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How To Secure A Caravan?

How To Secure A Caravan?
How To Secure A Caravan?

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How To Secure A Caravan From Theft?

Caravans are becoming extremely popular homes and vacation places. In the UK, it estimated that there are 550,000 touring caravans. With the amount of caravans increasing, it is essential to keep your caravan safe but how can you do this? In this article, we will be providing you with all the best safety tips on how to secure a caravan.

  1. Is Caravan Theft High?
  2. How To Secure A Caravan?
  3. How To Secure A Caravan In High Winds?
  4. How To Secure A Static Caravan?
  5. How Do You Secure A Caravan On A Driveway?
  6. How To Stop Caravan Theft?
  7. How To Report A Caravan Theft?

Is Caravan Theft High?

Theft is one of the biggest threats to caravan security. According to Tracker, in 2020 there was an increase of 50% of caravan theft. These are shocking caravan theft statistics and it is no wonder that many caravan owners are often worried about the safety of their vehicle. 

How To Secure A Caravan?

There are many ways and methods that you can use to make sure that your caravan is secure. Below, we have listed some of these.

  1. Use caravan wheel clamps.
  2. Secure your caravan with a caravan locks.
  3. Use a hitch lock to secure your caravan.
  4. If you are leaving your caravan at a holiday park, then do research beforehand to make sure that it has a good reputation and review the security procedures it already has in place. Also check that the holiday park is part of a watch scheme as watch schemes have been known as a good method to reduce theft.
  5. Install a motion sensor light on your caravan to deter criminals.

How To Secure A Caravan In High Winds?

High winds can often threaten the safety of your caravan as they cause caravans to be blown away. Many experts recommend not towing your caravan during high winds and instead securing it safely into the ground. Below, we have listed some different ways to secure your caravan during high winds.

  1. If possible, store your caravan in a sheltered location and under cover.
  2. Tie your caravan down firmly using chains.
  3. If your caravan has awning, remove it immediately.
  4. Try storing heavy objects such as your awning inside your caravan as the heavier your caravan is the less likely it will be blown over. 
  5. Dig holes on the ground directly under your caravan’s wheel to help increase wind resistance.
  6. Anchor your caravan’s tyres into the ground by using iron posts.

How To Secure A Static Caravan?

When caravans aren’t being towed, they will often stand static. Below, we have listed some of the best ways to secure a static caravan.

  1. If you’re placing your caravan on a site or at home, then make sure there is CCTV installed near your caravan.
  2. Secure your caravan with a security post.
  3. Use a caravan security door handle to lock your caravan door.

How Do You Secure A Caravan On A Driveway?

Some caravan owners may leave their caravan at home on their driveway instead of a holiday park. Below, we have listed some of the best ways to secure your caravan at home on your driveaway.

  1. If you can keep your caravan out of sight and store it within a safe location such as a garage instead. 
  2. Install a security camera and have it pointing towards your caravan.
  3. Make sure that all windows and doors on your caravan are securely locked.
  4. Install a security alarm on your caravan to deter thieves.

How To Stop Caravan Theft?

Caravan theft is a big worry for many owners, but there are a few different ways to stop it. Below, we have listed a few different ways to prevent caravan theft.

  1. Install a caravan security light on your vehicle.
  2. Use caravan security locks.
  3. Make sure that your caravan’s wheels are secure with wheel clamps.
  4. Install a caravan security alarm.
  5. Keep all your valuables within your caravan hidden out of site.
  6. Always store your caravan in a safe location.
  7. Register your caravan with online caravan registration companies such as CRSI.
  8. Consider buying a tracking device or a VIN chip for your caravan.

How To Report A Caravan Theft?

If your caravan is stolen, it is essential that you report the theft straightway. You should report the theft to the police and to your caravan insurance cover. If your caravan has a tracking device, you can also report the theft to the provider of the device. You can also report the theft to the CRSI (Central Registration & Identification System), which is a company that helps the police track caravans.

When you are reporting the theft you should mention:

  1. When The Theft Happened
  2. Where The Theft Happened
  3. Your Caravan Registration Number
  4. Any Noticeable Features About Your Caravan

You can also send the police any photos of your caravans to help them with their investigation.

To stay up to date with all the latest safety tips and guides, check out our blog where you can find articles about vehicle security tips and how to secure a tent.

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How To Secure A Caravan?
