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How Can Students Make Money Using Their Paper Writing Skills


It is always a good idea to start earning money while you are still in college. Such experience makes you more responsible and motivated. However, combining work and study can be challenging if you choose a job that does not match your study schedule. That is why choosing a profession that allows you to work from anywhere and at any time is the perfect option. Many writing jobs meet this requirement and have a lot to offer. So, if you have strong writing skills and want to explore the possibilities of earning money using them, keep reading this article.

Freelance writer

One of the first opportunities to start earning money is helping other students write great papers. You might be surprised to find out that many students find academic writing to be challenging and exhausting. If you have outstanding writing skills, look for essay writing jobs at services like to start a career as a freelance writer. Also, it is a great opportunity to improve the skills you already have. On top of that, you can control your daily schedule according to your study plan.


Start a blog, make it popular, and start earning money from monetization through advertising and sponsored posts. You can write about one of your passions and share your interests with others. Alternatively, you can focus on the topic of writing and educate students about writing techniques. Before you start blogging, research to ensure there is demand for the information you plan to present. Finding the perfect balance between the demands of the audience and your own interests is crucial. 

Social media content creator

If writing is not your only passion and social media plays a major role in your life, consider turning this interest into a job. You can create content for bloggers and companies to help them gain more followers. If you know the right way of engaging the audience by creating short but appealing messages, this is one of the possible ways to build a successful career. 


If you can create slogans and advertising messages that attract the attention of users, copywriting is a great job to try. You can do many things to build your portfolio – write compelling copy for online and offline ads, help develop marketing materials, engagingly describe products and services, and create landing pages that gain new leads for many different brands. Moreover, writing different messages for various segments of a brand’s target audience might be exciting. One of the options is writing emails to prospective customers. If you know what to do to make a client open and read an email from a company, try to earn money doing that.

Technical writer

If you want to do something other than write ad copies, consider the possibility of becoming a technical writer. This job includes writing user manuals and all kinds of documentation for technical products. You will need to explain to people how to use something in a simple and comprehensive way. If you are good at it, try applying your talents to this type of writing.

Resume and cover letter writer

Many people need assistance writing their CVs and cover letters. If you know all the ways of turning an average resume into an outstanding one, use your skills to help others and earn money. As a rule, this type of writing does not require too much time. You can easily combine work and study without making any sacrifices.


Ghostwriter creates original content on demand of different clients. Some people write autobiographies and need help from an experienced writer. Others create various articles daily and lack time to cope with their scope of work. You will need to follow the instructions the clients give you. On the one hand, it is an advantage of this job, as you don’t need to develop topics for your literary pieces. On the other hand, it might limit your creativity.


Everybody likes watching movies and TV series. When you have strong writing skills, you can create scripts for videos, podcasts, movies, documentaries, etc. Choose the type of content you feel comfortable creating and start writing. Create a portfolio for prospective employers and start looking for corresponding job openings. You can also find an online course for beginner scriptwriters to get valuable tips there. If this is your dream job, develop a plan to make it a reality.

Freelance journalist

Most probably, working at a college newspaper is not as exciting as becoming a journalist at one of the famous brands like The New York Times. However, if it is your career goal, start making small steps towards it. Look for job opportunities that can make your journalistic talent visible. Write on the topics you are passionate about and share your ideas with the readers.


If rereading the same text over and over again does not seem boring to you, consider offering editing and proofreading services to content creators worldwide. Tools like Grammarly can simplify these processes for writers, but not everyone is ready to spend their time on this activity. You can help others polish their creative content and earn money using your editing skills. After all, students always make mistakes while coping with their academic assignments. So, help them avoid those common errors.

Grants and proposals writer

Writing grant proposals, business plans, and project proposals takes a lot of time. Some do not know the algorithm for coping with these tasks, while others simply lack time to do it properly. If you have a clear understanding of what to do, use your talent and turn it into a profit.

Summing Up

When you choose one of these jobs, do a research study to learn as much as you can about it. Sometimes, people have unrealistic expectations and face disappointment afterward. Talk to someone who already works as an editor or scriptwriter, for example. Ask them about the strengths and weaknesses of this job. Remember that you can always quit and try something new. You have enough time to explore different job opportunities to understand which of them bring you happiness and professional satisfaction.

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How Can Students Make Money Using Their Paper Writing Skills
