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Labrador Leads the World in Opposition to Hydro Dams. Please join our International Campaign @protectlabrador against the Government of Canada's Nalcor Crown Corporation, Boondoggle Hydro project, Muskrat Falls, Grand River Mishtashipu [lower Churchill] Newfoundland and Labrador [NL] Canada [CA]

Labrador Leads The World In Opposition To Hydro Dams. Please Join Our International Campaign @protectlabrador Against The Government Of Canada's Nalcor Crown Corporation, Boondoggle Hydro Project, Muskrat Falls, Grand River Mishtashipu [lower Churchill] Newfoundland And Labrador [NL] Canada [CA]
Labrador Leads the World in Opposition
to Hydro Dams.
Please Join the International Campaign
against the
Government of Canada's
Nalcor Crown Corporation
Boondoggle Hydro project,
Muskrat Falls, Grand River
Mishtashipu [lower Churchill] Newfoundland
and Labrador [NL] Canada [CA] Anitas Affordable Apartments Bookstore Supports The Labrador Land Protectors Facebook Twitter: Fighting for Grand River Mishtashipu, Muskrat Falls Newfoundland and Labrador [NL] Canada [CA] PLEASE SIGN THESE FIVE PETITIONS Thank You!

The lack of a right and proper Environmental Impact study in the first place obviously provides sufficient grounds to shut down the Nalcor Muskrat Falls, Gull Island, Grand River Mishtashipu [lower Churchill] Boondoggle project Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada without prevarication and delay!!!

1. Free Inuk Grandmother Beatrice Hunter: Labrador Land Protector

2. Free Indigenous Labrador Land Protectors James Learning, Marjorie Flowers and Eldred Davis

3. Help Stop An Act of Cultural Genocide at Muskrat Falls, Labrador

4. A Call to Suspend the Dangerous Operations at Muskrat Falls, Labrador

5. Adopt and Implement the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Public Items including Videos, Books and Audios supporting Labrador, Labradorians and supporters campaigning against Nalcor Crown Corporation’s Boondoggle Hydro Dam project, Muskrat Falls, Grand River Mishtashipu [lower Churchill] Newfoundland and Labrador [NL] Canada [CA] Twitter Link

Videos: Beatrice Hunter Labrador Land Protectors, Billy L R Gauthier Land Protector speaks with Justice Minister, Denise Cole Labrador Land Protectors, Eldred Davis Labrador Land Protectors, Friends of Grand River/Mistashipu, “Into the Wild” starring Dennis Woodrow Burden “Living Local in Labrador” Port Hope Simpson, NunatuKavut, NL, Canada and Books, Justin Brake Journalism Is Not A Crime...Labrador Land Protectors, Liz Solo: Everything is Leaking, Marjorie Mayflower Flowers Labrador Land Protectors, Robert Way Labrador Scientist, James G Learning Labrador Land Protector arrested!

Links: #MakeMuskratRight: Labrador Land Protectors, Citizens wanting an RCMP Investigation into NL Government and Nalcor !! Contribute Labrador Land Protectors - Legal Fund, Delilah Miriam Saunders Labrador Land Protectors, FREE  Jim Learning Labrador Land Protectors, Jerry Kohlmeister Labrador Land Protectors,  Labrador United, Homes Not Bombs, Land Protectors,  Living Local in Labrador, make muskrat right-rigolet, Muskrat Falls Water Bottle Campaign, operation: mighty & united, NEW Online Auction, Labrador Land Protectors Peace Camp, Ottawa Local: Make Muskrat Right, Port Hope Simpson Phs Town Council, Solidarity with Labrador, The Truth About Muskrat....Stop The Dam Insanity, United Nations Panel says Halt Construction of British Columbia's $8.8 Billion Site C dam until Full Review of Affect on Indigenous Land…, Your Voice On Labrador,

Further Links: Bloodwise The Blood Cancer Research Charity, Innu Nation, Government of Canada, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, Qalipu Mi'kmaq First Nation, Secretariat of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, Truth and Reconciliation Committee of Canada, Truth and Reconciliation Committee of Canada Calls to Action, United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Nalcor Energy, Nunatsiavut Government, Nunatukavut Government,

This post first appeared on Hébergement Île Maurice, Gîtes, Appartements, Villas, Livres Maurice..., please read the originial post: here

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Labrador Leads the World in Opposition to Hydro Dams. Please join our International Campaign @protectlabrador against the Government of Canada's Nalcor Crown Corporation, Boondoggle Hydro project, Muskrat Falls, Grand River Mishtashipu [lower Churchill] Newfoundland and Labrador [NL] Canada [CA]
