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Sports the Olympics Forgot

Sports The Olympics Forgot

This book describes 40 fictional Sports. This should give you something to smile about when you’re at home longing for a little bit of escapism.

The Sports include: 

  • The Dracula Race in Romania. Here contestants have to run around Sighisoara before cycling to Bran Castle and cook kebabs on the way.

All the stories are individual and distinct and can be read independently if necessary; a book for the busy individual who perhaps has five minutes to spare to understand the complexities of Bull Pulling or Unicycle Volleyball.

Bio: I am a writer. I love writing creatively especially about subjects such as British traditions, where my made-up traditions are no less ridiculous than the real thing. A list of my books, both fictional and factual (about travel), can be found here.

This post first appeared on Julian Worker - Litter And Literature, please read the originial post: here

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Sports the Olympics Forgot
