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2040: The Battle for Life by Sanjay Mittal

2040: The Battle For Life By Sanjay Mittal

My Rating - 3 out of 5 stars

Publisher - The Alcove
Genre - Futuristic Fiction
Publishing year - 2023
Language - English
ISBN - 978-81-956760-6-4
Pages - 256

Book Review - 

2040: The Battle for Life by Sanjay Mittal is an intense, fast-paced thriller set in the future, where technology has advanced significantly, but so have the threats to humanity. 

The book follows the story of Rohit Singh, a news anchor for MwM channel, and Priyanka Grover, his co-host, as they report on a worldwide crisis caused by terrorists who have placed nukes and bio-terror viruses in India.

The story is set in the year 2040, and the world is in an international emergency mode, with governments scrambling to contain the crisis. Captain Vikram and his team have been tasked with eliminating the threat on Indian soil, along with Rohit and Priyanka to record everything.

While dealing with their personal choices, the characters try to save lives and stop the terrorists from achieving their nefarious goals. At its core, there is a love story, as Rohit and Priyanka's relationship develops amidst the chaos and danger they face. 

Sanjay Mittal delves into future technologies, giving readers a glimpse of what our world could look like in the years to come. He warns of the dangers of technology falling into the wrong hands and the need for responsible use and regulation.

The story's underlying message is a warning of the potential consequences of unchecked human ambition and the ultimate purpose of all human endeavors. Lord Meghnad's foreword aptly sums it up, asking, "What possible reason can justify the destruction of all life?"

Having read Sanjay Mittal's second book, I found myself enjoying the portrayal of futuristic technology, relatively uncharted territory for Indian writers. The author's efforts in bringing a fresh perspective to the genre are commendable.

However, I must admit that the narrative and character development left me wanting. The constant mixing of Hindi and English language proved to be a hindrance to my reading experience, with several phrases and terms being left untranslated, which will leave the reader confused if they don't know Hindi. Still, for Hindi speakers, it will add some flavor. 

Overall, while the book has its strengths, there is room for improvement in certain aspects of the writing style. This novel takes readers on a suspenseful ride through a future world filled with danger and excitement. 

While it may not be perfect, it still manages to captivate with its futuristic vision and creative storytelling. Mittal's efforts in pushing the boundaries of Indian science fiction should be applauded, and I look forward to seeing how he continues to develop his craft in the future.

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This post first appeared on Books Charming, please read the originial post: here

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2040: The Battle for Life by Sanjay Mittal
