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Travel tales like no other

Travel Tales Like No Other

These places will NOT be found an any map or in any atlas.

This book describes a large number of little-known tourist sights from around the world. A book for the discerning traveller who has been everywhere else.

Read about the earwax museum called Monsieur Tussauds in London and the unhappy beaches of The Maldives. Discover small islands in the Pacific, Atlantic and Mediterranean. Read reviews of little-known museums in England and Canada.

East Uist, just to the West of South Uist, is a mysterious place. In amongst the peat bogs, crow-filled craggy peaks and lochans, archaeologists have found evidence of stone circles and cromlechs that were built on artificial platforms about two inches in height. The theory is that the people of East Uist were practising their skills gradually and learning from their mistakes on smaller projects, before heading off to the Orkney Islands where much larger and higher platforms were required.

When Captain James Cook sailed around the world, he must have been feeling extremely hungry. This can be the only explanation for the number of places he named after the humble sandwich. In no particular order, they are as follows:
Sandwich Islands was the name given to Hawaii.
South Sandwich Islands, an archipelago, part of the British overseas territory of ‘South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands’ in the south Atlantic Ocean.
Sandwich Island, a former name of the uninhabited atoll Manuae in the Cook Islands in the South Pacific Ocean.
Sandwich Island, a former name of Efate Island in The Republic of Vanuatu in the South Pacific Ocean.

This post first appeared on Julian Worker Fiction Writing, please read the originial post: here

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Travel tales like no other
