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The Projector Blog

The blog for K. A. Wisniewski. Dedicated to short reflections and insights on ongoing projects in poetry, art & design, printing, history, teaching, culture, and life.
Projector Poetry: Poetic Experiments
I am always drawn to fusions of technology and literature that recognize the poetics of the everyday and that bring verse to life in a modern context. And I am … Continue reading &rar… Read More
Book By Book: Teaser
I’m pleased to share a teaser for one of my new (or ongoing) projects, Book by Book. This project is a personal journey through the shelves of my personal library. … Continue re… Read More
Textshop Editions: The Opening
It’s been quite a journey since my last entry here for Textshop Experiments. As I reflect on the last few years and navigate through this transitional period, I wanted to … Cont… Read More
As I begin to consider the next phrase of Roving Eye Press, I have been researching more of Bob Brown‘s poetry, including a lot of poems not included in some … Continue reading… Read More
Lest We Forget! A Poem
  LEST WE FORGET! The World is Round and Very Wet! By Bob Brown   Pilsener beer from a tall frosted glass at Luchow’s             … Conti… Read More
Word clouds, data clouds, tag clouds, text clouds . . .  Regardless of you call them, everyone seems to like these visual representations of text data.  First popularized over a &h… Read More
James Rivington, American Printer
James Rivington (1724-1802) was an English-born printer/publisher and journalist in New York City during the American Revolution. Prior to the revolution, he was one of the most popular and… Read More
How To Judge A Book By Its Cover
In my June post “Reading by Design,” I shared some early notes on my fall course on the History of Publications Design.  Sadly, I didn’t follow-up with this post throu… Read More
Three Poems By Olga Cabral
Electronic Tape Found in a Bottle If this small human testament completes its odyssey clears the curtains of fiery meteors crosses the rages of magnetic storms rides free of hydrogen &hellip… Read More
Spotlight: Olga Cabral
As fate would have it, as I take a brief hiatus from working on the next project with Roving Eye Press, last week, while shuffling through an old used book … Continue reading → Read More
Empire State By Olga Cabral
Empire State I am a prisoner of bones of keyrings habits teeth and hair I am a tenant of torn skies I am a runner in the air of escalators … Continue reading → Read More
Accidental Diarist: A Review
The Accidental Diarist: A History of the Daily Planner in America By Molly A. McCarthy. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2013. 302 pp., HC $90 Pb $30).… Read More
Writing With Scissors: A Review
Writing with Scissors: American Scrapbooks from the Civil War to the Harlem Renaissance By Ellen Gruber Garvey. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2012. 320 pp. 62 ill. HC $115, Pb …… Read More
Last week I was happy to report the latest issue of Textshop Experiments was released.  The video essays included in this issue include new work by H. R. Buechler, Jimmy … Contin… Read More
The Schoolmaster, Translated
Last week, I noted that I would return to completing my translation of selected poems by Marcel Lecomte.  To slowly return to this project and to offer another preview of … Conti… Read More
A few days ago, on New Year’s Eve, I completed my #365DayChallenge of posting one image a day on Instagram.  So, for now, I’m taking a little break from social … Cont… Read More
Classic Comics Covers
For those who know me and my work, it’s no secret that I am interested the relationships between texts and images.  So much so that I’ve straddled the line between …… Read More
16 Weeks With Bob Dylan
Colleges are like old-age homes; except for the fact that more people die in colleges. For me, the environment to write the song is extremely important. The environment has to … Conti… Read More
I’m happy to announce the publication of the latest title from Roving Eye Press: Houdini.  The title is number 5 for Bob Brown’s revamped mobile small press. Originally publ… Read More
One of my latest projects this year has been the book series Beyond Criticism published by Bloomsbury.  It’s been a busy year here with six books already published and many &helli… Read More
My Mother, Resurrected Fabián Casas, Trans. Adriana Scopino Poetry · English · Translation · Bilingual · Spanish 2017 $15.00 Acclaim fo… Read More
Mulberry Mummies Marshes
  “Mulberry, Mummies, Marshes: This History of Paper” Course Poster, 2017. My latest poster / broadside.  Filed under: Art, Books/Book-making, Paper, pedagogy, Printing… Read More
A Tribute To The John Trumbulls
This semester, I again find myself teaching two surveys on early America (situated in both English and History Departments).  Each semester, I try to mix up the program and reading &hel… Read More
Fort Garrison, Maryland
From time to time, I’ve written about local (often hidden) historical gems around Maryland.  For this post, I wanted to add to this growing list with a building just a … Co… Read More
Sleep Habits & Literary Production
Sleep deprivation is a major problem these days, leading to a host of physical and emotional problems.  It has been the focus of many studies in recent decades, and, just … Conti… Read More
It’s in the works!  Coming Soon . . . Filed under: Art, Composition, Digital Humanities, Electracy, Events, Journals, New Media, Textshop Experiments, Work Report / Progress, Writ… Read More
I can’t believe that it’s been five years since I visited the city of Copenhagen!  This week I was looking through some old photos, in part looking through shots to …… Read More
Quotes From John Adams
This week in my early America class, we reviewed the presidency of John Adams.  As fate would have it, our session happened to land on Adams’ birthday.  Part of this …… Read More
The Best Covers Of Bob Dylan Songs
Well, I’m officially halfway through my course on Bob Dylan, and a clear, singular reading of Bob Dylan, the artist, is seemingly further away than ever.  But perhaps this is &hel… Read More
What A Twit!
twit, n.1 Pronunciation: Brit. /twɪt/ U.S. /twɪt/ Forms:  Also 15 twyte. Frequency (in current use): Etymology: → Read More
Sounding Out Supplements: Bob Dylan
Bob Dylan’s Influences, Inspirations & Impersonations I’ve been so invested in the History of Paper class, it recently occurred to me that there have been no posts here on an… Read More
This week I received an email notification from WordPress that five years ago I opened this account / website.  Although I receive about 250 visitors each month now, I have … Con… Read More
Reading As Art: A Micro-Review
Reading as Art Simon Morris, editor. York: Information as Material, 2016. In my own ongoing research investigations of reading… Read More
Paper Infographics
Walter Ong’s classic Orality and Literacy will be one of the first texts we’ll read in my “History of Paper” course this fall.  Attached to this reading/discussi… Read More
Shadow Of The Moon Turns 20
A few weeks ago, I was asked to contribute an essay on music/history, and, as exciting as the project seemed, I’m afraid I’ll have to turn the offer down.  But … Cont… Read More
The Wide Image July 2017
Filed under: activism, Art, Baltimore, Composition, Digital Humanities, Electracy, History, Local History, Maryland History, Notes, Tourism, U. S. History, Work Report / Progress Tagged: Bal… Read More
Paper-making History: Some Bookmarks
Last fall, I taught courses in the history of graphic design and the history of printing (both Visual Arts courses).  Before I got things started, I posted an entry here … Contin… Read More
Some Flag House Photos
Last week, I spoke at the Start-Spangled Flag House in Baltimore.  The museum is truly one of the hidden gems of Baltimore. Located at the edge of Little Italy and … Continue rea… Read More
Last week marked my sixth month on Instagram.  Not a big deal for most, I suppose, but at the beginning of the year I decided to create a page for … Continue reading → Read More
A New Video From Calypso Editions
Last week, I completed a promotional video for Calypso Editions.  Lots of exciting work being done here. Calypso’s members are currently reviewing our fall submissions.  We a… Read More
Manneqart; Or, Marvels At A Mall
September was a month of overload here . . . A few days off following surgery have allowed some time to catch up on the blog and post some of … Continue reading → Read More
The Projector Period: New Website
A very short post today to announce that my new website is now live. The Projector site will house my up-to-date C.V. and slowly develop into my professio… Read More

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