plot within Nazi leadership to the intelligence operatives tasked with thwarting their plans.

One of the strengths of “The Nazi Conspiracy” is its ability to blend scholarly research with a narrative-driven approach. The authors present complex historical events and intricate intelligence operations in a way that is accessible to a wide range of readers. The book balances the overarching strategic plot with intimate details of the individuals involved, making the historical figures come to life on the page.

The book also highlights the significance of intelligence agencies and covert operations during wartime. The intricate dance of espionage, codebreaking, and counterintelligence that unfolds in the book provides a fascinating glimpse into the world of intelligence gathering and analysis during a critical period in history.

In my review, “The Nazi Conspiracy: The Secret Plot to Kill Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill” is a compelling and eye-opening exploration of a little-known aspect of World War II. Brad Meltzer and Josh Mensch’s meticulous research and engaging prose bring this historical conspiracy to light, shedding new light on the complexities of wartime strategies and the lengths to which the Nazis were willing to go.

The authors’ ability to weave together historical facts, personal anecdotes, and suspenseful storytelling creates a riveting reading experience. The book challenges readers to consider the broader impact of such a conspiracy and the potential implications it could have had on the course of the war and world history.

In conclusion, “The Nazi Conspiracy” is a well-researched and engaging work that sheds light on a hidden aspect of World War II history. Meltzer and Mensch’s narrative prowess and dedication to historical accuracy make this book a must-read for history enthusiasts, offering fresh insights into the complexity of wartime espionage and the resilience of the Allied forces. The authors succeed in turning historical events into a captivating narrative that leaves readers with a deeper understanding of the challenges and triumphs faced during a pivotal moment in history.

Review 12

The Nazi Conspiracy is a nonfiction book that tells the story of a secret plot by the Nazis to assassinate the leaders of the Allied powers during World War II. The book focuses on the Tehran Conference of 1943, where President Franklin Roosevelt, Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and General Secretary Joseph Stalin met for the first time to discuss their strategy against Hitler. The authors reveal how the Nazis learned about the conference and planned to send a team of commandos through underground tunnels to infiltrate the Soviet Embassy, where the meetings were held. However, the plot was foiled by the Soviet intelligence agency, the NKVD, who intercepted and eliminated the assassins.

The book is based on extensive research and interviews with historians, experts, and eyewitnesses. The authors also acknowledge the controversy and uncertainty surrounding the plot, as some sources have claimed that it was a hoax or a fabrication by the Soviets. The book presents both sides of the argument and evaluates the evidence for and against the existence of the plot. The book also provides historical context and background information on the personalities and motivations of the main characters involved in the story.

The Nazi Conspiracy is a thrilling and suspenseful book that reads like a spy novel. The authors use vivid details and dramatic language to create a vivid picture of the events and the atmosphere of the time. The book also explores the political and psychological implications of the plot, such as how it could have changed the course of history, how it affected the relationship between the Big Three, and how it revealed the ruthlessness and desperation of the Nazi regime. The book is not only informative and entertaining, but also thought-provoking and insightful.

The book is suitable for readers who are interested in history, politics, espionage, or World War II. The book is well-written, well-structured, and well-paced. The book is engaging and captivating from start to finish. The book is also accessible and easy to follow, as it explains complex concepts and terms in simple language. The book is a must-read for anyone who wants to learn more about one of the most fascinating and mysterious episodes of World War II.

Review 13

The Nazi Conspiracy: The Secret Plot to Kill Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill is a nonfiction book by Brad Meltzer and Josh Mensch that tells the thrilling true story of a top-secret Nazi plot to assassinate the leaders of the Allied forces during World War II.

The book follows the events leading up to the first meeting between Franklin D. Roosevelt, Joseph Stalin, and Winston Churchill in Tehran, Iran, in November 1943, where they planned to coordinate their strategy against Hitler. Unknown to them, a group of Nazi commandos led by Otto Skorzeny, Hitler’s favorite soldier, had infiltrated Tehran with a mission to kill or kidnap the three leaders and sabotage their alliance.

The book reveals how the plot was discovered and foiled by a network of spies, informers, and double agents, including a Soviet undercover agent codenamed “Sparrow”, a British intelligence officer named Norman Darbyshire, and an American diplomat named George Merrell. The book also explores the personal and political dynamics between the three leaders, their hopes and fears, and their impact on history.

The book is based on extensive research, including newly declassified documents, interviews with surviving witnesses, and access to Skorzeny’s personal papers. The book is written in a fast-paced and suspenseful style that makes it read like a thriller. The book also provides historical context and insight into the motivations and actions of the key players involved.

The book is a fascinating and gripping account of one of the most daring and dangerous plots of World War II, and how it was prevented by a combination of courage, luck, and intelligence. The book is highly recommended for anyone interested in history, espionage, or politics.

Review 14


The book is a historical thriller that reveals the little-known true story of a Nazi plot to assassinate the leaders of the United States, the Soviet Union, and the United Kingdom at the height of World War II. The authors, Brad Meltzer and Josh Mensch, are bestselling writers and documentary producers who have previously collaborated on two other books about secret conspiracies in American history: The First Conspiracy and The Lincoln Conspiracy.

The book focuses on the events surrounding the Tehran Conference in November 1943, where President Franklin Roosevelt, Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and General Secretary Joseph Stalin met for the first time to discuss their strategy against Nazi Germany and Japan. The conference was a crucial turning point in the war, as it laid the groundwork for the D-Day invasion, the opening of a second front in Europe, and the eventual defeat of Hitler.

However, unbeknownst to the Allied leaders, the Nazis had learned about the conference through their spies and informers in Iran, where the meeting was held. They devised a daring plan to send a team of elite commandos into Tehran through secret tunnels and storm the Soviet embassy, where the Big Three were staying. Their goal was to kill all three leaders in one swift strike and change the course of history.

The book follows the Nazi plot from its inception to its execution, as well as the efforts of the Allied intelligence and security forces to protect the conference and foil the assassination attempt. The book also introduces a colorful cast of characters involved in the drama, such as Otto Skorzeny, Hitler’s favorite commando; Ernst Weber-Drohl, a Nazi agent posing as a Swiss journalist; Mike Reilly, FDR’s personal bodyguard; Norman Alley, an American reporter who witnessed the conference; and Georgy Zhukov, Stalin’s top general.

The book is based on extensive research and interviews with surviving witnesses and experts. The authors also acknowledge that some aspects of the story are still shrouded in mystery and controversy, as some historians have questioned the validity and reliability of some sources and evidence. The authors present their findings and arguments with clarity and honesty, while also leaving room for doubt and debate.


I found the book to be very captivating and informative. The authors write in a fast-paced and engaging style that keeps the reader hooked from start to finish. They skillfully weave together historical facts and details with narrative flair and suspense. They also provide vivid descriptions and insights into the personalities, motivations, and actions of the main players in the story.

The book is not only entertaining but also educational. It sheds light on a fascinating and important episode of World War II that is often overlooked or forgotten. It reveals how close the Nazis came to achieving their audacious goal and how much depended on the outcome of the Tehran Conference. It also shows how complex and challenging it was to organize and secure such a high-level meeting in a hostile and unstable environment.

The book is suitable for anyone who enjoys historical thrillers or who wants to learn more about World War II history. It can appeal to fans of both fiction and nonfiction genres, as it combines elements of both. It can also inspire further research and discussion on the topic, as it raises intriguing questions and issues that are still relevant today.

Overall, I think the book is a remarkable achievement that offers a thrilling and enlightening account of one of the most daring and dangerous plots in history. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to read an exciting and well-researched story that could have changed history.

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Book Summary: The Nazi Conspiracy – The Secret Plot to Kill Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill
