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Best Lovely Romantic Messages

The best Lovely Romantic Messages and quotes! The perfect application for you to deliver to your girlfriend. Find the right message, right now! Best Lovely Romantic Messages:

The idea of finding your soul mate can seem daunting, however, with this list of thoughtful and meaningful phrases, you will have a new perspective on love. The raw emotion and beauty of love is truly something that cannot be described in words; yet with these scripts, you will be able to tell your significant other just how special they really are.

Best Lovely Romantic Messages

  • You’re an amazing girl and the most beautiful one in my eyes! You take my breath away every time you walk into the room. There is nobody who makes me happier than you do. I love you dearly.
  • I never want to be with anyone else but you. You blow me away with every passing day. I can’t think of a better way to spend my life. I dream about the future we will have. My love for you is endless and my heart full of you!
  • Best Lovely Romantic Messages: I absolutely love you, and I can’t imagine life without you. You are the most beautiful girl I’ve ever met. You make me feel so happy. I love you so much.
  • I love you more than the stars in the sky and more than you could ever know. You are the most wonderful man in the world, I don’t know what my life would be without you. I am so lucky to have found someone that means everything to me. I hope that I will always be able to say I love you, because it is something that never ceases for me. I am so happy we found each other, you are my rock and my lover but most of all
  • I am so lucky to have you. You are sweet, smart, sexy and have a heart of gold. I will always cherish you and your love. We have so much fun together, we laugh and smile all the time. I love all our inside jokes, they just make me even happier to be with you. I am so in love with you it hurts, but in a good way!
  • I want to be the most important thing in your life, where every minute spent with me counts like hours. I want to be someone you never get tired of talking to. I want to be someone that you can’t bare your soul to, but also the person you can cry to and always make things better. I want us to care less about how much money we spend on each other and more on how much we actually mean to each other.
  • Best Lovely Romantic Messages: Hi, My Love. I want you to know how much I miss you and want you. But the fact is, I am where I want to be… with you. Knowing that you love me and need my love is enough of a rush for me! You are the greatest thing in my life and the best thing that ever happened to me!
  • I hope you know how much I love you. You mean the world to me. I am so lucky to be with someone as wonderful as you. You are truly my angel!
  • Best Lovely Romantic Messages: You are the love of my life. You make me a better person every day. I can’t tell you what it means to me that you are there for me no matter how hard things get. I will always be here for you too and glad to help in any way I can. A true friend is the best thing in the world and we have that with each other.
  • I love you so much. You bring so much love and joy into my life. I want to wake up every morning next to you for the rest of my life. You’re the only one for me and I know I can’t live without you. I’m so thankful for you in my life, forever and always!
  • When I woke up this morning, I was in a happy daze. That’s because the night before you told me you loved me for the first time and we shared our first ever kiss. I can’t stop smiling and my heart still pounds when I think about it. It felt like a dream, but I know it was real. It will always be in my mind and in my heart, where we will continue to build our love.
  • I love the way you cry when you get hurt, because it means you still have a heart and not like nobody cares if they make you cry. I love the way you say ‘I miss you’ each time we part ways cause it lets me know I’m on your mind. I love the way you say ‘It’s OK’ when in fact it’s not, because it shows that we can work things out through talking it out. And I love the way
  • You’re wonderful and amazing, my love for you grows everyday. I can’t imagine my life without you in it. I hope we will spend many more years together and make so many happy memories. With every kiss I feel that my love for you is growing stronger. You are the one I want to share my life with.
  • Best Lovely Romantic Messages: If someone would have told me one day I would fall in love with a man like you, I wouldn’t have believed them. I feel lucky to have you in my life and that I get to call you mine. You make my life so much more wonderful without even knowing it. I love you.
  • Without you my life would be a complete and utter waste. I love you so much that there are no words strong enough to show you how much affection I have for you. You are the most wonderful person I know, and I just wanted to let you know how much joy you bring me every day. I love you with all of my heart.
  • Best Lovely Romantic Messages: I look forward to our future together. I really can’t wait to share with you all my dreams and hopes, and to have you by my side with all the craziness of life. You mean everything to me baby and I am so thankful that we found each other. I love you!
  • My love for you is as vast as the universe. I knew from day one that we would be together forever, I just always thought it’d be for a few years not an eternity. You are my best friend. Everyday I make so many mistakes and you still love me unconditionally. You are my one true love and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you!
  • You are the love of my life and I can’t wait to marry you next month! We have so much fun and laugh together, but even when we fight, I know that we will never let it get in the way of our love. You are my soul mate and I wouldn’t trade you for anything in the world!
  • Best Lovely Romantic Messages: I don’t care if it’s cliche, I will never get tired of saying that I love you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I can’t wait to do new things with you. There are so many exciting adventures ahead of us!
  • I know we got off to a bumpy start but that was then and this is now. I love you so much and I think about you every second of the day. You went from being a distant dream to the best thing that has ever happened to me. We are meant to be together and I am going to show you every day for the rest of our lives.
  • You mean the world to me. You’re there always no matter what. I love you so much and I can’t wait to spend my life with you.
  • I don’t tell you often enough, but I just want you to know that I love you and that your support means everything to me, I could not do any of this without you. I value our bond more than anything else in this world.
  • I love everything about you. All the good and all the bad. It makes me feel closer to you when I see your flaws because it helps me to see that even though you aren’t perfect, I still want to spend my life with you.
  • Best Lovely Romantic Messages: Just look down and kiss me. I’m yours forever.
  • Thank you so much my dear boyfriend. I will never forget this special moment of our life – Valentine’s Day! You are everything to me, I love you and admire you! Wish you every happiness, health and joy in the world! On this day remember all of your loved ones who love you very much!
  • I love you so much. It’s a shame that there are not enough words to describe what I feel for you. You make me feel like the luckiest man alive to have been gifted such an amazing woman. My heart aches when we are not together and my life is complete as long as we are together. This is such a beautiful gift for me to experience your love and kind heart. You are indeed the most precious gift in the world to me!
  • Best Lovely Romantic Messages: No amount of words can describe how grateful I am that you crossed the path of my life, You are so very special to me and I am so lucky to have you in my life. I love you baby!
  • You are truly the love of my life. You make me happier than I have ever been and I can’t imagine being with anyone else. To say that it could be better is a lie, nothing could make me happier than I am right now!
  • I love you so much baby girl! Your smile brightens my day and your kisses are what get me through the day. Nothing can keep me from you, and I think that this is just the beginning of a long and happy future together. Best Lovely Romantic Messages:
  • My feelings for you are growing stronger every day. I love being around you. You make me happy. You make my heart putter faster and make me feel like the luckiest girl in the world when I’m with you. I’ve never felt this way before and can’t wait to spend my life with you!
  • I’m so in love with you, I love everything about you. I could go on and on, but I just want you to know that I’ll always love you.
  • In a crowd of 25 million people, I knew that it was you when my eyes met yours. It was love at first sight, and my heart knew that it found the person that I would spend forever with. You’re my best friend, my lover, and the one I want to grow old with. I love you with all my heart.
  • You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I thank my lucky stars every day for you. You make me happy, you complete me and I love you just the way you are! Best Lovely Romantic Messages:
  • I have never wanted anybody like I want you. You are the only thing that has ever come close to my fantasies of perfection. You are more beautiful than anything my mind could have ever imagined, and more perfect than anything my heart could have ever hoped for. Every time I stare into your eyes I see a reflection of the things that matter most to me in life. For all these reasons and so many more, you are the only one for me, and always will be.”
  • Every day I am reminded of how lucky I am to have you in my life. You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me, and baby, you make my dreams come true. I love you so much and can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you!
  • I am so lucky to have you as my baby. I know that saying it’s going to be okay is only a band aid for your woes, but I just can’t help but give it to you. You mean everything in the world to me, without you I would feel lost in the dark. Your love amazes me and your willingness to hold me when I’m down makes me melt. Thank you for loving me the way that you do, I hope that
  • There will never be any other man in my life like you. You are the only one I want to spend the rest of my life with. When I see you, my heart skips a beat, and I can’t help but smile from ear to ear. I love you with all of my heart!
  • I love you more than the stars in the sky and the fishies in the sea. I love you every second of everyday and every day I love you even more than that…I will always love you as long as we both shall live.>
  • You make me feel like a brand new woman. You are amazing at everything you do. You are more than my lover. You’re my best friend! I love every minute of every day just knowing I get to wake up next to you. I love you with all my heart and soul!
  • You hold my heart in your hands and nothing else matters. You are the love of my life and I don’t know what I would do without you. Every second is worth it just to see you smile and every minute seems to fly by. You bring me so much joy that words cannot express how lucky I am to have you in my life!
  • It has been a fun ride falling in love with you. There were times where I was certain we would just be friends, but I am happy to say I was wrong. I hope you never give up on me, because I never want to give up on you. Loving you is the best thing that ever happened to me, and in return you give me so much love and happiness each day.
  • Chris, you have given me so much joy and happiness that it fills my heart to the point of bursting. I look forward to our future full of adventures and romance. I love you more than anything in the world!
  • Life has been a challenge for me for as long as I can remember. But then you came along and it seems that anything is possible with you. Your friendship, love and support mean the world to me! And no matter what happens in life, as long as you are by my side, I am sure everything will be okay. I couldn’t be more thankful for such an amazing person like you!
  • Best Lovely Romantic Messages: I love you so much that when I think about it,
  • I am so lucky to have you in my life. You are my soul mate, my other half. I feel so lucky every day that I’m with you. You make my world brighter and happier. You make me better, a better person than I ever thought I could be. When I am with you, it feels like nothing can keep us apart.
  • I’m never going to say sorry if I don’t mean it. I will try my best to always do right by you. In the last year and a half, you’ve given me so much more than I ever could have imagined…happiness, comfort, contentment, joy and love. I promise to always hold your hand through thick & thin, to listen when you need someone to talk to and share all my good news with you first.
  • Best Lovely Romantic Messages: I have never felt this way about anyone before, and I can’t imagine ever feeling this way about anyone else. You are my life, my love, and the one I can’t wait to see each day when we wake up in the same bed every morning.
  • We’ve come a long way, Baby! It’s been such an amazing journey and I can’t wait for all the excitement to come. It wasn’t love at first sight. No… It grew on me. You did it though, you stole my heart from the moment I laid eyes on you.
  • A million stars in the sky cannot compare to the sparkle in your eyes… A million words could not bring love as true as that which I feel for you. I love you, darling!
  • Best Lovely Romantic Messages: I will never forget… The way you look into my eyes. The way you kiss me, so passionately and tenderly. And most of all, the way you love me. I love you and your always in my heart =)
  • When I see you, my heart skips a beat. You are the most amazing and beautiful woman I have ever met. I love you so much and just want to spend every moment with you, especially when it’s time to fall asleep in each others arms.
  • I love you for the happiness you bring and for the joy you fill my life with. I love you for the jealous way you watch other guys when we’re out, just in case they’re looking at me. I love your voice and the way it sounds when you whisper “I love you” into my ear at night. And I love your brain, your face, your eyes, your mouth. Everything about you turns me on. You have given me everything I
  • The day I met you, I knew I had finally found my true love. You were there for me when everyone else had given up hope. Your heart is so pure and good that it shines like a thousand suns and makes me feel better about my life with each passing day. You’re everything I could have ever hoped for and more. I love you always!
  • I love you more than I ever thought possible. Your heart is bigger than the biggest ocean, your smile radiates warmth, and you are a wonderful father. The best thing that I have ever done was to fall in love with you!
  • Best Lovely Romantic Messages: You are the love of my life and I wouldn’t know what to do with myself if I lost you. Every day is a blessing knowing that you are mine and I am yours. You bring so much light into my life and I will never stop thanking God for you.
  • Many times I want to express these feelings for you and shower you with love and attention but fear that it is not enough. I don’t want anyone else. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
  • I won’t be able to stop loving you till the end of time. I love you, my amazing girl friend, my beautiful girl.
  • I think I’ve always loved you. Even when we were far apart, and I didn’t know my heart could long for someone like this. I think it was more than forever before I knew it. The first time your eyes met mine, my world swirled around me. The first moment our skin touched, my heart skipped a beat. And when our lips first met? Well, needless to say, there was no turning back.
  • Best Lovely Romantic Messages: I’m in love with you more today than yesterday, but less than tomorrow. Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • This message is not to say that I don’t like your kisses and the other sweet things you do for me…I love them too, but there are much bigger reasons! Reasons of the heart, my love. You are so thoughtful, intelligent, charming and cute. I love you with all my heart and soul. There isn’t a single moment in life when I don’t think about you because you are a part of me, inseparable from my thoughts. I
  • Your gentle touch, your warm hug, your kiss on the cheek… all that I need. You make my heart skip a beat, you make my head spin. And as for me, I’ll never let you go. I love you with every part of me. I want to spend every day together and give each other a lifetime of memories. I promise to never stop loving you
  • Your hugs are the best. They make me feel safe and warm. I love your smile and how soft you are. When you kiss me, my knees tremble and my heart skips a beat. The way you look at me lets me know I am number one in your life. You are such a blessing to me, I can’t begin to tell you how much I love you!
  • Erin, my love, I adore you so much. Looking at our pictures make me incredibly happy. You are the sweetest person I have ever met. The way that your hair shines in the sun is gorgeous! Your love makes me feel like I am living a fairy tale. I wish we could spend every day together. I miss you so much when we are apart, but no matter what we will always be together in heart and soul. Let’s adventure out into this wonderful place
  • You will always be my one true love and my heart will always belong to you. I can’t wait to tell the world that you are mine one day, when we finally share our special moment. Every time I look into your eyes they bring me to a different place, where I forget all the bad, just remember the good. I would spend every day trying to make you happy, because of how much joy you bring me. You’re not just a boyfriend….you
  • I am not sure why, but you are the only one I want. Ever since we met my dream has been to have you all to myself. I love everything about you and long to be close to you every waking moment of the day. I have never felt so strongly for another person. You make me feel like I am flying, or so it seems. I look at you and see the person who will be with me forever. You are my world, my heart and my soul.
  • I was just wondering how you were doing, and what your plans are later on tonight. I’m sitting here staring at the computer trying to figure out if there is any way I will be able to see you later. I miss you already! I can’t seem to stop thinking about you. You are perfect for me, and make me so happy. You brighten up my life and days. I think about our laughs and smiles, and look forward to the next time we
  • Thank you for everything you do for me. Everytime I look at you, my heart skips a beat and every time I see your smile, I know that we were meant to be. You mean the world to me, I love you!
  • Best Lovely Romantic Messages: I love you to the moon and back. You are my best friend. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you, because you complete me. When we first met it was as if the world stopped and our hearts sang a song of happiness together. I will forever love you!
  • We’re celebrating our first year together. We’ve had some ups and downs but I want to thank you for bringing me up, having my back and protecting me always. You’re my best friend and the love of my life. Thank you for following your heart. I’m excited to get lost in these adventures with you! I love you
  • Best Lovely Romantic Messages: Let this be a reminder, that deep down you can always count on me. You never have to be afraid of being abandoned or left behind.
  • You are my first thought when I open my eyes and the last thought before I go to bed. Our love is one that will stand the test of time because we have both put our all into it. I put my trust and faith in you with all that I have, because I know you will never betray me or make me feel like a fool for believing in us. You have shown me what true love really is and our love is the greatest blessing I could ask for.
  • Best Lovely Romantic Messages: I love you, I don’t say it enough, but everytime I look at you, I fall in love all over again. You’re such a good man to me, so kind and loving. I want to grow old with you. Thank you for being here for me through everything. You’re my soulmate.
  • We have been doing so many new things together that I can’t wait to see what the future holds! You are the man of my dreams and I am so lucky to have you in my life. Always know that I love you!
  • I am so full of love for you. I love your eyes, your hair, your smile and your laugh. I love the way we can talk forever, with no words ever needing to be said. I love the way we sit together in silence and never once gets awkward or uncomfortable. I love how you hold me and kiss me, how soft and warm you are. I love the feel of your hands when they touch me and the passion that fills my heart. I just want to let you
  • Best Lovely Romantic Messages: I am so in love with you. You are the perfect boyfriend—handsome, smart, funny and sweet. I hope one day you will feel the same way about me. I am so glad to have you in my life.
  • Just a little note to tell you that I love you and that I’m thinking of you with all my heart. May this Valentine’s Day be wonderful. My life is beautiful because you are in it!
  • Hey, you are the first thing I think about when I wake up and the last thing I think about before I go to sleep. You take my breath away with every glance of your eyes. The kiss that we share is never enough. You are beautiful to me in every way possible.
  • You are my soul mate, my everything and at times I feel as I’ve found the best thing that ever happened to me. Forever You, Forever Me
  • Best Lovely Romantic Messages: I’ll love you until I die, that’s a promise.
  • I love you all the more for your imperfections. Everything about you is beautiful. I love the fact that every day with you is unexpected and full of surprises! My heart jumps with joy when I see you, or even just think of you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I hope that our love lasts forever.
  • I love you so much and I just want to live with you until the day I die. When you hold me in your arms it makes me feel like the luckiest girl in the world. There is nothing I would rather do than spend the rest of my life loving you and only you.
  • Best Lovely Romantic Messages: I can’t describe how much I love you. You mean the world to me and I would do anything for you! I will love you forever!
  • I love you every day, not just today. Every time I see your face I fall in love all over again. If a single rose could speak it would be to say your love is my light, the reflection of my life made whole. Thank you for choosing me to love and hold.
  • No matter how many times I tell you how much I love you, it never seems to be enough to show you just how much. There are not enough words within the English language to express how deep my love for you runs. I often wonder if there are even enough words in any language period to help me describe the way I feel about you. You mean the world to me and I love you more than life itself!
  • Best Lovely Romantic Messages: Thank you for always being the most amazing person in the world. I feel so blessed and lucky to have found you. I never knew that love could be this strong. Every time we hug, kiss, or even hold hands, my heart flips over in happiness. We are a match made in heaven and are going to be together forever! I love you so much baby!
  • I love you! I spend 16 hours a day missing you when you’re away, 2 hours a day crying over losing you, 1 hour wishing I had you here, so the only thing I have left to do is smile, knowing that soon we will be together again.
  • Best Lovely Romantic Messages: You are the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me. I love you and how you are always as busy as I am, but make time for me every day. You are a wonderful mother to our kids, but more important to me you are the best wife a woman could ever have. You fill my heart with so much love I just don’t know what to do with it! There’s nothing you can do that would ever change how much I love you, or
  • I’ve been in love with you since the day I laid eyes on you and nothing is ever going to change that. I know someday it will finally be true, we will forever be together…”
  • I know I don’t tell you this enough, but I appreciate you so much. You always let me find my way when we make decisions together. We have been laughing and loving together since the start of our beautiful relationship.
  • Best Lovely Romantic Messages: Everytime when I wake up I find myself thinking about you. Your eyes, your smile and the way you hug me warm my heart and make me melt. I love you with all my soul, my heart is beating only because of you!
  • There are so many ways to describe you, but the best way is simply as perfect for me. You are kind, generous, brave and sensitive. Your smile warms my heart. Your eyes help me see a future beyond even my wildest dreams. I will love you always and forever . . . Best Lovely Romantic Messages:
  • I am so lucky to have you in my life. Thank you for being you and loving me just the way I am. I promise to be the best version of myself for you. You are everything I need, everything I want and the only one who can ever really make me feel whole. You bring out the best in me and every day I try to bring out that very best in you as well. I love you more and more each day we share together, and cant wait to be with
  • Life with you is just like a fairy tale. From the moment I saw you I fell in love, and I couldn’t be happier for making that choice. You are the most amazing woman I have ever met, and I know that you were meant to be my one and only! I love you so much!
  • I am lost without you. I need you so desperately that at times it hurts. I have loved you since the day I met you and I will always cherish every moment we’ve spent together. You are my heart, my life, my soulmate, the one I cherish above all others. Best Lovely Romantic Messages:
  • I’ve never met anyone like you. I’d give my life for yours. Your happiness is my only concern. You are my world. I love you with all of my heart and soul, and my love will never fade.
  • Life without you would be like a broken pencil… Pointless! I love you more than any words could ever begin to describe. I will spend every day showing you how much I care and love you. You are my soul mate and my partner in life.
  • I love you. You are the person I want to wake up next to every day and be with for the rest of my life. I am sorry that you have had such a hard time trusting people, but if it is any consolation, you don’t need to worry about me. The only place that I ever want to be is near you, because where ever you are is the best place for me.
  • Every time I see your smile I know that it’s going to be a great day. Just can’t wait to see how much better it could get. Love you always my darling!
  • I love you. I love that I can tell you anything and you don’t judge me. I love when we cuddle under the blanket and watch a movie, hold hands, and kiss each other…without even saying anything! I love that you always pick up the phone when I call, even in the middle of the night. You are amazing! Love you!
  • Half a decade has gone by since I met you. It seemed like just yesterday when you were a little boy running around my yard, playing with my kids. The years flew by, and now you are a man. I am so proud of how you turned out. I love you more than words can say and I hope we are together for many more years to come!
  • Best Lovely Romantic Messages: I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.
  • Always remember that without you I am nothing. You motivate me in life, you lift me up and you show me the way to be a better person. In loving you, I have found happiness and peace. I love your smile, your beauty, your brain, your body and everything else about you. I cherish every moment I spend with you, because it takes an eternity to be together and a second to say goodbye.
  • You mean the world to me, you are my angel. The love I have for you will never end. You are the most beautiful woman in the world and I love you more everyday. Whenever your sad or scared I want you to know how much I love you and will always be here for you. You mean everything to me baby
  • I may not have all the fancy things in the world and I may not come from a rich family, but you do make me feel like a princess. You are the most amazing man and I deeply love myself for you. I will always treasure this love and take good care of it because I know how rare it is to find true love.
  • You have completely taken over my every thought and I am helpless to stop it. Your smile fills my heart with joy, your voice is music to my ears, and your eyes are the stars in the night sky. I love you more than anything in this world and I can’t wait to be yours forever.
  • You make life so much more beautiful. I love how you see the world and how much you enjoy simple things. You always know how to cheer me up even when I can’t be cheered. I want to spend as many days as possible with you to make each one perfect.
  • I fell in love with you, not only becaue of your beautiful face and your smile, but also because of your kind heart and beautiful soul. I will always remember our meeting and I won’t forget the time we spent together__Best Lovely Romantic Messages:
  • I love you more than I ever thought possible. Thank you for making me laugh and smile, for being there by my side through all of hard times, and for loving me! This is the best day of my life and I cherish you always.
  • I don’t know why but that I love you is all I really know. It’s beyond me how you are always there for me when I need someone the most, and that has made my life so much better. I do not want to let go of you, because it means letting go of the best thing that has ever happened to me.
  • You are the greatest gift that life has given me. You are stronger than the darkest times and the brightest light. With you, I feel and see everything. I love you more than words can say. Best Lovely Romantic Messages:
  • Your eyes, your beautiful eyes. That’s where I draw my strength from. They are the windows to my soul. With every glance I am filled with more love for you than the last. The thought of you brightens my day and never leaves me when we are apart.
  • You’ve been my best friend for so long, I can’t even remember our first meeting. Because of you I have lived more life than I could have ever imagined. You are always there when I need you and show me how to live in the moment. You make me happy and help me soar high above any troubles that I may deal with. I love you more than you will ever know!
  • I am not perfect but I want to be yours, you are not perfect but I want to be with you, together we will not be perfect but our love will make us perfect and our kisses will spice up our love.
  • I love you. I love you so much that it literally hurts me. I want to be with you to the end of time, your kisses, your voice, your smile, are all like a dream come true!! I’ve found something very hard to find these days , someone I can count on for the rest of my life and forever!! You mean so much to me and I love you so much baby!! Yours forever!
  • You are the only reason I smile and laugh. Nothing, not one thing in this world, could ever compare to you. You mean so much to me. On this day of love, when it is time to tell you how much you mean to me, words cannot express what my heart feels. I love you!
  • You always make me smile, even when I’m down. You are my heart. When we’re apart, it feels like something is missing. I love to get lost in your eyes and fantasize about our future together. Your loving soft kisses make me forget the rest of the world and I melt into your arms.
  • You are the most amazing person I know. You bring me so much joy and happiness. I look forward to every day to see what the future may bring. I love you with all my heart!
  • I love you. The idea of spending my life with you, having a family with you has never ceased to amaze me. I know it’s only been a short time but I can’t wait to grow old with you. I’m the luckiest man in the world to have found you, I never thought anyone could make me feel so happy.
  • Best Lovely Romantic Messages: There is no point where we don’t belong together. It doesn’t matter if we are here or there. You will always be mine. I love you”
  • You are my love, my best friend, the light that guides me to a better place… In a better time. I love you more than words can describe and always will.
  • Best Lovely Romantic Messages: There are no words that can fully explain how you make me feel, but there is only one word to describe it… You!
  • You are my cute little man, the one that I love with my heart and soul. Every time I look at you I want to scream “I love you”. You can make me laugh even when I feel like crying and you can always make me smile no matter what changes life throws at us. You’re the best thing to happen to me and I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for us!
  • It is a beautiful spring day. There is something truly magnificent about these kinds of days. The birds are singing and the bumble bees are buzzing away. Two hearts are beating as one, sharing their endless love for each other right now and forever more! Love you my sweetheart!
  • Hey baby, every day I fall in love with you more and more. I promise on this Valentines Day, that I will devote my life to you because you are my dream come true! You are perfect. You are my everything and without you my world would stop spinning. Please don’t ever leave me because I couldn’t handle it. Please, please be happy _all the time_. And have the best Valentine’s Day ever! Love you.
  • Best Lovely Romantic Messages: When I started falling for you I knew it would be forever. You make me so happy, and can’t image my life without you. I love you so much sweetheart!
  • I don’t want anyone else. I don’t even want to imagine my life without you anymore. I wake up every morning and the first thing I think of is you. Thank you for coming into my life, bringing me happiness and filling my heart with light.
  • I love you, and I don’t want to lose you. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me, and I hope we stay together forever. I promise that I’ll do anything to make sure that we do.
  • I can’t imagine a day without you. I never want to grow tired of your smile or your laugh. You bring me so much joy, I just want to hear your voice over the phone every day. You make my life worth living. Best Lovely Romantic Messages:
  • The best things in life are not things, they are people: family, friends, and most especially you. I am so glad that you are in my life! There is nothing I would not do for you. Let’s stay together…forever.
  • No matter how long I have been with you, your love always feels like the first. You are my favorite place to be and we always find things to talk about. You’re my best friend despite all of our differences. I can’t wait to spend forever with you.”
  • Loving you is the easiest thing I do every day. Spending my life with you, loving you always would be my greatest accomplishment. Coming home to you and our kittens everyday is better than any prize I’ve ever won. I love you with all my heart!
  • I love my life because it gave me you. I love my life because it is you. I love my life because it is ours. Best Lovely Romantic Messages:
  • My Best Friend and my girl- I couldn’t love you more if I tried. You are my ride or die, my soul mate. You are the kindest person I have ever known. You make me want to be a better person, every day. You hold me when I am sad, and you push me to chase my dreams with all your might. Even at my weakest moments you were there to hold me up, even though sometimes I didn’t deserve it. I
  • Hey sweetie! I’m thinking of you right now… Many wonderful things are going through my mind. I think about how special and unique you really are when I watch you sleeping so soundly. I’m so thankful that God brought you into me and into my life. Best Lovely Romantic Messages:
  • I don’t want to forget this moment. I love you and thank you for being in my life! I feel so special, loved and appreciated. I am the happiest woman in the world when we are together. I love you so much!
  • My love for you is stronger than most any other feeling I have ever had. You are so charming and beautiful, if there was anyone else I’d want to be with it would be you. Those 3 words, 4 letters just can’t express what I feel for you.
  • YOU are the love of my life, the air that I breathe, the reason I get up in the morning. Every time we kiss, my day is made. How lucky am I to have you as my boyfriend… You make me happier than anything in this world and I will love you until the end of time!
  • I love that you are so creative. You have such a tender way with me and I love it. I love the way you can just hold me and kiss me for hours. I get lost in your eyes every time we kiss. You are the most amazing man in the universe.
  • It’s been a while since we first met, I may not remember the exact date. But I do remember how your eyes captivated me, the day before the love I feel for you grew tenfold. My love for you is eternal, and by my side will always stay. We were meant to be together, to always be held in each other’s arms.
  • I love the way I feel when I am with you. You make me feel special, treasured, valued and unique. Thank you for being you! Best Lovely Romantic Messages:
  • You’re all I think about, even when I’m not with you. You bring a joy to my life that makes me feel alive and vibrant. Thank you for your love and support. I am beyond lucky to have you in my life!
  • You are my best friend and my soul mate. I want to spend the rest of my life with you right by my side. Best Lovely Romantic Messages:
  • Baby, I’m so lucky to have you in my life. Thank you for the joy you bring and the happiness you give. I love spending every minute with you, feeling your warmth and falling in love all over again. Happy Valentine’s Day !
  • Thank you for going out of your way to do things that make me smile. I love it when you surprise me with my favorite treats or bring me flowers just because. It really shows me how special I am to you and that makes me feel extra warm inside on a cold February night.
  • I remember when we first met. We were in school. You were always so shy, but I saw the light in your eyes that was missing from your smile. As time went on, and chance encounters kept bringing us together, that light filled your eyes and touched your face. It was then I knew you were the girl for me.
  • Remember when you said that I would be the first thing you think of when you wake up and that I would be the last thought at night? That’s how much I mean to you right? Well, I feel the same way.
  • When I am in your arms all my worries disappear. My love for you will never change and neither will our love. Thank you for making my world so special! I’ve never been this happy. I love you always and forever!
  • I’ve been doing this for a while now. I never thought I would meet you. But god was always working on our love story right from the start. It’s so nice to see you again after 7 years and talk about how we first started going out again. This is a second chance that is perfect. I love you more than anything in this world.”
  • I love you because you’re a goal-oriented, ambitious and caring person. I love the way you look, the way you smell, your voice, your body… everything. You were born to be loved with passion. Oh God how I wish I could spend the rest of my life with you and the thought of not having this scares me more than anything. Even when I am in a bad mood, one look at you and everything is just better. You are my dream come true
  • Best Lovely Romantic Messages: I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I don’t care how much time this may take, as long you don’t turn me away. Nothing in this world is important than we are together. I love you.
  • I love you with all my heart and soul. You are the most amazing woman I have ever met. You make me feel complete, like a part of me is missing when we are apart. We complete each other like two puzzle pieces coming together to create a beautiful picture. My heart belongs to you forever and always.
  • I just wanted to say that I love you on this day. You are my life and my rock. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me in my 28 years of living. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you, making a home with you, raising a family and growing old together as one. I love you.
  • I so much like you and miss you. I feel as if we are one, a single soul living in two bodies. I have told you repeatedly that for me it is in your arms that I wish to live out the rest of my life.
  • As I sit here I wonder what you are doing. After all these conversations we have had, I feel more connected to you as you do to me. You are one of the best things that has ever happened to me and I’m so glad that I met you. I love your smiles, laughs and the way you care for me.
  • There is nothing in this world the two of us can’t do together. No matter if we are on the same team or competing against each other, I will always love you. Usually I am beating you at everything!
  • I LOVE your kisses.
  • There are many things on this earth that are silly, this is one of the biggest. If I could pick a husband out I would pick you. Not because you are Mr. Perfect, but because you are my perfect match.”
  • There are so many words I wanted to say. There are so many things I wanted to hear from you. Instead, it’s only the silence between us that makes me confused sometimes.
  • Best Lovely Romantic Messages: I may not be able to express my feelings in words but I can tell u how much u mean to me. I love u, and i don’t wanna live without you. You mean the world 2 me! I promise to always make u feel special and loved just the way u are.
  • Actions speak louder than words. I’ve always knew your love for me was genuine. But when you got down on one knee and proposed to me, that was the ultimate proof of your love for me. I will treasure this moment for the rest of my life. Our love is the greatest feeling in the world. You mean so much to me and are my everything!
  • You are the most wonderful person I have ever met and you bring so much happiness into my life. You make everyday seem like a perfect dream and I can’t believe you’re finally mine. Every time I look into your eyes I make a promise to myself to love the most amazing man in the world even more.
  • Hello Baby! Ever since I met you, you have made me the happiest I have ever been in my life. You are definitely one of a kind and in my eyes, you can never do anything wrong! There is no one else who can make me feel this way and I love you so, so much. You are the woman of my dreams and I am blessed to be dating you, even if it is only online.
  • I feel like I am the luckiest girl in the world. You make me feel so special and important. Your love gives me strength and reassurance. When I’m close to you I feel a warmth that runs through my body, calming every nerve. I just can’t help myself when we are together, I just want to put my arms around you and never let go!
  • I love you! Every day I fall more in love with you and can’t believe how lucky I am. You are the most wonderful person in the world and I just want to spend the rest of my life making you happy. With each passing day I can see our future playing out before me and it is so bright. You have brought me so much joy and happiness, there isn’t a better feeling in the world. I LOVE YOU!
  • I can’t stop imaging a future with you in it. The amount of love I feel for you will last forever. I want to experience everything with you, and looking ahead is so bright and full of wonder.
  • You make me feel like I can do anything in the world. I love you so much, my heart aches with joy when we are together, and it hurts with sadness when we are apart. I can’t imagine a future without you by my side.
  • I’m so lucky to have found you, you’re my best friend and love. You are my one and only and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. You are the reason I smile everyday and why my heart beats faster when you touch me. I love that we can be completely ourselves around each other and never get tired of each other. ​
  • You have been my love since we have first met. I wish you were mine forever, and that we will get married soon. I send my warmest wishes to the man of my life! This year knows how much we love each other shall be even more romantic.
  • Your love is like a shining star that brightens my day. Your face I see each time I fall asleep and the moment I wake up. My love for you is something true, and nothing will ever change that. I can’t wait to spend forever with you. Love you!
  • You are my sweetheart. I love you deeply, dearly and honestly. Our love to me is so special and so magical. So let me hold you in my arms as close as possible, feeling your heat against me, with our hearts beating as one. I love you so much.
  • My love for you grows each day. At the same time so does my admiration for the beautiful person that you are. Thank you for always being there for me and for loving me unconditionally. I love you with all my heart.
  • You are the love of my life. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You have made my life so much better and I will always love you. I am so glad to be in love with you!
  • I have loved you since the moment I laid my eyes on you. You are the most caring, loving, and beautiful person I know. I never thought someone like me could find love, but then it happened. You came into my life and gave me a new outlook on love. To think that someone could love me for who I am is incredible. It took no time at all for me to fall in love with you and for us to create an amazing relationship.
  • I’ll love you until my heart stops beating and then I will love you some more. Even though we have only been dating a short time, every day is better than the next. I can’t imagine getting through the day without knowing that your mine forever. I am so grateful to have found you and know that this is my forever love.
  • Oh sweetheart, you are my soul mate, my partner and my best friend. I feel so lucky to have you in my life. When I see you looking at me with those beautiful eyes, I just melt. You’re everything I’ve ever dreamed of, and more. I love you so much!
  • Best Lovely Romantic Messages: I have loved the stars too fondly to be afraid of the night. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I will love you until the end of time.
  • Each day of my life is a better one. My heart and body beat stronger, my soul happy and I am always filled with hope. I couldn’t have done it without you. Each breath I take fills me with thankfulness for you and the promise of what we can be together. I never want to let you go!
  • Every morning I wake up beside you is the best part of a day. You are a blessing from God and I am blessed to have you in my life. I don’t know why you’re so hot, you’re an awesome cook, very hilarious, and we get along perfectly. Every moment I spend with you is just another blessing from above!

The post Best Lovely Romantic Messages appeared first on Jeocity.

This post first appeared on Jeocity, please read the originial post: here

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Best Lovely Romantic Messages


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