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US Household Wealth Surges, Boosting Economic Growth


Summary: The net worth of the typical US household has increased by 37% from 2019 to 2022, primarily due to rising home values and stock prices. This surge in wealth has helped sustain the US economy and consumer spending, despite concerns of a recession. The strong economic growth in the past quarter can be attributed to robust consumer spending on both goods and services. Additionally, government stimulus payments and historically low borrowing rates have improved households' finances and reduced debt.

The Federal Reserve's report reveals that the net worth of the median US household has grown at the fastest pace in over three decades. From 2019 to 2022, wealth for the median household increased by 37%, reaching nearly $193,000 after adjusting for inflation. The surge in wealth can be attributed to the appreciation of home values, higher stock prices, and an increase in the proportion of Americans owning homes and stocks.

The remarkable rise in household wealth has been instrumental in supporting the US economy and sustaining consumer spending. Despite economists' warnings of an impending recession, the strong consumer spending fueled by increased wealth has kept the economy resilient. In the July-September quarter, economic growth is estimated to have exceeded a robust annual rate of 4%, driven by strong consumer spending on physical goods and services, such as travel, entertainment, and dining experiences.

In addition to the boost from rising wealth, households have benefited from government stimulus payments following the pandemic. The median value of checking and savings accounts and other cash holdings surged by 30% during the survey period. Furthermore, historically low borrowing rates have allowed Americans to allocate only 13.4% of their incomes towards debt repayment, the lowest proportion since the Fed survey began in 1989.

Despite the overall increase in household wealth, significant wealth inequality persists. The survey reveals stark disparities between the wealthiest 10% of households and the rest. Median wealth for the top 10% reached nearly $3.8 million in 2022, highlighting the long-standing wealth gap.

Tags: US household wealth, economic growth, consumer spending, wealth inequality, stock prices, home values, borrowing rates

This post first appeared on PicaPica News, please read the originial post: here

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US Household Wealth Surges, Boosting Economic Growth
