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Funny Animal Pictures & Captions For Social Media [2024]

Funny Animal Pictures & Captions For Social Media [2024]

Many animals have a funny picture. When you want to share these pictures on social media, you need a caption for funny animal pictures.

Moreover, you used a funny animal picture with the best caption, and your post engaged with the audience. Select a caption for the funny animal to take your post to the next level.

Funny Pictures of Animals with Captions

List of Funny Text Captions

1. “I’m not lazy, I’m on energy-saving mode .”

2. “Quit monkeying around and get to work! .”

3. “I’m so purr-ty and I know it! .”

4. “Just a dog living the ‘pug life’ .”

5. “Paws what you’re doing and admire my cuteness .”

6.“Can’t touch this – Hedgehog style .”

7.”Keep calm and pretend it’s not Monday…said every cat ever .”

8.”Sorry, I can’t out of the rabbit hole today!.”

9.”Birds of a feather flock together, but eagles fly alone! .”

10.”You think this is a game? – says every squirrel with an acorn .”

11.”I might look like a deer in headlights, but I’ve totally got this under control .”

12.”Don’t be fooled by the fluff: 50% floof, 50% sass! .”

13.”This is how pandas roll: Eat, Sleep, Repeat! .”

14.“When life gives you lemons…give them back and ask for treats instead .”

15.“The Wi-Fi went down for five minutes…so I went outside today…It was awful .”

16.“I am kind of a big deal around here .”

17.“When nothing goes right… go left .”

18.“If there are no dogs in heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went .”

19.”I’m having a whale of a time! .”

20.”My spirit animal is a sloth, because I really don’t like doing things .”

21.”I tried being normal once…worst two minutes of my life .”

22.”This is my road trip buddy, he can’t read maps .”

23.”Glamour shot ready…now where’s my treat? .”

24. “When you’re this cute, who needs captions? .”

25.“Just a hamster looking for his damsel .”

26. “Who needs TV when you have birds to watch?! .”

27. “Don’t mind me, just catching some rays .”

28. “I didn’t choose the snug life, the snug life chose me .”

29. “Seas the day – Dolphin style! .”

30. “Living for the ap-paws and standing ovations from my humans .

Check this also : Funny Captions and Quotes for Instagram

Wild Animal Captions for Instagram

1. “Welcome to the jungle; it’s all fun and games .”

2. “Just a deer caught in the headlights .”

3. “I am not lion when I say I run this jungle .”

4. “Be brave as a tiger, they don’t stress over the opinion of sheep .”

5. “The wilderness is calling and I must go .”

6.“Every day is one step closer to summer…said every bear during hibernation .”

7.”Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better – Einstein .”

8.”Sometimes, you just have to ride the wave you’re given! – Dolphin Wisdom 101 .”

9.”Eagle-eye view: Always on top of my game! .”

10.”Feeling foxy today! Don’t worry, no chickens were harmed .”

11.“Life is short…Smell some flowers like a bee! .”

12.“Time spent with cats is never wasted – Ask any cheetah .”

13.“If there are no wolves in your way then you’re not on the right path .”

14.”Run with wolves instead of hunting with dogs .”

15.”Survival of the fittest; that’s nature’s rule .”

16.“You can’t soar like an eagle if you hang out with turkeys .”

17.“The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog – But who got more exercise?.”

18.“It’s better to be a lonely lion than a popular sheep .”

19.”Stay focused and never let the prey out of sight – Hawk 101.”

20.”This is my kingdom, I’m the king of the jungle! .”

21.”Just like a sloth, I was slow to post this .”

22.”From a tiny spark may burst a mighty flame – said every dragonfly ever .”

23. “Be as swift as a deer; don’t be caught napping in life’s race .”

24. “The best view comes after the hardest climb – Mountain Goat wisdom 101 .”

25. “Life is either daring adventure or nothing at all, just ask this monkey .”

26. “If you want to fly, give up everything that weighs you down – Butterfly truth .”

27. “Bears need people. People need bears – Panda-monium! .”

28. “Like an owl: Stay wise and always keep your eyes open .”

29. “The strength of the wolf is the pack; unity is power .”

30. “Stand tall even if you’re short – Penguin philosophy 101 .

Animal Lover Captions for Instagram

1. “Furry friends are the best kind of friends.”

2. “Life is better with paw prints on your heart.”

3. “Who needs a best friend when you have a dog?”

4. “Just one more animal won’t hurt, right?”

5. “I’m not single, I have a pet!”

6. “Be the person your dog thinks you are.”

7. “Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” – Anatole France

8.“Love is wet noses, sloppy kisses and wagging tails.”

9.“Unconditional love is as close as your nearest shelter.”

10.”Happiness starts with wet nose and ends with waggy tail.”

11.”The road to my heart is paved with pawprints.”

12.”If I could be half the person my dog is, I’d be twice the human I am.”

13.”In a perfect world every dog would have a home and every home would have a dog.”

14.”Animals are such agreeable friends – they ask no questions; they pass no criticisms” – George Eliot.

15.”Whoever said diamonds are a girl’s best friend never owned a dog.”

16.“My windows aren’t dirty…that’s just my pet’s nose art!”

17.“Pets: The only members of your family you actually like.”

18.“Some angels choose fur instead of wings.”

19.”I may not always understand their language but the love in their eyes speaks volumes!”

20.”Crazy cat lady? More like devoted feline enthusiast!”

21.Talking to your pet: Completely normal! Them answering back: Time to worry.

22.Pets know all our secrets but don’t judge us for them!

23.Home isn’t just where you live; it’s where your pets are.

24.Less people more dogs?

25.The only bad thing about loving a pet is having to say goodbye.

26.Beware of dog kisses!

27.Pet hair? Don’t care. It’s just glitter from my fur babies!

28.All you need is love and a cat…or two…or five.

29.Life would be ruff without my furry friends.

30.Whoever said money can’t buy happiness never paid an adoption fee..

Cute Animal Lover Captions for Instagram

1. “My pet is my heart wearing fur.”

2. “The best therapist has fur and four legs.”

3. “Home is where the paw prints are.”

4. “You can’t buy love, but you can rescue it.”

5. “Furever in my heart.”

6. “Life would be ruff without furry friends.”

7. “A house is not a home without paw prints.”

8.“Pawsitively smitten with my furry friend.”

9.“Love is a four-legged word.”

10.”Whoever said that diamonds are a girl’s best friend… Never had a dog!”

11.”Happiness starts with a wet nose and ends with a tail.”

12.”Time spent with cats is never wasted.” – Sigmund Freud

13.”Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart!”

14.”Pets leave paw prints on your heart and soul forever.”

15.”Cats are like music: It’s foolish to try to explain their worth to those who don’t appreciate them” – Unknown.

16.“Dogs do speak, but only to those who know how to listen”- Orhan Pamuk

17.“Paws what you’re doing and hug your pet!”

18.“Can’t buy happiness, but you can adopt it from an animal shelter!”

19.“Pet hair? More like confetti of joy!”

20.“Animals may not speak our language, but they teach us about love.”

21.My pet might not be my whole world, but they certainly make my world whole.

22.Pets understand humans better than humans do.

23.Ears that always listen, eyes that are full of life; pets really are man’s best friend!

24.Who needs words when you have expressive puppy eyes?

25.You know what’s great about pets? They don’t care about Mondays!

26.All animals deserve the chance to leave paw prints on someone’s heart.

27.Pets are my favorite kind of people.

28.My pet is the only alarm clock I need.

29.Forget diamonds, pets are a girl’s best friend!

30.Love doesn’t need words when you have a loyal pet.

The post Funny Animal Pictures & Captions For Social Media [2024] appeared first on Instagram Captions.

This post first appeared on Best Instagram Captions For 2024 : Good, Cool, Funny, please read the originial post: here

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Funny Animal Pictures & Captions For Social Media [2024]
