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The Bookbaby Blog - How To Write, Self-publish & Market Your Book Blog

Our blog is written for authors by authors. Get professional writing tips while learning the ins and outs of self-publishing, how to distribute your book to places like Amazon and Apple iBooks, and how to market and promote your book yourself. This is practical advice on becoming a better writer - or better yet - a published one!
Setting Up Your Book For Future Growth
By BookBaby author Brian Jud Estimated reading time: 4 minutes An engineer can look at the foundation of a building under construction and tell you its eventual height. The deeper the ba… Read More
Writing Is An Ageless Pursuit
By BookBaby author Lee Purcell Estimated reading time: 5 minutes Age has many limitations in our society, including those professions in which age limits are an impediment by custom or l… Read More
How To Title A Poem
By BookBaby author Philip Kinsher “Fog,” “Song of Myself,” “On the Pulse of Morning,” “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock.” Poetry titles can… Read More
By BookBaby author Lee Purcell Estimated reading time: 5 minutes Book publishing has experienced tectonic changes as the world navigates the digital era. And while some predicted the ris… Read More
By BookBaby author Scott McCormick Estimated reading time: 12 minutes If you want to pursue a traditional publishing deal, then the first thing you need to do is to get a literary agent… Read More
By BookBaby author Philip Kinsher Estimated reading time: 4 minutes Goodreads is arguably the most important social media site for independent authors. The platform facilitates author-re… Read More
By BookBaby author Janna Lopez Estimated reading time: 8 minutes Have you ever read a book or watched a television show and you just knew a main character was going to do something detri… Read More
By BookBaby author Scott McCormick Estimated reading time: 6 minutes A character arc refers to the transformation of a character — aka character development — throughout a st… Read More
By BookBaby author Scott McCormick Estimated reading time: 8 minutes Literary agents are the gatekeepers of the publishing world. If you are seeking to go the traditional publishing rout… Read More
By BookBaby author Lee Purcell Estimated reading time: 8 minutes How do you find your voice as a writer? This question is right up there with perennial questions like, “What should… Read More
By BookBaby author Andre Calilhanna I always feel the need to preface these retrospectives with a note reminding you that this is not intended to be a comprehensive list or an attempt to hig… Read More
By BookBaby author Lee Purcell Estimated reading time: 6 minutes The idea, drawn from Greek mythology, is that all creative inspiration springs from muses, the daughters of Zeus and Mnem… Read More
By BookBaby author Scott McCormick Estimated reading time: 9 minutes If you want to write a novel but are daunted by the process, you are not alone. After all, a lot of elements go into… Read More
By BookBaby author Scott McCormick Estimated reading time: 9 minutes It used to be a struggle for authors to publish books — especially if you were unable or unwilling to land a pu… Read More
By BookBaby author Lauren Davish Estimated reading time: 5 minutes If you’re already a published author or plan to be one day, understanding the differences between a novel vs. a b… Read More
By BookBaby author BookBaby Estimated reading time: 13 minutes How to navigate the Amazon jungle and make the most of your self-published book listing. On April 3, 1995, sold… Read More
By BookBaby author Scott McCormick Estimated reading time: 7 minutes It’s probably not a surprise to you that Amazon is the world’s biggest bookstore, but do you know just ho… Read More
By BookBaby author Joe Yamulla Estimated reading time: 7 minutes The holidays will be here before you know it, and now is the time for independent authors to start planning and preparing… Read More
By BookBaby author Scott McCormick Estimated reading time: 9 minutes There are plenty of things teenagers can’t do — buy alcohol, vote, rent a car — but one thing teens… Read More
By BookBaby author Lee Purcell Estimated reading time: 9 minutes Bringing a novel to a satisfactory conclusion is one of the trickiest aspects of writing. If you’ve persuaded a rea… Read More
By BookBaby author Philip Kinsher Estimated reading time: 5 minutes Book royalties can be confusing — especially for new authors — but it’s an important aspect of the p… Read More
By BookBaby author Brian Jud Estimated reading time: 7 minutes Many independent authors I speak with admit frustration with their inability to generate significant book sales. Generating… Read More
By BookBaby author Scott McCormick Estimated reading time: 7 minutes As much as authors love to write, building worlds and populating them with three-dimensional characters who are compe… Read More
By BookBaby author Scott McCormick Estimated reading time: 6 minutes A book tour may sound like some fanciful dream for an indie author, the kind of thing that’s only available to… Read More
By BookBaby author Jim Foley Estimated reading time: 4 minutes A yearbook is more than just a photo book; it is a cherished keepsake that preserves the essence of a special time in peopl… Read More
By BookBaby author Philip Kinsher Estimated reading time: 4 minutes Are you an aspiring author seeking to get your book published? The journey from idea to publication can be both exciti… Read More
By BookBaby author Philip Kinsher Estimated reading time: 4 minutes Graphic novels are more popular now than ever. With the success of blockbuster movies based on comic book superheroes… Read More
By BookBaby author Philip Kinsher Estimated reading time: 4 minutes An imprint is a specific brand or trade name under which books are published. Imprints serve as subsidiaries or divisi… Read More
By BookBaby author Philip Kinsher Estimated reading time: 5 minutes Finding a reputable book publisher is crucial for authors and writers who want to bring their work to the market. Unfo… Read More

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The BookBaby Blog - How to Write, Self-Publish & Market Your Book
