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On getting a girlfriend, getting laid and your social skills

Social Skills:

I discovered a knowledge gap between what I am explaining here and where most of my readers are at in their social skills.

From the general bulk of emails I am receiving, I have recognized a great deal of you are lacking some basic understanding of interacting with people.

Which is completely fine, since you are seeking to change that.

My goal for is not to replace other similar blogs, but rather to add to them.

Keep reading various blogs so you would have a better understanding of the big picture. 

In today’s article, I will do some kind of “Brain-Dump” to some of the things you need to understand to build a foundation for supreme social skills.

I will just discuss the underlying basics of social interactions in no particular format. 

I just finished writing this article and realized I should’ve made it into a podcast topic rather than a written article. 

It is very poorly formatted, So excuse me for that and hope you find it helpful.

Social connection is an important factor in our survival as a human species, even in modern-day society.

As an individual, you are born with pre-built social connections within your family, then you are encouraged to expand it to include your relatives, school, and neighborhood.

So, according to this model, you are limited to people within your family, their related connections, and the people in your recurring geographical locations.

This is how it is for everyone, everywhere!

That is how our society functions.

For some reason, the great minds of our generation decided to skip teaching people how to create social connections without any relevant context to justify that connection.

And this is one of the purposes of

To teach you how to break free from those limitations.

What if I was born with no siblings in a small family and was home schooled my whole life?

Am I screwed then?

Will I only meet a handful of people in my life and that’s it?

Fuck That.

No, we want you to know how to be a social rockstar where ever you are regardless of your background.

It takes a lot of practice and knowledge to reach a place where you can establish cool social circles out of thin air.

But it is one of the most profitable skill set to have.

So yes, it is worth it.

Now let’s start with understanding the social dynamics of any and every social interaction.

It is always, ALWAYS a value exchange.


Only “small-talk” defies this rule, and that is exactly why it is generally frowned upon, feels awkward and hurts your relationship with that person more than anything.

Because it is a bunch of nonsense and lacks any real exchange.

Now there are various types of values that people exchange through their interactions.

And today we are focusing on the most important of these values.


When you are completely aware of exactly what kind of emotions you are exchanging with the other person while maintaining complete detachment from your environment.

Holy fuck you can get people to do anything!

This topic deserves an article on its own, but I will briefly touch on two important points here:

1- How to become aware of that?

Experience, and only experience.

Long awkward repetitions of various social interactions under various contexts.

I can explain some of the cues to look for, but detecting the emotional state of a person in front of you and tweaking it as you want is based very much on the culture.

It took me a good 4 months to figure out the german culture.

It needs practice.

2- How to look at the emotions you are communicating

I was reading a book called How to Win Friends & Influence People By Dale Carnegie.

It is one of the top-selling books in the whole world.

I think it is surely a good read, but…

They should rename it to ” How to be likable and unremarkable”

Maybe it will get you friends, but I will donate my precious – Penis – if it ever makes you influence anyone, ever.

The whole premise of the book is to stick to making people feel good in every way possible without even considering if they deserve it or not.

It makes you supplicate to people, it makes you the nice guy that no one hates, but no one really loves.

Ordinary people do not influence, only the outliers do.

This book, along with most of the advice found on the internet will get you to be the guy whom everyone likes at most, who get a lot of “Hey man what is up?” and everyone thinks of as the nice sweet guy.

Which is fine, but not really desirable.

I definitely prefer to be the guy who when he walks in a street, one will say “Gosh! I really wanna punch him in the face, such a fucking asshole!“, another will say “Hey man, what is up?” and another will be stunned and tensed just by seeing him.

That is how I would want the reactions to be.

I am not for everyone.

I don’t like to think of myself as an asshole, even with all the mounting evidence that I am in fact a jerk :).

I do preach “Good Vibes” a lot, I believe in it so much that it is tattooed on my body.

I do try to leave people better than I found them.

But, I have a very low tolerance for bullshit, and I make it known.

Here is the thing, when I say make people feel good, I mean it as in making people smile or feel happy for a moment with a minor investment from your side and no expectations of anything in return.

You do that to cashiers, delivery guys, people down the street, people passing by in a party, the bus driver.. etc.

Always try to make these people happy.

Why the fuck not?


When it comes to a complete interaction where there is a value exchange between parties, then that is a different matter.

When you let someone into your life, when you give them a piece of your time, your attention and even a piece of yourself.

Then they have to live up to certain standards.

And an equal investment in you and the interaction is one of those standards. 

The more you invest in an interaction the less the other will.

It is a fact, it is a law.

Divide any interaction between people into percentages. If one part is giving 70% the other can only provide 30%… and so on.

And that is a real problem.

I actually don’t know why this happens.

Even if you like a girl and she starts investing too much in you, you will no longer really like her and vice versa.

The thing is, once you invest a certain % in someone, you can not turn back.

It is over, the dynamics between these parties are fucked for life.

Well, not always, you can fix it.

But it is not worth the energy and the time to do so, so you should just move on.

Once you feel you are investing way more than the other party, whether it is a friend a girlfriend or whatever.

Drop the whole thing and move on.

More on that later.

Back to feelings that you have to elicit in people.

I am not really following any kind of formula or script here, just letting my brain flow.

So excuse the wondering points.


There is like a zillion way to categories emotions.

But to make the matter simple, let us think of emotions under very simple categories.

Like positive and negative emotions.

Or aggressive and submissive emotions… etc.

Now think of all the emotions on a 3D scale consisting of:

1- Category.

2- Intensity.

3- Uniqueness, for the lack of a better term.

To break it down: 

The more categories of emotions you evoke in someone, the more you own them.

Yes, in the manipulative and dark meaning.

If you can take someone on a wave of very contrasting and intense emotions.

You own them.

They will be literally hooked on you.

It is scarcely easy to do.

And you can bet your fucking balls that I will never teach this kind of stuff here or anywhere else.

It can break and destroy people.

Think I am exaggerating?

Think of a pimp-prostitute relationship.

Or the abusive boyfriend/husband.

These girls are hooked on them like crack cocaine.


Because they made them experience the various corners of their emotions.

And once you let something take you on such a trip, your mind kinda surrender and submit to them.

Because it feels like they have full control over you.

Along with many fucked up and dark psychological reasons.

There are various other examples to this, even you and I might be under the influence of such manipulation.

To end this point, don’t hit or abuse anyone, ever.

Moving on.

Now, the more categories of emotions you can make someone feel, the more they are hooked on you.

The more intense these emotions are (Think happiness vs euphoria) the more you stand out from anyone else.

And finally, the uniqueness of the feelings you can make someone experience are what makes you more influential and memorable to that person.


What does all of this have to do with getting laid, getting a girlfriend and getting friends?

Well, as I said.

Every interaction is a value exchange.

Now, you can exchange your money, your time, your energy… etc. with someone in return for something.

But all that is easily replaceable.

You can only be irreplaceable when you offer an emotional experience.

And people ever so rarely do that.

Most people offer one of the above-mentioned things (Money, Time, Energy) in exchange for having friends and relationships… etc. 

It can be acceptable only in friendships. 

But if you build a relationship based on exchanging those things, it is a recipe for a disaster. 

That is why most relationships fail.

Here is the scenario for 99% of relationships.

And I do mean 99%

A guy will exchange some of his money, time and energy into a girl in hopes of getting sex and some of her time and energy.

Sex, cuddling, and daily emotional situations will fill the emotional need gap for a while.

Until sex starts fading out, cuddling becomes meaningless and the daily emotional situations are unable to hold the connection between these two people and then everything falls apart.

Most relationships end after about one year.

It is then that both parties are over each other, but they will not separate just yet.

Out of habit and comfort, they will stick together.

Just like chewing a gum that has lost its flavor, it starts to taste bitter but out of habit, you keep chewing on it.

I will soon write an article on relationships, even though I particularly suck at those.

But I can offer some tips on maintaining a healthy connection between two people.

Now you know what emotions and your ability to control them have to do with getting and maintaining a girlfriend.

Emotions could be what you offer, what you bring to the table in a relationship.

What about friendship?

It is not as necessary in friendships because people are mostly interested in each others time and presence to socialize and that is about it.

But you should be aware not to communicate many negative emotions. if you do so you will alienate the group and no one will want to hang out with you.

The best party of 2016 so far! Hope you all enjoying the weekends. #reggaeton

“The best party of 2016 so far! Hope you all enjoying the weekends. #reggaeton”

And what about getting laid?

I actually learned and developed all this just for the sake of this one

It is the key to having an insanely active sexual life, and lots and lots of one night stands. 

I will focus on one night stands for today’s article.

I think that short sexual interaction between the male and the female A.K.A One Night Stand is widely misunderstood.


1- People define it completely wrong: If you knew someone from a social circle and have met and chatted multiple times before, and then you hooked up, that is not a fucking one night stand.

A one night stand is when you take a total stranger home and proceed to fuck their brain out.

2- People think that only a certain type of girls are down for it: commonly referred to as the drunk club whores.

Which is false.

Yes, it does happen more often with club girls because:

A- The setting is much easier to allow for sexual escalation

B- Guys who are really good at this won’t normally waste their time searching for a girl in the daytime since girls will be fairly scattered at that time, and so they go to clubs since it is an environment dense with hot girls.

C- You do not need high social skills in the clubs since the alcohol and the environment do the job of easing the girls minds and making their wild side kick in. And no, I did not mean that you should get the girl drunk or even take the already drunk girl home. I never did and will never do that.

Not because of fear of the rape card. Fuck, I have been accused of rape from girls that never touched alcohol nor did they ever touch me, so I am way past that fear.

I have been accused of rape from girls that never touched alcohol nor did they ever touch me, so I am way past that fear.

And not because I am this white knight and female rights activists who want what is best for the precious female gender. Fuck no, I want EVERYONE to be safe, regardless of their gender, and I want EVERYONE to be held responsible for their choices – getting drunk – regardless of the gender.

I am developing this ability to foresee the hordes of angry emails coming from the dear feminists accusing me of being a misogynist and so on.  They are quite entertaining to read but still they are a waste of my time.

So, dear angry feminists, please save us both the trouble and better understand what I am preaching here.



Why I and you shouldn’t sleep with drunk girls?

A- Because it is easy as fuck: Just go out 3 times a week and stand in the corner of a big club until the night ends without falling out drunk on your face, and a drunk girl will come by and take you home.

B- Most importantly, It is not fun, at all. It is the opposite of fun, it is lame, boring, creepy and a host of other negative shit.

Back to the point of people thinking that a one night stand is for a certain type of girls.

It is not.

The sweetheart and shy Suzy will be down for a one night stand.

Hell, I can pull one out of a church.


Emotional intelligence.

To better understand this before you lose your mind due to the many side points this article have. 

Let us take this well-known fact.

They say that marriage is an assurance of less sex.

And it is quite known and well agreed on everywhere.

Why is that?

It is because marriage and long relationships are the soul killer of the number one reason people fornicate in this world.


Tension is what gets most people laid.

Ok, I will have to get all over the place to explain this point, so bear with me.

99% of people get laid because of the tension that arises between two strangers alone in a private place.

That tension is what turns women on.

Not the only thing that turns them on, but it is a huge oven warmer for women.

This tension of two strange people in a place where anything could happen is what starts the ball rolling in the girls mind, and then all the guy has to do is lead her all the way to sex.

Why is that?

Why is  tension so arousing for women?

I have read a study somewhere that women displayed more sexual arousal to strangers than the men in their lives.

I will put the link to the study as soon as I find it.

You can easily observe and prove this Phenomenon.

Yet I have never read any actual explanation to it.

But I came up with a very convincing explanation for why this might be.

This explanation is my own – John Deus TM. 

You are free to either believe or dismiss it completely.

The reason goes back to evolutionary psychology.

It is because of

Assuring Genetical Variation and reducing inbreeding.

Because a stranger represents a new genetical pool.

An already known man in a woman’s life (which she feels no tension towards anymore) could be a brother or a relative.

Hence, the insane similarity between friend zoned guys and brothers.

That is the real reason behind the friend zone.

Commonality and absence of tension.

A tension arises mostly because the man is still a stranger to the woman.

And her biology pushes her toward getting turned on because of the possibility of passing valuable genes and getting healthy children out of it; given the fact that the guy had already demonstrated his worthiness of passing his own genes and assuring the survival of his breed.

Now we as men do not really relate to this because we think that women are turned on the same way we are.

But that is far from the truth.

Men are always horny, ALWAYS.

Men really just need a place to have sex.

But women operate differently.

Women are always thinking of sex. More than most of you would imagine.

But the funny thing is that they actually dry up and stop being horny when an undesirable guy shows up, for them to get back into dirty fantasies once they are alone again.

If a girl is able to hold the same ideas she has when she is alone to when she goes out to public places.

Then she will fuck any and every guy around.

That is why we always say that the game is not impressing, it is more of just not fucking up.

The girl is somehow already horny and down for sex, just make sure you do not dry her out.

I know I am getting off topic a lot here, but these are points worth mentioning.

Now there are other ways to turn women on than using tension.

But I will end this article only explaining how to use tension for getting laid and save the rest for another article.

Now I already demonstrated the reason tension plays such a role.

let us apply it to some scenarios.

You meet a girl at a party.

You start confidently chatting her up and instantly the tension rises.

So far so good.

You, as most guys, try to remove the tension by using humor or trying to create comfort between the two of you.

Now this happens because, In a man’s world, tension means confrontation which will likely lead to an aggressive reaction.

Thus, the so-called nice guys always try to evade and remove that tension by using certain tactics.


Now you know why bad boys are instinctively good with women.

Becuase they do not give a fuck about that tension, if not love to amplify it.

The guy who is always caught up in fights gets laid a lot for the same reason he was caught up in this many fights in the first place.

The way he handles that tension.

He is not submissive to that tension, but rather a generator of more tension.

I hope by this point there are fireworks going out inside your brain connecting all the dots between how everything that will create an aggressive tension between two guys will make a girl wet.

Strong eye contact, display of dominance, being loud… etc.

It all makes sense now right?

Damn, I am so good!   

Now you understand that you shouldn’t let that tension subside but rather you have to play with it.

But again, too much tension and you will no longer be relatable to the girl.

Too little and you won’t do it for her.

I am just touching on the topic now, I will explain it in details in another article.


I have been all over the place with this article, it is just a brain dump from my side to explain the holes that most of you have in understanding the game from behind the curtains. 

I think it is worth it to reread it multiple times to understand everything here. 

I know it is somehow – very – badly written and needs a lot of revising.

And I apologize for that, I am insanely busy these days but at the same time I want to provide you guys with valuable information to help you improve your lives. 

 If you need any explanation to any sticking point please write it in the comments, or send me an e-mail to [email protected]

I am here to help. 

Also, please go follow me on Instagram it would be hella cool if you did. 

Many thanks to all my readers, 



The post On Getting A Girlfriend, Getting Laid And Your Social Skills appeared first on Supreme Men.

This post first appeared on Supreme Men | Better Thyselves, please read the originial post: here

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On getting a girlfriend, getting laid and your social skills


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