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Did Not Finish. The dreaded fate of many a poor book. But is DNF a permanent demotion? Should we give abandoned books a second, third, or even fourth chance? You might be thinking, if there… Read More
Writing Poetry In Silverdale
Last weekend, I went on a trip to Silverdale, Northwest England, to spend the day and evening with some good friends. In the morning, we visited Leighton Moss, a nature reserve managed by Br… Read More
New Year’s Book Haul 2024
My book buying habit tends to follow certain themes. In my last book haul, the theme was weird and unique concepts. In the haul before that, I was in a science fiction and fantasy mood. This… Read More
Mars has been a source of interest for centuries. It has inspired scientists and creatives alike. As November 28th was Red Planet Day, I thought there was no better time to share some intrig… Read More
Writing Is A Collaborative Process
“Writing is a collaborative process” is a sentiment I’ve heard of a few times. It’s not untrue. There are writers, agents, editors, beta readers, artists, and manager… Read More
Monthly Writing Update: October 2023
I mentioned in last month‘s update that I’ve been feeling a bit of burnout, which isn’t something any writer wants at any time, but least of all on the eve of National Nove… Read More
Our House
The neighbours might blame a mouse or a rat or a cat or a fox or some other creature of the night. And they would be almost right. Right about a creature of the night. … More Our Hous… Read More
Company On A Dark Road
Life is a long dark road but I keep walking on. Persistence is a long dark road which I walk alone. Tall cold walls surround me with no light to be seen except that light which comes from me… Read More
The Forever Dance
A short story containing fantasy , science fiction, and references to mythology. Suitable for all ages. Once there was a maiden of utmost beauty, matched only by her temper. It was a hard tr… Read More
December Book Haul!!!
I don’t usually post book hauls because I’m not particulary active in the bookish community (Is that a thing?) and I don’t surf Best Sellers for my next read of choice, so… Read More
National Novel Writing Month has officially come to a close. It’s time to reflect, be positive, and carry on. The Inevitable Anti-Climax Of Finishing NaNoWriMo Here’s something I… Read More
We're officially heading into the final week of National Novel Writing Month 2022. That's the final seven days, people! The chance for one last push to get over the 50k finish line or comple… Read More
Hello again everyone. Eh, isn’t this strange? Weekly connected life updates? I feel like a proper blogger now. Next I’ll be posting pictures of my cat. Anyway, it’s over a… Read More
Those of you who read my 5 Signs NaNoWriMo Might Not Be For You and 10 Pros and Pitfalls To Know This National Novel Writing Month might be wondering... wtf am I doing NaNoWriMo again if I t… Read More
Horror story featuring gore and hair loss. TW: Hemophobia, trichophobia, and peladophobia. For 18+ Read More

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Writer In A Hat
