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Alla Scoperta degli Acronimi di Singapore: il Lato Divertente di Singapore in 3 Lettere o Meno!


OMG!! A Singapore, non siete ancora confusi da tutti gli acronimi usati come lo siamo noi? Sembra che a Singapore le abbreviazioni siano così amate quanto lo street food o i grattacieli dal design avveniristico.

Ogni aspetto della vita quotidiana sembra essere avvolto da un mare di lettere misteriose. Oltre al Singlish, un’incredibile miscela di inglese, malese, tamil e altre lingue, ti sorprenderà se pensi che gli acronimi siano l’unico linguaggio codificato a Singapore!

In questo articolo, concentriamoci sugli acronimi per il momento. Per i più curiosi abbiamo anche una tabella espansiva con oltre 500 acronimi!

L’uso degli acronimi e del Singlish sul posto di lavoro

Con la popolazione multirazziale e multiculturale di Singapore, il linguaggio colloquiale, noto anche come Singlish, è diventato una parte essenziale della vita quotidiana e del lavoro.

Non solo gli acronimi, ma anche termini come ‘OTOT‘ (Own Time, Own Target) e ‘Sabo‘ (abbreviazione di Sabotaggio) sono usati molto correntemente. E non riguarda solo la zona; Anche nelle aziende internazionali con sede a Singapore, è probabile sentire termini come “Zai” per descrivere un bravo dipendente o “Kaypoh” per qualcuno un po’ curioso, il nostro classico ficcanaso.

Pertanto, mentre vi addentrate in questo elenco di acronimi, tenete a mente che siamo solo al livello più superficiale del problema linguistico!


  • CPF (Central Provident Fund): Questo è il fondo previdenziale centrale di Singapore, e sì, è un argomento serio, ma con un acronimo come questo, chi può resistere a un sorriso?
  • HDB (Housing Development Board): È l’ente che sviluppa gli alloggi pubblici a Singapore.
  • ICA (Immigration and Checkpoints Authority): Questa autorità si occupa di immigrazione e controlli.


  • MRT (Mass Rapid Transit): Nonostante ‘Rapid’ sia nel nome, durante l’ora di punta, può sembrare tutto tranne che rapido.
  • ERP (Electronic Road Pricing): È il modo intelligente con cui Singapore gestisce il traffico e riduce l’inquinamento.
  • LTA (Land Transport Authority): Regolamenta tutti i mezzi di trasporto terrestre a Singapore.
  • Sanità
  • MOH (Ministry of Health): È l’organo che si assicura che la sanità a Singapore sia all’avanguardia.
  • SGH (Singapore General Hospital): È il più grande ospedale di Singapore.
  • HPB (Health Promotion Board): Si dedica alla promozione della salute e del benessere dei cittadini.

Cibo e Stile di Vita

Anche il mondo del cibo e dello stile di vita a Singapore non è immune dagli acronimi. Ad esempio:

  • BBQ: Barbecue, un passatempo popolare durante i fine settimana.
  • NTUC (National Trades Union Congress): Questa è in realtà una catena di supermercati molto popolare.
  • PSA (Public Service Announcement): Questo termine viene spesso usato per annunciare nuovi ristoranti o eventi.

Tabella degli Acronimi

Per coloro che sono veramente affascinati da questo mondo di lettere, abbiamo preparato una tabella espansiva con oltre 500 acronimi utilizzati a Singapore.

4D4-Digits, a Singapore lottery
5 C’s5 C’s of Singapore: Cash, Car, Credit card, Condominium, Country club
6 C’s6 C’s of Singapore: Career, Cash, Car, Credit card, Condominium, Country club
A*STARAgency for Science, Technology and Research
AAAsian Aerospace
ACS (J)Anglo-Chinese Junior School
ACMAsian Civilisations Museum
ACPSAnglo-Chinese Primary School
ACRESAnimal Concerns Research And Research Society
ACSAnglo-Chinese School
ACS(I)Anglo-Chinese School (Independent)
ACSBRAnglo-Chinese School (Barker Road)
ACJCAnglo-Chinese Junior College
A & GAllen & Gledhill, a law firm
AGCAttorney-General’s Chambers
AHSAnglican High School
AISSAhmad Ibrahim Secondary School, Australian International School Singapore
AJ(Pig Latin slang) Gay (typically male)
AJCAnderson Junior College (now merged with Serangoon Junior College to form Anderson Serangoon Junior College)
ALLAnimal Lovers League
AMKAng Mo Kio
AMPAssociation of Muslim Professionals
ANDSSAnderson Secondary School
APPAssistant Public Prosecutor (see also “DPP” and “PP”)
APPLESApplication for Passport On-line Electronic System
ARAssistant Registrar of the Supreme Court of Singapore
ASRJCAnderson Serangoon Junior College
AWAREAssociation of Women for Action and Research
AWWAAsian Women Welfare Association
AYAcademic Year
AYEAyer Rajah Expressway
BBBoys’ Brigade
BBSSBukit Batok Secondary School
BCBirth Certificate
BCABuilding and Construction Authority
BCMBus Contracting Model
BBDCBukit Batok Driving Centre
BBFA( internet slang) Bui Bui Forever Alone
BBTBukit Batok / Bubble Tea
BDSBedok South Secondary School
BFBuddhist Fellowship (Singapore)
BGR(slang) boy-girl relationship
BJBugis Junction
BKEBukit Timah Expressway
BMTBasic Military Training
BPGHSBukit Panjang Government High School
BPLRTBukit Panjang LRT Line
BPPBukit Panjang Plaza
BPTBasic Police Training
BPJBukit Panjang
BRTBasic Rescue Training
BSEPBus Service Enhancement Programme
BTOBuild To Order (HDB)
BTSBaptist Theological Seminary
BTTBasic Theory Test
BTYSSBeatty Secondary School
BVSSBuona Vista Secondary School
BWSSBowen Secondary School
CAASCivil Aviation Authority of Singapore
CBDCentral Business District
CBPChangi Business Park
CBPUCentral Building Plan Unit
CCACo-curricular activity
CCCChinese Chamber of Commerce; Citizen’s Consultative Committee
CCHSChung Cheng High School
CCKChoa Chu Kang
CCL or CCCircle MRT line
CCRCore Central Region
CDACChinese Development Assistance Council
CDCCommunity Development Council
CEPASContactless e-Purse Application System
CHCCity Harvest Church
CHIJConvent of the Holy Infant Jesus
CHSCatholic High School, Singapore
CNBCentral Narcotics Bureau
CIDCriminal Investigation Department
CIPCommunity Involvement Project (now replaced by “VIA”)
CIQCustom & Immigration Quarantine
CISCorporate Individual Scheme
CJChief Justice
CJCCatholic Junior College
CMCChinese Media & Communication
CMPBCentral Manpower Base
CNAChannel NewsAsia
COECertificate of Entitlement
CPFCentral Provident Fund
CPIBCorrupt Practices Investigation Bureau
CRLCross Island MRT line
CSCentury Square
CSCCommunity Sports Club
CSMCity Square Mall
CTECentral Expressway
CTSSClementi Town Secondary School
CWOCorrective Work Order
CWPCauseway Point
CWSCat Welfare Society
D & DDinner & Dance, a function usually organised annually by companies
D & NDrew & Napier LLC, a law firm
DARTDisaster Assistance and Rescue Team
DBSDevelopment Bank of Singapore (now known as DBS Bank)
DBSSDesign, Build and Sell Scheme
DHSDunman High School
DJDistrict Judge
DMNDunman Secondary School
DPPDeputy Public Prosecutor (see also “APP” and “PP”) or Direct Entry Scheme to Polytechnic Programme (via ITE)
DRDeputy Registrar of the Supreme Court or the Subordinate Courts of Singapore
DSODefence Science Organisation
DSTADefence Science and Technology Agency /ˈdɛstə/
DTEDowntown East
DTL or DTDowntown MRT line
ECExecutive Condominium
ECPEast Coast Park / East Coast Parkway
EDBEconomic Development Board
EDPEndeavour Primary School
eGAPeGovernment Action Plan
EJCEunoia Junior College
EPEmployment Pass or Exit Permit
ERPElectronic Road Pricing
EWL or EWEast West MRT line
EFSSEdgefield Secondary School
FASFinancial Assistance Scheme
FASFootball Association of Singapore
FCBCFaith Community Baptist Church
FGFilmgarde Cineplexes
FHSSFuhua Secondary School
FMSSFairfield Methodist Secondary School
FMPS or FFPFairfield Methodist Primary School
FTTFinal Theory Test
FTForeign Talent
GADGo and Die
GASGo-Ahead Singapore
GBGirls’ Brigade
GBTBGardens by the Bay
GCEGeneral Certificate of Education
GCMGovernment Contracting Model (now replaced by Bus Contracting Model)
GCTGoh Chok Tong
GEGreat Eastern
GEPGifted Education Programme
GISGlobal Indian School
GPGladiolus Place
GRCGroup representation constituency
GSSGreat Singapore Sale
GSTGoods and Services Tax
GVGolden Village
GWAGEMS World Academy
GWCGreat World City
GYSSGuangyang Secondary School
HCIHwa Chong Institution
HCJCHwa Chong Junior College (now merged with The Chinese High School to form Hwa Chong Institution)
HDBHousing Development Board
HEBHindu Endowments Board
HOGCHeart of God Church
HIPHome Improvement Programme
HPBHealth Promotion Board
HPPSHenry Park Primary School
HSHougang Secondary School
HSAHealth Sciences Authority
HYSSHua Yi Secondary School
HSCSHai Sing Catholic School
ICIdentity health, In charge or Identification Certificate/Card
ICBCIndustrial and Commercial Bank of China
ICAImmigration & Checkpoints Authority
ICSInternational Community School of Singapore
IDAInfocomm Development Authority of Singapore
IJCInnova Junior College (now merged with Yishun Junior College to form Yishun Innova Junior College)
IMDAInfocomm Media Development Authority of Singapore
IMHInstitute of Mental Health
IOInvestigation Officer
IPIntegrated Programme
IPPTIndividual Physical Proficiency Test
IRIntegrated Resort
IROInter-Religious Organisation of Singapore
ISAInternal Security Act
ISDInternal Security Department
ITEInstitute of Technical Education
IUPInterim Upgrading Programme
JJudge (plural: JJ)
J8Junction 8 Shopping Centre
JAJudge of Appeal (plural: JJA)
JBJohor Bahru
JCJudicial Commissioner or Junior College
JCAJewel Changi Airport
JBJJoshua Benjamin Jeyaretnam
JEMJurong East Mall
JEMPJurong East Modification Project
JJCJurong Junior College (now merged with Pioneer Junior College to form Jurong Pioneer Junior College)
JPJurong Point Shopping Mall
JPJCJurong Pioneer Junior College
JPSJagoh Primary School
JRL or JRJurong Region MRT line
JSSJurong Secondary School
JTCJurong Town Corporation (now known as JTC Corporation)
KIVKeep In View; refers to items, documents or papers that should be kept around for later consideration
KJEKranji Expressway
KKKandang Kerbau Women’s and Children’s Hospital
KLKuala Lumpur, Malaysia
KMSPKSKong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery
KPEKallang-Paya Lebar Expressway
KTPHKhoo Teck Puat Hospital
LCKLim Chu Kang
LCCSLutheran Community Care Services
LHLLee Hsien Loong
LKCMLee Kong Chian School of Medicine, NTU
LKYLee Kuan Yew
LRTLight Rapid Transit
LTALand Transport Authority
LUPLift Upgrading Programme
LYSSLoyang Secondary School
MAHMount Alvernia Hospital
MASMonetary Authority of Singapore
MBFCMarina Bay Financial Centre
MBLMMarina Bay Link Mall
MBSMarina Bay Sands
MBSCMarina Bay Singapore Countdown
MCMedical Certificate
MCDMinistry of Community Development (now MCYS)
MCEMarina Coastal Expressway
MCIMinistry of Communications and Information
MCSMethodist Church in Singapore
MCYSMinistry of Community Development, Youth and Sports (Singapore)
MDAMedia Development Authority
MDISManagement Development Institute of Singapore
MENDAKIYayasan MENDAKI (formerly the Council for the Education of Muslim Children, now the Council for the Development of Singapore Muslim Community)
MGSMethodist Girls’ School
MIMillennia Institute
MJCMeridian Junior College (now merged with Tampines Junior College to form Tampines Meridian Junior College)
MJRManjusri Secondary School
MINDEFMinistry of Defence (Singapore)
MINDSMovement For The Intellectually Disabled Of Singapore
MOEMinistry of Education (Singapore)
MOFMinistry of Finance (Singapore)
MOHMinistry of Health (Singapore)
MOMMinistry of Manpower (Singapore)
MOSMinister of State
MRTMass Rapid Transit
MSCPMulti Storey Car Park
MSHSMaris Stella High School
MSLMarsiling Secondary School
MSSMeridian Secondary School or Montfort Secondary School
MUISMajlis Ugama Islam Singapura (Islamic Religious Council of Singapore)
NAPSNgee Ann Primary School
NAFANanyang Academy of Fine Arts
NAPFANational Physical Fitness Award
NASNational Archives of Singapore
NCCNational Cadet Corps (Singapore) or New Creation Church
NCDCCNational Civil Defence Cadet Corps (Singapore)
NCMPNon-constituency Member of Parliament
NCSNational Computer Systems
NCSSNational Council of Social Service
NDPNational Day Parade
NENational Education
NEANational Environment Agency
NEL or NENorth East MRT line
NETSNetwork for Electronic Transfers
NHGNational Healthcare Group
NHHSNan Hua High School
NIENational Institute of Education
NJCNational Junior College
NKFNational Kidney Foundation Singapore
NLBNational Library Board
NMPNominated Member of Parliament
NMSNational Museum of Singapore
NPNgee Ann Polytechnic
NPARKSNational Parks Board
NPCCNational Police Cadet Corps
NRICNational Registration Identity Card
NRPNeighbourhood Renewal Programme
NSNational Service in Singapore
NSENorth–South Expressway (Singapore)
NSFFull-time National Servicemen
NSL or NSNorth South MRT line
NSTBNational Science and Technology Board
NTCNational Technical Certificate
NTFGHNg Teng Fong General Hospital
NTPSNew Town Primary School
NTUNanyang Technological University
NTUCNational Trade Union Congress
NUHNational University Hospital
NUHSNational University Health System
NUSNational University of Singapore
NUSH or NUSHSNational University of Singapore High School of Mathematics and Science
NWCNational Wages Council
NYGHNanyang Girls’ High School
NYKNanyang Kindergarten
NYPNanyang Polytechnic
NYPSNanyang Primary School
NYJCNanyang Junior College
OBOut of Bounds (see OB marker)
OBSOutward Bound Singapore
OCBCOversea-Chinese Banking Corporation
OCROutside of Central Region
OCSOfficer Cadet School (Singapore)
OFSOverseas Family School
OPSSOrchid Park Secondary School
ORDOperationally Ready Date, refers to the date on which a National Serviceman completes his 2-year term of service.
OSSOutram Secondary School
OUBOverseas Union Bank
O$P$owe money, pay money – used in loan sharks’ harassing graffiti.
PAPeople’s Association
PAPPeople’s Action Party
PCKPhua Chu Kang, a popular TV sitcom
PDIPrivate Driving Instructor
PEPhysical Education
PESPhysical Employment Status. Pre-enlistment medical categorisation used by the Singapore Armed Forces to determine fitness for combat or non
PFPPolytechnic Foundation Programme
PG or PGLPunggol
PGPPrince George’s Park Residences, NUS
PHSPresbyterian High School
PIEPan Island Expressway
PJCPioneer Junior College (now merged with Jurong Junior College to form Jurong Pioneer Junior College)
PLQPaya Lebar Quarter
PLSPaya Lebar Square
PLUPeople Like Us, a gay equality lobby group
POSBPost Office Savings Bank (now known as POSBank)
PPPublic Prosecutor (see also “APP” and “DPP”) or Parkway Parade
PROGRESSProviding Opportunities through Growth, Remaking Singapore for Success
PSPlaza Singapura
PSAPort of Singapore Authority (now known as PSA International)
PSCPublic Service Commission
PSLEPrimary School Leaving Examination
PSPProgress Singapore Party
PSRPasir Ris
PUBPublic Utilities Board
PWDPublic Works Department
PRPermanent resident
PTPractical Test or Physical Training
PDLProvisional Driving Licence
PLMGPSPaya Lebar Methodist Girls’ School (Primary)
PLMGSSPaya Lebar Methodist Girls’ School (Secondary)
QDLQualified Driving Licence
QPSQihua Primary School
R & TRajah & Tann, a law firm
RCResidents’ Committee
RCRRest of Central Region
RCSRadio Corporation of Singapore
RCYSingapore Red Cross Youth
REPRenaissance Engineering Programme
RGPSRaffles Girls’ Primary School
RGSRaffles Girls’ School
RIRaffles Institution
RJ or RJCRaffles Junior College
RMPSRadin Mas Primary School
ROMRegistry of Marriages
RPRepublic Polytechnic
RRPRecommended retail price
RSRosyth School
RSAFRepublic of Singapore Air Force
RSNRepublic of Singapore Navy
RSSRiverside Secondary School or Republic of Singapore Ship
RWSResorts World Sentosa
RVHSRiver Valley High School, Singapore
RVRCRidge View Residential College, NUS
SAFSingapore Armed Forces
SAFRASAFRA National Service Association
SAJCSt Andrew’s Junior College
SALSingapore Academy of Law
SAMSingapore Art Museum
SANASingapore Anti-Narcotics Association
SAPSpecial Assistance Plan
SARSenior Assistant Registrar of the Supreme Court of Singapore
SASSingapore American School
SAWLSingapore Association of Women Lawyers
SBFSingapore Buddhist Federation
SBIState Bank of India
SBMSingapore Buddhist Mission
SBS or SBSTSBS Transit
SBYMSingapore Buddhist Youth Mission
SCSenior Counsel
SChOSingapore Chemistry Olympiad
SCDFSingapore Civil Defence Force
SCGSSingapore Chinese Girls’ School
SCSSpecialist Cadet School or Science Centre Singapore or Singapore Computer Systems
SDASingapore Democratic Alliance
SDJSenior District Judge
SDPSingapore Democratic Party
SDUSocial Development Unit
SERSSelective En bloc Redevelopment Scheme
SFCSkillsFuture Credit
SFISingapore Food Industries
SGHSingapore General Hospital
SGSSSt. Gabriel’s Secondary School or Serangoon Garden Secondary School
SGXSingapore Exchange
SIA or SQSingapore Airlines
SICCSingapore Island Country Club
SILSSingapore Institute of Labour Studies
SIMSingapore Institute of Management
SINDASingapore Indian Development Association
SIOSenior Investigation Officer
SITSingapore Institute of Technology
SJABSt. John Ambulance Brigade
SJISt. Joseph’s Institution
SJIISt. Joseph’s Institution International
SJIJSt. Joseph’s Institution Junior
SKHSengkang General Hospital
SLASingapore Land Authority
SLFSingapore Labour Foundation
SLOSingapore Lyric Opera
SLSSim Lim Square
SLSSSi Ling Secondary School
SLTSim Lim Tower
SMFSingapore Manufacturers’ Federation
SMCSingle Member Constituency
SMOSingapore Mathematics Olympiad
SMRTSMRT Corporation
SMSSSt. Margaret’s Secondary School
SMUSingapore Management University
SNOSpecial Needs Officer
SNOCSingapore National Olympic Council
SNPCSingapore National Paralympic Council
SOSSamaritans of Singapore or (slang) struggling in silence
SOTASchool of the Arts, Singapore
SPSingapore Polytechnic
SPASchool-based Practical Assessment (for students taking GCE ‘O’ level)
SPCSingPost Centre
SPCASociety for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
SPFSingapore Police Force
SPHSingapore Press Holdings
SPG(slang) sarong party girl
SPSSaint Patrick’s School
SPhOSingapore Physics Olympiad
SRCSSingapore Red Cross Society
SRJCSerangoon Junior College (now merged with Anderson Junior College to form Anderson Serangoon Junior College)
SSSocial Studies
SSCSingapore Sports Council or Singapore Swimming Club
SSDCSingapore Safety Driving Centre
SSOSingapore Symphony Orchestra
SSTSchool of Science and Technology, Singapore or Singapore Standard Time
STSingapore Technologies or The Straits Times or SingTel
STARSpecial Tactics and Rescue
STARISSMRT Active Route Map Information System
STBSingapore Tourism Board
STV or SHStarHub (formerly StarHub TV or Singapore Cable Vision)
SUSSSingapore University of Social Sciences
SUTDSingapore University of Technology and Design
SVPSSouth View Primary School
SYASSan Yu Adventist School
SYFSingapore Youth Festival
SYFCSingapore Youth Flying Club
SYOGOCSingapore Youth Olympic Games Organising Committee
SYTSweet Young Thing
TATemasek Academy
TBPTiong Bahru Plaza
TCHSThe Chinese High School (now merged with Hwa Chong Junior College to form Hwa Chong Institution)
TCSTelevision Corporation of Singapore
TEL or TEThomson–East Coast MRT line
THTemasek Hall, NUS
TIBSTrans-Island Bus Services
TJCTemasek Junior College
TKGSTanjong Katong Girls’ School
TKSSTanjong Katong Secondary School
TMTampines Mall
TMJCTampines Meridian Junior College
TMSTemasek Secondary School
TNSTao Nan School
TNPThe New Paper
TOPTemporary Occupancy Permit
TPTemasek Polytechnic or Traffic Police
TPYToa Payoh
TPGTanjong Pagar
TPJCTampines Junior College (now merged with Merdian Junior College to form Tampines Meridian Junior College)
TPSTampines Primary School
TPSSTampines Secondary School
TTCTrinity Theological College, Singapore
TTSTanglin Trust School or Tower Transit Singapore
TTSHTan Tock Seng Hospital
TSSTanglin Secondary School
UENUnique Entity Number
UOBUnited Overseas Bank
URAUrban Redevelopment

This post first appeared on Comunità Italiana Singapore, please read the originial post: here

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Alla Scoperta degli Acronimi di Singapore: il Lato Divertente di Singapore in 3 Lettere o Meno!
