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A Open Letter To Someone You Just Meet And Fall In Love With

There are tons of open letters in today’s world, but none of them will be like this one.Dear Dear, i remember the day we met as if it was only just now dawned. you were strutting to get a cup of coffee, and our eyes met: i’ll remember that moment for the rest of my life.

Greetings future lover, I’d like to thank you for reading this open letter. I’m sure you were expecting an outline of my physical assets and a few juicy tidbits from my wild past but the fact is, I’ve been more than blessed in those areas and what does it matter as we embark on this new venture together. It is you that I want to know more about.

A Open Letter To Someone You Just Meet And Fall In Love With

• I can’t even begin to explain how wonderful you are. You are amazing, beautiful and intelligent beyond belief. You make me so happy that I just smile all day long and my heart just races every time I think of you. You are an amazing woman and I hope we can spend many years together. I love you!

• My whole life I have been waiting for the moment that I would find the love of my life and when I did I found you. I don’t know how to express my gratitude for you. You mean the world to me, there’s nothing in this world that can keep us apart. You are a [boy/girl] that enters my life and I am forever thankful for it. From now on you will be my one and only; this is a promise that I make to you. We

• A Open Letter To Someone You Just Meet And Fall In Love With: Oh I really love you, you are my lucky star. I am so glad that we meet each other. My heart was looking for your shining eyes and caring smile all through my life. And at last, it has found them!

• A Open Letter To Someone You Just Meet And Fall In Love With: I love you, you are my shining one. I am so glad that we meet each other. My heart was looking for your shining eyes and caring smile all through my life. And at last, it has found them!

• I love you a lot. You are my lucky star. I am very happy to meet you. My heart was looking for your shining eyes and smiling face all my life. And at last, I found it!

• A Open Letter To Someone You Just Meet And Fall In Love With: I am glad that we have finally found each other. I was looking for your shiny eyes and your wonderful smile my whole life. And now we are here together!

• I am glad you and I have met by chance. With your bright eyes and endearing smile, you are my all.

• A Open Letter To Someone You Just Meet And Fall In Love With: your presence in my life is really important. I am glad that we have met and now I can live happily with you.

• A Open Letter To Someone You Just Meet And Fall In Love With: My dear, I am so delighted to meet you! You are my sunshine, my moon, and all my stars. Your eyes lit up my heart with love and gusto for life.

• It’s always a pleasure to work with you, my darling. I will continue to follow our business plan while sharing your sweet thoughts and smiles.

• You are an amazing individual. I admire your dedication and the quality of your work. I am lucky to have met you.

• A Open Letter To Someone You Just Meet And Fall In Love With: I love you. You make me happy.

• Because of you, I can feel myself again. It is a miracle that you came into my life and I am so blessed to have you in it. To call you mine, my Valentine, my love, and my angel is a privilege.

• A Open Letter To Someone You Just Meet And Fall In Love With: It’s all about the ability to read and understand, but not only that. You need to research at all times in order to understand the questions that you’ll be asked.

• I’m a single gal looking for my soul mate. You don’t need to be model gorgeous. In fact, I find scars and flaws to be very attractive. My ideal partner would have the same interest as I do, in knowing people from all walks of life and learning something new every day. If you are that special someone, then drop me a line and let’s get to know each other better!

• A Open Letter To Someone You Just Meet And Fall In Love With: I hope these cards speak to who you are and where we are in our relationship. I can’t express how happy you make me, or love you more with every second that passes. I’ve never met anyone that makes me feel so comfortable and confident. Please know that I will always be here, positively waiting for the sun to rise when all is dark and dull around us.

• I really like you. Unlike most women I meet, you are not only intelligent but also attractive. You have a great sense of humor and always make me laugh. What I love the most about you is your willingness to try new things – for example, agreeing to go with me to that band concert last weekend even though you knew it wouldn’t be your taste of music. You are truly one of a kind!

• My dearest, I recently came across your profile on Match and our eyes met. We both clicked on each other’s pages and discovered we actually do share a lot of common interests and values. We decided to contact each other and since then, every time I get online, I can’t help checking my inbox to see if you’ve sent me a message. You are so sweet, kind, smart and beautiful. My feelings have grown so strong for you in such a short period of time and I

• A Open Letter To Someone You Just Meet And Fall In Love With: Dear Mr. Right, From the moment I saw you I knew there was something special about you. You didn’t fit your surroundings and that intrigued me. I knew at some point I would love you but it happened sooner than I imagined. So here I am writing to tell you how much I love you and want to commit myself to you for the rest of my life.

• I had no idea that I would meet someone so special. You’re what I call a god-sent angel. Your eyes are like the stars at night and your smile is like the sun in the morning. I love you more than ever before and it’s even more passionate than it was before when we were first together.

• I am very glad that we have met, so I could tell you how much I love you.

• A Open Letter To Someone You Just Meet And Fall In Love With: Hello! How are you? I am fine and i guess you really want to know, how i feel about all this.. oh that’s okbut sometimes we need to speak for ourselfs..and i dont want to hide how i feel about you..

• You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known. You have such a lovely smile that can light up a room, and your amazing eyes are so full of life. You’ve been through so much in your life, but it’s made you a strong and caring woman. I’m glad we met, and I hope we can spend the rest of our lives together.

• A Open Letter To Someone You Just Meet And Fall In Love With: realization is happening, striking my every angle.i want a world with you. hey there!we must be good friends .that’s why i feel such a warmth near you. it is good to tell you! that is what exactly i’m feeling at this moment. this is the first time i felt so familiar with someone in such a short time ! i think we should get better acquainted and soon enough we will have a good future together Love You

• We’ve only been together a short time, but I can already tell that you are the one. We have so much in common and we laugh at the same things. You make me feel like I can do anything, and I know that I am going to love being by your side forever. It’s only been a few days but it feels like we’ve been together our whole lives.

• A Open Letter To Someone You Just Meet And Fall In Love With: I’ve just met you and I already know this. You have kissable lips, the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen and a smile that lights up the room. While I’ve only known you a short while it seems like an eternity. I feel comfortable with you, I can’t imagine my life without you. You make me happy; you make me smile.

• There will always be a special place in my heart for you. I enjoyed everything about you and every time I saw you, every time we talked, I felt happy, warm inside. As cheesy as it sounds, my heart skipped a beat when I would talk to you, or even see your name on the screen of my phone.

• A Open Letter To Someone You Just Meet And Fall In Love With: I love you, and I don’t believe I’ve ever felt this way about anyone before. It scares me a bit, but in a good way. I fell for you very fast, and it’s a feeling that I never want to get rid of. Please let me be the one to put a smile on your face everyday, and make all your dreams come true.

• I love you as well. I just want to say, be patient with me. I am very picky and worried about my past relationships but once I open up, I will show you how much I can love and care for you. We should take our time to get more to know each other better so we don’t make a mistake we might regret.

• A Open Letter To Someone You Just Meet And Fall In Love With: It’s hard to believe that it was only 3 weeks ago that we first met, and in that short period of time I have fallen madly in love with you. You are absolutely perfect to me in every way possible. I thought my feelings for you would diminish with time, but with each passing hour, my love for you continues to grow more and more with each thought of you. We have only just begun our journey together, but I think this is the beginning of a beautiful ride!

• Dearest, I don’t believe in miracles. Not anymore. But here you are, smiling back at me like a cheshire cat on our first date and I just think I’m going crazy. Is this real? First time we went on a date I would have never guessed we would end up as good friends let alone fall in love so quickly. You have become the center of my universe and bring out the best parts of me. There is no one else on earth that I could imagine

• A Open Letter To Someone You Just Meet And Fall In Love With: I’ve spent the last few days getting to know you, and I can honestly say you are one of the coolest people I’ve ever met. Every day I look forward to our adventures together.

• A Open Letter To Someone You Just Meet And Fall In Love With: You have become the most important person in my life. I find myself wanting to share everything with you and make sure you’re always happy. I feel a connection with you that I haven’t ever felt before,

• You will always be in my heart. I cannot express the feelings that you have brought out in me. I’ve never felt so alive and I think of you constantly. Although we may be far apart, know that your smile is still next to mine, always.

• It’s official! We’re Facebook official! I can feel the love in the air (oh wait, that’s just my allergies acting up) Anyway, I’m glad we’ve found each other. And if all goes well, we’ll be seeing each other very soon. I can’t wait to take you to your favorite restaurant and hold your hand for the first time. Oh boy…This is going to be fun!

• A Open Letter To Someone You Just Meet And Fall In Love With: I love you. I want to hold you tight and kiss your lips. I don’t know where this will go, but I can’t stop thinking about you and the things our kisses could lead to…

• A Open Letter To Someone You Just Meet And Fall In Love With: I’m not sure what it is about you, but I can’t seem to get you out of my mind. You are so incredible. I think you’re beautiful. I want to hear your voice on a daily basis, and know that you are okay.

• A Open Letter To Someone You Just Meet And Fall In Love With: I may not be great at expressing myself. So I’ll just let these flowers and my smile say it all.

• What are the chances that I would meet a beautiful, intelligent woman to fall in love with on my way to work? The odds were never in my favor. Yet here I am, writing this letter on February 14th with a huge smile plastered across my face. This is all because of you. You caught me completely by surprise. Every moment I spend with you is so wonderful and magical. Our love keeps growing each day, and I never want it to stop.

• A Open Letter To Someone You Just Meet And Fall In Love With: Hi there, so nice to meet you. I can already tell that you are charming, intelligent and caring. You seem like your heart is true and pure, just perfect! I’m sure we will get along great and have lots of fun. My kids seem to like you too and we look forward to seeing you around the house. Take care.

• A Open Letter To Someone You Just Meet And Fall In Love With: To the most gorgeous and beautiful woman I’ve ever known. When we first meet I was amazed by your beauty, and after getting to know you I am even more. You have so much character it pours out of every word that comes out of your mouth. Our love is a breath of fresh air, and I will never give up on you! Yours forever,

• A Open Letter To Someone You Just Meet And Fall In Love With: I’ve met a lot of nice guys before, but you’re different. You taught me what love is and I hope with all my heart that you feel the same way. You make me feel like the luckiest girl in the world and I never want to let go. Without you here next to me, life doesn’t seem as exciting and full of possibilities. With you I know anything is possible. You are definitely one-of-a-kind and I hope to spend many happy years with

• I’ve never known what it means to love someone until I met you. You are so amazing and for the first time in a long time I feel like my heart is going to burst from all this happiness. I want to spend every waking moment with you, hearing your voice, seeing you smile.

• A Open Letter To Someone You Just Meet And Fall In Love With: You are the love of my life, you are the reason I wake up every morning. Every time I look into your eyes, I just fall deeper in love with you. I will always love you and be grateful for the day that we met. I just can’t stop thinking about you. Every time I look at you I have this big smile on my face.

• A Open Letter To Someone You Just Meet And Fall In Love With: I am so glad I met you. I can’t stop thinking about you and the connection we share. My heart skips a beat every time your text message tone goes off.

• I’ve met many women in my life, but none of them made me feel the way you do. There is something very special about you that I can’t quite explain, but it’s something that knocks my socks off each and every time we talk. I can tell so much about you by your smile or the tone of your voice when you laugh. I love everything about you, even your flaws. You make me happy beyond words and actions can’t express how much I truly treasure our friendship.

• Thank you so much for meeting me. I am sorry if this letter comes on too strong, but from the moment we met I have been filled with a desire to express my feelings towards you. I have never met someone quite like you before. I have found myself lost in your eyes(soft pause) so deep and beautiful. I can’t help but wonder where our relationship will take us next, but one thing is for sure: I am willing follow your lead, no matter what direction fate may

• A Open Letter To Someone You Just Meet And Fall In Love With: I would like to let you know, I’ve fallen in love with you. You’re so amazing, but I’d like to know, how do you feel about me?

• I’ve been thinking about you all day. Your smile and your kiss are on my mind. I am so excited to see you again. I can’t get you off my mind, and I know why. You knock me speechless every time, not just with your beauty, but with the way you make me feel inside. This can’t be something that only lasts for a week. Let’s make our love last forever…

• A Open Letter To Someone You Just Meet And Fall In Love With: I just want you to know how much I care about you. My feelings for you grow more each day and it’s a struggle to keep them to myself. You do so many things that make me smile and feel happier than I ever have been. When we are apart, I miss everything about you and count down the hours until our next time together.

• I am so, so sorry for what I did to you. It really wasn’t my intention to hurt you. But I see now that I shouldn’t have doubted your love for me. You proved it to me in so many different ways because you knew that I needed someone who loves me for who I am and not what I’ll become. I was foolish for ever thinking so and for every time that I ignored your invitation to a happy future and all of the important things you had planned for us

• A Open Letter To Someone You Just Meet And Fall In Love With: I have just met you, however, I feel something very strong for you. When we first met, I remember thinking to myself, she’s pretty and really nice. And now I know, I want her to be my girl.

• Yeah but you won’t be laughing when I make you see the light. Yes I’m a creep and a weirdo, yes I’m obsessed, you’re all I think about. Anybody out there? Baby anybody, anybody? Make me feel like I’m alive… in the darkness with you!

• A Open Letter To Someone You Just Meet And Fall In Love With: How does one approach a love note to a stranger? You, who I’ve never met, who I only know of through others’ stories and references, who I always longed for and thought about from the moment we first met. You’re all around me now, and yet, we are still not together. I can see you beside me in every conversation. I can almost touch you when I talk with your friends. But connection eludes us…

• To whoever receives this letter, my name is John Davis. I am a graduate student at the University of Florida studying Molecular Virology and Immunology. I am writing this letter to ask you to go on a date with me! I saw you across the room and couldn’t stop thinking about you. Your eyes sparkle like fireflies, your hair shines like stardust in the night sky. Your smile is infectious as it is beautiful! Please reply as soon as possible to give me your answer

• A Open Letter To Someone You Just Meet And Fall In Love With: Sending you this card is the second best thing I have done in my life; the first was saying “I do” to you. Though we have known each other for the blink of an eye, our friendship has been so strong, so fast and filled with never ending laughter. We’ve hit it off like a rocket and I don’t think that feeling is ever going to wear off.

• A Open Letter To Someone You Just Meet And Fall In Love With: To my new friend…I’m not really good with words, but I want to let you know that I enjoyed our time together. You are a kind, and caring lady, and I look forward to seeing you again soon!

• I have never in my life met someone like you. You make me want to be the best person I can be. For months I have laid in bed at night and thought of how much I love you. All those nights staring at your picture, dreaming about the day we will meet. And now I know it was all worth the wait. We just clicked; it was like magic. It’s not that we’re alike; we are nothing alike! I don’t know how to explain it,

• A Open Letter To Someone You Just Meet And Fall In Love With: Thank you for bringing so much happiness back into my life. You are a beautiful woman, kind and loving. Just the thought of you makes my heart skip a beat. I feel like something has changed for me lately, in these past couple of weeks and it’s hard to explain. But when I look into your eyes, I can’t help but feel like somehow…I’ve known you all my life.

• I know it’s crazy that I’m writing you a letter even though we’ve only ever said “hi”. But I think we just have this connection. I don’t know if you feel it too, but the way I see our smiles crinkle at the corners of our eyes when we look at each other, and the way my ears warm when they’re filled with your voice…my heart flutters every time. It must be just wishful thinking that there is something you’re feeling too.

• A Open Letter To Someone You Just Meet And Fall In Love With: When I first met you I could tell there was something special about you. You made me laugh, out of all the people I’ve met I couldn’t stop thinking about you. I don’t know how to explain it but when you smiled at me, my insides were warm and fuzzy. Every time we were together it felt like a dream, it felt like I was in heaven…

• I could say that I’ve never felt like this before, but then we’d both be liars. My thoughts are consumed by you. The first time I saw you, my heart made a sound. I am connected to you in a way no one else can touch. It’s unfathomable to me that you’re real and that we’re here together. You complete me – every curvaceous inch of you…

• A Open Letter To Someone You Just Meet And Fall In Love With: I have very few regrets, but our last date is one of these. I should have had you close to my heart. I should have made you feel like the most important girl in this world I should have given you a kiss that would melt your heart. But I was so busy thinking about myself and how good it could be or not be, I forgot about what it could mean for us.

• A Open Letter To Someone You Just Meet And Fall In Love With: My dear, sweet, beautiful… I love you. It sounds simple, but it isn’t. It’s so much more than that. I love that you can always make me smile when I’m down. I love your soft hair, your deep brown eyes and the cute dimples you get when you smirk (I’ve noticed I only see them around me). I love how brave and independent you are, because it makes me want to protect you even more.

• You have to do this part because in this type of love letter you can use what you know about her or him, so if she like horses then talk about horses, if he is a gamer then talk about that in the letter. In this section you can also give some sort of compliment to her or him and make her feel better about herself.

• A Open Letter To Someone You Just Meet And Fall In Love With: To whoever my letter may concern,I find myself in love with you. I don’t know anything about you, and I probably never will, but the thought of us being together brings me so much happiness. You are wonderful and caring. I cannot wait to see you tonight!

• Dear, whatever your name is, it doesn’t matter. I hope you know that i am falling in love with you . I am so lucky to have you in my life. Every day i wake up, I never have to wonder what will happen today. I know it will be an amazing adventure and we’ll share it together. Little by little we get to know each other better and deeper and fall in love more and more every day. Whether its with a smile or a kiss or a touch

• A Open Letter To Someone You Just Meet And Fall In Love With: I just met you. I don’t talk too much. I want to get to know you, but something is telling me to move forward. To tell you I like you a lot in a romantic way. My heart is telling me something I can’t ignore. That there’s something about you that I need to love, and respect because it’s you who deserve it. You just have to take my chance because this might be the right time, right place, right moment.

• I just wanted to let you know how much I have enjoyed getting to know you. I was a little worried about the whole online dating thing, but you didn’t make me feel uncomfortable at all. I appreciate your style and sense of humor, you’re very easy to get along with. I hope this was just the beginning of something beautiful.

• A Open Letter To Someone You Just Meet And Fall In Love With: I will wait till we meet, to explain the reason behind this letter. I hope you will understand, and won’t think I’m some kind of loser. All I want, is to meet you someday soon. And I hope, when we do meet, it will be in a romantic and grand way! Thanks for arriving, by the way!

• ”Dear Future Husband. I really need you to be mine so perfect and the most romantic things you can do is to try something new everyday and never stop trying. I love me some genuine romance. ThankAYou, Love Angela’

• I enjoy every moment with you, Because I know it will lead to the next and the next. My wish for us is happiness. A relationship that is a joy to be in. I truly love you and will do everything I can to make you happy.

• A Open Letter To Someone You Just Meet And Fall In Love With: Class,Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Jesse Baker,I am your new English teacher. I know it’s a little strange for me to start with an introduction letter but as your new English teacher I really need to tell you a few things about myself before we enter the world of literature.

• Sometimes in life we find someone who changes everything. Someone who makes us look at reality in a completely new light. Someone who gives us wings to fly and teaches us to believe in things we never thought possible. That person was you, from the first smile I knew there was something special about you. Your love has filled a void inside me I didn’t even know existed, its given me strength, joy and happiness beyond my wildest dreams.

• You may not remember me,but I remember you. The way your lips curved into a smile,and the way your eyes lit up. You made my heart skip a beat.I remember that day like it was yesterday. When we sat together in the park, as you told your life story, And how long you had been out of work. I couldn’t believe it when you said you were hungry and homeless. I jumped out of my seat, and grabbed one of my sandwiches off the bench

• As we continued to run, I tried my hardest not to stare at you. I tried my best not to notice the sound of your breathing, or the sound of your feet hitting the pavement. As we ran past another runner, I did my best not to feel embarrassed that I was running slower than they were. It wasn’t easy, but I had to stay focused. I didn’t want your first impression of me to be that of an out-of-shape geek who couldn’t keep up

• A Open Letter To Someone You Just Meet And Fall In Love With: Dear Mr. / Mrs. , I just want to thank you for a wonderful evening tonight. We had so much fun, every moment was beautiful and exciting. I’ve never felt this way before, but I think that we should see each other again soon. It was great getting to know you better and I am excited to learn more about you in the future.

• I have only known you for a short time, but my love for you grows with each passing moment. I wish I had more to give you, the best of me, the best memories and most of all, my heart.

• I’ve only known you for just a few weeks, but my feelings for you are deeper than words. I fell in love with your smile and the way you look at me. I have never been happier, and every time that I think about our future together my heart skips a beat. I’ve never felt this way for someone before, and I am scared to death that I will lose you. Nothing would make me happier than spending the rest of my life with you!

• A Open Letter To Someone You Just Meet And Fall In Love With: Hello, My name is JG, I’m a student in England. You are great. I mean it! I love your sense of humor and intelligence, you are beautiful and fun to be with. That’s why I want to see you again and again, and promise to make you so happy that you have never been before. I have found the woman of my dreams.

• A Open Letter To Someone You Just Meet And Fall In Love With: I’ve never written an “open letter” before, and it’s always been somewhat of a cliche to me. However, I feel that this is the mature, modern thing to do in this age of Facebook and Twitter — instead of spilling my guts on Facebook walls or writing privately and vaguely in Twitter posts, I’m going to write publicly, and directly. My name is j smith. I have had a crush on you ever since I heard your voice for the first time. I have to

• A Open Letter To Someone You Just Meet And Fall In Love With: You are my someone special, the missing piece of my puzzle and you have made me whole. I have never met someone like you before. You are one of a kind and I know you will change my life and I am ready to change mine too. I can’t wait to spend the rest of forever with you!

• I know I probably shouldn’t say this, but we have known each other for just a short time, and I love you. I can feel it in my heart that you are the one for me. I want to wake up every morning to your beautiful eyes and be filled with joy and happiness. My day without you is useless, with out you every second feels like eternity.

• A Open Letter To Someone You Just Meet And Fall In Love With: I’m too shy to tell you how I feel. So this will have to do for now. I never felt this way about anyone like I do for you…I’m just so thankful we met and will always treasure our time together,

 A Open Letter To Someone You Just Meet And Fall In Love With: Gentlemen (or ladies),I am so glad that I’ve found you. It’s a true blessing, and none of us should take it for granted. When I first saw you there was something about you that had me intrigued. When I approached you I thought there was definitely a connection, and when we finally spoke my heart skipped a beat. I’m so happy to have met you, and now that I have I’m making it my mission to make sure you know how special you

• I admire you for your playful spirit, kindness and wisdom. You’re a ray of sunlight that warms my heart and makes me smile at every moment. You’re personality shines so bright and every time I look into your eyes I see the deep love you have for me.

• I’ve been asked to tell you something about myself, but what can I say? From a young age I’ve always aspired to be successful. From the time I was fifteen, when I started working at the small town gas station, I’ve spent my life attempting to acquire riches. But now it’s not about the money. As a matter of fact, these days, it’s about something entirely different. It’s about having a companion and sharing my life with someone who cares – someone who

• A Open Letter To Someone You Just Meet And Fall In Love With: I don’t know who you are, where you come from & what has happened in your life. but i have decided to let my fingers do the writing [said the world’s best love letter writer]. your existence is what i have craved for, since birth. i know you are there and i can feel it deep down inside me that the world has given me a secret to be solved and only you can help me with that. all i want to do is look into your eyes, listen

• A Open Letter To Someone You Just Meet And Fall In Love With: I know that I have only just met you and that we have only been together for a few weeks but for me it feels like forever. My heart aches for you now, as though we were meant to grow old together. You are truly the most amazing man I have ever met and I hope to spend my life with you.

• A Open Letter To Someone You Just Meet And Fall In Love With: Dear [name of the addressee],I’m writing you this to say how much I love and appreciate you. And I want to ask you out on a date and show you my whole world.–[the name of the sender]

• I want to start this letter off by saying how beautiful you are. You have a glow about you that I can’t resist. You see me for who I am and not just what I look like. You’re an amazing girl and I’m glad I got the chance to meet you! I think we’re perfect for eachother!

• A Open Letter To Someone You Just Meet And Fall In Love With: I am still trying to figure out how is it possible that I am falling in love with you that fast. There must be some cosmic signs or something. Just thinking of you makes me smile, and the thought of being away from you just breaks my heart. But I do look forward to the time when I will be able to be with you, like at work.

• A Open Letter To Someone You Just Meet And Fall In Love With: I’m so glad I met you. Every second since we met, every minute since you walked into my office, every hour since we went out to lunch and every day since I’ve been here has been amazing! I absolutely adore you. Even after only meeting you a few days ago, my body feels like it belongs in your arms. I can’t stop thinking about you and I love the way that makes me feel. Hoping beyond hope this doesn’t scare you away, but there is never

• I’m not the type to fall fast or fall hard, but I think I found what true love feels like. You are the most amazing person I’ve ever met and falling for you was inevitable. Honestly, there is no way I could live without you. I am indebted to you in more ways than one.

• A Open Letter To Someone You Just Meet And Fall In Love With: When we first met, it was love at first sight; one look, and I knew my life would never be the same. My day starts and ends with thoughts of you. You are everything to me and I find myself pouring out my heart whenever you are near. When I’m with you, my heart is filled with joy and when I’m away, I can’t stop thinking of the next time we’ll be together!

• I met you on that cold and rainy day. I didn’t know my life was about to change forever. You made me smile in a way I never thought was possible again. Something about you just appealed to the very depths of my soul and from that moment I haven’t wanted to let you go. You are perfect for me in all ways, but above all else you bring out the best in me– the real me. I’m genuinely happy when we are together. So, how does this

• A Open Letter To Someone You Just Meet And Fall In Love With: Hi there! It was so interesting to meet you! Thank you so much for a positive conversation. I want to say that you are incredibly charming and easy-going. Therefore I would be glad to get acquainted with you further.

• I am sweeter than a flower and more delicate than a leaf. The world is lonely and cold without you, my love. Your smile brightens up my day and thinking about you makes me happy for no reason at all. I love you! It’s crazy how someone can have that much influence on me. I have never loved anyone as much as I love you! If I had to choose between breathing and loving you… I wouldn’t need to think twice.

The post A Open Letter To Someone You Just Meet And Fall In Love With appeared first on Jeocity.

This post first appeared on Jeocity, please read the originial post: here

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A Open Letter To Someone You Just Meet And Fall In Love With


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