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Sluts, sluts everywhere!


Yeah, I am going to talk about that. 

Slut, the most dense insult ever.

It’s amazing how many people get insulted just by calling one girl a slut.

Tell a girl she is a slut and you will insult her, her boyfriend/husband, her father, brother, mother, friends… and many, many other people.

And I don’t mean they’re insulted because someone they care about was insulted.

No, they are personally insulted.

Isn’t that weird?!

Universally, a slut is a girl who had sex with many guys or any variation of that.

This definition is agreed upon all across cultures, the only difference is in the “How many is “slut” many?”

This “many” ranges from 1 outside of marriage, to about 10-15 guys.

I get a lot of long, emotionally packed emails from you guys talking about this topic, and how you are “giving up” on the dating world because all the girls around you are “sluts”. I am going to answer this topic once and for all.

This article contains a lot of shocking information’s, and it has the potential to change your view of the whole world. It will be very long and overwhelming, hope you enjoy it.

There is so much to be said, so let’s just dive in.

Let us look at a girl named Joanna.

Joanna have had sex with 20 guys so far. By definition, Joanna is a slut.

How disgusting, 20 guys!

Doesn’t Joanna know how to say NO!? Can’t she just keep her legs closed!?

Now let us look at Matthew, the nice sweet guy who was interested in Joanna, but now he knew about her slutty past and is no longer interested.

Matthew have had sex with 3 girls, Matthew respects himself and that’s why his score is this low.

Before talking about how society says it is ok for a guy to have a high sexual partners count while for a girl it is not ok, let’s examine the current situation.

Joanna’s 20 Sexual Partners VS. Matthew’s 3 Sexual partners.

Obviously, 20 is much higher than 3, but what does this mean?

Is it that Joanna does not know how to say no and just give it out easily?

Well, the truth is.

Joanna said way, way, WAYYYY more NO’s than Matthew ever did.

A decent looking girl in a moderately dense city get offers for sex DAILY.


While the bigger percentage of guys do not get any offers at all.

Chances are Matthew have never said no to sex, ever.

The 3 sexual partners he got were all that he can get.

If there were more possibilities, he would’ve gone for it.

While Joanna’s 20 Yes’s are out of hundreds of No’s.

And that is something we don’t usually take into consideration, girls get offered sex left and right, while guys rarely ever do. Girls usually turn down sex, while men rarely ever do, hell, I can barely remember the times I have turned down sex.

You, with your self-righteous and judgemental self, would be the slut you are shaming if you got the chances.

At least I know that if I was a girl, I would have been the whoriest of them all

That is because I love sex, and that is what you are shaming girls for, loving sex.

Girls like to get fucked, guys like to fuck… that is life.

Now let us come to the guy vs. girl sexual count.

They say a key that opens all locks is a master key, while a lock that is opened by any key is a worthless lock.

What a beautiful and true saying, when it comes to keys and locks.

But luckily, I am not a fucking key and the girl is not a fucking lock.

I get the imagery behind it, the penis looks like a key while a vagina looks like a lock.

very Fucking clever.

Put the unlocking part is what confuses me.

Your penis doesn’t unlock anything.

Sex is a pleasurable experience for both parties, it is not that one party is doing something different to the other.

Now let us talk a bit about the valid point behind this since by now, some of you got so worked up and ready to call me a cuck because I am shattering their bullshit reality.

There is a valid argument that can be made about how we perceive high sexual partner count from guys side as admirable while from girls side as shameful.

And that is the effort argument.

It takes way more effort for a guy to get a lot of sex than it is for a girl.

Another smart ass line for you, “There can be ugly sluts while there can’t be ugly studs.

And that is somehow true. For a girl to get sex, all she has to do is to say yes.

I think I am at a point in my life where I can get any logically possible girl I want. Me, with all my game would look like a complete joke next to a fat, ugly girl when it comes to how many sexual partners we can get.

You can, never, ever compete with a girl in this game.

But still, what about the quality of partners that both of us can get?

She might be able to get high quantity, but she can’t get high quality.

In fact, she still can get what you call “high quality” guys, I mean, we are horny all the time so why not… 

But let us assume that she can’t get high-quality guys. 

So maybe a slut is the girl who sleeps with a lot of low-quality guys!

And to that I say, if we ever got to educate all the girls in the world to demolish what you call their “Slutty” side and only open their legs for the quality guys, well, 95% of us would be completely screwed.

Because who said you are one of the quality guys?

I love the look on the guys faces when they through this argument, they just assume they are one of the quality guys.

Here is a Newsflash for you, you are not… I am not.

Because from the viewpoint of reproduction, a high-quality partner is not that sweet nice guy who loves his mom and pays attention to his environment, a high-quality guy in that sense is that 1.95 Cm tall and jacked guy with a perfect jaw, perfect eyesight, perfect skin tone, perfect hairline, perfect proportions, perfect hormonal level, who’s immune to diseases, from a family that lives long and so on.

I know that the girl should also have good genes and most girls just like guys do not have that much of good genes, but I decided to skip over that just to make a point. 

And yes these people do exist, they are less than 5% of the world’s population, thanks to some old and fucked up selective breeding done by certain families, that I do not want to discuss in here.

So ya, those are the quality guys, not the sweet lovely hearted guy you think you are, even if you are really nice and sweet and all these amazing things but your genes are not perfect or superior, in the Darwinian viewpoint of life, you are not a quality guy, even if the guys with the perfect genes are just stupid bricks, they still win.

You can take a guy with perfect genes and teach him how to love his mother and pay attention to the environment and be the loveliest thing on earth, but you can’t take a guy with shitty genes and make him pass good ones, ever.

So next time you start judging a girl with the quality vs quantity argument, just remember that.

Gosh, I will get so much hate for this

And from both sides.

I am being extra aggressive with the way I am answering this dilemma because I am trying to make a very important point, and that is

You will never know enough to judge, so just don’t judge.

Yes, there are counter arguments to everything I said, in fact, I can write this article in a way to show you that there can’t be something called a slut, we do what we want with our bodies and #freethenipples.

You know all the feminist hype.

And that is wrong, but still holds some truth in it.

Or I can write this article in a way that makes most of the girls look like worthless sluts, and men are doomed, let’s just be men going their own way, just have sex, just “Next” the girls, never commit and etc…

You know, the manosphere/MGTOW/Redpill hype.

Which is also wrong but hold some truth in it.

Listen, you can’t simplify life, ever.

There will never be black and white.

We have a handful of things that we deemed as black and white do to the necessity of such action, but other than that it is ALL Grayish, always.

I did take it upon myself to look into the actual dynamics behind relationships, cheating, sluts, manwhores and all that.

And what I have figured out is that I simply will never ever be able to give you a list of characteristics or anything similar to justly judge someone.

No one can.

Slut-shaming is one of the harshest forms of judgment in our society, equally as harsh as the “You are not a true man” argument for guys, and some other arguments in some cultures.

Point is, we will always try to simplify reality so we can comfortably adapt to it, instead of working on making our brains complex enough to absorb the shitshow we are all born in.

I took a look at some articles on this topic all over the internet and 75% of them are for slut shaming with articles like 25 signs she is a slut or almost any post on the redpill community on Reddit.

The 25% of the articles against slut shaming are basically angry feminists who list no actual points. they are just defensive and anti that fucking virtual oppression of men they keep ramblings about.

The truth is, a girl sleeping with X number of guys has no impact on the probability of her cheating in a relationship, or how quality she is.

There is no sign, or red flag or whatever they call it that can determine the quality of a girl.

The deeper you research this topic the more confused you will get, and the more “dark” the whole matter will turn.

You will reach a point where it seems that monogamy is the longest lie humanity lived under, family solidarity is more damaging than beneficial and good ethics are dooming humanity into an end.

These I am also not willing to discuss here on this blog because 1 I will never have enough information to do so and 2 because being oblivious to the possibility of such claims is the only thing that will help you live happily.

I chose to talk about Slut shaming specifically because of how damaging it is for both parties.

I had enough with guys going batshit crazy over this, and girls digging themselves into a deep desperate whole in their way of rebelling against this.

So end it, just fucking end it.

The Manosphere and the signs she is a slut, they have got it all wrong.

Just read their damn article and you can sense that the author is not talking from actual valid experience, you can sense that he is describing a girl who probably did cheat on him or just was a complete bitch to him, and describe her friends and how they acted just because they “seemed” like sluts.

And they go on describing these unicorns that will never cheat because of how much she cares about her man, or because of how much she is high quality or because of how fucking “ALPHA” her man is.

And that unicorn can be more “slutty” than the most heavily tattooed and pierced and whatever thing a girl does that have a slutty stigma to it.

I am writing this article from Jordan, the middle east.

In the middle of religious and traditional families. In a culture that holds virginity to the highest regards, and hold the purity of a woman as the most important thing in a woman. And let us not talk about what happens if a girl was thought of as a slut…

Those girls match the exact same wording of that fantasy of the unicorn, or the pure high-quality woman, the woman that those guys who are all up slut-shaming most girls fantasies about.

But guess what? They are deep down as slutty as the sluttiest girl you know, but they are really, really good liars.

All these religious teachings and negative stigma to sluttiness a girl goes through in here, and they still turn up being “slutty” in your definition, but only for the trained eye.

I have been with girls from religious families, have a great relationship with both the mom and dad, living in a society that fights sexual freedom to its last and can only tolerate sex after marriage, yet they sleep around with multiple guys.

Fuck, I have even been with virgins!


They do anal, yeah that’s a thing around her, she would let you do her anally and she sucks cock like a porn star, but she keeps her “Virginity”.

You just can’t know, you just can never define what is a quality girl or a girl worth marrying or whatever you are looking for.

It comes down to how the both of you blend together.

It comes down to how good or shitty that person is, and even that is hard to figure out because shitty can turn into good and good can turn into shitty.

If you are looking carefully to start a relationship with that special person that you will spend the rest of your life with and so you are carefully looking for the most faithful girl you can find so she won’t cheat and love you for the rest of your life, then fucking stop.

It is something that you can’t figure out that easily, if at all.

You can not know if a girl is faithful before you get into a relationship with her.

Not even if she is less probable to cheat than another girl!

You think a virgin is less probable to cheat than a girl who have been with 20 guys?

No, not really.

Because other than the fact that the virgin might not be exactly a virgin because she might have done anal with a dozen of guys, maybe just blowjobs and maybe, maybe even intercourse!

Yes, she might have had a dick in her pussy and she might still seem a virgin!

Shocking right!

that’s because virginity is a myth.

There is no sort of examination you can do to get a certain result if a girl have had sex before or not!

But, what about the hymen!

Yeah, that’s a myth too…

Yes, you read that right… VIRGINITY IS A MYTH.

The hymen is wildly misunderstood, there are dozens of articles that will explain this better than I will do, just google “the hymen myth” or “the virginity myth” to read more on this.

Or watch this video that will explain everything.

The hymen never covers the whole opening, NEVER!

Some cases are born with a shut hymen and so need to do a surgery to open the hymen a bit.

Think about it, if the hymen closes the whole thing, where the hell does period blood go?

Also, some girls are born without the hymen.

Some girls are born with very wide hymen and can have sex without that hymen breaking!

The hymen might break on its own, from physical activity to aging to other factors!

So yea, the virginity thing, it is mostly made up.

Even girls do not know much about that! next time when you are with a girl let her describe the hymen to you, her answer will be, uh, it’s that skin covering the pussy Uhm yea…

All that aside, even if a girl have never had anyone before you, you might sexually awaken her and she would start to think that if it feels this good with you, how better can it feel with someone else!

So yeah that won’t stop her from cheating!

She might start understanding that she is getting older and losing her charm so she wants to get a kick of fun.

And many other possibilities!

So no, marrying a virgin is not a guarantee that she will not cheat on you and she will be the good awesome girl that you will spend your life with.

You can take all the “right” choices and things would still fall apart.

I used to think that fear is the only thing that would stop a girl from cheating.

Whether it is the fear of losing you, the fear of being judged or the highest of these all, the fear of being physically harmed.

Physical harm something you should never EVER fucking do, and you should always make it crystal clear that you will not physically harm a woman – or any human actually – from the get go and stick to that word.

I keep looking at the case of ISIS, you know that terrorist group.

If a girl cheats on her husband, they stone her to death, yeaa…

And they actually do it and videotape the whole thing.

But still, every couple of weeks I hear on the news that they stoned another woman for cheating, so obviously, it is not working.  #powerofbonres.

It is more complex than you think.

So how did the slut come into existence?

I do not really have a verified answer, but I will put my money on the idea that WOMEN invited the slut shaming to lower the value of other women and so raise her own value with her “presumed” purity!

It is a fact that women slut shame each other twice as much as men do!

On my Instagram, no guy has ever referred to the girls on there as a slut or whore, NEVER, But hundreds of girls keep asking about those “sluts” sometimes being serious with it and sometimes pretend to joke about it! 

It is a way for women to compete against each other, it is a way to lower another woman’s value in the sexual market in order for the said girl to up her level.

Same as how guys pick on each other in front of girls.

The whole Slut thing is just a baseless judgment that has no aim other than to hurt and lower the value of the accused party.

So where does this leave you?

How can you know if that girl is relationship worthy or not?

Well, judge her like you judge a person.

Look at her energy, is she always sad and depressed or is she fun to be around?

Does she rise you up or put you down?

Does she treat others with respect? does she have things going on in her life?

And the most important factors for me to determine if a girl is relationship worthy or not

1- How much she wants me, that is the single most important factor in determining whether or not a girl will be in my life. You can help her grow into whatever good quality you wish her to have but you can’t do anything that makes her want you badly from deep down her soul. She either does or doesn’t.

2- How stable she is. Mentally. and that is an easy one, just watch out for extreme mood swings and unnatural or harmful behavior, same as you judge the stability of your friends and so on.

3- Why does she want to be with you? this is a tricky one.

Look, girls can be very good at lying, she might fake it if she is after something you have, so you should always ask yourself why she would want to be with you, and no, because your awesome is not an enough answer.

I will write a more in-depth article about this soon!

Now back to the slut paradox.

Where does this leave you? and what should you do with all this anxiety you have about this topic?

Listen, your girl might cheat on you, and there is nothing you can do about it

You might cheat on your girl, and there is nothing she can do about that.

The sooner you get along with that fact the better.

Your jealousy and your fear of being compared to past lovers are two very toxic ideas you have to get rid of as soon as possible. Being in a relationship with a pure virgin will not resolve this because these feelings will grow into other things, like possessive and fear of being compared with current people in her life.

You should not put that much value over this, girls will come and go from your life, and that means nothing, that takes nothing from your value as a man.

A girl cheating on you doesn’t mean anything  and doesn’t make you less of a man.

And for fuck sake kill the twisted judgemental concept of the alpha male. That masturbatory figure for men in the male communities that most guys think they are “Alpha” and shame the”Beta” losers.

Oh man, I am an alpha, my girl won’t cheat on an alpha.

It is strange how men who are living by the “alpha Male” code are all about how women aren’t part of their life and they just pump and dump, bitches and hoes.

Yet they base their whole value as a man on the opinion or the action of a woman.

Fucking pathetic.

A girl might cheat on anyone, regardless of how manly or high value the guy can be.

Get along with this idea, and do not let your relationship or your woman is the purpose or the center of your existence.

Do not just fade into the relationship and lose yourself.

Do not base your happiness on the girl either.

And always keep in mind that it mind end, and it might end badly.

enjoy it as it lasts, and don’t waste time and effort in hopes of stabilizing what you have.

Damn, do I steer way from the topic

Back to the slut thing.

Yea, they do not exist, so stop judging girls who like sex, and just enjoy your time with whoever you are with and don’t take life that seriously.

If you just have to judge or filter how good a girl is and desperately want something to avoid, it is overly flirty girls and naive girls. Flirty opens up the door for experienced guys to escalate and naive girls are pretty fucking clueless about how the world runs and so they usually end up doing disasters.

Other than that, your judgemental and self-righteous attitude is what is keeping you from having great relationships and a great life.

Girls have been having lots of sex since the dawn of life, no, the past generations weren’t any more “pure” or less slutty, they simply were good at hiding it and didn’t have the technology we have today to over expose themselves.

That is human nature, sex is one of the fundamental needs in humans, you can either join the party or keep standing on the side thinking you are better than this.

It is your choice.

Even if you didn’t want to join the party and want to hold to your own beliefs, we respect that, but at least do not judge and understand that you simply do not have the enough evidence and proof to see the wrong and right, the good and the bad.

I know that this wasn’t enough explanation for the whole thing, I might have made girls look like the pure angelic victims, which they are not.

The world is filled with awful girls, and they are capable of and usually do horrible things.

Will fill up on that on a later article!


The post Sluts, sluts everywhere! appeared first on Supreme Men.

This post first appeared on Supreme Men | Better Thyselves, please read the originial post: here

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Sluts, sluts everywhere!


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