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Urdu Poetry, Urdu Shayari | Rekhta Blog Blog

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Jaun Elia, the poet of poignant verses and bitter truths, wasn’t just a name scribbled on pages; he was a melody of anger woven into every couplet. His words weren’t mere express… Read More
Poetic Dignity In Public Discourse
Finding its soul in an embrace of melancholy and nurtured by ‘emotions recollected in tranquillity’, poetry has forever been a language of the heart and as Milan Kundera reminded… Read More
In 1977, a well-known journalist and writer late, Kushwant Singh, called Urdu a dying language. Decades later, and just a few months ago, while hearing the case of the Shiv Sena split, a cli… Read More
Marsiya arabi lafz ‘Rasa’ se bana hai jis ka lughavi maani hota hai mayyat par rona. Marsiya ek aisi nazm hoti hai jis mein hum marne wale ke ausaaf bayan karte hain. Marsiya ki… Read More
Shayari is the favorite genre of poetry in the Urdu language and literature. And this is one of those actions where one feels at ease showing joy or sorrow. When it comes to the present, you… Read More
The year 2022 is over. Looking back, it was anything but usual. Won’t be interesting to turn the wheel of time and look back at your most loved bits of literature? That’s prec… Read More
In order to amicably negotiate with the colonial powers and politics of the late nineteenth century India, certain individuals emerged as the forerunners of socio-cultural transformations in… Read More
The Art Of Tazmin-Nigari In Urdu Poetry
Urdu Ghazal is considered to be one of the most exquisite genres of poetry in World literature. The special thing about Ghazal is that everything it comprises of has become a sub-genre; them… Read More
Ishq: A Linguistic Lesson In Love
Aql goyad shash-jihat hadd-ast-o-bairuu.n raah niistIshq goyad raah hast-o-rafta’am man baar-haa Intellect says, “The Cosmos is the limit and there’s no trail beyond&rdq… Read More
Unique Dimensions Of Josh
Evidently Josh’s poetry would add unique dimensions to any literature, let alone Urdu. He had this very rare combination of a diversified and panoramic vision and profoundly intricate… Read More
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Hello World
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How To Read Sounds In Poetry?
Think, what first comes to your mind as you read a couplet? Its idea, image, eloquence, assonance, or something else? Barely are we drawn towards the sounds that envelope the syllables… Read More
Who is Meeraji? Alive, or dead? Poet, or lover? Iconoclast, or imposter? To answer: he is one and all of them—a curious being of many appearances. He sought meaning in silence and love… Read More

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