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Some people want to buy love poems for their wives directly, but some other people want to go on the Internet and look for love poems for their wives. But how can they make a decision if they don’t know which website they should select? This is why I wrote this article; to help the people who want to buy love poems for their wives know what’s available on the Internet. Love poems for your wife:

Love poems for your wife are not just romantic words. They are so much more. they help in showing the depths of love which you’re feeling inside your heart. The perfect love poem can only be written by one who is deeply in love and who can’t stop thinking about their loved partner.


• I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to kiss you every morning, hold your hand every night and make love to you until we’re both too old and gray to do it anymore. I can’t wait until that day, my love. I would give anything to show you how much I love you.

• My love goes on forever, everlasting like a dove. You are the one I have waited for all my life. I would be lost without you dear. A day apart from you would break my heart. Our love is just so perfect, another plus is that we both are also great cooks!

• I want to thank you for being a wonderful wife. You are everything that I could ever ask for and more. I can’t remember the last time we had a fight, but I’m sure it’s because there is never a reason to. You are the light of my life, my sweetheart and soul mate.

• Love poems for your wife: Every day I wake up to see you the breath of life is blown into my lungs. I thank god for the fact that he put you in my life. I love you completely and I don’t know how to say thanks enough.

•Love poems for your wife: I love you so much it hurts sometimes. Just by looking at you, I get butterflies. You’re my angel, and I don’t want to spend a moment without you in my life.

• There was a time when I didn’t believe it was possible to feel this way. But then you happened, and my life has never been the same. I am so head over heels in love with you. You are absolutely everything to me, I can never imagine my life without you, you are my entire world

• Love poems for your wife: I promise to devote my life to you. I will love you no matter what, and never leave you alone. I want to grow old with you and to be the father of your children. You are my world and more importantly my life.

• Love poems for your wife: You’re the type of girl that would be there forever. I can never stop loving you, you are everything to me.

• You are a gift, the greatest thing that’s ever happened to me. I hope you know how much I love you because I don’t tell you often enough. We’ve had our ups and downs along the way but I want to tell you one thing…I love you, more than anything.

• Baby, you are my world. You are the fire in my heart, the air I breathe, the light shining through my darkness. You are my life and I can’t wait to build a future together.

• Honey, I could write volumes and volumes of reasons why I love you. In fact, I already have. You are a constant inspiration for damns good reasons. As our time together goes on and the years roll by, my reason to love you gets better every day. My love for you grows stronger with every passing hour and feels like it will never tie up. You make me happier than I ever imagined possible. I love you more than words can say!

• I love you more than I ever thought I could. I love hearing your voice, seeing your face, and touching your lips. I love how perfect our bodies fit together like two puzzle pieces, how our hearts beat as one, and how our souls intertwine so tightly… Our love is a miracle to me and I will forever be grateful for being able to spend the rest of my life with you

• My love, you are the back bone of my family. Your caring personality has kept us together and the amazing mother you are makes my life feel complete. I love how we can talk about everything and talk for hours on end. I can tell you anything and trust that your advice is the only advice I’ll ever want or need. You’ve been there through it all and I am forever grateful to have you by my side. htt~

• My love, you are my world. I can’t imagine a life without you. I want to spend forever in your arms, making memories of a lifetime and buying a house by the beach where we can live out the rest of our days laughing and loving. My heart beats for no one else, only for you. There is no one else that I want to be with or hold, only you. I Love You!

• I love you every moment of every day, and when I hold you in my arms at night I feel your heart beat with mine. The scent of your sweet perfume dances in the air each morning as I walk into our bedroom; it’s like a delicious oasis that only you can give. You are my everything.

• You are my soul, my life, and my everything. You are the greatest thing to happen to me. There is no one that can compare with you in any way, shape, or form. I love you more today than I could ever imagine loving someone. You bring out the best in me and I know I am a better person because of our love.

• I wish I could tell you how much you mean to me, that I am madly in love with you and that you are my dream come true. Since we’re not together, I can only say a million little things to show you how much you mean to me: the way your eyes twinkle like the stars, the way your hair smells like roses, your perfect lips, the way your heart is pure gold. I hope one day to marry you and have a family. Until

• Love poems for your wife: You look down at your watch, quickly took a look at me, then back to your watch. Your eyes widen and I know the time has come. Urgently you whisper, “I love you.” Get out of my head so I can think clearly.

• Love poems for your wife: Let me love you in the sunshine

• There are so many things I love about you. Your beautiful eyes, your long silky hair, your cute little toes, and much more. All of your imperfections just make you even more perfect to me. Sigh…I could go on forever but I know that you wouldn’t want that. I adore you more than anything else in the world!

• Your beauty is only matched by your intelligence. Your eyes sparkle like diamonds and shine with kindness. Your strong shoulders support me when I’m tired, and your voice is the soundtrack of my life. You are a goddess that was taken from the body of a mortal, and a person no one could ever replace.

• Dearest wife: I love your charming smile, your beautiful face, your sweet voice, and the way you touch my hand. You’re so thoughtful and good to me, you’re my precious love. Slow down for a minute, purge your busy day of pretense. And with no other thought than this: remember that I love you.


• There are no words to describe the joy that you bring to my life. When we first met, I knew that I wanted to be with you forever. The last ten years have been the best of my life, and every day I want to hold you in my arms. My love for you just keeps growing stronger. Together, nothing can stop us from enduring anything together!

• You are the best thing that ever happened to me. I never thought I’d find someone so beautiful and so kind. You made my life worth living, but know that I would give it all up just to see you smile. I love you with every part of my being, and my love will only grow.

• Love and passion, desire, attention, and yearning. These have all been left out of our marriage and I cannot stand to live this way any longer. You are an amazing woman who deserves the best of everything and you WILL get it from me. For you deserve nothing but the best for giving me so much love.

• You are my soul mate and my best friend. I love everything about you and admire your inner strength, your kindness, and ability to be the person you are. I feel lucky to have someone like you in my life. Without you here, with me, all would be lost, but with you, by my side, I can face anything. Love you always and forever.

• I love your eyes and the way they sparkle so bright. I love your red lips and the soft kisses they give me. I love your smile that shows off your perfect teeth. I love the way you walk in a room, heads turn to admire you. I am truly blessed that God gave you to me.

• I wish that everyone could hear the words that come from your heart and read the many pages of love in your soul. You are my other half, the person I turn to when I need someone to listen or comfort. There is no one else I would rather spend time with than you because when we are together, it feels like all the stress melts away and everything is right in the world.

• My love, you are the love of my life. Each and every single day I am reminded of how lucky I am to have found you. You are more than I could every express with words. Thank you for being my best friend and biggest support system. Thank you for going through this life’s joys, pains, ups and downs with me. I love you more than anything in the world!

• There are not enough words I could ever say to explain how much you mean to me. You are my best friend, my partner in crime, the love of my life. Your smile brings joy to my heart and with every passing minute I fall deeper and more in love with you.

• Through the good times and bad, I always find a way to smile, knowing I have you in my life. From the moment we met I knew you were the one. Your beauty and strength are amazing. You are kind, generous, but the most beautiful thing of all is your heart. You have the biggest heart I’ve ever seen and you would do anything for anyone.

• Love poems for your wife: There needs to be moments where I can show you my love, to prove to you how much you mean to me. So many ways I have to say “I love you.” For all the little things, and big things.

• Love poems for your wife: You are heaven sent, my closest companion and part of my soul. Thank you for all the joy you give me every day. I love you so much and hope to grow old by your side.

• Love poems for your wife: I love you so much my dear wife. You have made me a better man and I will do everything in my power to make you feel truly loved each and every day.

• I still remember the day I fell in love with you and every time I look at you now, I fall just a little more. You are my one and only, the love of my life. Every day that we spend apart is an eternity until I can see your beautiful face again. The loss of you is beyond words, but you are always with me no matter what. With every passing minute the distance between us makes me realize how much we need each other. You are a part of me

• You are the most amazing woman I have ever met. Your love has made my life so much richer. Thank you for being by my side, you’re so much more than a wife! You are such a wonderful mommy to our children and your love is immeasurable. Love you always!

• Love poems for your wife: You make me smile, laugh and forget what’s bothering me. You are the love of my life, please don’t ever forget that. I will love you forever.

• You are my best friend, my soul mate and the love of my life. I promise to always make you happy, to love and respect you for as long as we both shall live. You’re the reason I wake up every morning and the last thought on my mind before drifting off to sleep every day. You are my valentine and I love you!

• For ten wonderful years you were by my side. You mean the world to me and I can’t imagine my life any other way. The day I asked you to marry me was one of the happiest days of my life. I know our love will stand the test of time and that we’ll be together for a lifetime.

• I love when you fall asleep in my arms, your head on my chest, with our leg intertwined. I love how I run my hands through your hair as we lay there, so peaceful. I say to myself for the millionth time that I am the luckiest man in the world because of you. You are the light of my world and I can’t imagine life without you.

• You are my sunshine, my everything, the salt to my pepper. I love you more with each and every passing day. I can’t wait to grow old with you. The way that you love me inspires me to be a better person. I will always cherish your love and support, forever and always.

• The stresses of my job and the daily struggles that life has brought me, have made me forget what’s really important. You have given me a sense of love and passion that I haven’t felt in a while. When you look at me, I feel as if I am the only man in the world. I would kill to be able to spend my life with you because you are truly extraordinary.

• I am excited every day because I get to wake up next to you. You are my best friend, my number one fan and the love of my life. You are everything to me and all I could ever want in a woman. I love being around you, your smile makes me happy. You fill up my heart and help me dream that someday we’ll have it all together. I can wait for that day because even if we haven’t found our happily ever after yet,

• We’ve been together for five years, through thick and thin. I love you more every day. I believe in us more than ever because we have got to where we are from determination, hard work and patience. You always surprise me with your love, friendship and support.

• You are the most important person to me. You know it, but I thought it would be appropriate to put it in writing. You make me smile everyday and I love you more than the air I breathe. It was always meant to be us. Screw everyone else who can’t appreciate what we have!

• My dear wife, I couldn’t have asked for a better one. I love you so dearly. You are not only the most beautiful woman in the world, but also the most adorable. I hope our lives together will always be filled with nothing but kind and sincere love. I treasure each moment with you and I hope we have many more to come!

• I wanted to take this opportunity to tell you how much I love and cherish you. You are the most beautiful woman in the world. A beautiful person inside and out. I don’t know where I would be if it weren’t for you. Love is such a simple word, but when i say it I hope my deep meaning behind it can show you how i truly feel. In all honesty, I could say “I love you” to you a thousand more times

• I love you forever, for all my life. I love the way you kiss me, your cute laugh and smile. I love the way you say, “I Love You” with all my heart! I will never stop loving you!Love is a feeling that words can’t describe. To love someone is to give them your heart. You have mine forever no matter what happens.

• I’ve never been one to write love letters. And I am no poet, but I do know how much you mean to me. You are my world and if it weren’t for you I don’t know where I would be. No matter what I will always love you because of who you are and your soul.

• Love poems for your wife: I love you more every day. Not a single part of my life would I want to change, because you complete me in every way. Love you baby!

• Love poems for your wife: Sorry for not writing more often. I’m so busy with work, family, friends and life in general. I promise to send you a new love letter every week until we’re old & grey!

• I can’t live without you by my side, you are all I have ever dreamed of and more. I know you sometimes worry that I don’t appreciate you, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. You have given me so much in our time together and I won’t forget it. I love you to the moon and back!

• I love you. Did I tell you that today? I hope your day has been amazing. Did you know that every time we cuddle together at night I feel so close to you? My heart beats so fast and I start to sweat a little bit more. When you kiss me my knees go weak, it feels like butterflies are in my stomach, like I have butterflies in my chest and when I look into your eyes all my worries drift away.


• When the world is cold and lonely, you’re my castle, fire and sanctuary. You make me a better man. I love your smile, your laughter, your incredible heart. I could go on forever about how beautifully I love you, but it wouldn’t be as perfect as hearing it from you. Where would I be without your love?

• Love poems for your wife: My days are brighter and my nights more peaceful since I’ve found you. My heart doesn’t beat, it soars with each passing day. Rain or shine, my love for you will always shine through.

• Love poems for your wife: You are my life. You are my soul mate. You are my protector and lover. You are my future and my everything, I don’t know where I would be in this world if it wasn’t for you.

• What do I love about you? Everything. Literally everything. You are kind and compassionate, amazing in the kitchen, and so much fun! You are a true beauty on the inside and out. A person can learn so much from a simple conversation with you. You never miss an opportunity to praise others and lift them up.

• I love you so much my dearest darling wife. My love for you grows stronger every day. You are the reason for this life I live, please never doubt that. It’s because of you that I live every single day with such passion and purpose. You make my life worth living and I wouldn’t want it in any other way.

• My wife I love you with all my heart and soul. You are the woman I was meant to be with for the rest of my life. You fill me with comfort as well as passion, with peace as well as excitement. I’m so glad that you came into my life, because it wouldn’t be the same without you by my side. I want to spend the rest of our lives together growing old.

• My darling, these words will never be enough to show you just how much you mean to me. I have written your name in the stars, the breeze and the sea. The poetry of the angels chant your name. The beat of my heart sings your name. I have made a song for you that never ends and can be heard only by you. But still there is nothing that will ever be enough for me to say how much I love and adore you!

• When we first met, I knew that there must have been something in the stars, because I was immediately overwhelmed with love for you. You have brought so much joy and laughter into my life; I just don’t know what I would do without you.You are an amazing woman and I will cherish our love forever.

• My love for you makes me a better man, I want to be someone that you can always be proud of. I want to make you happy, I want to make you smile every day and feel your love upon my skin. I’ll hold your hand in the grocery store and when we hold hands my feet won’t touch the ground. I love you!

• Darling, you are my everything. I can’t imagine life without you and as selfish as it might sound, I don’t want to. You complete me in every possible way. I think about you constantly, always hoping that you are in my thoughts too. You are the love of my life and I couldn’t be more happy that we found each other, falling in love and starting a beautiful life together.

• I’ve been there for you when no one else was, when you were sad or lonely I was the shoulder you cried on and the voice telling you it would be ok. I love you more than words can say and want nothing more than to shower you with my love every day. You are my life, my world, my everything.

• You are the very essence of beauty and grace. Your honey eyes and your tanned skin, they leave me speechless. Your soul is like an oasis of peace in a world filled with turmoil and strife. You are my fortress, my safe haven in a cruel and harsh world. I know no other that can hold a candle to you. I cherish every moment I get to spend with you.

• You are my world, the other half of me. Being with you is so amazing, it makes me want to sing. I love you with all my heart and soul; you’re the princess of my dreams. We have so much fun together, we’re a team no one can beat. Love You Baby!

• I want to grow old with you. I want to hold your hand and walk down the isles of our lives forever. I’ll look at you every day and thank god that we met. You are my world, my love, and my best friend. I love you!

• Love poems for your wife: The love we share is beautiful and true.

• I don’t care if you are mad at me, I want you to know that I love you more than anything. Even though we may not be together, I want you to know that I am always thinking of you. The distance can never change the way I feel. I love you and my wish is that this Valentines day, you always remember how much I love you! Yours forever, Lola

• I used to think your love was a myth, something I will never find. But then you came like a shooting star and stole my heart from the start. I just want you to know how much you mean to me. If I could take all your pain away and make your life full of only joy, I would bring you coffee every morning, chocolate, flowers and love day by day. You are the greatest gift of my life and my one true love.

• You are more than just a wife, you are the love of my life. There is not a single moment where I don’t feel overly blessed to have you in my life. I love you so much that it scares me sometimes. I am in love with your smile, your voice and your touch. Every second with you is like a dream come true.

• I love you more deeply than I ever found a way to say. I love you more than the distance between us and all the obstacles that we have faced. Every word I speak and every breath that I take comes from my heart

• Love poems for your wife: I want you to know how much I love you and how you’re the only one I see in my life. I can’t wait to be with you again and then forever!

• I think of you as a child born out of my soul, as a poet’s poem and landscape of a painter. All these things happened because we met. Sometimes I am amazed with myself — I find that I look differently at everything: at people walking by and the sky with its stars… You are everything to me: my family, friends, happiness, joys, sorrows, poetry.

• I am the luckiest man alive, I have a beautiful wife who loves me and a wonderful family. I would walk through fire for you baby. You are my everything, my light through the darkness. I love you with every ounce of my being.

• Love poems for your wife: You are my sun and moon, my soulmate, my one and only. Promise me the forever? I will love you and only you for eternity. You are the best decision I have ever made. Our hearts fly together always.

• Love poems for your wife: I love you, and I am here, I will be forever. Remember that my Love! Our hearts and souls are in a perpetual dance. We are nothing short of magic together, remember Mambo? How we were one?

• I miss you… when I wake up; when I go to sleep, in dark and silent moments. I miss the way we were, the warmth of your skin, the touch of your fingertips, how it felt to hold you close, how you used to run your fingers through my hair while you looked into my eyes.I miss everything about you, but most of all I miss who we used to be.

• I love you so much my wife, that I could spend eternity with you. Everyday with you is a blessing and hearing your voice lets me know what I have to look forward to. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I always want you by my side. You make my life so much better, you give my life direction and whenever I think of our future together it makes me get up every morning, determined to make it all happen. You are the love of my life

• My sweet love — Words are too often inadequate to express the emotions that I feel for you. I am so very fortunate that you have come into my life, filling a space within my heart with your beautiful presence and loving personality. You make me smile every day, and I am grateful that I have the opportunity to experience true love. As you know, your love is as romantic as it is comforting. It has given me greater self-confidence, and has helped me discover the wonderful person I truly


• I love you so much! There is always something new to fall in love with. You are so incredibly beautiful, inside and out. You are an angel sent from heaven to me, a blessing from God above, my everything, my soul mate — my wife.

• There is never enough time in the day for all the love I have for you. I know I can never really show you that, but with every passing day it grows. My love for you is beyond words and they cannot measure how much I adore you. You are the best parts of my life, and I cannot imagine life without you!

• You are the love of my life and my best friend. You are always there for me through the good times and bad. You give me joy in everything you do. I thank God every day that I have you by my side. I love you so much baby!!!

• My love, I adore you! I know that I have said it a million times, but it is so true! You are my world and my everything. You are my soul mate, and most importantly, my best friend. Having you by my side makes me feel safe, loved, and cherished. I love your lips that taste like sweet honey when we kiss, your eyes that shine with the brightest of stars, your hair that smells like fresh cut flowers in the spring; there’s

• I love you, I cherish you, I need you. You are everything that I have ever wanted and more. I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I need to tell you that “I LOVE YOU” almost everyday because when I am with you everything feels so right with the world.

• When we first met, I knew at once that you were so special to me. You soared past my expectations to steal my heart away. I love you more each and every day.

• You are my best friend, lover and the love of my life. You are my sweetheart. I will protect you from harm till the last drop of blood. I can’t wait to have your hand in mine, and our first child together. Let’s start a life together.

• I’ve been dying to tell you this all day, but since there never seems to be a good opportunity, I had better take it while I can. I love you. The way you laugh, the scent of your hair, the feel of your skin, the joy in your eyes every time I see you. Everyone thinks we are perfect for each other and that couldn’t be truer.

• You’re my favorite word and the one I like to use most because it describes you best. I love how it sounds when it rolls off my tongue. I love how you feel in my arms, soft and cuddly. I love the way you smell like a combination of summer flowers, sunshine and vanilla.

• Like a million stars in the sky, love shines bright when it’s right. Like the sun on a summer day, our love will always stay. Our relationship is like a river that flows, every year gets better than the last. Like waves in the ocean coming to shore, our relationship will never lose its power.

• I love you more than I ever thought it was possible to love another human being. Even though we’re far away right now, I’m always thinking of you. I love looking at your beautiful face before coming home for dinner or when you first wake up in the morning and when you come to bed late at night. You are the most beautiful woman that I have ever seen and every single day, every hour, every minute, every second that goes by, my love for you

• My sweet wife, I adore you so. Your words are so beautiful and heart felt. When I am near you, life is worth living. Spending time with you brings me such joy that my heart skips a beat every time. In this world of hurt and pain, it is comforting to know there is someone I can turn to for support no matter what the time or day. You have a way about you making me feel whole, like the missing puzzle piece in my life that make the whole

• I don’t believe that I could stop loving you if I tried. You have turned my life into this beautiful world of happiness and pure bliss, the thought of it all brings me to tears. I love you so much more than words can express, and there is nothing in the world I wouldn’t do for your happiness and wellbeing.

• I love you! What a beautiful thing to say. It is said so often, but it doesn’t get old. I married you with the intention of growing old together. I want to grow old beside you and be your husband always. As I write these words, my heart overflows with the love that only you inspire.

• You are my best friend and the love of my life. Thank you for always being there for me. The only time our relationship falters is when we spend too much time apart. When I’m with you I feel completely at peace. I will do anything to make sure that our future is filled with happiness! I love you so very much!

• Love poems for your wife: Know that I love you with every beat of my heart, know that I care for you so deeply, know that I will do anything to make sure your are always safe and happy. I am so lucky to have a wife like you.

• You have my heart, you have my soul. You have everything in me to give. You showed me what true love is, And I thank God for those precious moments we shared. My sincere love for you will never end, You’re the light of my life, just like the sun above.

• Love poems for your wife: I love you with a passion, a depth, and an intensity that is beyond what I thought I could feel.

• I know I have been a little hard to live with lately, but I swear that it is only because I love you so much. You are the single most important person in my life and your thoughts and happiness mean more to me than anything else. Nothing makes me happier than seeing you happy and nothing makes me sadder than seeing you sad. I love that we share every aspect of our lives together. We are one, in a way that others aren’t.

• Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet and so are you. I love you more today than yesterday and not as much as tomorrow. If I could give you one thing in life, I would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes… So that you may understand how truly special you are to me and always will be.

• How many times have I said I love you? How many times have I given my heart? How many times have I told you with my words and actions that I’d do anything for you? How much more can I prove it before you realize I am the one and that you are it for me too?

• I love you more every day, my darling wife. I want to make all your dreams come true and keep you happy, healthy and safe. You are my best friend and I cherish every moment we spend together. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us!

• I have been searching for the words to describe what I feel for you. I rehearsed and practised for hours, just so I could capture everything in one moment. But it’s not possible. You’re not just my wife, you are my best friend and I cannot imagine living my life without you. You hold a place in my heart that no one will ever fill.

• Love poems for your wife: Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. I love you. Let’s forever bask in the joy of our eternal companionship, my darling wife.

• I love you. More than I can ever say. We have had so much fun these past few years, and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. You make me so happy, that I just can’t stop smiling. I am truly blessed to have a wonderful wife like you in my life. I love you!

• You are my wife and my best friend. I want to spend my life with you for all eternity. I can’t imagine life without you, every day is a new adventure with you by my side. I thank God for bringing us together and for making you mine forever!

• I want to make you feel like the most amazing woman in the world. I promise that I will shower you with love and affection. You mean the world to me, and I would never let you go. I look forward to spending the rest of my life with you, and I will never forget this one moment in time.

• I never thought I would fall in love. Sure, I’d had crushes and thought I was in love before, but it was nothing like this. It started out during a difficult time in my life, when everything seemed to be going wrong. You were there for me, just as you are now. Your gentle touch and compassionate nature made me open my heart to you completely. At first I marveled at our youthful romance, but like all things in time it has matured into something


• Every time I’m with you, You make me happy… Everytime I think of you, You make me smile… Everytime we touch, I get butterflies in my heart… Everything about you is perfect, I LOVE YOU!

• Love poems for your wife: I have loved you since we were sixteen,

• I love you so much and I just wanted to say it. When I think of you, my heart skips a beat and I want to bring you flowers, chocolate and create romantic love poems for your wife to show how I feel. Thank you for being such an amazing and beautiful person. You mean the world to me.

• My beautiful wife, I love you more than you know. You are simply the best that I’ve ever had. You make me so happy that I just can’t stop smiling. You constantly brighten my day and make me want to be a better man. I love you more than you could imagine.

• I adore you. My love for you is deep and it grows with each passing day. You bring me so much happiness that I can’t imagine my life without you! My heart flutters every time that I see you walk into a room, and when the day comes that we finally start our lives together I know I will be the happiest man on earth.

• I love you more than words can say, I can’t wait until we are together again. Every time I see you the love intensifies. You give me butterflies and make my heart skip a beat. I promise to never let anything come in between us again!

• I love you, and I know that we came together in a special way. I want to be forever with you – I promise to hold your hand when times are tough and celebrate with you when things go right. You are the one for me Rest assured, my love, of that.

• I have loved you since we were children, but now I love you more than ever. There is a certain glow in your skin that only grows brighter as the years go by. I love how we connect on a level that feels like almost any distance could be closed with a simple kiss. Your face always lights up when you see me, and I would never want to live one day without the happiness you bring me. I love you with all my heart and soul.

• I stand here now with the biggest smile on my face. I love you so much from the depths of my heart. The most beautiful women walks before me, the one person who completes me. I will always cherish this day and remember you for all eternity.

• When I see the pure beauty in your soul. words can not compare to how I feel. You take me breath away and my heart races when I see you smile. I am so in love with you, “you” you are my world. Your love is just an amazing bite of heaven from above.

• Love poems for your wife: Your smile brightens up my day, your laugh soothes my soul, your eyes sparkle like the stars in the sky. You are the sole reason for my happiness. You are my best friend, I love you!

• Even though there are ups and downs in a relationship, I love you more today than yesterday. You are beautiful inside and out. I am grateful for every minute we spend together and look forward to the day when we are old and gray, holding each other in our arms and remembering the good times.

• I love you more than there are words to say and more than could ever be spoken. You are my entire world and I cherish your love everyday. You are the one of a kind woman who I have always dreamed of finding. You make me feel like the luckiest man alive and I just want to hug you forever.

• You are the love of my life, my soul mate and my everything. You rock my world in all the best ways. I find new things to love about you all the time. I love to hold you, kiss you and just be with you. You make me happier than I have ever been in my life. I thank my lucky stars for you every day and hope we are together forever.

• I love you darling! Today, tomorrow, till all my life and beyond the stars above, I will always love you. Love is a miracle that happens everyday, but it is made even better when it becomes so special between two people. Love you baby!

• I don’t understand how someone so beautiful could be so loving to me. I could never repay you for all your efforts and love, but I will do my best. You are the most amazing women in the world and I love you.

• I am so lucky to have you as my wife. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I can’t imagine life without you. You are my favorite person in the world, and I can’t even think how boring it would be without you by my side. You are the best!

• I adore you, my love. You are the one I want to wake up next to everyday. I can’t imagine my life without you in it. I wake up every day and fall in love with you all over again. I only want you by my side as we fight our way through this world. You are my other half, the woman I would spend a lifetime with.

• I love you in the morning, afternoon and evening. I love you in the winter, spring and summer. I love you when life is simple and I love you when it’s complicated. I love the way you love me unjudgingly and without hesitation. You are my best friend and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

• I will never tire of saying it – I love you. There is so much that goes unsaid. You are the one I want to grow old with, you are my soul mate and I couldn’t imagine life without you. You make my world complete.

• Lets go back to when we were younger. I was the most scared and you were the calmest girl out there. I didn’t know how to express my feelings properly, and besides, you looked so beautiful all of the time without even trying! And then it was if all this time was planned for us to be together. I can’t help but look deep into your eyes and feel something magical. I love you more than ever before, because I never knew it was

• You are my sunshine, after the rain. You are the moon to my stars, the birds in the trees. You are my love, my heart and soul. Together we will last forever! I love you more everyday! Kisses!

• Baby you are my everything. I love you more today than I did yesterday and less than I will tomorrow. I love you for all that you are, everything that you have been and everything that you will be. You are truly my soul mate, the light of my dark days, the air I breathe to make it through each day. To say how much I love you would take forever, a lifetime wouldn’t be enough but what else can I do?

• Love poems for your wife: There are things I wish I could say to you, but they’re words that won’t come out.

The post LOVE POEMS FOR YOUR WIFE appeared first on Jeocity.

This post first appeared on Jeocity, please read the originial post: here

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