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Welcome to Comic Towel where we discuss/review our latest books, share colorful drawings, and inspire creativity within lives.
Currently Reading On This Cold Day...
I'm sure everyone is experiencing the freezing temperatures and snow and ice. I also hope everyone is bundled up, safe and warm. With, of course, a book. I decided to continue forward with m… Read More
New Reading Journal & MORE Tracy Clark
Baby, it's 6:12pm and I am making it happen. I'm 100 pages into Tracy Clark's second Harriet Foster Thriller, Fall. This one has my full attention, without a doubt. The story centers around… Read More
Another Currently Reading...
"Fifteen-year-old Justin Billings wants nothing more than to break the destructive chain of enmeshment clouding his deliberately sheltered adolescence. However, autonomy is fiercely chastise… Read More
November 2023 TBR Menu
Naturally, as all readers understand, this is fairly tentative. The idea is to read all the new releases I'm looking forward to, catch up on a series I gorged on back in July, and support an… Read More