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Chronicle of a Death Foretold – Review

Chronicle Of A Death Foretold – Review

A few hours after marrying Angela Vicario her husband, Bayardo San Roman, returns his bride to her parents. Angela’s family force her to name her first lover and once she does that, Santiago Nasar is doomed as Angela’s twin brothers are determined on revenge and let everyone know what they’re intending to do.

This book ended with the murder and can be accurately described as a murder / mystery but unlike every other book of this type I’ve ever read, the situation became more mysterious the longer the story went on for, not less mysterious. Attitudes aren’t explained and made clear, they’re added to and shrouded in darkness.

The Caribbean town where the book is set really came to life though I can understand why the local bishop chose not to stop there. He blessed the town from onboard his boat as it sailed by.

Santiago Nasar was from Arab stock unlike the majority of the people in the town, but his death didn’t spark off a vendetta between the two groups. Instead, everyone seemed to accept it was the right thing to happen, even though there was no proof that Santiago Nasar had been the lover of Angela Vicario. It’s not explained why no one tried to stop the murder happening when most people knew it was going to take place.

All very mysterious.

This post first appeared on Julian Worker - Litter And Literature, please read the originial post: here

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Chronicle of a Death Foretold – Review
