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Pigs Have Wings by PG Wodehouse


I really do appreciate the Blandings Castle books of PG Wodehouse.

The characters are larger than life and magnificent in their individual traits.

Here both of the pigs vying for the Silver medal at the Fat Pigs event at the local agricultural show are stolen at different times but are returned in the nick of time before the police get too heavily involved.

Lord Emsworth’s butler, Beach, has a niece, Maudie, who in her younger days was well known to Galahad Threepwood (Lord Emsworth’s brother), but is hired to look after The Empress of Blandings. She was jilted at the altar by Lord Emsworth’s neighbour Sir Geoffrey Parsloe-Parsloe and means to vent her feelings to him about this event, but ends up falling in love with him. This happens just after Sir Gregory is dumped by Gloria Salt to whom he’d recently become engaged with the proviso he lose at lot of weight which he doesn’t want to do.

Gloria really wants to marry Lord Orlo Vosper but he’s in love with Penny Donaldson who accepts his proposal of marriage after Penny sees her beau Jerry Vail being affectionate towards Gloria Salt in a London restaurant when Jerry things Gloria can help him obtain 2,000 pounds towards the start-up costs of a gentleman’s gymansium and health club.

Add into all this intrigue the regal presence of Lady Constance Keeble, who treats most of her family members with disdain, Cyril Wellbeloved the pig-man for Sir Geoffrey Parsloe- Parsloe who likes a drink and used to be employed at Blandings Castle, and the much put upon Sebastian Beach, the butler at Blandings who is required to steal pigs, deliver messages, and provide drinks to various members of the household in his pantry.

This post first appeared on Julian Worker - Litter And Literature, please read the originial post: here

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Pigs Have Wings by PG Wodehouse
