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2017 Women and War Festival 4th-30th July 2017 – Streatham Hill Theatre, London

2017 Women And War Festival 4th-30th July 2017 – Streatham Hill Theatre, London

“Rebels don’t produce change, because they are fanning their own anger. You have to learn to save your outrage and focus.”

Shami Chakrabarti

In light of recent events, women around the world should reach out to each other and find an inner strength in that solidarity.  One day that strength will guide us to finding a peaceful solution to the threat the world currently faces … through education.

Where better to find like-minded women than to support the month-long multi-disciplinary 2017 Women and War Festival which examines the impact of war on women. Now in its second year the Women and War: EXODUS will focus on displacement and refugeeism and will celebrate the lives of exceptional women throughout the years through theatre, music, dance, art, film, performance, poetry, craft, cuisine and comedy.

The event will take place at:

Streatham Hill Theatre

110 Streatham Hill


London SW2 4RD

If I can’t persuade you to go, then perhaps Dillie Keane can.

Find out more at and buy tickets at

Filed under: Motivation, Remarkable Women, Thought Provoking, Video Tagged: Dillie Keane, displacement and refugeeism, Shami Chakrabarti, Streatham Hill Theatre Lambeth, Women and War Festival 2017, Women and War: EXODUS, Women united across the world

This post first appeared on My Alter Ego And Me, please read the originial post: here

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2017 Women and War Festival 4th-30th July 2017 – Streatham Hill Theatre, London
