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What to do When a Guy Ignores Your Texts: 9 Vital Points

Last Updated on October 23, 2023 by Dean Williams

You’re texting back and forth with a guy you really like. The conversation is flowing, and you’re talking about making plans to hang out soon. Then, without warning, he stops responding. Crickets. Dead silence. 

You’re left staring at your Phone, wondering—what happened? Did I say something wrong? Has he lost interest? Is he ghosting'>1 you? Your mind races, and you don’t know what to think.

Many of us have been in this situation many times. We all know how frustrating, confusing, and downright depressing it can feel. But before you spiral, let’s talk through some common reasons why guys suddenly stop texting back and what you should (and shouldn’t) do next.

Quick Look: What to do When a Guy Ignores Your Texts: 9 Vital Points

1. Don’t assume the worst if a guy stops responding. He may just be Busy or need space temporarily.
2. Resist the urge to bombard him with more texts or passive-aggressive calls. This will likely backfire.
3. Give him a few days of space before sending a casual follow-up text to check-in.
4. Stay busy and avoid obsessively checking your phone; it will only make you feel worse.
5. If he needs time, focus on self-care. Do things that fulfill you.
6. After a reasonable waiting period, find creative ways to re-engage him, like a fun invitation out.
7. If he never responds, try not to take it personally. Refocus your energy on meeting new people.
8. Respond maturely if he comes back around after ghosting. Don’t punish him.
9. Stay confident in yourself. The right connections won’t leave you hanging without explanation.

Why did he suddenly stop replying?

When a guy unexpectedly stops responding to your texts, there are a few possible explanations. Don’t always assume the worst. Often, there will be a legitimate reason why he hasn’t replied, so don’t panic and think through what might have happened to suddenly be left hanging.

Maybe he’s just busy

It sounds obvious when you think about it, but maybe he is just busy. Life happens.

He may be swamped at work, up to his eyeballs with school assignments, or dealing with stuff going on in his family life.

We all go through periods where we’re so distracted and overwhelmed that our text messages fall by the wayside and don’t seem like a priority. I’m definitely guilty of unintentionally ignoring texts when I’m stressed and have a million deadlines.

So before you assume he’s ghosting you for something you said, consider the possibility that he’s just overwhelmed and distracted. Give him the benefit of the doubt.

He lost interest

Of course, we have to be real. Sometimes a guy stops replying because he’s just not feeling it anymore. Maybe he met someone new or decided he’s not interested in pursuing things further with you.

Don’t take it personally'>2; not every guy you meet is your perfect match. Sometimes it takes time to find a guy that you click with.

While it sucks to have someone lose interest, ghosting unfortunately happens far too often in modern dating. The lack of face-to-face interaction makes it easy to bail sometimes. Some guys (and girls too) find it easier to slowly fade out than to directly say they’re no longer interested.

He needs space

Has the conversation been getting more flirty and intense? Especially in the early stages of dating, some guys pump the brakes if they feel things are moving too fast.

Rather than communicating openly, they go silent to create some emotional distance and slow things down. It may not be the most mature reaction, but it’s fairly common.

His phone died or lost service—it does happen!

This one may seem obvious, but dead phones happen! Maybe his phone ran out of battery, or he lost service temporarily.

This is also a common excuse that guys (and girls) use as a reason for not replying. Use your instincts to determine if this is a legitimate reason or just an excuse for a guy who doesn’t have the courage to tell you he’s not interested. I think it’s better to rip the bandaid off instead of playing games.

Before you assume he’s ghosting, consider double-checking whether he’s been active on social media or messaging other people. If his phone is dead across the board, chances are the lack of reply isn’t personal.

He doesn’t know how to respond

If the last message you sent was emotionally heavy, like expressing feelings for him, it may have caught him off guard. Some guys don’t know how to respond in emotional situations over text, so they avoid responding altogether.

Again, not the most mature reaction! But it is a possibility to consider before assuming he’s intentionally ignoring you.

He may be shy and feel a little out of his depth, and he can’t come up with the right response.

The key is: don’t immediately think the worst. We all make assumptions and accidentally project when someone’s behavior changes. Take a step back and consider the many reasonable explanations.

What NOT to do when he ignores you

Now you have some context on why guys ghost. But how do you respond? Let’s start with what not to do when a guy stops texting you.

Don’t bombard him with more texts

As tempting as it is to start rapid-fire texting him questions like “Are you ok???” or “Why aren’t you answering me??”, don’t do it! This is a surefire way to get him to jump ship.

Double, triple, or quadruple texting will almost always guarantee he keeps ignoring you. Nothing comes across as more desperate and pushy.

Guys really don’t like to feel pressured'>3. He feels like he’s losing control, and you are trying to convince him that he should reply to you.

I know the silence kills you. But resist the urge to bombard him. Sending more unanswered texts will just make you feel worse.

Don’t lash out at him

It may be tempting to lash out at him over text for ignoring you. Responding with something passive-aggressive like “Wow, guess you’re too busy for me then!”, or even a snarky meme may make you feel better momentarily.

But what’s the outcome? He still won’t respond, and now you’ve lost any high ground. Kill his silence with kindness instead.

Try putting yourself in his position; would you like it if he replied with aggressive texts? No one likes to be talked to like that, especially if you have just met and don’t know each other well. It’s a good way to get him running for the hills!

Don’t obsessively check your phone

Most of us can relate—staring at our phones for hours, willing those texts to appear. Constantly refreshing your home screen to see if he’s sent a text.

As hard as it is, stop obsessing over your phone! Whether you’re checking texts or stalking him on Instagram, compulsively checking will just drive you crazy. Put your phone away and distract yourself.

Watch a movie or chill out on TikTok for a while. When he does eventually respond, you will be in a good frame of mind, and the conversation will flow easily.

Don’t over-analyze his social media activity; stalking isn’t cool

Resist the urge to start manically analyzing his every tweet and Instagram story. You’ll only drive yourself mad trying to read into why he had time to post but not text you.

Stalking his online activity'>4 will just lead to more obsessive overanalysis. Unfollow if you need to!

Out of sight, out of mind. Checking up on him will only make you feel worse.

Don’t take it personally

It’s easier said than done, I know. When someone suddenly cuts off communication, it’s impossible not to take it a little personally.

But try your best not to stress about what you may have done wrong or beat yourself up. More often than not, his silence has little to do with you.

People get busy and distracted. Priorities shift. Interests fade. Try not to read into it further and negatively spiral.

The key is resisting every instinct to lash out or obsess. As hard as it is, act like nothing happened and carry on.

Healthy ways to respond when ignored

Now that we’ve covered what not to do, here are some more positive ways to respond when a guy ignores your texts:

Give him space

If it’s been less than 48 hours, give him some space before following up. Avoid bombarding him with multiple messages.

Send one text saying something casual like, “Hey! Let me know when you get a chance to catch up on messages.” Then leave it be.

Keep busy with your own life. Work, study, friends, and family deserve to be a priority in your life. It’s a good way to stop obsessing, and it helps you find balance in your life.

Giving space shows maturity and takes the pressure off.

Send a follow-up text to check in

If it’s been over 2 days, one simple follow-up text is appropriate. Keep it super casual. 

Something like, “I haven’t heard from you in a few days; I hope you’re doing okay!” leaves the door open without being pushy.

If he responds, great. If not, you have your answer.

Focus on yourself and stay busy

This one is easier said than done. But try filling your time with activities and people who uplift you.

Make plans with friends. Take yourself on solo dates. Hit the gym. Dive into work projects you’re excited about. Keep your mind occupied.

Channel your energy into self-care and self-love, not obsessive thoughts about him. You will be surprised at how much more attractive you seem when you are happy in your own skin.

Realize that he may not be interested

As harsh as it sounds, he may have simply lost interest. That’s a pill most of us don’t want to swallow.

But staying open to the idea that he may not like you back is important. It prevents you from fixating on why he’s not responding. It’s nobody’s fault; it’s just life. Sometimes you have to know when to move on.

Sometimes people just fade out. It’s immature, but extremely common. Try not to take it personally.

Don’t punish him if he comes back around

If he finally does text you again after days of silence, do NOT give him the cold shoulder to “teach him a lesson.” 

He may text you, acting like nothing happened. Taking the high road keeps things upbeat and positive. Be the bigger person.

Passively and aggressively punishing him will just push him away again.

Refocus your energy

When someone exits your life, even temporarily, it creates space for new experiences to explore. 

Rather than obsessing over one closed door, look at all the other open doors in your life. Refocus your energy on your passions.

New people will come when you least expect them. Enjoy your freedom in the meantime!

Responding in a calm, mature way leaves the door open if he genuinely gets busy. If not, keeping your vibe positive avoids neediness and bitterness.

Getting His Attention Back

Okay, so you took the high road, kudos! You acted unbothered, focused on yourself, and gave him space. Now you’re ready to re-engage and subtly remind him what he’s missing. Here are some flirty, fun ways to regain his attention.

Invite him out and suggest something fun

Rather than asking dry questions like “How are you”, go for a fun, flirty invite-out. Think of something more exciting than just meeting for a drink.

For example:

“Hey! A few friends and I are going mini-golfing next Friday. You in?” 

“My coworker gave me her extra tickets to the sports game on Saturday. Want me to pick you up at 7?”

A lighthearted invite shows you’re still interested without pressuring him to hang out one-on-one.

Apologize if you think you upset him

Did you maybe send a text that came across the wrong way? Or accidentally say something offensive?

Consider apologizing just in case your last message upset him.

“Hey, I’ve noticed you haven’t responded to my last few texts. I wanted to apologize if I said anything that bothered you or came across poorly over text. Let me know if you want to talk.”

If you did nothing wrong, this message puts the ball in his court without regard for ego.

Give him a phone call

Sometimes a phone call comes across as more personal than a string of unanswered texts.

After a few days, try giving him a ring. Keep it short and upbeat! If he doesn’t pick up, leave a voice message suggesting a specific plan.

Hearing the sincerity in your voice can reignite the connection, and it shows that you are interested enough to make the extra effort.

Send him a thoughtful text

If he continues ignoring texts and calls, send one thoughtful message saying you miss him:

“Hi! I know you’ve been busy lately, but I didn’t want too much time to pass without reaching out. I really enjoyed talking to you and would love to keep our conversation going. Let me know if you want to get together soon!” 

Short, simple, and considerate. If he doesn’t respond, the ball is in his court.

A good way to let him know that you really are interested and would like to keep the communication going is to let him know that you miss chatting with him. This will make him feel good about himself; a little ego boost is a good thing!

Let Him Know You Miss Talking to Him

Try sending a text like:

“Not sure what’s been keeping you busy lately, but I’ve gotta say I miss our random text convos! Let me know when you have some free time to catch up.” 

It reminds him of the connection you had without pressuring him. If he misses you too, he’ll respond.

The key is reigniting the spark in a fun, lighthearted way. Instead of neediness, show him you’re still confident and enjoying life.

Conclusion: What to do When a Guy Ignores Your Texts

Ghosting hurts. But it’s far too common these days to dwell on it. Staying optimistic, unbothered, and open to new opportunities is the best mindset.

The right guy won’t leave you hanging without explanation. Keep putting yourself out there, and never sacrifice self-worth for someone who ignores you. You deserve reciprocal energy.

Consider these key points:

  1. Don’t panic if a guy isn’t responding to your texts. There are many possible explanations beyond losing interest.
  2. Resist the urge to obsessively check your phone or bombard him with more messages.
  3. Stay active and focused on your own fulfillment, rather than fixating on why he’s silent.
  4. After a reasonable waiting period, find creative, casual ways to restart the connection. An invitation, thoughtful text, or phone call can get his attention.
  5. If he never responds, don’t take it personally! Dust yourself off and refocus your energy on meeting new people.

FAQ: What to do When a Guy Ignores Your Texts

Q. Should I double-text him if he hasn’t replied to my first text?

Resist the urge to double, triple, or quadruple text him if he hasn’t responded. Sending multiple unanswered texts can come across as desperate and needy. Give him space for at least a few days before sending one casual follow-up text.

Q. What if he leaves me reading and doesn’t respond?

If he leaves you on read (meaning he read your text but didn’t reply), give it a few days before reaching back out. Leaving someone on hold is rude, but begging for a response usually makes the situation worse. Play it cool.

Q. How long should I wait before texting him again?

There’s no magic number, but a good rule of thumb is to give it about a week. If he hasn’t reached out after 7 days, send one light follow-up text suggesting plans. After that, the ball is in his court.

Q. What if he responds after ignoring me for weeks?

If he finally texts you after 3+ weeks of silence, proceed with caution. He may have an excuse, but most likely he met someone new and it didn’t work out. Or he’s just bored. Feel free to calmly communicate that the silence hurts you, but avoid lashing out.

Q. Is it appropriate to ignore him back?

Ignoring him is immature and leads nowhere. It’s natural to crave revenge but don’t let your emotions dictate your actions. If he reaches back out, politely let him know you’ve moved on. Take the high road.

Q. How do I get over these hurt feelings?

Being ignored hurts, especially by someone you have a connection with. Let yourself feel the feelings, cry it out with friends who can relate, and dive into self-care. In time, the hurt fades. Refocus on loving yourself, and the right person will come along.

This post first appeared on Text Desire, please read the originial post: here

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What to do When a Guy Ignores Your Texts: 9 Vital Points


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