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AI Blogging: My Workflow to Blog 10x Faster (w/ Prompts)

Ever found yourself staring blankly at your computer screen, waiting for inspiration to strike for your next blog post?

Or maybe you’ve spent hours crafting content, only to feel like you’re not making enough headway.

What if I told you there’s a secret weapon that could turbocharge your blogging process?

Yes, I’m talking about AI blogging.

I’ll share my personal toolkit and process that will help you write like never before.

Best SEO practices for AI generated content

Diving into the world of AI-generated content, you might wonder, “What does Google think about all this?”

Does Google penalize AI-generated content?

Well, here’s the good news

Google’s stance is pretty straightforward and quite reassuring.

According to Google Search Central, it’s not about who or what creates the content; it’s the quality that counts.

Google’s main goal?

To serve up content that’s not just good but aligns with the E-E-A-T principles—Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness.

Also, it suggests you read this article on how to create helpful and reliable content.

But here’s where it gets interesting.

They’re more interested in how readers interact with your content.

Do they stick around to read the whole thing?

To recap:

  1. Ensure it aligns with E-E-A-T: Show off your expertise and provide content that’s both trustworthy and authoritative.
  2. Augment, don’t replace: Use AI to enhance your content, not to churn out soulless text.
  3. Focus on user engagement: Craft content that resonates with your audience, encouraging them to interact, share, and engage.

In the world of SEO, quality always trumps quantity, no matter who—or what—is doing the writing.

Also read: Is AI Generated Content Bad for SEO?

My AI tools of choice

Finding the right tools to streamline your AI blogging process, can be like navigating a jungle!

There are a lot of tools!

It’s crucial to choose wisely, striking a balance between efficiency and the authenticity of your voice.

There are a lot of approaches to this, mainly:

  1. One-click article generators: These tools allow you to input a keyword and generate a complete article. However, the resulting articles tend to be generic and lack the unique flair that sets your content apart. Editing these AI drafts to inject your brand’s voice and insights can be time-consuming.
  2. Outline-based content creation: Tools like KoalaWriter allow you to input a detailed outline and specific insights for each section. This approach crafts content closer to your vision and does its own online research to ensure relevance. However, the originality of the content may still be in question, as it essentially repackages online information and may not be suitable for every type of blog post.
  3. Long form content editors: Jasper is a powerful tool with a long-form editor leveraging GPT-4. It offers a balance of control and creativity, allowing you to input prompts or content and guide the AI to generate content section by section. While it provides flexibility, the cost of using advanced models like GPT-4 may be a barrier for some.

But I have a workflow that combines the best of all the worlds.

Let’s walk through my toolkit and the processes that have reshaped my blogging approach:

For me, Chatgpt, particularly its GPT-4 engine, has become a daily driver. Its unmatched accuracy and flexibility in understanding complex prompts have significantly improved my writing process.

My workflow involves providing ChatGPT with a detailed Outline and expanding each section with my additional insights (which I dictate).

Admittedly, ChatGPT’s weakness is online research. Although it has web browsing functionality, there is a lot to be desired.

To fill this gap, I rely on Perplexity. It functions as Google search on steroids, providing AI-friendly answers backed by reliable sources. This tool streamlines my research process, eliminating the need to juggle multiple tabs and allowing me to focus on crafting high-quality content.

My blogging workflow is a carefully choreographed dance with these tools.

Let’s dive into the details.

My process


When starting to write a blog post, it’s essential to begin with thorough keyword research. This goes beyond simply finding words; it involves uncovering topics that are in high demand but have limited information available.

Tools like Google Trends coupled with manual keyword competition analysis, or various keyword research tools (can be unreliable with search volume) can assist in identifying these valuable keywords.

The next step is to dive deeper into TF-IDF or LSI keywords. These are the keywords that your competitors may be using and what Google expects to see in your content.

Frase tool

To find the most relevant keywords for a specific topic, I recommend using a tool called Frase. It is a great alternative to SurferSEO and can help you discover topically relevant keywords.

You need to incorporate these keywords in your content naturally by supplying these to ChatGPT.

However, what truly sets apart effective research is understanding your audience.

This is where a tool like Perplexity becomes invaluable, especially when used to explore platforms like Reddit.

To use this tool, simply enter a search query related to the pain problems that your audience is facing. Set the focus of the web content to “Reddit” and click “go”.

By analyzing raw and unfiltered discussions, you can gain valuable insights into the pain points and challenges of your audience.

Perplexity returning me all the pain problems of the audience for a topic

For example, in my previous blog post about using AI in copywriting, Perplexity allowed me to extract direct insights from discussions, providing a solid foundation for content that is closely aligned with the needs of my audience.


With this raw research in hand, the next critical step is outlining.

This isn’t just about structure; it’s about setting a direction that ensures your content flows seamlessly from one point to the next. An effective outline serves as a roadmap, guiding both the writer and the reader through the content’s journey.

If assistance is necessary, and that’s where ChatGPT, particularly its GPT-4 model, shines. Its excellent in pattern recognition and really can help craft a modular, flexible outline that’s intuitive and engaging.

Here’s a prompt you can use:

As a market researcher and blogger in [NICHE], create a detailed blog post outline on [BLOG POST TOPIC] for [AUDIENCE] with [INTENT]. The blog post will be [WORD COUNT] words long. Follow these steps: determine main sections and sub-sections under them, list key points under each sub-section. Outline structure should be intuitive, with each section building on the previous one. Format the output in markdown with h2 and h3.

Blog outline created by ChatGPT

Here as you can see the output is pretty impressive and it has already presented as a fairly good tentative outline that we can use.

It is your responsibility to copy over this outline to any tool and finalize it.

For those who prefer a more visual approach, mind mapping tools like MindNode or XMind offer a dynamic way to visualize the outline.

Alternatively, dedicated outlining apps like Dynalist provide a structured format that’s easy for detailed outlines.

Dynalist outline

To take your outline to the next level, within each sub-section, you can include any custom prompts that you can provide to ChatGPT while expanding this outline. This can be helpful.

Additionally, you can also provide your own insights, which ChatGPT can incorporate alongside its own knowledge during the expansion phase.


Once you finish creating your outline, it’s time to turn it into a captivating blog post.

However as good as it seems, simply putting your outline into an AI tool and expecting it to generate a complete article is not the best approach.

Many people make the mistake of giving ChatGPT a complete outline and hoping for a fully developed article in return. The result is often a mediocre piece that looks like existing content and lacks the uniqueness needed to make your blog stand out.

To make the most of AI in content creation, you need a more nuanced strategy.

Instead of asking for a whole article at once, it’s better to have ChatGPT expand on one section of the outline at a time.

This allows for a deeper exploration of each topic, ensuring that the content isn’t just a repetition of known information but a fresh perspective that highlights your unique insights.

Here’s how it works: provide ChatGPT with the H2s and H3s from your outline and use a specific prompt to guide the AI in addressing each section of the blog post individually.

"I have an outline for a blog post on [BLOG POST TOPIC] that I’m working on. Please help me expand on one of the sections. Here’s the outline: [INSERT OUTLINE]. Let's start with the section titled [INSERT SECTION TITLE]. Please feel free to ask me top 3 exploratory questions to better understand the topic and incorporate my insights.”

This prompt is crucial because it encourages ChatGPT to ask you more exploratory questions, enabling a deeper dive into incorporating your own thoughts and expertise into the article. This ensures that the content is infused with your unique insights and writing style.

To easily dictate your thoughts, you can use tools like the Whisper to ChatGPT Chrome extension.

This tool is powered by OpenAI’s Whisper API, this extension enables precise voice-to-text transcription, allowing you to directly dictate your unique ideas into the content creation process.

This approach streamlines the workflow and ensures that the final article resonates with your voice, rather than just the machine’s interpretation of the topic.

The approach of expanding outlines one section at a time, supplemented by personal insights, ensures that the content is not only original but also valuable to readers. By combining the efficiency and capabilities of AI with the depth and authenticity of human input, bloggers can create content that is both SEO-friendly and genuinely engaging.

If you are interested in reviewing the entire ChatGPT chat that I used to formulate this blog post on ChatGPT copywriting, click on the link here.

Making the article data-driven

In a world where AI-generated content is common, if you need to stand out, it requires a data-driven approach.

By incorporating statistics, research papers, and credible citations, you not only enhance the credibility of your content, but also provide valuable insights and a well-rounded perspective to your readers.

While AI is revolutionary for content creation, it has limitations when it comes to conducting independent research and presenting accurate information.

It is crucial to ensure that every claim, statement, or fact in your article is supported by reliable data.

Wikipedia’s traffic increasing consistently after every Google’s algorithmic update

This approach mirrors the success of platforms like Wikipedia, which attract search traffic for their comprehensive and citation-heavy content after every Google update!

Including citations and linking to authoritative sources does more than just validate your article; it enhances its quality, making it more informative and trustworthy to read.

Your commitment to providing well-researched content sets your work apart and establishes you as a credible source in your niche.

To make your article as informative and credible as possible, you can use ChatGPT’s browsing functionality to find and incorporate relevant data.

Here’s a simple yet effective prompt to guide ChatGPT in this process:

Based on the above article, please research and recommend statistics, research papers, and credible sources that provide supportive evidence for the claims made. Ensure the sources are current, authoritative, and relevant to the subject matter. Provide direct links to the resources or detailed citations for inclusion in the article.

This prompt instructs ChatGPT to find and recommend credible and relevant sources that can support the claims made in your article.

This is an effective method to increase the authority and data-driven nature of your content, making it more valuable to your readers.

Editing and Proofreading

Once you’ve crafted your AI-generated blog post, the next critical step before hitting publish is editing and proofreading.

While AI tools like ChatGPT are adept at producing content that generally avoids basic grammatical errors, typos, or stylistic issues, there’s still a crucial layer of refinement required to ensure your post resonates with readers.

It’s about refining your post to communicate your message as effectively as possible.

Key areas where AI can assist in this stage include:

  • Clarity: Ensuring your ideas are presented in a clear and understandable manner filling the gaps in explanation.
  • Tone of Voice: Adjusting the tone to match your intended audience and purpose, whether it’s informative, persuasive, or entertaining.
  • Readability: Making sure the content is accessible and engaging for your target audience, which may involve simplifying complex language or restructuring sentences for better flow.
  • Consistency: Checking for any inconsistencies in tone or style that could disrupt the reader’s engagement.

A sample ChatGPT prompt for this could be:

I have completed a draft of my blog post and I would appreciate your help in editing it. Please read the entire post and identify any areas where clarity could be improved. Please also highlight sections that could benefit from enhanced readability. Additionally, please point out any claims that need to be supported with research or statistics, and identify any inconsistencies in tone of voice.

This prompt guides ChatGPT to scan your draft for areas of improvement. However, note that ChatGPT’s interface lacks a long-form editor and targeted revisions.

For a detailed editing process, it’s advisable to paste the content into a word editor like Google Docs.

In my workflow, I prefer using Notion with its Notion AI addon, which allows for inline AI commands to refine specific paragraphs.

Notion AI’s inline editing features

Whether you’re aiming for a paragraph to be more straightforward, persuasive, or even witty, Notion’s editing tools provide the versatility needed to fine-tune your content with precision.

By focusing on each paragraph’s intent and adjusting for tone and clarity, you ensure that your post not only reflects your brand’s voice but also meets your audience’s expectations.

Creating a Blog Post GPT Bot

If you are having ChatGPT Plus subscription, you have the ability to create custom GPT bots for your own use cases.

Create a bot, let’s call it “Blog Post Writer,” designed specifically to cater to your unique blogging needs, pre-trained with datasets to excel in areas you choose to specialize in.

To create a bot that stands out as the best blog post writer, it’s essential to preload it with a wealth of knowledge relevant to your blog.

This includes:

  • Tone of Voice: Define the specific tone you aim for in your posts, whether it’s professional, conversational, humorous, or a mix, ensuring your bot understands how to communicate your message effectively.
  • Previous Blog Posts: Incorporate examples of your previous successful blog posts to give your bot a clear understanding of what resonates with your audience and the quality standards you expect.
  • Brand Guidelines: Include your brand’s guidelines, covering everything from language preferences to thematic elements, to maintain consistency across all generated content.
  • Writer Guidelines or Style Documents: Providing detailed style documents or writer guidelines helps your bot grasp the nuances of your preferred writing style, including structure, format, and any specific dos and don’ts.

By arming your custom GPT bot with this information, you create a powerful tool capable of generating blog posts that align closely with your brand’s identity and audience’s expectations.

Creating this is just the beginning.

To ensure your AI bot remains relevant and effective, it’s crucial to continuously update and refine it. This ensures that your bot stays competitive. By continuously adapting and refining your bot to align with changes in your target audience, content strategy, and brand guidelines, your bot will be a unique asset that sets you apart from competitors and elevates the effectiveness of your blog.

Wrapping up

AI tools have revolutionized blogging, providing faster and more efficient ways to create content.

However, it is important to maintain a human touch by injecting unique insights, personal experiences, and a distinctive voice into the content.

You need to use tools like ChatGPT, Perplexity, and Whisper to ChatGPT provide control and flexibility.

Using these tools can assist you in generating an article.

However, going the extra mile and adding your insights and editing your article to ensure its quality is crucial. This is especially important because many bloggers are utilizing AI to produce tons of mediocre articles flooding the internet.

Remember, unique ideas are the new form of original content! Because after all AI generated content is just regurgitation of existing internet data.

The post AI Blogging: My Workflow to Blog 10x Faster (w/ Prompts) appeared first on BloggingX.

This post first appeared on GoBloggingTips - Blogging On The Go, please read the originial post: here

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AI Blogging: My Workflow to Blog 10x Faster (w/ Prompts)


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