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Faith, Hope and Love

Faith, Hope And Love

Heaven, heavenly abode

Our bodies erode

But we’re on our way home

Jesus, God in flesh

Our spirits mesh

We are so blessed

Holy Bible, the Living Word

Sharper than any two-edged sword

Hope of the coming of the Lord

God, Creator of all

Let our knees fall

You, we extol

Holy Spirit, Divine Spirit

Filled with every merit

We should revere it

Church, body of Christ

Bonded by Jesus’s sacrifice

When He paid the ultimate price

So many things this world offers

But our hope resides in heaven’s coffers

Release your faith as you ignore the scoffers

We have faith, hope and love

We have God, Jesus and the Holy Dove

And the Bible, church and Heaven above

(C) Carly Wiggins 2019

This post first appeared on Message In Stanza, please read the originial post: here

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Faith, Hope and Love
