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Evie Sparkes - Ya Author Blog

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Evie is a YA author based in the Georgian city of Bath, UK. She specialises in stories for young adults and women. Wishful Thinking is out now. Follow Evie's blog and keep up to date with her latest news.
What Is The Law Of Assumption
How to Manifest Using This Law The Law of Assumption suggests that you already feel as if you have your desire. By doing so, you allow your subconscious and reality to conspire to bring i… Read More
You Are Reality
Probably a strange concept to get your head around. You are reality. There is not you and then reality. It is not outside of you but is you. Think of it like your shadow, it c… Read More
Your Are Reality
Probably a strange concept to get your head around. You are reality. There is not you and then reality. It is not outside of you but is you. Think of it like your shadow, it changes dependin… Read More
Probably a strange concept to get your head around. You are reality. There is not you and then reality. It is not outside of you but is you. Think of it like your shadow, it changes dependin… Read More
The Law of Attraction and Observation When we want something or want a situation to change and we can see things the same old same old or the opposite of what we want, how can we ‘n… Read More
Manifest a Specific Person Okay, so I have had a few requests from readers to write a post of manifesting your specific person or your ex back into your life using the law of attraction… Read More
How to Stop Caring What People Think Of You When we care about how we are perceived by others we spend too much time analysing our own behaviour and what we might naturally do gets disreg… Read More
Mind-Set Coaching UK
Find a mind-set coach that inspires you to make long-term changes When it comes to mind-set, it can literally make or break you. I am a mind-set and life coach as well as being a law of a… Read More
The Law Of Vibration
How to Change Your Frequency to Manifest a New Life Change your frequency, change your life. On one hand, that is simple, on the other, we have an annoyingly analytical mind and it so oft… Read More
How To Surrender And Let Go
Allowing your Life to Change Instead of Trying to Force it to Change It’s a strange one to get your head around isn’t it? Let go of the things that you want in order to get th… Read More
That’s a big statement isn’t it? You may have tried for months, maybe even years to manifest that one thing or things that you want. You may want to scream at me for being so&hel… Read More
Manifest Your Life by Influencing Energy to Your Advantage A while ago, I began offering email coaching as well as my 1-2-1 Zoom sessions. Although I love talking to clients face to face… Read More
We are always manifesting. Whether we are aware of it or not, we are doing it! The problem with human beings, is that we have a tendency to over-think, analyse and look for the rational in t… Read More
Magnetic people are not born that way. We are all born the same. We have not yet been programmed. The way we grow depends on our environment and our upbringing. You will notice that some… Read More
Law Of Attraction For Beautiful Skin
How to Manifest a Change in Your Skin Is it really possible to manifest great skin with the law of attraction? Well, yes of course it is! Everything is energetic. When we have struggle… Read More
Manifesting – To Reach out or Not to Reach Out? Is there really such a thing as a not contact rule? if there is, then who made it? It’s my considered opinion that people&rsquo… Read More
Manifest a Change on the Outside by Changing the Inside If you’ve ever wondered why some people seem to find it so easy to make friends, have good people around them, get promoted w… Read More
Only you can’t try too hard… Hmm, really? What sort of a paradox is this you might ask? Want it but not too much or else it will move further and further away from you. This… Read More
Find the missing piece of the puzzle. What are you doing that you might need to change, what aren’t you doing? Do you need some help in your manifesting journey, or would you simply li… Read More
This, I get asked a lot. My answer is this: Whilst I often refer to this as the law of attraction and manifesting, I see it as something else. LOA is simply a label we put on whatever this c… Read More
Self Hypnosis for Manifestation When it comes to manifesting a new life, or maybe just an enhanced version of the one you have, mediations can be very effective. Personally I go between l… Read More
Jump into your dream reality. Manifesting is simply this… What? Seriously? Yes really! I see reality as one big quantum computer. My reality changes as my feelings change. So… Read More
Can we really shift between realities? It’s a theory that I use to make manifesting and creating work for me. I am not simply basing this on wishful thinking that this is indeed th… Read More
How to use the law of assumption to manifest a relationship With a particular person If you don’t already know, the law of assumption is the theory that we create or manifest (which… Read More
Use your Imagination to Create a New reality Neville Goddard manifested with his imagination. He would imagine a scene (which he called the imaginal act) and he would repeat this scene ov… Read More
Learn how to assume what you want is actually already true. Yes, you can assume anything and then see it appear in your own reality as if by magic. The key is first to decide what assum… Read More
We have become so accustomed to negative self-talk. We do it all day long only we never actually stop to notice. I’m not saying that you have to monitor every thought that pops into yo… Read More
Manifesting Techniques? Is there one manifesting technique that stands out? That one thing that is just that little bit more effective than everything else? In one word – No. All… Read More
No, absolutely not. Visualising is merely an aid so that we can latch onto the corresponding feeling. But not everyone can visualise. There is a condition call aphantasia that makes it impos… Read More
Deadline Manifestation Is it really possible to manifest to a certain timescale? Absolutely it is! Hang on though, there is a catch…. Lets say that there is something that you w… Read More
Great news! Testing has started. I’m really happy to say, that the build is complete and we are currently testing the way everything works and if it works according to plan. When I… Read More
How to Consciously Create Using the Law of Attraction Commonly referred to as LOA, this universal law is really all about creating rather than attracting. I get it, you attract things acc… Read More
The Secret To The Law Of Attraction
The Secret that’s not really a secret, just little understood You see so many video’s out there online: The Real Secret to The Law of Attraction – What you Need to Know… Read More
In Love – Success My lovely friend Em has given me permission to share this law of attraction for love success story. The beginning: Em and Mark (not his real name) had been tog… Read More
Assuming Something is True Will Create it Yep, it seems that the law of assumption is key to creating your life as you’d like it to unfold for you. What we assume solidifies into fa… Read More
Re-Program Your Subconscious With Words to Manifest Faster Until we understand how the subconscious actually works, we can’t fully understand how to control it in order to manifest… Read More
My favourite books on the subject of LOA When I started out on this road, I found it very difficult to find THE book, you know, the one that just clicks and you get this once and for all… Read More
This has to be one of the most commonly searched phrases when it comes to the law of attraction, but also when it doesn’t. Sometimes there is that one person, the one that we can&rsquo… Read More
Law Of Attraction And Vibration
I prefer to call this the law of vibration rather than attraction. We get what we vibrate. I have come to know this over the last few years. So much so that I have written a whole book dedic… Read More
Law of Attraction Frequently Asked Question How is it possible that we can manifest no matter what. Who says that circumstances don’t matter? They surely must matter in my case&hell… Read More
Book On Attachment Styles
How to Recognise Attachment and Ultimately Let it Go I wrote a book about attachment. Why? Because it’s what holds a lot of you guys back. Attachment in any way, shape or form is no… Read More
How to Use The Law of Attraction to Find Love Using the law of attraction to find love really is a simple process and guess what? It’s fun too! Can you really use LOA to find tr… Read More
To Let go is to Receive Letting go will set you free – First of all let me say that there really is no long road to manifesting the things that you want to come into your reality, o… Read More
What is it about a book’s content that means its category is classed as The Law of Attraction? I debated over and over, whether or not to enter Finding Remarkable into this book cat… Read More
Wishful Thinking I’d been thinking about writing a self-help style book for a while. I just couldn’t get up the enthusiasm for it. I was busy writing fiction at the time, and… Read More
Finding a literary agent is a daunting task if you want to go down the traditional marketing route. Once you find a suitable agent, you worry you’re not good enough after all. Nonsense… Read More
Hi all! So sorry I have been rubbish updating you with the latest news. I have so much crazy stuff going on right now and taking time to sit down and write something other than my… Read More
The Law Of Attraction And Me
I know I’ve said it before, but although I call it The Law Of Attraction, those words don’t really do this magic justice. That’s the word that best describes it i… Read More
Writing For Teens  – Young Adult Books I know I’m not exactly a teenager, just incase that’s what you’re thinking…Not in body at least. There is… Read More
What Did Magic Do For Me? I refer to it as the law of attraction on this website, because that’s how it’s known, and how people find these posts, unless they are s… Read More

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Evie Sparkes - YA Author
